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Slize's Character Ranking Topic

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Artur shows up in chapter 4. Like Neimi, he generally 3-4HKOs the most common enemies. However, he DOUBLES, meaning he consistently 2RKOs. He's also got the ability to ignore Knight/Boss DEF for a lot more damage than most people. He's got 1-2 range forever, so he's never at risk of being attacked without being able to counter attack, and it also means he has an enemy phase, although it may be small at first. He's also your best chipper so that you can minimize counters on your frontliners. And then when he promotes, he can go for C Staves and Slayer or C Anima. Either way, he gets something great. He's never really bad, although never anything especially amazing. For supports, he's got Lute.



Lute's very similar to Artur, although she has more trouble doubling earlier, is slightly less durable, and can't grab C staves right after promotion, but hits harder later. They're basically equal and arguable against each other.


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Wait, so... someone actually thinks somewhat highly of me? YESZ.


Remeber Moulder? Well, Natasha's pretty similar. She's good for healing, especially since two healers are nice to have, but probably won't get to any sort of great combat. Except, she's around less, so she doesn't heal as much and she's also probably ~4 levels lower, making promotion even harder to reach. And when they do promote, she does less damage and doubles less. And she's less durable, which is a problem even before combat.



Joshua is one of our better earlygame dudes. Eirika needs ~10 levels to be similar to him. Down the road, he has better STR and HP, she has better DEF/RES. However, he doesn't have her availability, no rapier, no mount post promo (although he has huge crit), and has serious competition for Audhulma. And his supports aren't as good.


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Joshua doesn't have any good competition for Audhulma, the characters that are most likely to use it are just Seth & Gerik, but both of them oneround everything with steel weapons already, Josh actualy wants that Mt from Audhulma as well as it's Res boost seeing as he has the least Res from the other two.

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I didn't include most of the cavaliers seeing as Franz starts out with an E rank, Forde & Kyle with a D. And remember, this is FE8, it's not like Vidofnir or Audhulma are even NECESARY.

Joshua could as well need it for his average (or below average) Str, Gerik, Seth, Kyle & Franz are alright as they are with silver or steel weapons.

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They could take it and OHKO so they don't face counters.

It's not like this game is FE4 with its seriously limited trading capabilities. I don't see why its a problem for Joshua to get to use a few uses of Audhulma when its the difference between him 1RKOing and not. Gerik is a better character because he needs Audhulma less, but denying it to Joshua because Gerik is better only hurts the team when you have one enemy left alive and one way overkilled. I don't see why characters can't just trade a weapon around when it's needed. You obviously wouldn't waste a use of that said valuable weapon when a silver/killer would suffice either. If Gerik can 1HKO with it, you can just have Joshua trade for it and 1RKO the enemy that is adjacent to Gerik :| so they both get to use it...?

BTW it seems strange to me that Ross is only .5 points lower than Garcia while like 2.5 points higher than Neimi.

Edited by Brighton
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Well, that's why I said serious competition for it. He's probably getting like 5 battles at best out of it, as opposed to Lute/Saleh who can get a ton out of Excalibur.

Its not like Joshua has offensive problems for everything either. Nor will Lute always be needing to use Excalibur.

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And while Joshua isn't exactly Rutger with that broken +30 crit, the +15 and higher SKL does increase his chances to proc a crit. While crit isn't all that dependable either, more crit=more OHKO.

...If you really tried, via Devil Axe abuse and pray he doesn't crit himself, you theoretically could get Gerik to S Axe with ease (what I did) and have him rip everything apart with Garm instead. (Though that may also because Gerik>all the baseaxe units combined and I personally never actually use them anyway.)

(PEMN but I've had Audulma!Joshua ORKO Demon King with doublecrit, provided A Natasha support, so it's nice when it happens.)

(Rutger's way too broken anyway after you apply A Clarine B Dieck. 100+ Crit with Wo Dao and +25 Avo? Hell yes.)

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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(Rutger's way too broken anyway after you apply A Priscilla B Dieck. 100+ Crit with Wo Dao and +25 Avo? Hell yes.)[/s][/size]

I'm assuming you mean Clarine, Priscilla isn't in FE6.

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(Rutger's way too broken anyway after you apply A Priscilla B Dieck. 100+ Crit with Wo Dao and +25 Avo? Hell yes.)

B Dieck takes sooo long though. And besides, Dieck may as well go for C Lot early on and A Thany eventually. Leaves only C for Rutger unless you get Lot killed. I suppose AC isn't so bad though. It still gives +20 crit and +20 avo and +20 cev. Rutger still gets +10 hit from his own affinity and +2 def from them. He only misses out on +2 hit, +5 crit/avo/cev. But I'm just saying 119 turns to B Dieck is a pain.

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I'm assuming you mean Clarine, Priscilla isn't in FE6.


I'll correct that.

B Dieck takes sooo long though. And besides, Dieck may as well go for C Lot early on and A Thany eventually. Leaves only C for Rutger unless you get Lot killed. I suppose AC isn't so bad though. It still gives +20 crit and +20 avo and +20 cev. Rutger still gets +10 hit from his own affinity and +2 def from them. He only misses out on +2 hit, +5 crit/avo/cev. But I'm just saying 119 turns to B Dieck is a pain.

Thing is, that support starts so early that it negates the length. Granted, I managed to fully complete (Rugter A Clarine B Dieck-Clarine A Rutger B Dieck) it by the chapter before Endgame, but that's with letting Dieck completely solo a bunch of Paladins with his axe skills and letting him wander off on his own for a while dealing with the reinforcements so everyone else can go on forward. Since I don't use the Pegs in FE6 or Fighters (ever, besides Barst), Thany and Lot supports would be obsolete if they're not in play. Sticking the three in a group together and have them handle group of enemies together by themselves do help, though.

But that's only how I play. I have something against most base-axe units not named Barst or Hector.

Though we really shouldn't be getting into a discussion about FE6 on FE8... but I made the side comment, so it's my fault.

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