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Lord Glenn's Mausoleum

Lord Glenn

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I took it out since I'm not sure how I want to finalize the designs, especially since the knots didn't feel... done. (Luckily, I have them as layers in my work document, so I can add/remove them at my leisure.)


The (hopefully) finished map:


And, weapon level icons for FE4R:


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  • 3 weeks later...


Well, I suppose the lack of comments at least means that my stuff doesn't have problems...


New map, redux of Chapter 14 from FE5. (I changed a few elements such that it doesn't completely mirror the original design.)


First time really doing full-on outdoors stuff, so any critique at fixing stuff would be helpful. (As a note, I mainly used Eirika!Ch. 9 and FE6!Ch. 21 as references for the stuff, but I likely still goofed somewhere...)

Hey, VASM, I still remember how much of a pain the chapter based on this map was in MotSD! >_>

Edited by Lord Glenn
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I'm gonna comment here instead of FEND, just cuz.

The tiny villages are pretty sweet, they do look like you had new tilesets. But I saw your explanation on FEND about them.

There are a couple flat areas around the tiny villages, but I doubt you could change them anyway. <_>

Pretty nifty recreation.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tweaked the FE4R template after Yeti suggested a couple of fixes:


Also, a very minute teaser set of icons for something I'm working on...


(From left to right, top row to bottom: Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, Anima, Light, Dark, Staff, Palette)

Thoughts? Comments?

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Yeah, it's a mace. But, it makes sense to group it under Axes, so...

EDIT - The Anima icon is "based" on the icon on the bottom left of this image (courtesy of Ice Dragon) (i.e. I had it up as a reference, but sprited the icon myself).

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I'm assuming the sword is meant to be a sabre of sorts? It looks kind of fat/bent towards the bottom-left side (as in more than I'd expect, even from a sabre).

It's kind of sad how the blue sparkle is cut off in the staff, but I suppose there's no way around it.

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Not really sure what kind of sword it's closest to. A friend linked me to this image a few years ago and I liked the design enough to find out what it was, get a quality image of it, and base the icon on it (you'll notice that the icon is solid the whole way through and the blade's overall structure is really the only similarity).

And, yeah, I could have moved the "sparkle" to the left more, but then it would have covered too much of the icon, so...

Not gonna comment on the MotSD comment? :(

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Redid the bottom HP area stuff and very slightly tweaked the shading around the Hit/Dmg/Crit circle stuff. I think I need to extend the bottoms of the "trim" that are on the left and right of the circles' trims, since having two rows of brown in between is a bit too noticeable.


I'm really stabbing blindly here with this template, so any suggestions would really be useful.

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Not really sure what kind of sword it's closest to. A friend linked me to this image a few years ago and I liked the design enough to find out what it was, get a quality image of it, and base the icon on it (you'll notice that the icon is solid the whole way through and the blade's overall structure is really the only similarity).

And, yeah, I could have moved the "sparkle" to the left more, but then it would have covered too much of the icon, so...

Not gonna comment on the MotSD comment? :(

I see. In that case, I suppose that icon design would work. Although, and it might just be me, the design is not really FE-like (since it's not from FE obviously) and the resolution of the GBA icons makes it difficult to capture the design of the sword. I can almost see it as a FE9/10 icon though.

As you might know (since you remember the MOTSD version), my map-making skills are... kind of non-existent, so there's not much for me to comment on. It does look like a good map though. As for the MOTSD side of things... Yeah, I think I went a bit overboard with the enemies, particular the later reinforcements, during the RP, but I wanted to capture the helpless feeling of FE5's original.

For the revised battle template, I don't see any issues with it except I'm not a huge fan of the red/brown (not sure what colour it is) outline around everything. Maybe black might be too sharp, but it sort of makes the red half a bit more redder/faded, while it doesn't seem to match well with the blue half either.

Maybe it might look better in motion though. Which reminds me, are you going to make a battle scene that uses the template, just to try it out? : )

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I see. In that case, I suppose that icon design would work. Although, and it might just be me, the design is not really FE-like (since it's not from FE obviously) and the resolution of the GBA icons makes it difficult to capture the design of the sword. I can almost see it as a FE9/10 icon though.

As you might know (since you remember the MOTSD version), my map-making skills are... kind of non-existent, so there's not much for me to comment on. It does look like a good map though. As for the MOTSD side of things... Yeah, I think I went a bit overboard with the enemies, particular the later reinforcements, during the RP, but I wanted to capture the helpless feeling of FE5's original.

For the revised battle template, I don't see any issues with it except I'm not a huge fan of the red/brown (not sure what colour it is) outline around everything. Maybe black might be too sharp, but it sort of makes the red half a bit more redder/faded, while it doesn't seem to match well with the blue half either.

