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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 2: Glimpses of Elyisima


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"You're right...I haven't..." Aiya replied.She could see the tension in Kelas' stance,and continued.

"I won't pry if you don't wish to discuss it,everyone has things they dislike talking about."

"Anyway,you don't seem to be a wielder...what brought you to join our merry little brigade?"

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"I'm not really sure that I have. I ran into some of your people while fighting bandits a town back, and then found the fires here... I don't know where I'm going after this. What's your group after, anyway, other than apparently killing a lot of bandits?"

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Helios took out his silver bow. Apparently he was going to give it to Kelas or Rayton but if he had to hunt like this then he would rather keep it. He saw a Elk drinking by the river. He took a shot that sped through the creatures stomach. It fell with a thud and died on contact. He bought it back to where everyone was. "I am assuming someone knows how to cook".

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"Several members of our group hold Crimson weapons...they are necessary to defeat the demon lord...so if we stay together,it is easier to keep us all alive and ready."

"But you should stick around if it's not too much of an imposition...while you do not hold a crimson weapon,the Nomad's skill with a bow is legendary,you would be great to have around."

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"Where are you headed next?" Kelas asked.

She glanced briefly over at the returning mage, dragging what appeared to be a dead elk. How on Earth was he dragging it? It was bigger than he was!

"See, I'm looking for someone, and, well... If we're going the same way, I might stick around," she explained.

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"Thanks... Elysimia?" Kelas thought for a moment. "Yeah, he might be there," she muttered. "I guess I'll be sticking with you for a bit then." She looked over to the mage, who was displaying a mixture of distress and annoyance as he looked around for someone to deal with the elk. "Oh for..." she grumbled as she went over to the carcass, pulling out her belt knife. "Either you can help me skin this thing, or you can go get some firewood," she said over her shoulder as she tried to shove the elk over to an area where the smell of entrails wouldn't interfere with anyone's recovery. Satisfied that it was far enough away, she began to skin it, estimating that it would be more than enough for the camp to eat.

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Helios went back into the forest though not far and cast Elwind on a tree chopping it down into little pieces. Satisfied with his work he began to hide some firewood near the site. He gathered a bunch of fire wood and brought it back to the nomad. She was busy skinning the elk. "Anything else you need help with" he asked

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Helios nodded as he picked up the firewood and dropped it near her. "I'll go look for a stream". He turned around dumbfounded. "Uh how do i bring it back" He asked

( XD XD XD )

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"Actually, I'll go look for that," Kelas said, getting up from butchering the elk, wiping her hands, and untying the packhorse from a nearby tree. "You might still be useful. I've got a couple of waterskins to fill; the others should probably have a few around somewhere too. Can you go get them?"

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"No, I've got the horse, and I can tell good water from bad. Tell you what..." She was running out of diversions. "You should come with, I can teach you a couple of useful things on the way." She started to lead the packhorse into the woods. "First off, you want dry wood for any fire unless you're wanting smoke signals. Pine's good for heat, broadleaves are good for cooking..." They came to a small, clear stream. "Ah. This won't work. We should check upstream, then keep going..."

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He kept up with her lead. On the way he was trying to distinguish the difference between dry wood and regular ones. He was glad she tagged along. If she hadn't then Helios would have brought the foul water back. He kept up still trying to tell the difference.

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"Here we are," she announced, stopping at a part where the water was murkier. "You want to look for water that doesn't look so great. If there's nothing living in it, there's probably a reason; it's usually poisonous. This will need boiling, but it should be all right."

She began to fill the waterskins, tying them back onto her packs when they were full. "Right, we're probably good for now," she said after the mage had filled a few more. "I'll set up the fire when we get back, if nobody else has yet."

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Helios nodded as he followed her. He kept thinking that all this time he was wrong. Back in Tora people used to say that when an animal doesnt live in a spring then the water is fresh. Nevertheless he learned some valuable information that he might need later on if he is going to keep hunting. They arrived at the camp.

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OOC: Shouldn't people be allowed to actually get some sleep? You two probably need to sleep as well. We should probably just have a Night Passes! event soon.

