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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 2: Glimpses of Elyisima


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Damian: (5,2,3) Hit! Damian does 2 damage. Damian loses 1 HP.

Damian's lance dug into the mesh, severing some minor threads. He readied for another hit as the mesh's main tentacle swung at him.

Mesh2: (3,4,3) Miss!

Damian quickly sidestepped the tentacle, and stabbed again:

Damian: (2,6,2) Hit! Damian does 6 damage. Damian loses 1 HP.

The mesh collapsed into dust as Damian's lance struck its core. He looked to Aiya, then both turned towards the next target.

Mesh2 dies! Damian: 5/15 HP

Kelas turned her bow back to the first mesh she'd attacked.

Kelas attacks Mesh6.

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Everything happened in an instant. They'd just been inspecting the field when suddenly the ground tremored and what appeared to have been flowers from a distance suddenly sprang to life as vicious waving tentacles. The nomad began shooting arrows at one, while Damian and the girl he'd been carrying teamed up on another, felling it. Tessa felt rooted to the spot with surprise while she watched Damian take a heavy blow, then realized she had to spring into action.

By the time she'd gathered her wits, and retrieved her sword from Trevor, in case of an emergency, another of the tentacles had fallen, and Damian now seemed to be bleeding very badly. "Stay put, boy. I know you don't like these things, so I'm not going to force you," she said, patting him on the head, before dashing off after the group of mercenaries engaging in battle, staff at the ready.

She weaved her way toward them, gave a quick prayer "Holy light, aid this man," then lightly touched Damian with the bulb of the staff, and a warm light enfused him. (+2HP Damian: 7/15)

Meanwhile, the nomad was firing off another volley of arrows.

(Mesh base stats for my reference: HP: 6 STR: 2 MAG: 0 SKL: 4 SPD: 0 LCK: 0 DEF: 4 RES: 2)



Hit = 4+2 = 6 > 0 Ev = Hit! Critical!

Damage = 2 + 1 - 6 = 0 = 1 damage!


Hit = 4 + 4 = 8 > 0 Ev = Hit!

Damage = 2 + 2 - 6 = 0 damage!

[Mesh 6: 12/18 HP]

One of the arrows bounced off of the rubbery flesh ineffectually, while the other dealt a grazing blow.

[[OOC: I hope I didn't muss up the combat too badly.]]

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Helios whirled, throwing the spell at the mesh. (We'll call it Mesh3, that one hasn't showed up yet...)

Helios: (6,3,3) Hit! Critical hit! Helios does 15 damage! Helios takes 1 damage!

The wind ripped through the mesh, cutting it down to less than half its former size. Helios gestured again.

Helios: (2,3,1) Hit! Helios does 3 damage! Helios takes 1 damage! Mesh defeated!

Helios: 7/9 HP

Helios grinned: that lucky hit had left the thing vulnerable to his second spell. He turned, looking for another target.

Kelas gritted her teeth, determined to do more serious damage to the mesh with her next shot... she raised her bow again.

Kelas (12/12) attacks Mesh6 (12/18)!

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Kelas fired two arrows into the mesh in quick succession,each embedding themselves into the mesh,doing seemingly negligible damage.

Seeing that Kelas was having trouble damaging the Mesh,Aiya and Damian rushed toward it,Aiya swinging her Blade at the core of the Mesh,and Damian taking a swig of his vulnerary before he attacked.

Kelas(2,5,1) 6 hit - 0 Evd,hit! 7 Atk - 6 Def = 1 Damage!

Kelas(1,5,2) 5 hit - 0 Evd,hit! 7 Atk - 6 def = 1 Damage!

Mesh6 10/18

Aiya attacks Mesh6(Doubling)

Damian uses Vulnerary! Damian 10/15 Hp

Damian attacks Mesh6(If it survives Aiya)If not,Damian attacks Mesh4(With Gae Borg)

Mesh2,Mesh5,and Mesh3 are dead,Mesh6 is injured

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Aiya attacks the Mesh.

(Rolls 4,6,3) Aiya stabs her sword into the mesh for 5 damage.

Mesh counters (5,3,2) Mesh hits her back for 4 damage

Aiya doubles (6,5,5) criticals for 20 damage

Aiya slices the mesh in half killing it

Damian attacks the mesh with his Gae-bolg

(Rolls 1,6,3) Damian stabs the mesh hitting it with 2 damage.

