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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 2: Glimpses of Elyisima


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"I don't like her" she stated clearly, still pointing her finger almost accusingly at Aiya. She looked at Damian, went silent for a few seconds then sighed as if she'd given up one of her favorite toys. She didn't mind being in Damians care, but she didn't like the way Damian was looking at her, who could blame him? The girl had made it quite clear she didn't like the woman he... well had feelings for.

EDIT: Forgot to state my answer to Damians question, but I'm just going to say she ignored Damian instead.

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Rayton strode over to Helios, rubbing his head. "Ehh...she needs a little time before she can trust the woman. At least I think that's the reason's the girl's acting that way.

He then shrugged. "I think that telling her that the woman's all right isn't going to do a whole lot of good. After all, she lost someone close to her so it's going to take a while." He then gave a rather somber look at the girl. "I know what it's like to lose someone you care about..."

He then shrugged again. "You know what they say, actions speak louder than words...But that's just me saying that."

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The girl looked at Rayton with curiosity before unattaching herself from Helios and sticking her hand out. "Sabla Avernst" she said trying to put on a brave face. She didn't have anyone left in the world and she figured she should try to get along with people that didn't scare her. She'd been taught that introducing oneself formally was a good way to receive a good impression, and it seemed like she'd be following the group to Elysimma and hence she wanted to be able to talk to a few people. Noticing the expression Rayton was making, she hesitated and considered withdrawing her hand, had she done something wrong?

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Rayton was a tad bit suprised at the girl's shift in attention. He still stuck his hand out and shook hers regardless, a warm smile on his face. "Rayton Esquire. Alwsys a pleasure to meet someone new. Don't worry, we'll take good care of you."

All right. Make a good first impression: you want to earn her trust. Next, don't screw things up...

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Sabla forced a smile, it was obvious that the smallest thing would set her off again. She wasn't used to talking to men, but she had no choice. She looked around and bowed her head slightly. "I'm really sleepy now, so I'll see you tomorrow Mr Esquire and..." she looked at Helios and paused. Then stuck her hand out again the same way she had done for Rayton. Sabla Avernst she said clearly.

Once she had finished her exchange with Helios, Sabla bid the two men goodnight. She ran off and huddled up by a nearby tree, it was well past midnight, and it had been a long tiresome day. Hoping that when she woke up tomorrow it'd be in her bed with her brother by her side she fell asleep.


Reika snuck into the camp unnoticed, mingling in with the civillians and keeping her distance from Aiya, Damian and Morgan. She didn't want to be seen and she had a mission. "She reached into her pouch and pulled out a small jar and placed it on the ground. Making sure that she wasn't being watched, she moved along and placed several identical jars amongst the civillians. Whether it be near the deceased, in the bags of the townsfolk,or behind bushes. She handed a few to young women, telling them the jars were filled with healing herbs from a nearby village. Placing the last jar in a sleeping mans pocket she looked around, then vanished into the darkness again.

"I have done as you asked my lord" she said to the darkness. But the darkness didn't stir, several seconds passed before Reika nodded her head, "As you command my lord" she said in a monotonous whisper. Before melting into the night.

OOC: Reika took extra care to go unnoticed, so if you noticed her you better be damn perceptive. Reika has also left, so I don't want people walking up to her and asking her to join the group. As stated above the contents of the jars are leaves. You people sicken me, I mean, there's a whole lot of injured people lying around and you're all busy being pedophiles, making out in public or discussing how miserable you are XD Think of the people!

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Kelas woke from an uneasy slumber, nearly shouting a battlecry: the bandits had just been a dream. Her horse looked up from grazing with alarm. "Don't worry about it," Kelas muttered. She looked around: the camp was still. The only lights belonged to dozing sentries and the tent the healers had set up; the few surviving clerics work was nowhere near done.

Kelas went through her saddlebags for a blanket; sleeping on the ground with her saddle for a pillow was well and good, but it was getting cold. Her hand bumped something cold and smooth: a jar. She took it out of the bag and examined it: it was a small glass jar, full of leaves of an unfamiliar variety. This wasn't hers. She uncapped it and wafted the scent of the leaves toward her face: still unrecognizable. No good could come of this, she thought. She repacked her bags and saddled her horse, muttering the command to wait; she would take these to the healers' tent to have them identified, and be ready to run if anything happened.

