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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 2: Glimpses of Elyisima


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Kelas spotted Rayton and went over, nearly losing her balance and twining her hands in the mare's mane for support-- should have tacked up, oh well... He looked... well, about as well as expected, for having inhaled as much smoke and poison as she had... but as she came around in front of him, she noticed blood at the sides of his mouth and a fresh wound in his side. "What happened to you?" she asked, reaching for her bow, only to realize it was with the packhorse, and she was in no condition to use it. "Are there enemies around?"

OOC: So there's also a curse involved then. Have we all got that with varying degrees of severity? (Esphyr obviously had it pretty bad, but nobody else seemed to be as badly off as she was.)

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"Still think we're not cursed?" asked Esphyr, standing up and looking out over the many dead of Darien. "Ever since we showed up with our Crimson weapons, the town has been attacked by bandits, and now this... I... Whoa!" she suddenly tilted forwards and stumbled, catching herself before she fell to the earth once again. "It seems... I need to rest a bit. Oh. And Daiman? Hope you enjoyed carrying me like your wife, cause I promise that's the last time I will let anyone handle me like that."

OOC: Blerkals. Me have bad weekend. Me wanna sleep it off like hangover.

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He turned to Helios, then looked back at her. "It might be better if we talked about it in private. It's kind of serious." He didn't want any of the survivors that wasn't combat-capable to hear. He didn't want to start a panic, considering what just happend. He also didn't want to be blamed for what happened either, due to the nature of what happened.

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Morgan shrugged " A series of unfortunate coincidences perhaps. It is also possible that it's the work of those attempting to seek the Crimson Weapons, but if so their aim is a little off. Or maybe they just don't care about who they hurt."

She looked over at Damian "You may want to repeat that statement for our fearless leader when he's conscious Esphyr. I don't think he will be waking up for quite some time."

She saw some of the previously poisoned people get up and go off into the woods. Where were they going? Morgan stared at the corpse of the withered cleric in front of her. Was it her doing, or the work of this malevolent force?

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"Hey. Stop walking. Sit. Down." Kelas saw that the wound was not the sort to keep wandering around on. "That's not just some scratch, and going away from everyone, including the healer, is probably the worst thing to do." She continued to follow Rayton and the mage who accompanied him. The archer didn't stop. Kelas turned in front of them, blocking their immediate path with the horse. "If it's that much of a secret, we'll get you healed, and then you can tell us about it."

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Stubborness began to set in. He wanted to get this out of the way, but he doubted he'd be able to strong-arm her in his condition, so he conceded. Sighing he held his head in annoyance. "Fine, fine. I'm feeling a bit better though."

...Even though it was a bold-faced lie, and Kelas could see it in his eyes. However, he didn't want to risk being followed, which is why he walked up to her, at ear length and whispered in her ear. "My injury involves a demon. Which is why I don't want to risk eavesdroppers, which is what's going to happen if I get healed first. Got it?"

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OoC: Hmm, well it's still possible to pass it off as a poison only theory, I mean Morgan thinks she cured it, but I'm kind of fond of having Esphyr being cursed, not just by her whiny "Crimson weapon is evil!!!" but actually have her unknowingly cursed. While Cynthia did say something about curing everyone's curse at once, I don't really see why she'd have to cast the spell on Esphyr to work... unless of course Esphyr is the one cursing everyone (contagious curse XD) without knowing.

A man looked up at Esphyrs comment, the panic and shock of the day/nights events had made him obey Damians orders but he'd had enough "The girl's right, we were all happy until you monsters came into town" he snapped at Morgan. A few of the men murmured their approval. "I'll admit you've save us, and we're greatful for that, but Darien was a peaceful town until yesterday, sure we had our hardships, but we we're still alive at the end of the day." The man sensed Morgans irritation and closed his mouth but another spoke up "One of your men said the bandits set Darien on fire as a diversion while attacking you lot, it's your fault we're homeless" gaining confidence another shouted out "And the moment we go to your camp we get attacked again!"

