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Pickup lines to get girls


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And the reason why is because the answer accompanies the question, or is defined by it. I would say, or type, "No," to both questions, if both were asked, and both times, it would be a different answer, but the same utterance/word.

And that's from my perspective @_@

EDIT: I don't like "conditionals" much anyway...

The same word is the same answer.

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Will they be the same? - Yes

Which means

Will you go out with me? - Yes


Will they be the same? - No

Which means

Will you go out with me? - Yes

That's the idea at least~

Edited by Freohr Datia
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That seems like the assumption necessary to enjoy the joke :D I'm not sure that I have arrived at terms.

Freohr, thank you for


If I asked you to go out with me, would your state of agreement to that question be congruent to your state of agreement to this question?

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If I asked you to go out with me, would your state of agreement to that question be congruent to your state of agreement to this question?


congruent huh?

That'd be something like, to scale, right?

I think they would be of the exact same size. I don't think anyone would value my answer to either question, therefore, I would only value the answer insofar as it pleases myself, rather than the other party.

In other words, it is solely in my valuation of the pleasing nature of the answers themselves that I'd find worth, and the worth is, simply, "do they please me or not?" A binary, I think.

Between 0 and 1, is there congruency? I assume 0 has no nature of scaling whatsoever, and 1 scales to itself. 0 is incongruent and 1 is congruent to 1 and 0? Wtf is this even, I'm not even paying attention to whether what I'm typing makes sense.

So with that in mind, the comparison of the two together (the trick of the pickup line) makes me pay more attention to the tension between the two questions, and you are likely somewhere else in the meantime.

It's an excellent pickup line for me. Until I end up doing something else. But as always, I've allowed eggs to be planted in my brain.

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congruent huh?

That'd be something like, to scale, right?

I think they would be of the exact same size. I don't think anyone would value my answer to either question, therefore, I would only value the answer insofar as it pleases myself, rather than the other party.

In other words, it is solely in my valuation of the pleasing nature of the answers themselves that I'd find worth, and the worth is, simply, "do they please me or not?" A binary, I think.

Between 0 and 1, is there congruency? I assume 0 has no nature of scaling whatsoever, and 1 scales to itself. 0 is incongruent and 1 is congruent to 1 and 0? Wtf is this even, I'm not even paying attention to whether what I'm typing makes sense.

So with that in mind, the comparison of the two together (the trick of the pickup line) makes me pay more attention to the tension between the two questions, and you are likely somewhere else in the meantime.

It's an excellent pickup line for me. Until I end up doing something else. But as always, I've allowed eggs to be planted in my brain.

  • con·gru·ent

  • adjective /kənˈgro͞oənt/  /ˈkäNGgro͞oənt/ 

    • In agreement or harmony
      • - institutional and departmental objectives are largely congruent
      • - the rules may not be congruent with the requirements of the law

      [*](of figures) Identical in form; coinciding exactly when superimposed

Edited by Makaze
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  • con·gru·ent

  • adjective /kənˈgro͞oənt/  /ˈkäNGgro͞oənt/ 

    • In agreement or harmony
      • - institutional and departmental objectives are largely congruent
      • - the rules may not be congruent with the requirements of the law

      [*](of figures) Identical in form; coinciding exactly when superimposed

OH. Sorry. I was thinking of the figures one.

Why don't you tell me which usage you intended? (emphasis yours?)

Well anyway, I'd still say I don't find them congruent, I think. In fact, I think what I said still pretty much holds up with your definition (didn't reread it to check though).

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OH. Sorry. I was thinking of the figures one.

Why don't you tell me which usage you intended? (emphasis yours?)

Well anyway, I'd still say I don't find them congruent, I think. In fact, I think what I said still pretty much holds up with your definition (didn't reread it to check though).

I meant the second one, but the first one works as well. "If you superimposed your response onto the other, would they be identical (overlap exactly)?" Or "Are the answers in agreement with each other?"

It gets around the 'different answers' problem.

Edited by Makaze
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I meant the second one, but the first one works as well. "If you superimposed your response onto the other, would they be identical (overlap exactly)?" Or "Are the answers in agreement with each other?"

It gets around the 'different answers' problem.


They'd overlap exactly, but I don't see that it's correct to assume there is a condition of agreement/disagreement between the answers, so for the second of the two questions, my answer is, as it has been, something like "?"

I don't have the text at hand, but have you not heard that that which does not exclude is not that which excludes? It seems applicable to my point; whether it is actually true, I admit, I may not have the standing to affirm or deny even to myself with relevance at this point in time.

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They'd overlap exactly, but I don't see that it's correct to assume there is a condition of agreement/disagreement between the answers, so for the second of the two questions, my answer is, as it has been, something like "?"

I don't have the text at hand, but have you not heard that that which does not exclude is not that which excludes? It seems applicable to my point; whether it is actually true, I admit, I may not have the standing to affirm or deny even to myself with relevance at this point in time.

Your response "?" is invalid. You must answer YES or NO; AFFIRMATIVE or NEGATIVE. Submitting a query in reply to a query is not the same as answering a query. Answers must be definitive.

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Is there such a thing as m/m or f/f pick-up lines?

EDIT: Actually, that's a dumb question.

[spoiler=OBLIGATORY]If you were a booger I'd pick you all day. ; )

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Your response "?" is invalid. You must answer YES or NO; AFFIRMATIVE or NEGATIVE. Submitting a query in reply to a query is not the same as answering a query. Answers must be definitive.