OOC: Yeah, Kelas is paranoid. But are these actual healing herbs, or something else?

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"Good night Sabla. Hmm..."

After watching her huddle near the tree and head on to sleep Rayton found himself bored very quickly. He walked around until he eventually tripped over one of the pots Reika had stealthily planted, falling facefirst into some bushes.

"Agh! Of all the rotten-hmm?"

As he took a closer look at what he thought was a rock without glancing he discovered that it may have been some sort of healing supply. He didn't remember seeing any scattered around haphazardly, thus his curiosity raised a notch. "Healing herbs? But...*sniff*...don't recognize the smell. Better have it examined just in case..."

After a tentative sniff he decided it wasn't something he quickly recognized. Curiosity turned to caution, and he decided to head to the healer's tent to see what was the deal with the pot in hand.

When he finally arrived with the pot in hand he saw the nomad from before, with a similar pot in her hands as well. Cocking his head to the side he walked up to her. "Err...Kelas? Are these healing supplies? Found one of these behind a bush..."

He may as well have asked; he wasn't the most knowledgeable person in the world when it came to the subject of healing. He mainly focused on the mechanics of making deadly wounds, not the mechanics of healing them.

OOC: Fun fact: one of these events in this post may become a running gag for Rayton.

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OoC: I'm not going to comment further on the contents of the pot until I get a few more responses, since I want to give everyone a fair go at figuring out the best course of action. However since no one other then myself knows the contents of the pot I am going to get rid of the specialists XD

As Rayton and Kelas walked into to the healers tent they were surprised to find that the place had been deserted. There was no sign of a struggle but if it had just been bad timing and all the clerics had been out, it didn't explain why the patients that should have been there were missing too. Severe cases had been transferred to the tent so that the healers could keep an eye on their condition, but even their bodies were missing. Sensing that something was wrong the two looked at eachother.

(In other words, no seeking help~!!! XD All healers have left the camp! :P)

EDIT: As the next post says, I wrote Morgan instead of Rayton XD Shows who's on my mind eh? *winks at Cynthia*

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"A duty made of necessity? Sounds like you don't truly know what you're fighting for then. Either that, or you are more of an idealist then me. Ah well, I suppose it doesn't matter though. We have sick people back at the camp and need to get them up and moving. Someone should contact Daiman and see if he's willing to give permission to send someone ahead or something, but there's not much else we can do. Can't even bloody move until everyone is healed enough to walk."

With that, Esphyr picked her sword back up and started to head back to camp. "Thanks though. For coming to comfort me." she called back as she headed back to camp.


The cloaked figure moved slowly across the land. The sweet, pristine, growing, lively land. The thick musk of green grass shoots, mixed in with the wafting aroma of playing bunnies and sleeping dear. The countryside was full of life... Full of sick, revolting, disgusting life! He couldn't stand it! He had kept himself in check for this long, but he was at his limit! He knew he had been instructed to wait until he met the wielders of the Crimson Weapons, to strike when they were fast asleep, to wait and hold in the urge to do what he must... but he couldn't do it any longer! Life was to abundant, and he was HUNGRY!

"Iiiiiimmmmmm.... Ssssssssoooooorrrrrrryyyyyy..... Mmmmmmiiiiiisssssssttttttrrrrrreeeeeeesssssss...." he moaned out with a thin and stretched voice. He dismounted and placed his hands upon the ground, closing his eyes as he focused. Slowly, thousands upon thousands of tiny roots, each as thin as a hair, started to blossom outwards like a billion tentacles, weaving their way through the dirt of the earth and turning it into a undulating carpet mass. Where ever the tentacles went that there existed some form of line, mushrooms started to grow up, even upon the living things as the tried to flee. He was hungry damn it! Hungry... and the sweet rotting bodies of life made such delicious meals.

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Comfort? Morgan thought that was an odd interpretation. Most people seemed to react with hostility when Morgan spoke the truth to them. Perhaps Esphyr was different...

Morgan decided to return to camp. People seeemd somewhat on edge for some reason and she noticed a distinct lack of clerics. This was suspicious.

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OoC: That's everyone important I think, so I'll continue on.

