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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 2: Glimpses of Elyisima


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"Hey, can you heal the kid before he knocks himself out again?" Kelas called to Tessa. As the girl ran over with her staff, Kelas went to calm the packhorse. She'd seen it rearing and jumping about in panic during the fight; now, it stood shaking. She caught hold of its halter and pulled its head down, muttering calming nonsense into its ear until it stopped fidgeting so much.

She looked around: the nearest monsters were dissolving into dust along with the carpet of uncanny plants they had brought, but there were more up ahead. Where had they all come from?

Seeing that some of her arrows were now intact, she collected them. Mounting her horse again, Kelas waited for the group's next decision.

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"I don't like this." said Esphyr, her voice barely a mutter. The mercenary had her eyes trained upon the field, carefully searching them for any further sign of movement. "No way could such little mesh have caused all this on its own." It was true. All before her for quite a ways, the field had been completely and utterly decimated to the point where nothing alive remained besides the small group. Even if every bit of mesh had been thinly stretched across the field, it could not have possibly covered it all enough to drain all the life from the field. There had to be more.

"Everyone! Keep your guard up! That can't be the last of it. Morgan, you know shadowy things. Do you know what those things were or who made them?"

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Morgan pondered and replied "Some form of rot magic perhaps? It is quite unusual for such things to just appear, this is an unusual occurence indeed. Regardless, leaving seems to be a sound plan."

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"Move to the right!" she'd heard the woman behind her shout, and Tessa was quick to obey. A blast of dark magic passed through the space she'd just been, hitting and destroying the final tentacle.

She turned around and congratulated the shaman, "Good work there! Are you feeling okay though, you had just taken a nasty hit? I know I helped some but..." However, a call from the nomad reminded her of the other wounded, and she went off without waiting for a reply. "Sorry! Looks like I'll be busy for a bit here. We'll talk more later, okay?"

Quickly making her way to where Kelas and Helios were waiting, she performed some first aid on the mage, and made sure that the worst of his wounds were properly mended. While she had been tending to him, Kelas had been busying herself with other tasks, but as Tessa finished she had returned. Turning to her she asked, "And yourself, are you hurt anywhere? Or your horse, is she fine too?"

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"I'm all right," Kelas assured the cleric as she checked over her horse. The mare was fine barring a few minor scratches and-- ah. "Can you fix that cut on her leg?" Kelas asked, indicating a gash on the mare's foreleg. "Thanks."

After that was done, she surveyed the landscape, seeing more of the strange plants up ahead. She turned back to the group. "We'll have to clear that. Do you think burning those things would help at all?"

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Morgan nodded "That should stop them from regenerating, and discoruage more from reappearing. Try not to burn down the whole forest though, that would be inconvenient."

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"If burning the remains will hinder those things,I'm all for it." Damian said in response to then current conversation.

"Anyway,we should heal our wounds,and get moving,this place still doesn't feel right." Aiya added,and the pair moved in toward the rest of the group.

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Esphyr's eyes narrowed in on the more distant parts of the field, fervently scanning for any sign of a second attack. She did not have to wait long at all; for soon she could make out four figures moving towards them. They strode across the field with ease, seeming to ignore the rot entirely; for they were mounted upon massive steeds formed of the tendrils. In their hands, massive spears made of crafted bone pointed high to the heavens. One of their horses pulled back, rearing up and letting loose a demonic whinny before it came crashing back down in a explosion of mushroomy tendrils that washed forth like a wave at the beach before it rose up again to reform into the rot knight.

"****!" a choice swear word slipped from Esphyr's mouth at the sight of the four warriors. "I think we need to get away from here now!"

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Hearing Esphyr swear,Damian and Aiya turned towards the forming Rot knights.

"Are you ****ing kidding me?!" Damian swore as well.

'Okay...really,let's just get away...now!" Aiya added.

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Kelas grabbed for the packhorse's halter as it reared up in a panic. "<Deathwind?>" she hissed, not realizing the lapse into the nomad language, as she saw the things that looked to have come straight out of the elders' stories. But those had just been myths for scaring misbehaving children... these were real, and advancing.

"Somebody get on the packhorse before it bolts and let's go!" Kelas said tersely, jumping onto her mare's back.

OOC: This is going to be interesting, given that one can't outrun a galloping horse on foot... I assume we're about to end up fighting these guys?

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Tessa leapt onto Trevor's back, and quickly settled into the saddle. She checked to make sure that her sword was free in its scabbard, and that she could draw it quickly if things came to that. She'd never actually used it in real combat, only in the training exercises she'd begged Sir Dustin for, so she wasn't exactly sure of her ability, but it had to be better than nothing.

Wheeling around a bit, she looked in the direction Esphyr had indicated, and inhaled deeply. Those advancing monsters looked far from friendly. She was starting to wish she hadn't been so carefree about things earlier, and had tried to convince these people not to investigate the strange field, but it was too late to try to change the past now.

