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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 2: Glimpses of Elyisima


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The archer's offer startled Kelas. "I'm fine," she said through gritted teeth. "Ah, there are my bags..."

Kelas rooted in the saddlebags for a small bottle: vulnerary. She tipped a few drops into her mouth, and rubbed a few more into the worst of her burns. Her lungs cleared a bit and the burns looked slightly better; they hurt less, which was what mattered. She sparingly applied the potion to the worst of her horse's burns, letting the mare lick a few drops off her fingers. The mare's head still hung low, but her balance was surer. "You need some of this," Kelas told the man, who stood watching. She capped the bottle tightly and tossed it to him. As he instinctively caught it, Kelas bent back to her bags, finding a small canteen: the last of her water. She took a few swallows, then poured some into her hand, letting the mare drink. When the container was half empty, she replaced the stopper and put it back into the bag. Her horse was doing a bit better now, so she slung one pack over the back of the saddle, and the other over her shoulder.

"We should get on to that camp," Kelas said as she started to walk again, trying to ignore the pain that accompanied every step.

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"Yeah...I suppose it's time I got back anyway," Rayton remarked, drinking some of the vulnerary and applying the rest directly to his wounds. He was wondering about how Morgan and Esphyr were doing as well.

"Anyway, I never quite caught your name. I'm Rayton, and you are...?"

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"No wait" Helios said. "We cant go now". "Most of us are hurt and need time to heal". "I suggest we stay in this camp for a couple of days till the wounded are healed". "During this time the healthy can train". "So what do you think"?

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"If that is Daiman's will, then so be it. I exist only to service your every will and whimsy my lady Morgan." said Esphyr, bowing low to the ground in mock respect. "Though; may I ask why these weapons matter? I mean, as far as I know, they're little more than a curse bestowed as a cruel joke. Why do we want to find these things in the first place?"

OOC: Yes, you can feel free to explain to Esphyr, in your own words and with your own twists, what they are.

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"Kelas," she told the archer. It probably didn't matter, she thought; after her horse was healed, she would be off, and unlikely ever to see him again. "What's this group of warriors after, anyway? You keep turning up and killing off bandits before I can get arrows into any of them."

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Irina: All I know about the crimson weapons, is that they're incredibly dangerous, and my uncle is interested in them.

Irina held her hand on her chin while she thought about Morgan and the Helios' suggestions.

Irina: My uncle... the base is a long way from here. About five days flight if I remember right... not that we'd be flying. Oi.

She then remembered her two wingmen Ivan and Lev.

Irina: Okay. I told Ivan and Lev to inform my Uncle that I'd found at least a few crimson weapons. They'll track me down within the next week. I'm not sure if we should go to see my uncle or not though. I'm not exactly leading this group though. Whatever you people decide, I'm right behind you. Kiev too ^_^

The wyvern looked up at her and moaned depressingly.

Irina: Don't do that. I'm sure we're not going to be eating anymore throwing axes for awhile, Kiev.

The wyvern's attitude didn't change a bit.

OOC: Thought I had something to put down here... oh well....

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"We're more or less a group of strangers who were just focused on the same cause, stopping the bandit horde nearby from killing us and generally wreaking havoc. Unfortunately the bandits did happen to destroy the village we just left from."

Rayton had his free hand clenched tightly. "Bastards, the lot of them. At least I can take solace in the fact that they're going to hell."

He then rubbed his head sheepishly. "Oh, by the way, two more things. We have some people that are wounded, so we should catch up to them. Provided the girl wakes up soon we might be able to get her to heal them...and the remainder of our injuries. Second, the reason we were taking enemies down quickly is because of some...unique weapons that are in our possession."

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"That is...partially true." Morgan paused.

"The Crimson Weapons do contain demonic essence, this is true. However, the weapons are also the key to defeating the Lord of Azure Flame. Without them, humanity stands no chance against the dark forces that lie ahead."

The camp was silent.

"So while the weapons do bring misfortune upon their wielders, they are also a blessing of a sort, a sign of greater things to come, of our destiny. However, as long as the weapons remain seperated, they are far more vulnerable to falling back into the hands of demons--where they cannot be used against the demons."

" This is why it is so important to reunite the weapons... so that we can prevent the time of the Demon King from returning to these lands. I have only read about it, but we would be seeing many more villages like Darien I wager."

She cast a knowing glance over at Damian " But I assume you knew of this already, yes? You sought to reunite the weapons, just as I had. Surely you know how imperative this task is, and how time is of the essence."

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Irina: So that's why! No wonder my uncle wants to find the crimson weapons so badly! He knows a lot about the Demon King. He and some of the others were studying all of the old stories whenever they had some free time. He must have known that these weapons were important to protecting our future.

She grabbed her lance, spun it around a few times, and smiled.

Irina: That mage may be right. If demons are after us, then we need to be prepared. A little training sounds great >:)

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Rayton shrugged as he watched Kelas. "Doubt there'd be an ambush waiting for us this close to the camp. If there was, then they'd have revealed themselves by now. But just in case...Hellion Shot!"

With that he called forth his crimson bow and notched an arrow as he walked. "Never hurts to be cautious..."