Sabla opened her eyes, she'd been dozing but the arguing had gotten louder, she looked around and saw a group of townsfolk yelling at Morgan and Damian. Fear and grief written all over their faces, it didn't matter who was in the wrong or what the circumstances were, when people were in trouble the first thing they'd look for is someone to point the finger at. Scared of the men, she quickly hid herself behind the nearest person,

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Morgan responded coolly "Leave. Now. I am tired of your incessant whining, blaming of those not responsible, and general lack of any sort of sense. If you are too stupid to accept aid, then we will offer none. You inbred idiots can go starve, or get eaten by wolves, or whatever your hearts desire."

A man piped up "But what abou-"

Morgan interrupted him "You have made your decisions through your attacks, lack of preparedness, and baseless accusations. Since being near us is apparently the source of all your problems, leaving us should remove this problem, no? Now go, all of you. I do not care where you go, but you will not be coming with us."

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Kelas saw the trouble starting to brew. It was unlikely that anyone was currently strong enough to make things properly get ugly, but all the same... looking over the small band of villagers she recognized the faces of some that she'd pulled out of the burning camp. She couldn't quite hear what the shamaness was saying, but it couldn't be good... sure enough, as she drew nearer, she heard her order the villagers to leave. Actually... this might get ugly. "If we start fighting again now, I'm grabbing the packhorse and running for it," she muttered to nobody in particular. This isn't my problem... though it does seem a waste for everyone to have risked our lives to save people if we're just going to leave them for dead, she thought.

Her balance, at least, had returned... she slid from the mare's back, making her way quietly over to where the packhorse grazed. She hated to tack it up while it was obviously still recovering, but she had no choice... quickly she haltered and saddled it, slinging her bow across her back, and began to lead it back towards Rayton, the mage, and the girl. If worst came to worst and they had to run, she could at least put the archer and the girl on it...

OOC: Yeah, Kelas' own horse is not currently saddled. Kelas is also probably not strong enough to fight particularly well at present. Might make things interesting...

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Rayton watched with curious eyes as well. "...Sounds good to me, I'll get Sabla."

He went and staggered towards the group, which was focused on Morgan and Esphyr at the time. He tapped Sabla on the shoulder from behind and whispered into her ear. "Hey. We should go. Come on."

He could tell she was relieved to see a friendly face. He outstretched a hand for her to take. Once she wolud take it would he begin leading her back to where Kelas would come back to.

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OoC: See, no fire?

Half the townsmen hadn't said a word, preferring to be neutral to the situation but Morgans order to "get lost" hit a nerve and the entire group started yelling at her in protest, "What? So you burn our town and tell us to get lost?" a weak willed looking man asked on the verge of tears.

"Heartless wretch"

"Wicked Witch"

"Child eater"

The crowd obviously had no intentions of listening to Morgans instructions to head off, instead they retaliated by telling Morgan to get out of not only their town(area) but the entire nation of Vaorin. As weakened as they were, anger fueled their actions and they started throwing rocks, branches, sheets, whatever they could get their hands on at Morgan, some aiming for Esphyr and Damian as well.

"You killed a sister of the church"

"Vaorin will have it's revenge"

"My moldy onions, gone, all gone, it's all your fault"

"Servant of the demon lord, be gone"

A full riot had broken out.


Sabla looked at Rayton uncertainly as she was pulled away towards a woman on horseback. As if on cue, the moment they arrived the townsfolk had begun rioting again. Sabla could feel their anger emanating all the way to where she stood, it wasn't directed at her but she still felt scared regardless. She didn't need to hear their cries to understand that they weren't scared of Morgan anymore, they had lost an awful lot in one day, and their will to live, and chances of survival wouldn't change much whatever course of action they took. Seeing Morgan raise her hand Sabla buried her face in Raytons clothes, she didn't want to see people dying, not anymore then she'd already witnessed.

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Full af anger Rayton backed away from Sabla. "Go and get Kelas now. She's the woman on the horse. I need to help out here. And find that priestess from before, either her or get me a vulnerary."

"Hellion Shot!"

