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Radiant Dawn Rankings.


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One of the things lacking in Radiant Dawn is a rankings system like the one we loved from Fire Emblem 7 (most notably HHM). I have been busy for a few months to make a rankings system of my own which includes an easy system to calculate your points and a checklist how much the things you've collected are worth. Just like HHM you will get stars dependant on your performance.


5 – 295

4 – 334

3 – 373

2 – 412

1 – 412<X


5 – 270000

4 – 260000

3 – 250000

2 – 225000

1 – <225000


5 – 50000

4 – 40000

3 – 30000

2 – 25000

1 – <25000


5 – (EM/NM 200000) (HM 100000)

4 – (EM/NM 180000) (HM 90000)

3 – (EM/NM 160000) (HM 80000)

2 – (EM/NM 140000) (HM 70000)

1 – (EM/NM <140000) (HM <70000)


5 – 0

4 – 1

3 – 2

2 – 3

1 – >3


SSS – 25

SS – 24

S – 22/23

A – 20/21

B – 18/19

C – 14/17

D – 10/13

E – 8/9

F – 6/7

G – 5

Explanations by the different rankings.


Turn count total. If you take more then the number shown you get 1 rank lower. If you take more then 319 turns you automatically get 1 star. 0 Stars aren't possible.


Your treasury. To make counting more easy it's unspent money only. So the RAW amount of money you have at the end of the game. Weapons and other stuff have 0! worth so sell everything you don't use!


The exp you get during the game by combat/healing/singing. Crowning and BEXp do NOT count. Also Laguz get x1.5 on their exp gained and in case of 0.5 points it will be cut DOWN.


The amount fo BEXp you have unspend at the end of the game. Basically to get the 5 stars you will have to put effort to get as high as possible without spending any. A perfect BEXp gain will leave you with a measly 7560 BEXP to spare.


The number of deaths your units suffer while under your control. If you don't recruit it's no sweat if he/she dies and when your units appear as enemies you can hack em with no worries. (In other words only Blue unit deaths count.)


Count the points you've collected up and see what rank you get.

F = Fail

E = Equally Bad

D = Dumbass

C = Can do

B = Better

A = Awesome

S = Super

SS = Super Sexy

SSS = Super Schmexy Silith

G = Gangsta (Is scoring that low even possible?)

NOTE: This list is not perfect and is subject to changes as some goals might be too easy or too hard to obtain. Over time I strive to make this list as accurate as possible. It's not supposed to be easy to get SSS but it SHOULD be doable. Testing is the best way to get a decent view of how things stand. If you want to make a log dependant on this list please do, I encourage it.


including spelling and grammar corrections.

Edited by Silith
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While it would be better for a total overview it's so much harder to calculate. Sure some of us are willing to calculate the worth of their weapons to get their total funds but the biggest problem I've encoutered with this is Blessed weapons. There were 2 ways to solve this:

- Make it so that Blessed weapons are worth 0 (zip, nada, nothing)

- Change the fund rank drastically.

I've been hinging on the first option for a looong time but by simply cutting the required funds down by quite a lot and making it RAW money only it's just as hard as before to obtain it while now those who don't want to count the worth of all their weapons are still able to use this list because it's now a raw number.

In fact I'm not too happy with the funds rank yet entirely. Right now some SS-ranked weapons are entitled to just get sold because they're worth a lot of money (Vague Katti, Urving etc.) While others will be used since they appear after your last option to buy/sell appears (Wishblade, Double Bow) Mkaing units that can use those much more valueable.

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Those rankings are too close together, IMO. The difference between 5 and 1 for turns is an average of about 0.6 turns per chapter, and for BEXP, you need 70% of the BEXP in the game just to get a 2? I would make BEXP a little easier personally, maybe 90K/180K for 5*.

Perhaps to 'space' out the rankings, you could make them be out of 10? E.g.


10 – <=292

9 – <=302

8 – <=312

7 – <=322

6 – <=332

5 - <=342

4 - <=352

3 - <=362

2 - <=372

1 - >372


10 – (EM/NM >=180000) (HM >=90000)

9 – (EM/NM >=170000) (HM >=85000)

8 – (EM/NM >=160000) (HM >=80000)

7 – (EM/NM >=150000) (HM >=75000)

6 – (EM/NM >=140000) (HM >=70000)

5 – (EM/NM >=130000) (HM >=65000)

4 – (EM/NM >=120000) (HM >=60000)

3 – (EM/NM >=110000) (HM >=55000)

2 – (EM/NM >=100000) (HM >=50000)

1 – (EM/NM <100000) (HM <50000)

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Those rankings are too close together, IMO. The difference between 5 and 1 for turns is an average of about 0.6 turns per chapter, and for BEXP, you need 70% of the BEXP in the game just to get a 2? I would make BEXP a little easier personally, maybe 90K/180K for 5*.

Perhaps to 'space' out the rankings, you could make them be out of 10? E.g.


Just for reference in HHM the spacing is

5 Star: 328

4 Star: 370

3 Star: 412

2 Star: 454

1 Star: anything higher

That's a gradient of about 40 turns per tactics tier, which is roughly 1.25~1.5 turns per level (gaidens and branching depended), which sounds reasonable, and could probably be extrapolated to RD.


Your treasury. To make counting more easy it's unspent money only. So the RAW amount of money you have at the end of the game. Weapons and other stuff have 0! worth so sell everything you don't use!

What was wrong with the old "Item value is double sellback value" approach?

I can't comment on other ranks atm.