The mesh hits back (3,6,1) misses

Damian stabs the mesh again (6,3,2)

Damian deals 6 damage

Mesh4 = 7hp

Damian has 8hp

Ian saw Damian injure a Mesh. Heres my chance Ian thought as he charged at the Mesh4

Helios feeling satisfied with killing the Mesh went looking for another mesh

He saw another mesh approach him

Helios's Hp 7/9

Mesh1's Hp 15/15

Helios attacks with Elwind

Ian attacks from afar with magic sword

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Okay,let's see here.

Aiya has 4 Def,so The mesh dealt 1 damage,not 4,because it has 2 str

Damian's first hit dealt 5 Damage.

Mesh had 7 hit to Damian's 8 Avo,it missed Damian.

Damian dealt 2 Damage with his second hit.

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Okay,let's see here.

Aiya has 4 Def,so The mesh dealt 1 damage,not 4,because it has 2 str

Damian's first hit dealt 5 Damage.

Mesh had 7 hit to Damian's 8 Avo,it missed Damian.

Damian dealt 2 Damage with his second hit.

OOC: Ugh i have a major headache and this isnt helping

I calculated it already

Your support bonuses are killing me

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Tessa glances around quickly, both of the swordswoman seem to be taking damage, and she wasn't sure who to heal. However seeing the red head get lashed once again by a tentacle made her decision for her. It was also convenient because she was close by, having just healed Damian, so she manuevered over, and healed her! [Aiya +2 HP, now 9/12]

Helios confidently approached another of the tentacles, prepared to do some spell-slinging. He got in a good clean wind hit, but this must have angered the tentacle, as it wrapped itself around him, picked him up, and began mercilessly pummeling him into the ground. Helios found his vision slowly fading to black.

Helios Rolls:

Helios' first: [5,4,1]

5 + 3 = 8 > 0 Evade, Hit!

4 + 3 = 7 might - 3 res = 4 damage!

Monster Mesh counters: [4,6,1]

4 + 4 = 8 > 7 evade, Hit!

6 + 2 = 8 might - 1 Defense = 7 damage! Helios goes down! Monster Mesh heals 3 HP!

Helios' double: [2,6,3]

(fails due to unconscious)

Helios HP: 0/9

Mesh1 HP: 15/18

Ian had charged into the fray, going after the monster that Damian had been wounding. However all of his blows glanced off powerlessly and all he earned for his trouble was a healthy bruising.

[ian's Stats HP: 9 STR: 3 HIT: 3 EVADE: 4 DEF/RES: 2/2 Skill, Slayer (reverses weapon triangle: uses swords, tentacles are axes)]

Ian's Rolls:


3 + 3 - 1 (WTD) = 5 > 0 Evade. Hit

3 + 2 = 5 might - 6 def = 0 damage

Monster Mesh counters:


3 + 4 = 7 > 4 Evade. Hit

6 + 2 + 1 (WTA) = 9 might - 3 def = 6 damage.

Ian's double:


3 + 1 - 1 (WTD) = 3 > 0 Evade. Hit!

3 + 3 = 6 might - 6 def = 0 damage.

Ian HP: 3/9

Mesh HP: 11/18

Edit: I just reread things this morning and realized Mesh1 had previously been minorly injured by Kelas. It's total HP is adjusted down by two to reflect that in the summary. Also, I went back and filled in Mesh4's total HP Summary, which I had previously left out due to lazy and zero damage meaning it was okay to be lazy.

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OOC: The only people that can avoid counters rules wise are people with bows. I'm also not summarizing any battles since I'm going after the healer.

Morgan attacks a mesh!

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Morgan attacked the Mesh (4,5,3) Morgan hits the Mesh with flux (4+4-2=6) Morgan deals 6 damage

Mesh hits back (6,6,3) the mesh hits 8 damage

Morgan attacks again (6,3,2) Morgan hits the mesh again with flux (4+6-2) Morgan deals 8 damage

Mesh 1/15hp

Morgan 1/9

Before i send Ian to attack again ,can i choose whether he activates his ability or not?

And does a killing edge automatically critical or what

"Dammit" Helios said. His strength draining away from him. He could not fight. Ian chugged down his Elixir. Helios retreated toward the rear. There were not many mesh's left.

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Kelas saw the mage fall. It wouldn't do for the parasite to eat him... she jumped her horse over a rootlike mass of mesh and debris and slid off, scooping up the unconscious man and shoving him clumsily onto the mare's back. She ran alongside the mare, heading for the clear zone where the other horses waited.

OOC: I've basically just used the "rescue" command. Kai, if you want Helios to keep fighting, try for a saving roll now, or Kelas is going to get him properly off the battlefield. As for activating Ian's skill, it doesn't matter, because he's already got weapon trial advantage. I'd say use normal crit rules for now; automatic crit seems a bit cheap. We should work out some rule for killer weapons later.