He called forth his crimson bow and notched an arrow, suprised to see Sabla still there. "You want to do something about this right? Well get Kelas then; she can help straighten this out I however have to calm things down. ...Be strong Sabla." He then walked forward and fired a warning shot in front of the angry townsmen. "Hold it! Have you fools lost what little mind you have left?"

What kindness he had left in his eyes was completely gone. He had enough for one night, and this is the thanks they would have received for their services? He'd straighten this out, even if he had to kill innocent townsfolk before the situation was resolved.

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OOC: I know you love riots, but this makes no sense. There are only 12 of them, some of which are like elderly and kids and stuff. They've been burned, poisoned, and it's probably about midnight so they're also dead tired. They are like physically incapable of forming a riot, even if they have no sense of self-preservation.

The vilagers began to form a "riot"...until they realized that they didn't actually have much a riot at all. Only 6 people were actually conscious, the rest were groggily recovering from the poison or exhausted from events earlier in the day. Of the 6 that were hurling insults, two passed out from the exertion of yelling and another was a 5 year old boy. Seeing their numbers dwindle considerably, the malcontents realized that they were fighting about as many armed people as there were of them, which would probably just end up killing themselves.

The villagers quickly rounded up their meager belongings and fled into the wilderness.

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Ooc: I stated somewhere that the elderly and kids are all dead, just young men (well I said mainly young men for the clerics sake, but she's dead now) Hmm, I still think it's within reason, mainly since your response was... insulting? You told them to "go away." We've discussed this before, but you seem to go along the lines of loss=grief, while my actions follow loss=anger. Most of the survivors aren't really affected by the poison since they followed Damian and Aiya out of camp immediately, others were saved by Rayton and Kelas but like the two, they've been healed (not perfectly, still very sluggish) As for being tired the same could be said about the group, most of you have been in a battle today in one shape or another and while you could argue that mercenaries have more stamina, these are rural workers, (again young men) so there wouldn't be a huge gap in stamina. (Nevermind a few of you have been injured pretty badly yourselves. I mean, Morgan nearly died XD)

Elderly/kids= false

Poison= Weren't affected


Dead Tired=As is the group

No sense of self preservation=Despair, not thinking straight, if your parents and friends all died suddenly, your feelings toward them could over-ride self-preservation, of course it'd be prone to change once some actually died and they realise what they're up against.

Physically incapable of forming a riot= See below

Hmmm, could be just wording, but riot was the best term I could think of, lets take a RL hospital, you're were in an accident, your body hurts all-over and you want to go to sleep, and all of a sudden a man completely unrelated to the hospital comes in and tells you to "get out." You might not have enough will to stand up and beat them to a pulp, but you'd have enough energy to yell at him, surely.

It's all really just based around the word "Leave" and "Now go, all of you"

As for the start of the riot? I wasn't the one that implanted the idea, I just used Esphyrs comments as a kickoff point. If one of your own suddenly admit it's your fault, and the villagers are looking for someone to blame "logic" dictates they'd blame you, in the first attack they could lash out at bandits, but the second attack has no clear offender.

Plus, my second fire attack could also be interpreted as an attack on the crimson wielders, and the townsfolk got mixed into the fray.

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OOC: I also said that most of them were still unconscious after I cured the poison, so the riot numbers are going to be way too small. You really can't form a riot with 6 people when you're fighting people who are armed! Anyway, I played the villagers as I saw fit.

Notice how I was fine with the yelling, but now they're throwing objects, which is different.

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OOC only posts ftw!

OoC: Hmm I'd counter your "they're unconscious" with then why are you (bar Damian) all conscious? And with the armored factor, again using a RL example, people riots (in numbers I admit) against armored (usually) police officers all the time. Usually when in protest against the government. I don't have any issues with you playing the villagers, so do as you like, however rock throwing, and "pushing" are different. As you corrected me in the first one, the former you can do from a distance, and flee when they retaliate,

Keep in mind your numbers aren't that great.

