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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 2: Glimpses of Elyisima


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OOC: Damn i forgot to mention it but Helios is under insomnia

He can keep guard seeing he has nothing to do

Kelas feel asleep. Helios didn't expect her to stay awake very long. He stood up and watched over the camp. He gazed at the night sky. He had nothing to do. He could not fall asleep. He was hoping that he could sneak away when Kelas wasn't paying attention but that had failed since she fell asleep. He took out a book and started reading. The night passed quickly by the time he finished the book and the sun was starting to breach the horizon.

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The sun warmed Aiya's body. The morning sunlight hurt her eyes that had adjusted to the night.

Aiya had stayed awake the whole night watching over Damian,and the camp at the same time,since Kelas had fallen asleep.

The others began to stir,and Aiya's tired feeling began to escalate rapidly.By the time the others had awoken,Aiya had fallen asleep agianst Damian.

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OOC: Oh well then.

Helios heard rustling. He turned around quickly to see everyone waking up. For a second he thought that they were under attack. He put his book away and waited. If Damian dint wake up from his trance they would have to spend one more night here.

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OOC: Well, at least we didn't all fall asleep and have something silly happen to us...

Kelas awoke to sunlight. Quickly she sat up, shaking herself out of the dream. Fire, the flock scattered, most of the horses stolen... She hoped she hadn't been calling out in her sleep again.

Seeing that the others were beginning to stir, she rekindled the fire, warming up some of the venison. If everyone was well enough, the journey would begin again...

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"...Draengor...tyrant...must defeat...," Rayton mumbled in his sleep. Moments later he woke up in a cold sweat, breathing heavily as he looked around. He checked himself and saw that he finally recovered from yesterday.

Yawning he rose to his feet and walked around, looking for anyone that have awoken already. A new day, a new ordeal. Perhaps I should buy a bow today so I don't kill myself in combat. Either that or get some healing supplies

He came across Kelas, who had been tending to the fire. He took a seat nearby, letting out a bit of a yawn. "...Morning."

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With the coming of the following morning, Esphyr was up and about as the sun rose. "Hurry up! We need to get up and get going. Staying here is a bad idea as we're exposed to the open and bandits can easily attack us. If we hurry, we can make it to Elyisima today!"

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Morgan woke up, feeling refreshed after finally getting some sleep.

She nodded at Eshpyr's suggestion. "Going to Elyisima seems to be our best option right now, so let's get a move on as soon as we can."

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"Good morning," Kelas replied to the archer. "There's venison if you want breakfast."

At the swordswoman's remark, Kelas got up and stretched. She was definitely ready to go; she was not used to staying in one camp for any length of time. She set about getting her mare and the packhorse ready to go.

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"Always in such a rush, sheesh...at least take in that killer sunrise," Rayton mumbled while eating a bit of venison after prepping it. He looked at the sunrise himself and allowed his mind to wander a little. Perhaps this is a sign that our luck will be better today...

He finished and quickly arose. "Looks like we're heading out in a bit. Hope the others are awake already."

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His limns still ached from the ritual of the night before.The dark magic siphoning his life force has hurt more than anything he had ever experienced...aside from the experiments.

Ugh...just the thought of such things let's me taste the blood in my mouth again...

Everything was still dark.He couldn't open his eyes,but he was starting to see the light make it's way through his eyelids,the warmth soothing his aching muscles.

Why can't I open my eyes yet...?This is weird...although,what was I to expect from such a ritual...


His eyes opened this time.The camp was starting to stir,and Damian was about to get up when he noticed the person beside him.Aiya had fallen asleep and was laying against his chest,breathing softly and calmly. Damian gently laid her down on the bed he had slept on,and began to stand,his legs still shaky.

Still a bit dizzy...just give it a minute... Damian thought to himself,and the others noticed he had awoken,and some of them walked in his direction,presumably to check up on him.

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Helios for once agreed with the shaman. Moving on to Elysima is the best thing to do. He kicked Ian and told him to wake up. Ian woke up and went to serve himself. Helios saw Damian awake. "So did you sleep well" Helios asked sarcastically.