Maybe it might look better in motion though. Which reminds me, are you going to make a battle scene that uses the template, just to try it out? : )

It's not really supposed to be a carbon recreation of the image I linked. I merely took inspiration from it to make said icon (which basically amounts to the overall shape of the blade, minus the intricacies). And, there's a reason for why a couple of the icons on that teaser sheet are relatively different from what FE normally has: seeing the same damn stuff every time gets boring. (Though, I agree that an FE9/10 icon would allow significantly more detail.)

As for the battle template, I can see where you're coming from, though I don't really know what to replace the brown with (especially since it's the same brown that the vanilla FE8 template uses). I'll try a darker gray (bordering on charcoal or something) and see how that looks.

I might make a mock screen once I finish the template, but since it's still part of the ever-evolving FE4R template, it's mainly going to get its use in-game anyway, so...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Come on people, post already!


More WIPness for the FE4R template. I have no idea if this thing is even close to insertion-eligible, but I'm gonna run with the design for now and I'll "trim" it later if it needs it.

Help me out here, people. Thoughts? Comments? Ideas/Suggestions? TELL ME.

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I think that looks pretty good. The outline looks more crispier now and less out of place.

The new grey boxes in the middle have a nice design in general. I'm not really sure about the top line of the box rising up as it approaches the Damage/Hit/Critical boxes, I'd probably just keep it level all the way through. I'm also not a huge fan of the semi-circular ends of the inner dark grey boxes - it seems to leave too much empty space, whereas the rest of the template seems packed in and concise.

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Made some more tweaks based on your comments, VASM.

As for the angel, there's an amusing story with that. It originally started out as a point/tip/spike/something like that with what was going to be bat wings beside it. I did the wings first and then had to adjust the spike since it was too short. While I was fiddling with it, I realized it kinda looked like a face (and thus an angel), so an angel it became.

So, anyway, added in new WIP knots for the circles. Not really sure how to go about shading them right now...


There's no way this is going to fit in the game...

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Made some more tweaks based on your comments, VASM.

As for the angel, there's an amusing story with that. It originally started out as a point/tip/spike/something like that with what was going to be bat wings beside it. I did the wings first and then had to adjust the spike since it was too short. While I was fiddling with it, I realized it kinda looked like a face (and thus an angel), so an angel it became.

So, anyway, added in new WIP knots for the circles. Not really sure how to go about shading them right now...


There's no way this is going to fit in the game...

I really like the design of this, although the upper two boxes need to have some closure, or moved a little closer to the center of the screen instead of just having a gap on the right (red) and left (blue) sides. Maybe you could darken the gray paneling a couple of degrees to make the angel and light gray outline pop? Finally I really prefer the new design instead of the Celtic knot from before. Great job on this, by the way.

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Looks much better now, I think.

The knot design looks great. Is it supposed to be some kind of butterfly or crown or just random scribbles? o__o

It was referenced from this.

I really like the design of this, although the upper two boxes need to have some closure, or moved a little closer to the center of the screen instead of just having a gap on the right (red) and left (blue) sides. Maybe you could darken the gray paneling a couple of degrees to make the angel and light gray outline pop? Finally I really prefer the new design instead of the Celtic knot from before. Great job on this, by the way.

The empty columns to the left and right of the template are there for when the template moves back and forth during hits and such in-game. So, when you're looking at the still frame at the start of a battle, the frame will be flush against the edges of the screen. From experience of the previous two versions of this thing, I've found that darker boxes for the weapon areas tend to make the icons or the text blend in too much, so I'm going to go with the lighter set for the moment. If it too looks odd in actual use, then I might change it.

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Indeed it is (or at least that's what the filename and Google tell me), as was the much less awesome one I tried a couple of pages back or so. Celtic knots/symbols/designs tend to look cool and instead of doing a "starburst" type of pattern as I did in V.1 with the circles, I wanted to do something similar to like what FE10 had done for the circles behind the HP numbers when in battle. However, without rips and with only screenshots or what I could get a brief glimpse of on my TV, I just kinda went with a "Oh, there's a design on it. What could I use for a design? Oh, Celtic knots tend to be intricate. I'll use one of them." process.

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Possibly the final version, at least as I envisioned it. Knowing my luck and how annoying the tiling is, I'll likely have to make alterations to make it fit. But, I feel good about it for now.

And since you asked VASM, have a handy demo scene as well (though, no palette changes for stuff like the HP ticks or the numbers):


(Yes, it's boring and bland, but it's more for the concept of what it would actually look like in-game.)

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