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Gundam Vs Star Fox

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Moonlight Butterfly would wreck the Big O, as would an IPBM.

gundam hands down...there are only 4 star fox members...but tons of gundams.

There's also Star Wolf and both Cornerian and Venom Fleets... And the Aparoids... And the Anglars...

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Moonlight Butterfly would wreck the Big O, as would an IPBM.

I actually don't care about any of that. I just wanted to post something that wasn't Gundam or Starfox, and Big O sprang to mind because the theme song is mostly just "Big O" over and over again.

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There's also Star Wolf and both Cornerian and Venom Fleets... And the Aparoids... And the Anglars...

Fleets = Zero's Blaster Rifle anyone?

Star wolf = meet beam sabers (love these)

other things you mentioned = hello missiles!

Edited by Hatari
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Fleets = Zero's Blaster Rifle anyone?

Star wolf = meet beam sabers (love these)

other things you mentioned = hello missiles!

The Buster Rifle and TBR aren't enough alone to down fleets. That Said, the Satellite Canon and the G-Bits could probably wreck a fleet in a single volley.

Star Wolf wouldn't be stupid enough to get that close to an MS. They'd probably eat VSBR, though.

IPBM > ICBM. Gundam's Missiles aren't as good as Star Fox's, unfortunately.

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The Buster Rifle and TBR aren't enough alone to down fleets. That Said, the Satellite Canon and the G-Bits could probably wreck a fleet in a single volley.

Star Wolf wouldn't be stupid enough to get that close to an MS. They'd probably eat VSBR, though.

IPBM > ICBM. Gundam's Missiles aren't as good as Star Fox's, unfortunately.

oh come on, heero's blaster rifle too down tons of mobile suits...not to mention fei has flamethrowers...george (g gundam) has rose bits...

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oh come on, heero's blaster rifle too down tons of mobile suits...not to mention fei has flamethrowers...george (g gundam) has rose bits...

Leos. Which explode if they look at the camera wrong. And a handful of Leos does not make a fleet.

Flamethrowers are kind of pointless in most cases, although in the right hands they can be pretty effective (See Ms igLoo episode 2). Also, George's bits are good for G Gundam, but are actually low-tier as far as bits are overall...

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I actually don't care about any of that. I just wanted to post something that wasn't Gundam or Starfox, and Big O sprang to mind because the theme song is mostly just "Big O" over and over again.

Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe we have a winner.

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You've forgotten the fundamental rule of lylat wars - nothing hurts you if you do a barrel roll at the right time

Edited by mikethfc
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Hmm Gundam, but the comparison is unfair, you're pitting an entire sub genre against one gaming series. Though granted, I'd still say most Gundam series would be able to wipe out Starfox and his lackeys.

You don't need gundams to wipe out the Lylat system, just a horny group of furries

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Let's keep this small scale. The whole StarFox universe vs Gundam Wing. Now they only have to fight six Gundams, battleship Libra, a bunch of mobile suit pilots, and a crap load of mobile dolls.

Of course, being an ace and tactical genius, Fox McCloud somehow kills off half of the Leos and Tauruses pretty early in the battle, but not before Libra fires its main gun and obliterates half of their fleet.

General Pepper commanding the battle from the Great Fox is encountered by Dorothy, who's wearing a space suit. He yanks out a fencing sword that he didn't know he had, and they start fighting while Dorothy hammers him with philosophical bs.

Epyon and three mobile dolls assault the smaller ships of the Star Fox fleet, while the Gundams focus on the pilots!

Dorothy stabs Pepper in the gut when he hesitates and then puts her helmet on. She steals one of the Arwings in the hanger and jets away before anyone can stop her!

Next, Peacemilion crashes into the Great Fox for some reason, and both ships go out in a massive blast!

Fox McCloud and Wolf O'Donnel team up, and both their squadrons attack the Gundams! Heavy Arms quickly mows down all of the uninteresting pilots while the others gang up on the SandRock.

Relena Peacecraft shows up in a shuttle trying to get everyone to stop fighting. Wolf fires on the shuttle and it blows up with Relena inside! Heero and Milliardo freak out and start killing everyone! Epyon slashes ships in half while Wing Zero fires dual shots at passing vessels and destroys them!

Wufei kills Treize for some reason.

Libra gets fixed and fires its gun again! A bunch of ships blow up. Andross shows up and all the people from the Gundam Wing universe freak the hell out!

Milliardo: It's a... a giant... monkey...

Heero: Target acquired...

Heero fires the beam rifle and Andross disappears.


The battle intensifies!

Lady Unn shoots Krystal.

Panther shoots Lady Unn.