I'm not impressed with this I at all...what are the termination protocols...? NOOOOOOOOOOO

YES as symbolic of the affirmation of posting.

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Mow my lawn *****.

This guy was funny, 4 years ago at least. I read the whole topic and busted out laughing seeing this.

My contribution to 4 years ago. It's 11:24 and I need a good deed for today!


You can put a trojan on my hard drive anytime

If I flip a coin, what are my chances of getting head?

F*** me if I'm wrong, but have we met before?

Nice shoes, wanna f***?

Do you like apples? *insert dumbass reply here* How about I take you home and f*** the s*** out of you. How do you like them apples?



Is it bad that those make me laugh everytime?

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I'm not impressed with this I at all...what are the termination protocols...? NOOOOOOOOOOO

YES as symbolic of the affirmation of posting.

I respect your resilience.

Lawyer ball would suit you well.

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I respect your resilience.

Lawyer ball would suit you well.

As someone I know put it once:

Well, if you have trouble in telling apart the rules from the intent, I think you're going to have a hard time in life, and I'm sure you've figured that out by now.

But that's no fucking excuse on my part!

EDIT-Fenrir I loved all of those, especially the third. I admit I didn't laugh though.

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As someone I know put it once:

Well, if you have trouble in telling apart the rules from the intent, I think you're going to have a hard time in life, and I'm sure you've figured that out by now.

But that's no fucking excuse on my part!

EDIT-Fenrir I loved all of those, especially the third. I admit I didn't laugh though.

I don't mind that you operate on the rules rather than the intent, but you attempt to bend them to be as ambiguous as possible, consciously or otherwise.

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I don't mind that you operate on the rules rather than the intent, but you attempt to bend them to be as ambiguous as possible, consciously or otherwise.


I don't really care about the attempt or not, or the ideal I strive for. I think you'd find that in certain contexts - more dynamic contexts, with other participants - I am rather quiet, and my tangents are perhaps even more incoherent. When they are not, they are probably often guided by conscious concern for others - as is, likely, my silence. Other times, blubber on!

The extent to which it's conscious or unconscious likely varies...are there times when I am not trying to be ambiguous? I'll admit what you stated probably is something I do though.


Do you believe I bent the rules in order to be as ambiguous as possible here? I mean, I'm willing to admit I was making myself look better or nobler than I really am, or am profoundly foolish - a distorted self-concept or boasting.

(BTW I made some pretty bad-to-mediocre posts at times, such as telling someone they should leave in the process of making an offhand comment, or getting self-obsessed when someone else was dealing with something important. I'm just asking)

I'll do my best to clarify as I can if there are any misunderstandings, or incoherencies between posts and stances. But the point is, serious discussion might be the only place where I have an actual interest in taking stances with the intention of taking stances, as opposed to just posting a post where I like the words in it. And I have no reason to deny that my taking online political discussion seriously is a signal of my fatuous nature.

Otherwise, I think that bending the rules to be ambiguous as possible is an excellent "vehicle" for guiding criticism of a construction (such as a sentence).

Is it silly to post things like that in a thread about pickup lines??? I probably should put them in spoilers or whatever. But there's another way to deal with things like that.

The ignore list. If you do that, my posts won't be displayed unless you click to display them.

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I don't really care about the attempt or not, or the ideal I strive for. I think you'd find that in certain contexts - more dynamic contexts, with other participants - I am rather quiet, and my tangents are perhaps even more incoherent. When they are not, they are probably often guided by conscious concern for others - as is, likely, my silence. Other times, blubber on!

The extent to which it's conscious or unconscious likely varies...are there times when I am not trying to be ambiguous? I'll admit what you stated probably is something I do though.


Do you believe I bent the rules in order to be as ambiguous as possible here? I mean, I'm willing to admit I was making myself look better or nobler than I really am, or am profoundly foolish - a distorted self-concept or boasting.

(BTW I made some pretty bad-to-mediocre posts at times, such as telling someone they should leave in the process of making an offhand comment, or getting self-obsessed when someone else was dealing with something important. I'm just asking)

I'll do my best to clarify as I can if there are any misunderstandings, or incoherencies between posts and stances. But the point is, serious discussion might be the only place where I have an actual interest in taking stances with the intention of taking stances, as opposed to just posting a post where I like the words in it. And I have no reason to deny that my taking online political discussion seriously is a signal of my fatuous nature.

Otherwise, I think that bending the rules to be ambiguous as possible is an excellent "vehicle" for guiding criticism of a construction (such as a sentence).

Is it silly to post things like that in a thread about pickup lines??? I probably should put them in spoilers or whatever. But there's another way to deal with things like that.

The ignore list. If you do that, my posts won't be displayed unless you click to display them.

Your language can be self-absorbed, is what I mean to say. As if you are speaking to yourself much of the time. Other times less so.

I have never used an ignore list on any site, even for the least worthwhile of users, and I see no reason to start now. Least of all for users that I see as struggling with communication. I would rather point out that you may not be carrying yourself as you would wish to and come to understand what you mean, understand your self-referencing babble. I am a neophile. I do not think you will find me turning someone away because I do not understand them yet.

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If you've got good eye contact and smiles shit going, you can walk over to her and introduce yourself the old fashioned way, or say something incredibly cheesy like "the only thing your eyes haven't told me yet is your name"

Not keeping in line with the general content of this thread but eh.

Edited by Daigoji Excellen
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Your response "?" is invalid. You must answer YES or NO; AFFIRMATIVE or NEGATIVE. Submitting a query in reply to a query is not the same as answering a query. Answers must be definitive.

"Probably not."




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