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Count to 802,701!


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Assuming you continue at the rate you are now, it will take around 45608 days to complete your task.

That's 124 years, 11 months, and 12.75 days, assuming no leap years.

Lux, pessimism never did anyone any good.


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Lux, pessimism never did anyone any good.


Fine, let's assume we'd get 100 numbers a day (which we don't), we'd only have...

8027 days! :>

A mere 21 years, 11 months, and 30 days, once again assuming no leap years.


Edited by Lux Aeterna
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Fine, let's assume we'd get 100 numbers a day (which we don't), we'd only have...

8027 days! :>

A mere 21 years, 11 months, and 30 days, once again assuming no leap years.

Do I look like I care?

The point remains, pessimism never helped anyone.

Porsche 959

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Callously kow-towing my efforts? That's cruel. :<

Well, that'll teach you not to be pessimistic, then.

Despite this, it's almost like you're assuming I'm pessimistic. Not anymore, no. =P

You were when you were going on and on about how it won't work.


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