Esphyr: Pretty much worse off then any villager

Damian: Unconscious

Aiya: Off in the woods

Morgan: Available

Irina: Somewhere

Isotov: Non-existent yet

Michael: Somewhere

Helios: Available (I think)

Mark: Not present

Ian: Available (I think)

Kelas: Nearby but if Sabla needs to get her, not visible

Reika: Not present.

Rayton Available

So essentially it's just Morgan and Rayton in the camp with the possibility of Ian and Helios, Ian, being the only one with actual visible armor, since Two are mages, and the other an archer. You could contest Irina and Michael, but the latter is missing despite it being well and truly past easter (yes, he's been online) and assuming Irina is nearby that's still only 5 of you, 6vs5 doesn't seem completely out of the question considering only two are actually wearing armor.

Just thought of it now, but Morgan also has the reputation of black (unfavourable) magic as the shaman, her immunity (due to being away) to the poison would cause questions no?

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OOC: My main issue is that for example, during a protest the protesters outnumber policemen 10:1 or so usually. In this situation it's 2:1 at best (and some of them were unconscious). I would have been fine with had the riot been with the full refugees, but there are so few of them now I'm just not seeing it as feasible. To make a good riot, you need a sizable numerical advantage (I guess you think differently, but that seems way too bold IMO). I guess they could be so ornery they're willing to fight anyway, but they were just asked to leave (albeit rudely) the camp, not the entire region or anything.

Don't forget that they're unarmed. 6v5 sounds ok until the one side has no weapons and the other side is extremely well equipped.

I kind of like the idea of a half-assed riot attempt myself. Don't worry, there will be other bitchy vilagers I'll be sure to aggravate. ;)

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We should really take this to Feedback but meh XD

Ooc: See previous post since I changed it a bit.

What your describing sounds like a rebellion, but if that's your definition then I could call it a brawl, I generally see "riot" as when a group of people unite against someone they disagree with in a physical form. Since their target is just Morgan, and probably Rayton now, your numbers aren't that great. (Others haven't joined in yet) I could have called it a brawl, but it didn't sound right.

They were just asked to leave the camp, true, but why should they? Would you take orders from a complete stranger? I mean, they're not in town, but still near it, and they probably have more right to land then Morgan does, camp? Well we've explained it's a shoddy camp, but considering the pace at which Damian fled, and how everyone else was more worried about saving people then equipment, it's a bit hard calling it a camp.

And again commenting on what just came to mind, lets say they're injured, tired and poisoned. That's fine. But Morgan asked "all of you" to leave. Including the unconscious who can't move. They might not be best friends but in their weakened condition do you really think they'll drag their townsmen through the night? As mentioned prior it'd be suicide, so fighting Morgan isn't too different from listening to her.

Morgan: Leave

Option1: Fight Morgan and die

Option2: Fight nature and die

Conclusion, not much difference

EDIT: Hmm, my actual goal this time isn't actually to cause trouble for Morgan+co, but to make the townsfolk leave the camp, or more precisely leave the group. And frankly I didn't feel as if Morgans commands were strong enough to make them listen and leave. If they don't leave, then I need to think of another way to get rid of them (another attack, and frankly I don't want to make another one)

As I said earlier, Damians not exactly capable of transporting people considering what supplies he has, and 12 extra people is alot, the mercs could pay for themselves, but the townsfolk... well they're rural farmers their main asset is their land. If someone else wants to think of a plausible way to make them leave go ahead, I was going to wait for something along the line of what Rayton did (A warning shot) and make them all flee into the dark. Alternatively Morgan killing one of them would have worked just as well, if not better XD

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OOC: Nadesico, not really a point in going on further since Cynthia already recalled the villagers already. They can't really riot if they aren't there. Also...

*Looks at amount of OOC: posts*

*falls over backwards*

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OOC: I would assume they would just leave the unconscious people there and let Morgan and co. evacuate them if they wanted to deal with it.

Brawling unarmed against armed people in like equal numbers is like quasi-suicidal behavior. Just because people aren't wearing armor doesn't mean I'm going to try to take them out with my fists if I know they're a mage (and they obviously seem to, so why wouldn't they be intimidated at all?)

