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Levels with friendly AI

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Am I the only one who enjoys playing a few levels with friendly AI and seeing how well they fare against the enemy by themselves? I actually have one save on chapter 3-13 that I play when I'm bored to see how well the AI does all by it's lonesome. I think they've held the line by themselves once, actually (well, with Micaiah physicing, too.)

Does that make me weird? Also, 3-12 = <3

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Never even thought of doing that unless Living Legend from FE7 counts but apart from that I've never done that

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Let's not go into Rausten. SUICIDAL level 10 Knights in a map where masses of promoted units spawn every turn? Yeah.

I hate the friendly AI, because there's no setting to tell them to hold positions and act. Tell them to Roam, they get them all killed. Tell them to Halt, and the Physic bishops ignore you and watch you die.

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Let's not go into Rausten. SUICIDAL level 10 Knights in a map where masses of promoted units spawn every turn? Yeah.

I hate the friendly AI, because there's no setting to tell them to hold positions and act. Tell them to Roam, they get them all killed. Tell them to Halt, and the Physic bishops ignore you and watch you die.

Daein army is full of passive-agressives.

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Let's not go into Rausten. SUICIDAL level 10 Knights in a map where masses of promoted units spawn every turn? Yeah.

I hate the friendly AI, because there's no setting to tell them to hold positions and act. Tell them to Roam, they get them all killed. Tell them to Halt, and the Physic bishops ignore you and watch you die.

Hmm. I find that the Physic bishops tend to be smart enough to heal your own units before their mindless yellow friends. And the other yellows serve to distract enemies, which I know did me favors when I had a weak Dawn Brigade and whichever chapter requires you to kill 40 or so Laguz.

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Let's not go into Rausten. SUICIDAL level 10 Knights in a map where masses of promoted units spawn every turn? Yeah.

I hate the friendly AI, because there's no setting to tell them to hold positions and act. Tell them to Roam, they get them all killed. Tell them to Halt, and the Physic bishops ignore you and watch you die.

Indeed, this is why i would like someway to direct units more directly. For example tell an unit to go to a square while the other one goes to another square. Not every single one gathering around an square and not attaking :facepalm:

Edited by Mordecai
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Hmm. I find that the Physic bishops tend to be smart enough to heal your own units before their mindless yellow friends. And the other yellows serve to distract enemies, which I know did me favors when I had a weak Dawn Brigade and whichever chapter requires you to kill 40 or so Laguz.

You misunderstand me. On Roam, the bishops are great but the Halberdiers/etc. all rush off and die. On Halt, the bishops do absolutely nothing but at least the Halbies hold their lines.

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I also enjoy playing levels with the friendly AI considering how their stats aren't poor like in the previous games so they can stand a chance against the enemy instead of being fodder, though I hate it that when you tell them to hold position with "halt" they do nothing as in like they don't use vulenearies when low health and bishops do nothing but stand there until they get killed.

Edited by Generic Officer
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Well, the enemies are just as stupid as the friendlies. On Ch 3-2 (I think) Laguz and Borc I had Boyd off to the bottleneck on the left and he had just killed a knight in front of him leaving a gap between him and the next halbardier. What does the enemy do? The enemy archer runs up next to Boyd to fill the gap. So now the red army is screwed, since the archer in front can't attack boyd and the halbardier in back can't attack him either, and I just ordered him to use his hand axe for the rest of the chapter!

More Friendly Army win:

On Chapter 2E, I ordered them to halt for the first 2 turns before getting my army cruising. That way, the blues were in front getting kills while the yellows were in back trying to catch up. The yellow bishop was the unofficial MVP; he cast physic every turn and I earned 500+ bonus XP just off his staff abuse.

Friendly Army fail:

Towards the end of that same chapter, I was just outside the boss's attack range when the yellow bishop decided to be heroic and lunge forward into all the respawning knights and thundermages to cast physic :huh: However, his sacrifice was not in vain. Maybe this is win after all?

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3-13 archer anyone? Last playthrough, he didnt even get off his ballista. He criticalled everything with his ballista. His little archer friend climbed down and hit some laguz but didnt die. (Mostly because Jill went and owned their sorry asses.) The wyvern guys in 3-12 were smart enough to canto away after hitting enemies and being swarmed. However one always dies because he goes too far out of the bishop's range to be healed. (Even out of Micaiah's range. D: ) My favorites are the partner peg knights you can summon in FE9. I love that the falcon knight can get owned down to 1 HP and then dodges everything.

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I might have to start doing this after almost getting one turned on 3-12.

A 1% crit on Zihark meant there was a gap for soldiers to kill Leonardo Aran and Fiona and if they had another unit Micaiah would've followed suit

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I actually recently played 3-13 again and let the AI battle the laguz. I counted a total of 13 criticals by the yellow army. 5 alone from 3-13 archer (3 on the ballista, 2 on those sorry ass laguz that he jumps into the pit to attack)

Which was all dandy until a raven with 6 hp flew past the line and killed a bishop.

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