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OOC; I apologize for not posting the rolls. I am timepressed ATM and wanna keep going. Also; Esphyr should have 4 HP due to Crimson Weapon use. Also... Considering I attacked mesh 5 previously and made no indication I was attacking another mesh... I would assume mesh 5 would be the target again!

IC: Esphyr's teeth gritted together as the vine tendril smashed into her side; knocking her back a bit. She had scored a somewhat meaty blow upon the core; but it was nowhere near what she needed to fell the darned thing! To make matters worse, her crimson weapon seemed... well... pointless in the fight. The vines were very strong and she knew that her power was unneeded to sever them. Reluctantly, she recalled the external plasma of her sword; dimming down it's light until only the normal iron blade remained. However, the power of her crimson blade was still clear and present; and she was not about to back down!

"I don't care how tough you are you overgrown mushroom; you will NOT get me!" she hissed before she thrust her sword deep into the core, seeking to sever it apart.

OOC: Esphyr is attacking Monster Mesh #5 again (Arcanium active for +1 STR). Also, she has WTA as well.

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Tessa looked on in horror as the green haired mage was battered senseless, but the nomad rushed in and swooped off with him quickly, taking him to an area of relative safety, so her immediate concern was alleviated. At almost the same moment though, the white-robed shaman just traded crippling blows with a nearby tentacle and was knocked, staggering, to her knees.

Tessa knew what she had to do, and leapt into action. "Oh Light! Protect and surround this woman with your warm embrace." [Morgan +2 HP, now at 3/9]. After healing the shaman, she turned toward the tentacle and interposed herself between the two. "I don't care if you strike me, but you're not going to hit her again, you hear!" she yelled at it.

[[OOC: If there's a GM enemy phase post, I'm hoping Tessa can get in the way and take the hit. Of course, this doesn't affect counters, and is by no means an obligation, but is more of a suggestion, really.]]

[[OOC: Snowy, Mesh5 was previously killed, I'm redirecting you at Mesh1: 15/18 HP as opposed to Mesh4: 1/18 HP, considering you're activating Arcanium and are a heavy hitter, if you disagree with this, rearrange things. Also, I'm confused that your statsheet image doesn't match the stats listed in the info thread. The stats I'm using are from there:

STR: 3 (4 when Arcanium is active), Hit: 2, Evade: 5. If this is in error, I apologize.]]

Esphyr's rolls: [3,4,4]

2 + 3 = 5 > 0 Evade. Hit! Critical!

4 + 4 + 1 (WTA) = 9 might - 3 res = 6 x 2 = 12 damage!

Mesh's counter: [1,5,2]

1 + 4 - 1 (WTD) = 4 < 5 Evade. Miss!

Esphyr's double: [5,2,2]

5 + 2 = 7 > 0 Evade. Hit! Critical!

2 + 4 + 1 (WTA) = 7 might - 3 res = 4 x 2 = 8 damage!

Esphyr let out a roar, and unleashed a flurry of sword strokes at the thing, hacking off large chunks of wriggling flesh! The tentacle feebly tried to resist, and mount a counter-offense, but she nimbly avoided it, and dealt the killing blow, cleaving the vile thing clear in twain.

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What an odd girl, Morgan thought. She didn't look too sturdy herself, yet she was jumping out ahead of her? Quite unusual behavior.

"Move to the right!" Morgan shouted at the girl, who quickly obliged. She used Flux against the Mesh who had attacked her previously.

(OOC: No point rolling, I auto hit and deal at least 1 damage)

The tentacle stopped moving (Mesh4 defeated, leaving none? ).

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Helios jumped off the horse. "Im fine" he told Kelas. He was trying to hide the pain. He was definitely not doing a good job. "I could walk". He looked around. "No more" he asked. "What the hell were those"?

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"Good, you're awake. Get on the horse and aim for the gap-- she'll jump it. Get out of here. We'll finish them off soon." Kelas saw that the mage was in no condition to fight. "Come on, get."

OOC: Who offed Mesh6? If it's dead, yeah, I think they're gone; if not, we're not done yet. If we're not done, Helios will need to make a saving roll to keep fighting.

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OOC: Aiya took down Mesh6. And i am not taking the saving roll yet

"There aren't anymore left" he told Kelas. He looked around to make sure everyone was still around. "We should continue to on to Elysima". "There could more of those creatures in this forest".

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OOC: The saving roll is to remain conscious. I guess we can pretend like you made it, since Helios is walking and talking and other actions which unconscious people don't do.

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