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Lord of Azure Flame *sign up/information topic*


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As previously stated, I have no problem with him so long as he remains a enemy. If you are planning on having him join the party, I will have to say no simply due to him being a tier-two character at this point.

Let me put it this way. The odds of him joining as a PC, are the odds that Gin in Bleach actually put down Aizen in one blow in chapter 414: Zero.

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This was ignored due to Kai trying to get a new character (my ruling: If he stays a enemy: approved. If he tries to join the party: rejected), but I want to cover the dancer now.

I do not have a problem with you having a dancer, but if approval is given, I want it understood it is a special case that will likely not be repeated. Additionally, I am going to say we will need cynthia's approval.

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I'm going with mine, thanks. Though they could be more adaptable, I suppose.

Dance of Power: Total of +2 to str/mag/skl/spd

Dance of Weakness: Total of -2 to str/mag/skl/spd

Break caps. Snowy, this acceptable?

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Q9) What will happen if I try to be a insta-badass?*

A) Nothing at first. But even if you have a character who has a reason to be badass, you may notice others not wanting to RP with you. Additionally, if you persist and it starts to get in the way of the story, do not be surprised if permission to kill you is granted.

*This is referring to a ninja-badass. Namely, a character with an okay sign-up who completely breaks form a few posts in.

See this psych. The mage girls qualify as ninja badasses with their warping powers, getting in the way of story etc. Also, see the note at the bottom of the sign ups about character saturation. You really shouldn't be handling six characters.

I'm going to have to unapprove/modkill Barry, Marry, and Verry by group consensus. They kind of make the RP less fun for everyone. Posts containing them will be ignored from here on out.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I'm thrilled. That's all that matters.

Would be nice to see them actually killed in the rp though. Something dramatic and tragic.

Edited by Phoenix
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So before, my guys Gazaak and Gomes were added purely for lulz and for FE veterans to laugh at the names as well as a good excuse to make fun of wrestling. Now, I think they could be good comedic enemies.


Appearance: Big guy with green headband and short blond hair. Very musclebound dude with bulging eyes due to craziness.

Class: Bandit

Level: 1

Stats: HP 6, Str 5, Skl 1, Spd 2, Def 3, Res 3

Skills: Gamble

Affinity: Fire

Backstory: A strong but dumb man born to arena fighters, Gazaak became a crowd favorite due to his batshit insanity and references to Hoak Hogan. The fact he was a decent fighter helped a lot as well. The reason for his insanity is unknown, since nobody believes nobody could be that crazy without cause. Gazaak breaks expectations.

One day, he met Gomes, whom he called Hoak Hogan. The Hoak Hogan of his nightmares that he always referred to. Both were equally crazy and stupid and their fights were very popular with the crowds. His loss to Alferis led to a hatred of him only surpassed by his hatred of Gomes and he pursues the group to mount his head to the wall of his arena room.

Gomes has the exact same stats, but swaps out 1 point of HP for one point of speed and has the Wind affinity instead of Fire. Otherwise, uses the exact same stats.

Approval to use further?

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