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"Why are you guys agreeing with me?" asked Esphyr, a curious look on her face. "I'm just the merc. If I were you, I would suggest getting Daiman up and about and ready to lead on. Maybe we should tie him to his steed if he's still sleepy."

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"If anyone is still unable to walk, they can ride the packhorse," Kelas offered. "So long as they're honest enough to not steal my saddle, that is." She had loaded her saddle onto the packhorse already. The gelding's face bore scars from mistreatment by a former master, and its mouth showed the use of an unnecessarily cruel bit, so it now wore a halter instead of a bridle. A thorough check of its legs found that it was sound enough to ride, though, and its shoes were in good condition.

Her own mare was groomed, bridled and ready to go. "Who isn't awake yet?" Kelas asked, anxious to get going.

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"Not sure...," Rayton rplied as he began scanning the area for the others. He noted Esphyr and Morgan right off the bat and noted several others near Damian as well. "Seems that most of them are awake, or half-awake at least."

"I think it would be better if we were all in one place if we're ready," he muttered. Rayton then cracked his knuckles then headed where he saw Damian and Helios at. Seeing as there was no doubt that Kelas wouldn't want to head anywhere near Morgan Rayton sighed, and then decided to fetch her and Esphyr himself after rendezvousing with Damian and the others around him.

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It seemed the others had been waiting for him.Damian heard that they all wished to move out as quickly as possible.

"Alright then,we will pack up whatever we need from here,and move out directly afterward." Damian announced,as he began to pack up.

"By the way,Kelas...everyone is awake except Aiya...she likely didn't sleep at all last night...she never does when something like this happens to me..."

Damian looked down to the ground in guilt.Every time he was injured,she would stay by his bedside for days,refusing to sleep so long as he was unable to defend himself,and she would forget to eat if he did not remind her.

"I'd prefer it if i didn't have to wake her...do you think you could have her ride with you?Your mare seemed to like her..."

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Seeming that they werent going to move right now Helios took out his book and started reading. He checked his pack to see if anything was missing. "Bow ,tome ,books ,more books ,jar". He rustled through his pack till he felt something smooth. He took out a pendant. He looked at it with curiosity. He never had something like this before. He put it on. There was a emerald on it and it seemed to have glistened when he put it on. He packed up and headed toward Damian. "So are moving or we going to stay here forever"?

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"Get moving!" exclaimed Esphyr, clearly eager to get up and about at last. "We've been here too long already. By now, several bandits have doubtless taken note of our location. To dally here is to invite them in! Elyisima is, at least, stable as a nation!"

Might as well post monster stats now.

Wave 1:

Monster mesh X 6

HP: 6 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 0 LCK: 0 DEF: 4 RES: 2

Weapons: Tendrils (counts as axe). CAN NOT BE STOLEN!

Leech: For every two points of damage that Monster Mesh deals to a target, it regains 1 HP. CAN EXCEED MAXIMUM!

Poison: If a 6 is rolled on a SKL roll, inflicts poison on the target (poison reduces your maximum HP by 1 until the wave is over.)

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"Calm down a bit" he told Esphyr. "Aiya is asleep and we cant afford to have her attacked". "We need to make a defensive position". He looked at Morgan. "Im going to leave that for since all im good for is parlor tricks" Helios told the shaman.

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"No,Esphyr is right." Damian said to Helios.

"Aiya will be fine,and we need to get to Elyisima as quickly as possible.Since Kelas doesn't seem to have room..." Upon saying this,Damian lifted Aiya in a comfortable position as not to wake her,and then continued:

"Alright everyone,let's get moving!"

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Helios rolled his eyes. Why the hell dont they just consider his idea? He just had a feeling that they were going to get attacked. Helios kept up with the group.

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" If we are attacked, we simply need to defend ourselves. Fear of attack is no reason not to keep moving."

The group moved towards Elyisima, unknowing of the threat near them....

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