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Pronounciations of RD names

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Sothe = 'Sooth' but 'So' instead of 'Soo'... If that makes sense. If it doesn't, BACK OFF, I ain't explaining it!

Lucia = Whatever I'm feeling at the moment. Loosha, Luseeuh

Ya know, I still wonder hwy this topic comes up as often as it does...

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Soth? Like, uh..."sock" but "th"?


EDIT: Or, like, "so" "th". Sewth, except that looks like Sooth. Like you know how Sew is pronounced, that plus a th.

I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm up too late.

Edited by Integrity
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Soth? Like, uh..."sock" but "th"?


EDIT: Or, like, "so" "th". Sewth, except that looks like Sooth. Like you know how Sew is pronounced, that plus a th.

I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm up too late.

That, actually. I don't know why I didn't just do that.

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Initially i pronounced Begnion as "BEG-NEE-ON" but the narrator actually made sense pronouncing it BEN-NYON. It does sound better.

How about Lethe? I call her "LETH-EE"

Same. "Begnion" is probably the only name which I pronounced differently, but switched to the narrator's pronunciation after I heard it.

As far Lethe, I pronounce it how it reads: "Leth".

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What about Haar? I pronounce it "Har" like in that old old old AIM joke...

I think it could also be pronounced "Hair" since two a's in a row might make a long a sound in Nordic tongues. Somebody correct me on this.

I'm 90% sure it's "Har" because Haar is the scottish word for "sea mist," according to wikipedia.

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I always pronounced stuff pretty similarly to the narrator, actually, with little differences. I used to say Ti-TAN-ia instead of Ti-TAHN-ia, for example, but I like the latter better. I say MAR-see-ah for Marcia, and LU-see-ah for Lucia. There was no difference in how the narrator said those. I used to say Neh-FEE-nee but now I say NEF-ehn-ee like the Narrator, cause again, I like that better. I always said Begnion the same as the narrator though.

Heh. :P

Edited by Eternal Bond
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Haar is totally German, dudes. Ha-ar. Like Haagen-Dazs, except without the -gen-Dazs and not as delicious. And also it's German and not wherever Haagen-Dazs is based. I'm gonna have some strawberry Haagen-Dazs later.

Why is it, when I post in this thread, I completely lose all my trains of thought?

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I don't see Haar as German. I see it as more Scandinavian. Plus, imagining Haar like a Norse god is all kinds of awesome anyways. They (and by "they" I mean "I") don't call him the DEMON KING OF THE SKIES for nothing.

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Titania = Titanium. :o Genius.

Lucia = Lu kia a. Kinda like, RUKINO! :o

Sanaki = Sanaki. Yay Japanese names.

Marcia = Mar see uh


Deghoiusdfa = Deg HIN Sea Uh

Skrimir = SCREAM er

Michaoiudsf = Mick I uh

Other stuff = Other stuff

Hrm... Can't remember anymore that aren't just obvious...

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Haar is totally German, dudes. Ha-ar. Like Haagen-Dazs, except without the -gen-Dazs and not as delicious. And also it's German and not wherever Haagen-Dazs is based. I'm gonna have some strawberry Haagen-Dazs later.

Why is it, when I post in this thread, I completely lose all my trains of thought?

Haagen-Dazs is just made up to sound like some Scandinavian language.

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Ones that immediately come to mind:

Caineghis: Cain-eh-ghis

Dheginsea: Like narrator, except without the weird accent

Geoffrey: Gee-off-ree

Volke: Vol-kay

Sothe: Soth-eh

Almedha: Al-meda

Ena: Eh-na (unlike the narrator's Ee-na)

Naesala: Na-eh-sel-ah

Haar: Ha-ar (lengthened a)

The rest should be obvious unless I'm missing something.

EDIT: Forgot Elincia. I pronounce it as Eh-lin-see-ah instead of the narrator's Eh-lin-she-ah.

Edited by Robin Mask
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Lemme see.

Marcia. Long have I wondered whether it's supposed to be mar-SEE-uh or just like, y'know, Marsha.

But I just say it like Marsha.

Skrimir is SKRIH-meer. Haar is totally HAR. since HAR. is manly. Dheginsea is DEG-in-see. Titania is ti-TAY-nee-uh.

And I have no damn clue how to say Caineghis. I avoid saying it out loud as much as possible.

I do have a point of curiosity, though, if I can manage to put it into words. Which I probably won't, but I'll give it a shot anyhow. Zelgius. Specifically, the G. You guys say it like "zell-jee-yus" or "zell-gi-yus"?

Edited by Spectakitty
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Zelgius is "ZEL-GEE-US" (the GEE is a hard G.) I always pronounced it like that. I was pretty happy when the narrator pronounced it that way too. In fact, Narrator pronounced almost everything like i did. Although initially, i pronounced Nasir as "NAY-SEER" and thats actually wrong. I dont say it like that anymore.

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Narrator and I agreed on much until Titania. I changed my ways for him when it came to Lucia, but I draw the line with Titania.

) :

How IS Nasir supposed to be pronounced? I've always said nah-SEER, but I don't remember the Narrator saying it. 'Course, I don't always pay much attention to the Narrator... >>

(er, my Zelgius is still with a jee sound, since I failed to mention it.)

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Nasir is supposed to be pronounced "NAH-SEER". Its an actual name (i think its Norse) and the narrator was right. Ive heard that name outside FE.

I think it's Arabic.

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Nasir is supposed to be pronounced "NAH-SEER". Its an actual name (i think its Norse) and the narrator was right. Ive heard that name outside FE.

Holy fuck WHAT?!!?! IT IS NOT NORSE! It's Arabic! It means "ally," "supporter," "comrade," or basically, "one who helps."

Person above me got it right but still.

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Holy fuck WHAT?!!?! IT IS NOT NORSE! It's Arabic! It means "ally," "supporter," "comrade," or basically, "one who helps."

Person above me got it right but still.

Wow, no need to shout. I wasnt aware of that. It sounded Norse to me is why i thought so.

I dont think you do pronounce the E in Volke.

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