Jones smiled as he entered from the front of the tent, Rayton and Kelas had found come across something they didn't need to know, Jones coughed softly to notify the two of his presence. Both reached for their weapons but seemed to have trouble moving. Jones smirked at their reaction lifting both his hands in the air as if to prove he hadn't done anything. "Fools!" he laughed walking up to Kelas and giving her a good kick in the stomach as she hit the ground. After making sure that they were both unconscious he turned to leave. "If only you weren't men, my gentle heart would have saved you" he said laughing as he turned to leave. "No clerics, guess that big oaf is good for something sometimes" he mumbled leaving the two unmoving bodies behind.

Jones looked around, he'd probably get caught if he stuck around much longer, he quickly chanted a spell before warping out of sight.

A smile and a click of the fingers.

Jones watched the camp from afar, which had now become visible due to the small pots he'd given Reika bursting into flames. Dalton and Reika stood nearby watching the man smirk with satisfaction. "They escaped the first fire, but they won't escape this one" Jones laughed snaking his arm around Reika's waist. Reika flinched but didn't push the man away, instead she stared at the flames.

OoC: I recommend you be very careful in your following acts. It could cost you your life. I apologize for powerplaying your characters theonefate and.... (I'm just going to call you Kelas >_>) but I'll justify it later if I don't end up killing the entire camp first XD

Just an extra tip

It's just small spark of fire here and there. The townsfolk would be able to put them out easily.

-I'm not god-modding by power-playing Kelas and Rayton, they had it coming.

-Kelas and Rayton can "wake up" but they won't be performing as well as they usually do.

Ah well, I've given my hints, should be really obvious now what I had planned with the pots XD

And look! Some wierd arse monster is creeping upon us! XD Perfect timing Snowy.

EDIT: This post comes after Kelas's XD

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"What the... where in hell would they have gone?" Kelas wondered under her breath. The archer, Rayton was checking all through the tent, finding nothing. Kelas looked at the ground. The grass was well-trampled: of course it would be, this was the busiest place in the refugee camp... all the same, she looked to the front of the tent. Again, too many tracks to tell anything; they led all over camp. From within she heard Rayton exclaiming "There's a back exit?!" She ran to observe.

There was indeed a back exit to the tent, and a more distinct set of tracks leading away... too blurred to tell who or what had made them, but clear enough to follow. "Over here," she said in an undertone, motioning to the archer. "Have a look at these tracks."

OOC: Guessing that multiple people have left through the back of the tent, including but not limited to clerics, patients, kidnappers, or just random people who didn't feel like going out the front.

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Damian and Aiya ran back into the now blazing camp,scowling.

"Those goddamn bandits again?Or is it something else?" Damian asked no one in particular.

"Everyone,start putting out the fires!" Both Damian and Aiya yelled in different directions,getting people to wake others up incase evacuation became necessary.

"Where is everyone?" Damian asked Aiya,and scanned the crowd for the other fighters.

OOC:Fix'd since i misinterpreted earlier.

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Ooc: Silly silly Ether, did you really think you could get everyone out? Most are badly injured, and others would stick around to find they're loved ones. It's not a town sized fire this time, but a few small ones, small ones which could be put out by children. So I don't find a mass evacuation to be taken very seriously.

Hence by "remaining" I'm just going to assume you only got a handful of the ones that followed you out. Either way, I need to keep some in the camp to explain what's happened. So I'll steal a few back and throw them back in the camp.... nevermind you left Rayton and Kelas behind XD

I'll void my second paragraph, if you can explain why everyone would obey your command (they're not soldiers) and force themselves to evacuate when they could simply just put the fires out.


Jones burst out laughing "Hahaha, see the little ants flee" he shouted with joy. Everything was going to plan.


A woman shouted out in alarm, "Where's my little boy?"

Another had followed Damians orders due to panic but questioned his orders now "They're wee little flames they be, might as well go back now and put them out"

"But what started the fires?" a young girl asked confused.

The man who had questioned Damian answered "Who cares? I've lost my home and friends today, and I still have my wifes keepsake down there, I'm going back down" he stated boldly.

Without an explanation to why they shouldn't return to the camp, Damian and Aiya had no method of stopping them.


