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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 2: Glimpses of Elyisima


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"Yes... I'm fine..."

"I mean... The state of my health doesn't matter. I will be... fine. If I'm... poisoned I know a thing... or two about... potions."

Esphyr let out the expected response,but after a few steps she began to wobble and nearly fell again.

"That's enough." Damian stopped her by grabbing her hand.She was clearly burning up.

"You idiot,you can't go on like this." Damian told her,and Esphyr looked like she was about to protest.

"I'll bring you back to camp,you need to see the cleric." And with that,Damian picked up the sluggish Esphyr,and walked her towards the campsite.

It felt like she was glaring daggers at him,knowing she would most likely be stubborn,and not allow him to carry her on his back,Damian had chosen the simplest alternative that didn't involve leaving her to trip herself up.

He had resorted to carrying the mercenary bridal style.This had recieved a weak struggle at first,but in her current condition,she hadn't the resolve to resist for long.

"IAN!" Damian shouted to the mercenary,who turned to look at him.

"There is a refugee over here,i need you to come and bring her to the camp!"


Aiya had found several herbs that the priestess had been looking for,and was about to turn back,when she witnessed a strange sight.

Helios was talking to a knight with hair resembling the colour of her own,and the man handed Helios a jar.

As the man turned to leave,Aiya called out to Helios.

"Helios!C'mon,we've gotta get back to the camp!"

OOC:There,i gave Kai's characters something to do.

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Morgan examined Esphyr with interest and worry. High fever, collapsing, irritability (though that may be just be Esphyrs personality). For a poison to spread to fast and so quickly....

"I think I know what we are dealing with here." Morgan said. Damian gave her a curious look.

" This is dark magic. Flemeth actually taught me this spell once,quite useful for incapaciaing and possibly killing large groups. The reagents are difficult to acquire though."

Damian glared at Morgan impatiently "How can we reverse it?"

Morgan pondered " The poison created by this spell cannot be reversed trough mundane means, which would explain why the heal staves and herbs have been so ineffective. A simple Antitoxin won't work either."

"I think I recall the counterspell. If I recall correctly, it requires a significant portion of life force to work properly, which is unfortunate because most of the people here will not be able to survive the ritual. You however, appear to be in reasonably good shape, I think you would survive the process." Morgan suggested to Damian.

Edit: Woops. I fixed it.

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The cleric that had been tending to Rayton and Kelas hurried over, as Morgan started explaining her theory on Esphyrs condition. The shamaness looked up at her with surprise when she had finished. Morgan looked over at Damian and then at the cleric as if to confirm what she was seeing, clearly she had mistaken the cleric for Aiya since she had been standing right next to Damian.

"Uh, If you can save this poor souls life, I'll do anything" the cleric stated hesitantly.

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" Your offer is very much appreciated, but I think you may lack the...credentials." Morgan looked over the girl more carefully this time, she was definitely not Aiya. The young priestss was frail, her body would probably give out before the ritual had even finished.

"You would probably be more useful tending to the burn wounds here, your heal staff can fix those." Morgan suggested.

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"If that is what it takes,so be it." Damian's reply was quick.As a soldier and a crimson weapon wielder,he had pledged not once,but twice,that he would not forsake the world for the sake of his own well being.

"Just tell me what you need me to do..." Damian told the shamaness,before adding

"...If my life is taken by this ritual...tell Aiya that I died of poisoning...I would not want for her to hold disdain for you or Esphyr...tell her I want her to stay with you,and guard the Gae-Borg,if I happen to perish here..."

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The cleric nodded her head and brandished her staff over Esphyr and concentrated on healing the wounds. Esphyrs condition seem to seemingly get better, color was slowly returning to her face, and her breathing was getting less ragged. But as the shamaness had indicated there was some dark energy within the female sword wielder she couldn't reach. She hesitated, she had offered her help earlier but she didn't really like the shamaness, dispelling the dark was a job for her kind. A black witch couldn't possibly do the girl any good. Concentrating further she tried to pour her entire being into healing the curse. From what the shamaness had said, it wasn't a very strong curse so she strained herself a bit trying to heal the darkness, but to no avail, realising she was powerless she tried to withdraw her staff but her body wouldn't move. She couldn't even her mouth to seek help.

Morgan seemed to sense something was wrong and moved to do something but it was too late, the clerics body withered into a corpse, and fell beside Esphyr, drained completely of her life force. Morgan looked uncertainly at Esphyr then at Damian, she thought she knew what it was but maybe she was wrong? Whatever it was, it had gotten stronger.

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OOC: Oops I didn't see your last post before I posted. I'll just add a little on the end, maybe it occured simultaneously or something.

"Don't be foolish." Morgan scolded Damian. "You are most certainly not dying here, unless I have gravely miscalculated your constitution. You are far too important to lose."

"Now simply sit down and relax." Damian sat down. "This may hurt a little." Morgan warned.

Morgan placed her hands on Damian's chest and focused her mind. Dark energy began to form around Damian's heart. The pain in his chest was immense and he could not help but cry out.

"Just a litle more." Morgan said calmly as she continued to drain Damian's essence. He's not going to be able to take much more of this, maybe I should stop... No, I'm almost finished.