Libra randomly blows up. The mobile dolls kill off absolutely everyone that's not in an Arwing or Wolfen.

Death Scythe slices Leon's ship in half, killing him!

Wufei uses Nataku's spring arm dragon thing and kills Panther!

Dorothy stabs Peppy.

Dorothy stabs Flippy.

Fox shoots Dorothy.

Heero shoots Falco's Arwing with the beam rifle... so he's most certainly dead.

While Dorothy is floating out in space with a gunshot wound, a happy mobile suit pilot finds her. He hauls her into the cockpit and flies away with her.

With just a hand full of Star Fox ships left, the battle is all but over.

Fox, Wolf, and Zombie Falco launch an all out assault on the Gundams in a last ditch effort to secure victory! The two sides close in on each other!

Suddenly, the Citadel relay opens, and the Reaper fleets pour through! Pretty much everyone except the mobile dolls get killed because they're "useful".

The end.

I was so sure that Gundams would win, but nobody ever sees the damn reapers coming :facepalm:

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Let's keep this small scale. The whole StarFox universe vs Gundam Wing. Now they only have to fight six Gundams, battleship Libra, a bunch of mobile suit pilots, and a crap load of mobile dolls.

Of course, being an ace and tactical genius, Fox McCloud somehow kills off half of the Leos and Tauruses pretty early in the battle, but not before Libra fires its main gun and obliterates half of their fleet.

General Pepper commanding the battle from the Great Fox is encountered by Dorothy, who's wearing a space suit. He yanks out a fencing sword that he didn't know he had, and they start fighting while Dorothy hammers him with philosophical bs.

Epyon and three mobile dolls assault the smaller ships of the Star Fox fleet, while the Gundams focus on the pilots!

Dorothy stabs Pepper in the gut when he hesitates and then puts her helmet on. She steals one of the Arwings in the hanger and jets away before anyone can stop her!

Next, Peacemilion crashes into the Great Fox for some reason, and both ships go out in a massive blast!

Fox McCloud and Wolf O'Donnel team up, and both their squadrons attack the Gundams! Heavy Arms quickly mows down all of the uninteresting pilots while the others gang up on the SandRock.

Relena Peacecraft shows up in a shuttle trying to get everyone to stop fighting. Wolf fires on the shuttle and it blows up with Relena inside! Heero and Milliardo freak out and start killing everyone! Epyon slashes ships in half while Wing Zero fires dual shots at passing vessels and destroys them!

Wufei kills Treize for some reason.

Libra gets fixed and fires its gun again! A bunch of ships blow up. Andross shows up and all the people from the Gundam Wing universe freak the hell out!

Milliardo: It's a... a giant... monkey...

Heero: Target acquired...

Heero fires the beam rifle and Andross disappears.


The battle intensifies!

Lady Unn shoots Krystal.

Panther shoots Lady Unn.

Libra randomly blows up. The mobile dolls kill off absolutely everyone that's not in an Arwing or Wolfen.

Death Scythe slices Leon's ship in half, killing him!

Wufei uses Nataku's spring arm dragon thing and kills Panther!

Dorothy stabs Peppy.

Dorothy stabs Flippy.

Fox shoots Dorothy.

Heero shoots Falco's Arwing with the beam rifle... so he's most certainly dead.

While Dorothy is floating out in space with a gunshot wound, a happy mobile suit pilot finds her. He hauls her into the cockpit and flies away with her.

With just a hand full of Star Fox ships left, the battle is all but over.

Fox, Wolf, and Zombie Falco launch an all out assault on the Gundams in a last ditch effort to secure victory! The two sides close in on each other!

Suddenly, the Citadel relay opens, and the Reaper fleets pour through! Pretty much everyone except the mobile dolls get killed because they're "useful".

The end.

I was so sure that Gundams would win, but nobody ever sees the damn reapers coming :facepalm:

That is by far one of the most amusing posts I've seen in a long time. Good job, Phoenix. (o.o)b

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Suddenly, the Citadel relay opens, and the Reaper fleets pour through! Pretty much everyone except the mobile dolls get killed because they're "useful".

The end.

I was so sure that Gundams would win, but nobody ever sees the damn reapers coming :facepalm:

Wait, the gundams did win. You just said the mobile dolls didn't get killed. In the matchup of Starfox VS Gundam, Gundam was the winner (even if it was still 2nd to the reapers).

Total plot hole.

Edited by SeverIan
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Star fox, man. You guys see the stuff that fox fights and wins against in those games??

Ya, a giant face that spews tiles at you or something like that...color me unimpressed.

The "main" final boss of the DS version was like, a giant fish or something?

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