"D-Do you think we can really escape them? They look to be moving q-quite quickly," she stammered, "It doesn't look like h-hiding is an option either," she added, gazing at the mostly flat plains.

Composing herself again, she finished "If we're making a run for it, though, I suppose Trevor can probably hold one more person if they're light." She looked around and waited for someone to volunteer themself.

[[OOC: It's possible that there's some radius of effect that we can get safely beyond, but combat is also quite likely to be honest. If people still need healing, which I'm sure they do, they should probably ask for it quickly, perhaps?]]

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OOC: Hmm

Unmounted units







Horseback units



Yeah im pretty sure we can escape <_<

Splitting up would be good

The 2 units leave while the rest of us fight

I know its suicide but what choice do we have?

Or we could just bite the dust and fight them off

"Dammit" Helios said looking at the four warriors. "We cant all escape". He turned to Damian. "What should we do"?

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OOC: We have three mounted units.Phoenix hasn't been doing much,but Irina is here,and we have the packhorse. Assuming each can carry one person,that is all but two.A wyvern can likely take an extra,and one of the horses may be able to take a third rider,if we put lighter characters on it,like Helios and Morgan. If that doesn't fly,you did say that Ian was just a filler character...heroic sacrifice?

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[OOC: Assuming each horse can carry 2 people, we can put 4 of the 6 unmounted units on a horse (remember, the packhorse doesn't have a designated rider). Add the wyvern, we've got one person on the ground. Creative assignments of people of different weights could plausibly put that person on Tessa's horse (I'm assuming he's the biggest horse) or the wyvern (they're huge). Would also recommend that whoever gets on Kelas' horse is a decent rider, so they don't fall when she starts pulling crazy stunts.

Also, having the healer escape before anyone else is a bad idea. I'm assuming we're currently running at the rate of the slowest foot unit, and will start fighting the things when they catch up with us/when Snowy posts stats.]

"Stop deliberating and start running!" Kelas shouted, wheeling her horse around. "Amari can carry another one of you, the packhorse can get two, let's go!" It was taking all her willpower to not panic...

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OOC: If i can make a new one and assume that he escaped then maybe

And Irina has to make it in time though


Overall we have 8 characters (Not counting Irina)

Kelas and Tessa are mounted so that leaves us with 6

Irina can take two so four left

Horses can take one each with will leave us with 2 people

Crimson Weapons are first prioty

I propose that Ian and Aiya stay behind

Then somehow they escape and make it back to us after the next chapter

OR we can give the horse some extra weight

Edited by Kai-Sama
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"Sounds good to me." Damian said after hearing Kelas impatient outburst,and he quickly mounted Amari with her.

"Don't worry about me,I'm fine with horses." He told her,since she seemed to want a half decent rider.

Aiya grabbed Esphyr quickly and pulled her towards the packhorse, "Just hold on tight,okay Esphyr?" She told her,getting ready to ride off.

During this time,Morgan had climbed unto trevor with Tessa,and Helios and Ian had gotten onto Irina's wyvern.

"Now let's get the **** out of here!" Damian shouted,and all the mounts began to retreat.

OOC:There,I paired people up,done.

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OOC: The horses were going to be tired anyway. There generally seems to be some amount of rest in between chapters... anyway, we'll deal with that when they get there.

Kelas gritted her teeth as the soldier bounced behind her. He was probably used to using a saddle... no time to worry about it though.

"Are they still after us?" Kelas asked, not tearing her eyes from the path in front of them.

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The horse ride was rough...but that was expected.

"Damn...it's been a while since I've ridden bareback..." he said offhandedly,but the nomad seemed happier to hear he had some experience with it.

Hearing her question,he looked back and replied. "Helios is knocking down some obstacles,so they are slowing down a little...looks like they are still trying to pursue though..."

After saying this,Damian's hand edged towards a throwing spear. The nomad seemed to tense up slightly as he tightened his grip.

"Calm down,I'm just holding on incase I need to hurl one of these things..."

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The knight jumped over the logs. "Bull" he yelled as he cast Elwind again missing. He cast Elwind again knocking a mesh knight of the horse. It turned back into a puny mesh. "One down three to go". Helios looked ahead and saw a bridge. "Perfect". "Everyone get over the bridge". "Irina wait till everyone is over the bridge".

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Everyone passed the bridge. That was his cue. "HELLSETY" he yelled as he cut down the bridge. The mesh's fell into the river drowning if they didnt die by the powerful spell. Helios was almost out of breath but he managed. "Lets go" he told Irina and they soon caught up. Helios looked over the flatlands and caught a glimpse of a town.

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"They are around the same distance...but they are closing in slightly..." Damian told the nomad,and saw a bridge up ahead,that Helios was clearly planning to dispose of once the group was across.

"Try not to swerve too much for a second,okay?" he told the nomad,and readied his spear,hurling it as she gave him the okay.

Damian throws a spear!(6) 10 hit!(I'll assume they don't have 11 avo...)

The spear flew,knocking the mesh rider down,and he crumpled back into the plants.

"Okay,I'm good."

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