Finally Morgan released her hands and Damian fell to the ground. She went over and checked him. He was unconscious, but alive.

The temperatures of those affected by the poison decreased and those knocked unconscious were no longer so, though many remained asleep due to the activity earlier in the day and the lateness of the hour.

Morgan looked over at the withered corpse of the cleric who had been tending Esphyr during the ritual. This was not a spell she recognized. She began to feel anxious as she had apparently not eradicated all the dark energy, and almost everyone in the camp was unconscious or asleep.

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"Don't be foolish." Morgan scolded Damian. "You are most certainly not dying here, unless I have gravely miscalculated your constitution. You are far too important to lose."

"Now simply sit down and relax." Damian sat down. "This may hurt a little." Morgan warned.

Damian laid down on the mat that was waiting for him,and took a deep breath.

"I'm ready." He told the shamaness,and the ritual began.

The pain was immense in magnitude.Damian could hear his own laboured breathing,though by this point,he was unable to move himself.

Slowly Escalating...it began like a small burn from grabbing a boiling pot off of a fire,and began reaching towards the threshold of what he had experienced. Each pang as the dark energy flowed through him was likened to an event in his past.

The binding of Gae-Borg to his spirit...

His first summoning of the lance,where a miscalculation had driven the demonic weapon through his stomach...

And finally,the experimentation that those researchers had put him through...the feeling of his flesh being torn asunder from every angle,like razor sharp axe blades,covered in a thick rust,tainting his blood as they ripped through his muscle...no,that was too mild to describe it...

At this point,all feeling stopped...the world blackened as Damian fell unconscious...

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As the color slowly started to return to Esphyr's face, the mercenary girl quietly looked over at the corpse of the healer. "It wasn't worth it..." she muttered quietly under her breath. "Thanks... You should not have though."

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Morgan looked with interest at the withered cleric.

I...I don't think I did that. She was not the body I used for the ritual, so she should not have been affected in such a manner. Unless I miscalculated...

Morgan gave Esphyr a glare " Don't say things like that. You continuing to live is vital to the success of our mission. If it makes you feel any better, I do not think this cleric died as a result of my spell, so we should remain alert."

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With the healing of the priestess Rayton's color quickly returned to his face. He was still in a state of unconsciousness, almost appearing as if he was in a coma. For a moment it appeared as if it may had been too late.

Rayton was trapped in a dream however, hence his inability to get up. Not a normal one, but something more unreal. He lay by himself in a dark area, only being able to see himself for the moment when he would open his eyes. Then he heard an all-familiar voice from his childhood. Get up.

Rayton slowly rose to a sitting position, holding his head with his right hand. "...Wha? Where am I?"

I didn't give you that bow only to die before I have a chance for ressurection. GET UP!

With that Rayton was up in an instant, calling forth his bow right before a demon appeared in front of him, warping in through a cloud of black smoke that dissipated quickly upon appearance. But Rayton and this demon weren't strangers. "!!! You're the-"

Correct. I am the one who has blessed you with the Hellion Shot. And now it's time for me to see how far you've gotten before I decide to collect payment. With that the demon raised his arm and called forth the same weapon which Rayton drew. The two notched an arrow, but Rayton was able to strike first due to an unique skill of his.

As he launched the shot at the demon he saw that it made no attempt to dodge. His slowly developing smirk changed to him clenching his teeth when the arrow went through cleanly but was removed with no hesitation. You honestly wish to challenge me with THAT? It's useless in your current state.

The demon launched an arrow of its own, watching as Rayton started taking evasive actions. The first two shots missed while the third nailed him right in the stomach, causing him to spit up some blood in the real world. "Gah!"

As long as you can never defeat me, your life will be filled with nothing but misery. The next time we meet I will be taking your body, so be ready. Now arise!

"!!" Rayton's entire world went completely black after being engulfed in a cloud of black smoke, then he awoke in a frenzy seconds later. After flailing his arms for a few moments he clenched the very area which he was shot, coughing up some blood again at the same time. "Agh, need to find that priestess and check on the others."

With that he staggered along while clutching his stomach, searching for everyone else.

OOC: Rayton's at 1 HP FYI

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Helios had arrived too late. He went to Morgan and gave her the jar. "This is the antidote to the poison" Helios said desperately. "It reverses the dark magic the person ingested". "Please if there is anything i can do just say it". "There is only enough for 5 people". "Use it wisely".

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OOC: Morgan has issues with anima mages, don't take it too personally.

Morgan shook her head at Helios.

"First off, you cannot "ingest" dark magic, non material objects are unable to be consumed. Secondly, this Antitoxin is for mundane poisons, not magical ones. Thirdly, I already fixed the problem."

"Maybe you can pull a rabbit out of a hat or something. I've heard that's all anima mages are good for."

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OOC: Helios hates Shaman's as well

Helios looked at the jar. Was he truly mistaken? "If it doesn't work then why did the knight give it to me". Helios saw an elderly man dying. He opened the jar and poured some of the liquid into the man's mouth. At first the man closed his eyes. Helios thought he was dead. Then the man awoke. "The pain is gone" said the man. So much for what she said. Helios closed his eyes. "I'll keep this with me". "The shaman can keep killing to heal". "Thats the only thing they are good for , killing". Helios hid the jar on him.