Don't forget that the majority of these guys are probably just farmers, they aren't trained to deal with tragedy, so they're pretty likely to just curl up in the fetal position. It takes pretty extraordinary individuals to have the physical and mental strength to want to brawl after all that's happened, and I really doubt these guys are that special.

Really the gist behind Morgan's speech just was that she wanted them to go away, not particularly where. I don't think the villagers have any sort of conenction to the particular patch of land, so leaving isn't much of an issue. I don't think they actually want to stay since they're apparently hostile (some non-hostile villagers would be a nice change of pace), so them going isn't a big deal. It's not as if they were told to leave town, since well there isn't a town anymore.

The guys could just head towards the nearest village (IE not dying), it's not like Morgan somehow banned them from ever seeking help, she just wants them out of her hair.

All right, well riot over, let's move on? Morgan's still going to pretty hostile to anyone she considers not in the group, be forewarned.

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OOC: Don't bite my head off... <_<

Letting out a sigh at what transpired he walked forward, being wary not to say the wrong thing. The villagers may have fled but Esphyr and Morgan were potential timebombs waiting to go off. Sheepishly rubbing the back of his head he finally spoke.

"...Is everyone alright?"

He'd have to find Sabla after this. Poor girl didn't deserve to have to see this after what happened to her.

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After Rayton fired his warning shot, the villagers fled, probably to seek aid from the nearest village or just find somewhere less hostile to sleep the night. Many of them figured that if they got away from the mysterious adventurers, their problems would end.

"Yes I'm fine" Morgan replied to Rayton. "You however, are not, look at all that blood. Those are no ordinary wounds, what happened?" Morgan could not stifle a yawn, it had been a very long and tiring day. She nearly died, twice!

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"I'm fine. I'm..."

He sighed as he couldn't hide what had happened to him from Morgan. The plus side of the situation was that with the villagers gone he'd not have to bite his tongue as much. He sat down and hugged his knees as he looked up at her.

"While I was unconscious a demon visited me. A demon from my younger years. He came asking for payment for giving me my crimson weapon. We fought, but I couldn't even scratch him while one arrow from it left me on the brink of death. He then forced me up after saying the next time we meet he would be taking over my body if I was as weak as I was when we fought."

He then shook his head and then turned away. "I don't doubt you'd turn on me when that happens, and honestly I wouldn't blame you."

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Morgan pondered Rayton's story.

"Interesting" she said. "You know I read that demons sometimes communicate with Crimson Weapon wielders through dreams. Mine never needed to bother, but this is most fortuitous."

Rayton raised an eyebrow at her "Fortuitous?"

Morgan explained "Well, you're our only direct link to the demons at the present time. You might be able to discern something about the Lord of Azure Flame and his followers...anything that could give us an indication of where and when he might strike."

She continued "Now as for the possession, this is quite a tricky matter. You should know however, that you are not the first one to face this threat. Some of the demons placed the Weapons in human hosts so that they could possess the body later, thus rendering the weapon useless."

"Unfortunately, I was not taught the spell to exorcise the demon for fairly obvious reasons. I do know the tome exists, but I am not aware of its location. In the meantime, I suggest you try not to lose so much next time. Your possession would be...unfortunate."

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"Hmm..." He began pondering her words carefully. But while he was locked in thought a flash of hope could be seen in his eyes, if only for a moment. "Don't worry. I have no intention of succumbing to his whims the next time we meet. When he spoke, there was no longer any uncertainty in his voice; it was do or die now.

He then grinned slightly. "There's about a 99 percent chance that I'm taking your comment the wrong way, but that had to have been the nicest thing you said to me."

He then shook his head after trying to mask a bit of embarassment. "Moving on. Seeing as you know the most about what's going on with me I'd like to ask if you were interested in a little one-on-one training? You know, so I can both learn more about what you're talking about and to improve my skills as well. You don't have to do so right away but I'd appreciate it if you took the time to do so."

I will become stronger. Just you wait...

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