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Quotes that make you feel sad ;_;


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"This body and this heart are constructs. Yes, as is this sorrow." - Limstella

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Myrrh v. Morva

The quote itself wasn't too sad, but the fact that father and daughter are fighting to the death when they should be together? THAT is sad.


You know, Ephraim... I always wanted to be you. I wanted to be strong and handsome... With Eirika always at my side... That's what I wanted to be. I had... I had nothing...


Don't be ridiculous, Lyon. Who was it that taught me history? Who covered for me when I stumbled? Didn't you see how I looked up to you? I admired your compassion, your wisdom, your thoughtfulness....


Oh, yeah... That seems so long ago... I did keep you out of trouble, didn't I? Thanks for remembering. See? You're thoughtful, too...


Lyon... Wait! Don't close your eyes! I'm going to save you! I'll find a way! I...


No, don't... Thanks, anyway. It was all my fault... Don't look so sad. C'mon, Ephraim, smile. Like you used to...

The other one was just as sad, but in a different way.




Be careful, Eirika!


It’s all right. He’s Lyon. Lyon…


Ei… Eirika… Is… that you…?


Yes, Lyon. It’s me.


Eirika… You stopped me, didn’t you? I’m glad…


Lyon… Lyon…


Listen… Eirika… I never had the courage to tell you, but… I’ve always loved you…

Never did learn if she felt the same way. All she did was whisper "Lyon.."

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The quote itself wasn't too sad, but the fact that father and daughter are fighting to the death when they should be together? THAT is sad.

I mean, the quote being directly related to the situation kind of makes it sad...

And all of the Lyon crap always bored me for some reason, I don't think I've ever watched any of the flashbacks.

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