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Slowly but surely Rayton managed to find most of the group. He leaned against a nearby tree while he watched Helios and Morgan however. After he saw that they were done for the most part he staggered over to Helios, who had just helped someone in need. "Hey. You think that stuff'll work on Sabla? She's a short ways back if you must know.

We don't have a hope in hell if we continue to lash at each other's throats like this. Gotta establish some rapport somehow...but how?

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"Yeah, Kelas might be as well, haven't seen her get up yet. Agh...follow me."

With that he began slowly staggering back to where he dropped off the mage gurl before collapsing himself. He figured Helios would offer some help with his healing supplies so he waved his hand at him while coughing a bit. "...Save it for those who really need it."

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OOC: I'm confused. Was the poison air bound or was it from the vulenaries Reika gave out

"Are you poisoned" Helios asked Rayton. He hate to admit it but he needed the shaman's help. He needed to know if the person infected would die or not. Like he was going to ask her.

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Kelas mumbled in her sleep.

She was ten again, and the bandits were there. Tents were on fire, the horses were loose, everyone was fighting. Da had run out into the fighting first, Ma had followed shortly after... she was holding onto Arrin, trying to keep him calm, when the tent cover was torn off its supports. The men had stank of drunkenness and smoke and days in the saddle. She was kicked in the stomach, Arrin torn away from her... she saw him flung over the back of a bandit's saddle... They'd thought she was down, run back to the fighting. She shoved herself up, grabbed her hunting bow... idiots, everyone knew the children of nomads could also fight! People were dead... Ma and Ori and Shan and the others... She ran out of the tent, firing shot after hopeless shot... a bandit came up from behind and grabbed her by the hair, lifting her up--

She swatted at whatever was pulling her hair. The mare snorted, content that her owner was finally awake. Kelas groaned and sat up as the horse nosed her shoulders and back, making sure the silly human was still in one piece. Satisfied that Kelas was not falling apart, the mare returned to grazing. Kelas stood up, leaning against the mare as the world went spinning again... once the dizziness had subsided she rummaged in her saddlebags. She was well and truly hungry now, and the dried meat tasted better than it ever had. She drank from her canteen, making a mental note that she really needed to find a spring somewhere. Then, she checked over the horses, discovering that the packhorse had apparently decided that it belonged to her (or perhaps the other way around). Both animals were in decent condition.

She was still decidedly unsteady on her feet, so she climbed up onto the mare's back. Another fit of dizziness had her lying against the horse's neck-- she whickered at her rider as though to grumble at her stupidity-- then she sat up to survey the camp.

OOC: Is the poison natural, magical, or both? If it's the former, I'm assuming that some amount of time (days I mean, not hours) will help with it; if it's magical, well, we're kind of screwed.

Also, I'm thinking that the packhorse (and possibly a few more pack animals we pick up later) can function as our "caravan" for storing items that aren't in use... though there will of course be a limit on what it can carry.

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"...Got healed in my sleep from the looks from it. This if from an injury I suffered while unconscious however. I don't have time to explain yet though."

To augment his point he wound up having to cough up a bit of blood yet again. The good news was that they finally found the girl in question. Rayton stumbled over and fell beside her before getting back up and checking for a pulse. It seemed as if she was still on the mortal plane fortunately.

"All right, you can take it from here."

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OOC: If it is airborne then it has to have some magical and natural properties. Therefor the antidote i received should do the trick as well as Morgans. The difference is that my one destroys the poison and Morgan's method removes it.

Helios poured some of the liquid into Sabla's mouth. She stopped moving for a while but then she went back to normal. "She just needs some rest" Helios said with a sigh. "Where is Kelas"?

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Rayton rubbed his head absentmindedly. "Ehh...I don't know. I was close to her and Sabla when I passed out but she's not here now. She must have been healed like me and wound up looking for the others."

He grunted as he rose to his feet. "We'll just have to look for her then. Shouldn't be too hard. Probably's on her mount so when we find it, we find her." He then began searching around, before picking up the faint sounds of the horse's hooves plodding against the ground. With somewhat of a location in mind he staggered over there, calling her name as he walked.

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OoC: So what? You've never heard of airborne diseases in the real world? Or are you going to tell me those are magical? I admit it was originally intended to be just poison smoke, however since I have Jones (shaman) I decided I'd add in a curse like effect into the smoke as well. I also don't understand how an antidote can cure magical ailments. Unless it's a magical antidote. Either way I don't really care, I achieved my goal of wiping out the townsfolk, (most of them) so how you cure yourselves is up to you.

God damn it, where is everyone? Everything feels so uncoordinated and alot of the posts aren't being consistent >_< I like chaos in terms of drama, not gibberish.


Sabla opened her eyes slowly, she could taste something foul in her mouth and her eyes hurt. She was sure she'd headed out of camp but for some reason had apparently gone back. She could hear people arguing, but she didn't care, right now she wanted to sleep.

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