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Kelas raised her eyebrows: the archer had called her intent exactly. She drew her bow, but the current string was too damaged for use. Digging another string from her pack, she attempted to string it, but the burns on her arms prevented her, and she hissed with pain. She slung the bow over her back again, producing a small knife from her pack instead...

But they entered the camp without incident. Kelas looked around: a number of warriors were present, some with burn wounds. This would be... interesting.

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"If you desire to train, go right ahead. Please though, let's not loose focus of where we are right now though. Darien lies smoking less than a mile or so away and we have refugee's here as well. We may as well break out into a song and dance routine. This isn't some opera where, when a guy gets stabbed, he sings about it. We've got people here and now that need to be dealt with. I suggest we deal with that first. The demon lord can wait. After all, even if he were to burst through the earth right now, it sounds like we couldn't do a thing without all the weapons here in the first place. I don't know of any way to track these weapons down, so until the wyverns get back or some mage with some form of location spell appears, we might as well do the honest thing."

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"Fine ". Morgan said conceding to Esphyr's argument. It was not her style to wait around for others to do things, but she supposed it couldn't be helped.

"I hope your mercenary friends find us quickly, I wish to hear from there as soon as possible." Morgan said to Irina.

Morgan sighed. Helping out refugees was not exactly her idea of productivity. At least they were headed towards Elyisima. Considering they were missing the fire and thunder tomes, presumably in the hands of mages, going to a place with many manges would be a reasonable course of action.

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As Morgan directed her question to him,Damian looked up. "You knew this already,right Damian?"

"Yeah,my father wanted me to know everything,and unite the crimson weapons...that's why he taught me to recognize the wielders on sight."

The group seemed shocked at this statement,and Damian continued.

"So yes,we must reunite the weapons...but for now,Esphyr is right,we need to help the refugees,and heal ourselves.If you have the energy to train,you have the energy to scout and collect firewood." Irina seemed disheartened when Damian said this,but didn't speak up.

"I suggest having Irina's reinforcements bring these people to safety,and then those who are with us will then proceed to Elyisima on foot,once we have had that time to recover."

"Any other suggestions?" Aiya asked the crowd.

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OOC: I dont knnow who Rayton should go with

"Yes" said Helios. "I think we should train in pairs". "I have already done the honor of pairing up each other". "So far i paired up Ian, Esphyr, Michael and Aiya". "Damian and Irina will train together while Morgan and i train". "Any one has a problem with that"?

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"You expect us to train while almost all of us are burned or injured to some extent,and we are all tired?"Damian replied to Helios' comment.

"Why don't you start a fire,and make something to eat if you are that hyper?"

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OOC: I'm going to use random villagers for my character since Reika is going to disappear for awhile and I don't want to throw Dalton/Jones into the group. I'm also bored of not having anything to post, please keep in mind, this character does not have stats, and if not killed, will depart when applicable

"Grandma, wake up!" a young girl shouted loudly as she tugged on an old lady who had collapsed. "Grandma!" she wailed loudly, many villagers were sobbing and grieving but most were stiffling their cries or sobbing quietly. The old woman had suffered severe burns and was pretty old and withered without her injuries, even had the fire not burned her so badly she probably hadn't had much longer to live anyway. "Grandma, wake up" the girl wailed loudly, the woman being called grandma weezed and forced out a few short breaths, she wasn't dead but she probably didn't have long to go, yet the pitiful old woman desperately clung on to life, not wanting to leave her granddaughters side for as long as possible.

*Plays eerie music* What could Nadesico be planning now? XD

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"Oh im sorry i was so excited i seem to have forgot" Helios said. "We shall start tomorrow". "I'm not the best cook but i learned how to hunt". "Anyone cares to join me"?

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Rayton listened intently to the conersatins that were going on. At last he unstood the levity of the situation, and what this group's current goal was. It was wit that notion that he decided to stick around for good.

Meanwhile he decided to make himself useful for the time being. Casually strolled towards Ian he called forth his crimson bow. "I'm in. I know how to hunt a bit myself."

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OOC: It's Helios for now

"Great" Helios said. "I really dont want to use magic on something we're going to eat". "I'm going to go make a bow". "You should do something else for now" he said to Rayton as he walked into the forest

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Kelas had deposited the unconscious cleric with some healers, and after having spent a sizable chunk of her current gold on healing for the cleric, her horse's burns, and some of her own wounds, she ground-tied the mare near some other horses, fixed her bow, and set off wandering through the camp. There were numerous refugees from the village about, but Kelas was not concerned with them: she wanted to see for herself who these warriors with the odd weapons were.

She reached the spot where the warriors were gathered. They were dispersing; it seemed that they had just finished discussing things. Kelas watched them from a distance. They appeared to be a conflicted bunch. As Kelas scanned their faces, she realized with a start that one woman was unpleasantly familiar.

Kelas strode angrily into the clear area, passing the archer from before, heading towards the familiar face. As she drew close to the woman, she spat, "You. Witched. My. Horse!"

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"Sure thing. ...May as well get a little target practice while I wait."

With that Rayton began practicing precision shots at the trees nearby. As he began to get into his rhythm he began firing faster and faster, topping out at an arrow per second.

Don't take all day, otherwise I'll head out without you...

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