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Quick Skill Question

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I think the actual exp rate with Blossom+Paragon is actually +33% or something, so you're still levelling faster than normal.

And yeah, Astrid, Geoffrey and high level laguz that level incredibly slowly anyway are the only ones that can do this.

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Does anyone know the exact numerical benefit that Blossom confers? I've been running the numbers and I really don't think it's ever worthwhile. Even if you double it up with paragaon, I'd rather take the XP. Unless, of course, you're trying to get the character to 20/20/20 in which case you'd want to get the most you can out of each level.

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That leads me to another question since i never used this skill. What does Flourish do?

It only halves the damage. It could be useful for boss abuse i guess.

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wasn't that the skill that halves the damage you're doing?

It only halves the damage. It could be useful for boss abuse i guess.

It's kinda worse than that, actually. It halves your mt value.

40 mt against a 22 def enemy? Well, you now have 20 mt and tink.

It's mostly just useful for attempting to abuse disarm on player phase or when you are feeding kills to Heather/Mist and they come just shy of killing an injured enemy. Ike can get between 15 and 20 mt with capped str and using anything between bronze sword and steel blade. Gats or Titania could also probably manage similar things. It is usually enough to further injure an already damaged enemy but not kill it, and hence it is useful for training characters that are really bad at offence (except Lyre, since she has no player phase like half the time or something).

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I think the actual exp rate with Blossom+Paragon is actually +33% or something, so you're still levelling faster than normal.

And yeah, Astrid, Geoffrey and high level laguz that level incredibly slowly anyway are the only ones that can do this.

They should just cancel each other out if they just pass through to each other, but if both skills work simultaneously with the true experience you would earn, you should gain 1.5 times experience ((EXP + 1*EXP) - 0.5* EXP = 1.5*EXP). I'm not sure which is what really happens, but either way there's no penalty.

Edited by Sykil
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