(Ooc) I really don't want to post more stuff until others get a chance to tell me where they are, did they flee like Damian and Aiya, or will they stay in the camp and put out the fires? It'd be nice if someone goes to wake Kelas and Rayton up XD)

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Helios was still in the camp when he smelled smoke. He quickly woke Ian up. Ian was astonished at how fast the fire spread. "Sabla is still in the forest" Helios said. "Ian go to the edge of the forest". "Look for a little girl". "Ok Helios but what are you going to do" Ian asked. "I am going to help evacuate the camp" said Helios. Ian went off looking for this little girl. Helios went looking threw every tent to see if anyone were left behind. Then all of a sudden a tree fell into the tent and crushed Helios's arm. He couldn't feel it anymore and he couldn't move it at all. He exited the tent and looked for a way out. Every way seemed to be blocked. "Well Damian isn't here so he wouldn't mind" said Helios as he cast Elwind. "I'll just make my own exit" he said.


Ian was in the forest looking for this "Sabla". He looked around carefully until he found a little girl sleeping against the tree. He picked her up and took her toward Damian

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Sabla awoke, she blinked a few times to find the face of some man she'd never seen carrying her somewhere. Confused and afraid, she lashed out punching Ian's chin with more strength then she appeared to have. Stunned and taken by surprise Ian dropped the girl and rubbed his chin. Sabla glared at the man "kidnapper! Slave merchant! Pedophile!" she spat at Ian before running off into the dark again.

Ian, having received his orders from Helios reluctantly tried to follow, but the girl had disappeared.

(OoC: Your decisions honestly make me laugh Kai XD)

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OOC: What decision?

Helios was walking down a path trying to find Damian but found Sabla running his way instead. He had a feeling she was running away from Ian. His arm was hurting him alot. He stopped Sabla. "Sabla where are you going" Helios asked. "There is a fire that broke out in the camp".

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OoC: Hmm, I should have been heading away from the camp, but ah well XD

Edit: Your decision to send Ian XD

Sabla looked at Helios and stopped running. "An ugly scary hairy stupid-looking gorilla was trying to kidnap me" she pouted clearly distressed. She looked over at the camp, most of the fires had been doused and while a few people seemed to have received minor burns, it wasn't anything a few nights sleep wouldn't fix. She looked at the people wandering around the camp a few second, her expression unreadable. "Okay" she said turning away from the camp, she was about to walk off, but stopped and turned around to face Helios again. "You shouldn't go there either, bad stuff will happen" she said uncertainly before walking back towards the way she had just come.

Extra: She isn't worried about Ian, since Ian failed to catch her she thinks Ian is extremely slow as well as the above XD

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Helios remembered how he sent Ian to get Sabla. That was a big mistake. "Do you know which way your going" he asked Sabla. "We need to get back to Damian". "Maybe he knows how the fire started".

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Sabla paused at the comment, "Away from camp" she said softly before walking off again. She didn't know why but she didn't want to stick around camp, something bad was going to happen, and she wanted to be far far away when it did happen. Looking Helios in the eyes, she wavered but decided to trust her instincts "Don't care about soldiers, they bring bad luck" she stated before walking away, she didn't want to stick around and not even Helios could stop her. (With words at least anyway)

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Helios decided to leave her alone. He knew she would come back. He took another path. His arm was hurting even more. He couldn't move it and he knew it was broken. Regardless of his arm Helios was thinking about buying another robe. His old one is either covered in blood or filled with dust. He laughed at the thought thinking that this was not the right time. He kept walking until he stumbled upon a village. It was not like the old village. This village was safe from bandits. There were Mercenaries covering the town gate. When Helios tried to enter they let him. He didn't look to intimidating. First things first he went to the local nursing center to get his arm healed.

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OoC: I hate to make an OoC only post but wtf? XD

Helios must have walked pretty damn far if he came upon a village. I mean, if there was a village nearby wouldn't the townspeople have seeked refuge there instead of with Damian and his camp? Also, if there were mercenaries protecting the village it must be a pretty damn wealthy village, selfish and generous too since they didn't send help to Darien, yet despite the neighboring town being burned to ashes, they let a complete stranger in without questioning him XD

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OOC: You know fire emblem. How the hell do they get from Sacae to Bern so fast. Deal with it <_<. And apparently the village doesnt know of another villge being destroyed

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