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OOC: Argh, and here I thought the last fire had been in the dead of last night, we'd spent the morning recovering from it, and it was now late afternoon or so... at any rate, fix'd such that people will sleep, and we won't burn down the forest overnight or anything. It's hard keeping track of time in text format >_<

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Rayton leaned up against a tree and fell asleep moments later. He could be heard murmuring in his sleep about events that happened today. Apparently his body may have been tired, but his mind was still revved up to a certain extent because of all that happened.

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On the road to Viridian City Elyisima

Time... So much time had passed, and with every moment, the monster that had once been Katie's apprentice had slowly sated his overwhelming hunger. Thousands of tiny white hairs now dotted the roadside, as if the pathway were a unshaven old man. All about the animated corpse, the sickly brown color of dead grass had replaced what had once been verdant green fields. Hards of cattle, once living, now stood only as pure white bones; captured in wild thralls of attempted escape and held in their ghastly visage by the ever-growing mass of white tendrils. Wherever they grew, many thousands upon thousands of tiny mushrooms grew up to form tiny forests and orchards. The fields were rotting... and he was still HUNGRY!


It had taken her seven hundred books, but at last, laid out before Katie, was the answer to her problem. Rather, not quite the answer as to what had killed her apprentices... but to the only possible conclusion of what had happened to them. Demons would not have held much interest in a low-level magi, and bandits could not have produced such similar times of death. Most other wild creatures held no such desire or capability, magical or otherwise, to perform such a feat unless her apprentices had somehow managed to tick off a river full of Nyaids,except for one creature. Not just one creature, one individual being within the species.

Helenos: The Queen of Rot and Decay

A dragoness of extreme power, Helenos served as one of the primary monsters in the service of the Lord of Azure Flame. Helenos is capable of causing living creatures to decay before her very eyes and feeding upon the energy given off by their rotting. Though she served a overall minor role in the conflict, she often feasted on small towns and cities during her time as the servant of the Lord of Azure Flame. Helenos is one of the few non-human beings recognized as being intelligent and it is suspected that she served as the Lords scout and subterfuge expert. Her favored method of attack was to send animated corpses into towns and cities where they would suddenly extend thousands of mushrooms to consume the entire town. Defeated, but not slain, by Harold of Elyisima. See: Helenos (page 827 The Complete Compendium of Monsters and Dragons)

It made the most sense... Three mages... Not likely chosen for their position, but rather for being the most powerful magical beings in the area at the time; suddenly overwhelmed, slain, and turned in to walking bombs. With rumors and tales of the Crimson Weapons resurfacing, it made sense overall that Helenos would seen to find them to shatter the Fire Emblem and unlock her masters full power. This was bad indeed... And Katie had no clue what to do! Disheartened, she slumped down against the pile of books, afraid and worried at her conclusion.

With Everyone Else

Esphyr grunted in disapproval at Morgan's chiding remarks as the mage woman fell to the ground, fast asleep. "Of course I didn't hunt." she shot back to no one in particular. "After all, not like I expected all this to happen."

Either way, right or wrong, Morgan was now fast asleep, and Esphyr had naught to do. Most people themselves were knocked out... and she felt like dropping herself at the moment. After all, fighting, escaping from a burning town, and being poisoned were not typically energy-restoring things. She was somewhat surprised that she herself was still awake. Soon, though, she was following Morgan's example and fast asleep.

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The meat had been cooked and stored, the water boiled and packed back up, the fire doused... Kelas had been sitting watch in the bough of a tree for a while now. She yawned, scanned the area for the thousandth time, and saw nothing again for the thousandth time. Perhaps someone else could take watch now... she climbed down from the tree, stretching sore legs, and walked over to Helios. The mage was so soundly asleep that Kelas could not wake him without waking anyone else... nobody else was in good enough condition to keep watch, but Kelas was still recovering from her mad dashes through the flaming camp... it was not as though she was not accustomed to sleeping lightly enough to react to any trespasser... her horse would wake her...

"Amari, kanda," she mumbled as she pulled a blanket from the saddlebags. Amari and the packhorse-- she'd have to name the gelding at some point, Kelas thought absently-- were grazing unconcernedly, the latter's halter loosely tied to a tree. At the command word, the mare looked up briefly in acknowledgement, then went back to grazing, though her ears flicked back and forth more, keeping alert for unusual noises.

Satisfied that she'd be woken by any disturbance, Kelas quickly fell asleep.

OOC: Yeah, dropping guard's not exactly smart, but Kelas is kind of exhausted...

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