Edited by Balcerzak
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I don't like the term 'QFT' since it has two completely opposite meanings (Quoted for truth and Quit ... talking (I'll leave the F up to your imagination))

Anyway, on topic: The problem with double item sellback is that it means you have to add up the values of all your items, and to be fair, keeping tons of items in storage and converting them to gold are basically the same thing if you don't use said gold. It just means you have to be more careful with what you buy.

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I don't like the term 'QFT' since it has two completely opposite meanings (Quoted for truth and Quit ... talking (I'll leave the F up to your imagination))

Anyway, on topic: The problem with double item sellback is that it means you have to add up the values of all your items, and to be fair, keeping tons of items in storage and converting them to gold are basically the same thing if you don't use said gold. It just means you have to be more careful with what you buy.

I'd never heard the second ever used. (And it always means Quantum Field Theory to me, but that's a different matter.)

He's already forcing you to tally your combat XP manually. Tallying funds manually isn't astronomically more difficult, though admittedly a bit more tedious due to weapon degradation. That said, doubling value does have an effect of making the more expensive items (boosters and crowns) even more valuable relative to things like Iron Greatlances or whatnot. Though, I don't have enough familiarity with the game to know if the amount of Pure Gold you get is so overwhelming that you'll never need to sell any of your assets to do your shopping/forging. Speaking of which, do Forges increase the weapon's actual sellback value, or just its utility?

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Thanks for the positive feedback you're giving.

I never cared for anything beyond the highest rank when I went for Ranked runs so sorry for that.

Tactics have to change to be more forgiving if you take more turns?

I had a 9 turns for each rank but you suggest something waay higher (40). Maybe changing it to be something like 20-25 would be best?

Funds were the biggest problem. Usually lots of items are stuck on characters that aren't being deployed in the tower so you can't reliable count the value before 4-F-5. And I think it's just easier to make it raw money. You have to be more carefull with what you buy AND selling all stuff you don't need before entering the tower takes a lot less time then counting the value of all items.

It's ofc also interresting to see if people are going to sell too much to be able to complete the tower properly.

I know a change from what we're used to with HHM ranks is a bit hard but I'm trying to adjust to what this game offers and what can't be replaced easily.

EDIT: I changed the tactics to be 39 turns per rank. I know we haven't tested it yet but it seemed to be a bit harsh indeed. The top stayed the top but the other ranks became a lot easier to get.

Edited by Silith
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You could 3-4 star everything and still get an F... and if you did 4 star everything, you'd only get a D. I think that averaging would make more sense. 5 star average=S, 4=A, 3=B, 2=C, and 1=D. That way you aren't told you suck for getting all 4 stars.

Edit: Oh, and shouldn't EM/NM/HM all have different CEXP ratings, too?

Based on my usual playthroughs, I'd get a C :awesome: Or, by your standards, an F...

Although in my usual playthroughs, I have no reason to NOT spend insane amounts of money and BEXP, so...

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You could 3-4 star everything and still get an F... and if you did 4 star everything, you'd only get a D. I think that averaging would make more sense. 5 star average=S, 4=A, 3=B, 2=C, and 1=D. That way you aren't told you suck for getting all 4 stars.

Edit: Oh, and shouldn't EM/NM/HM all have different CEXP ratings, too?

Based on my usual playthroughs, I'd get a C :awesome: Or, by your standards, an F...

Although in my usual playthroughs, I have no reason to NOT spend insane amounts of money and BEXP, so...

I see your point. 4-starring everything should net you around a B while right now it would get you a D. As said before this needs a lot of change still so expect those numbers to change.

My guess right now would be something like this:

SSS – 30

SS – 29

S – 27/28

A – 23/26

B – 19/22

C – 16/18

D – 12/15

E – 9/11

F – 6/8

G – 5

Edited by Silith
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Probably because I counted Rank as another ranking so I counted 5*6=30. This is a big error ofc. the highest amount of points is 25 and that WILL be the SSS rank. now the previous error in rankings makes more sense too. Thanks for noticing.

Damn there seems to be so much wrong.

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I just added the BEXP up... I got 117,250 BEXP in the game, not 107,560. I've basically just taken the list on SF and added it up, multiplying the gains by the number available if relevant (e.g. Prisoners rescued), and taken out categories that are made redundant by other categories (I think..., such as you can't get Houses Burned if you get Houses Saved in 3-9, or Prisoner survived if the prisoner escaped in 1-7). Which in my opinion makes it a much more reasonable target.

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Hey Black Bomb thanks for the insight on BExp. I completely forgot to add the bonuses you get from escaping and saving people.

Hey Silith, are you allowed to spend your BExp or do you have to keep it? Nevermind just saw. That's a lot of unspent BExp :o Seems kind of heavy.

Edited by Rafael
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G is the lowest of all and quite impossible to get. Harder then SSS because it's practicaly impossibel to finish the game with so little achieved.

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Well, besides turncount, and efficiency run could get you a 1 on everything else since there's no incentive to not kill people/spend money/use BEXP. But, then, you'd at least get a better tactics rank. And that's when not even trying to get the ranks.

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CEXP is the only vaguely difficult rank to minimise, I could very easily get a G if I wanted to. Spend all money and BEXP, play slowly, and let a few people get kill. Then 250 levels means I can safely train at least 7 characters (due to BEXP not being counted), so Zihark, Volug, Sothe, Ike, Mia, Gatrie, Titania, and other characters as needed and I'd end up nowhere near the 25,000 CEXP.

Yeah, G is very easy to get.

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