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Reinfleche's FE10 Mafia


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This should say Lightning's FE10 Mafia now but w/e.

I have a pretty good idea for an FE10 mafia, despite the game's weird plot, and I'd like to give it a shot. This round will take place after Ether's round, Fayt's round, General spoons 5th round, and I eat table's round.

What's different this Round:

-The Senate will replace the Mafia.

-Sephiran will replace the Godfather.

-Bastian will replace the Detective.

-Volke will replace the Watcher. He/she may additionally kill someone during the night phase, but only once.

-Rolf (Ether's already using 3-13 archer and Shinon) has 4 arrows. He/she can choose to kill someone at night at the cost of an arrow. When they run out of arrows they can no longer kill anybody.

- The Merchant Caravan will replace the Carriage Driver.

-Oliver replaces the Miller.

-Gatrie can be attacked at night once and live.

-Haar has a special role. Haar can use 3 actions throughout the game. Every night Haar can choose to either kill someone, protect someone, or do nothing. If he chooses to kill or protect someone he uses an action.

-Leanne has 4 spells. He/she can choose to protect someone at night at the cost of a spell. When they run out of spells they can no longer protect anybody.

-Ike and the BK have special roles. Every night, they will be told the name of 1 person who isn't the other of BK and Ike. When they think they know who the other is, they can kill that person. If they were wrong, they lose the ability to do so and are effectively a regular townie. Ike or the BK wins if they kill their opposite. If they fail to do so Ike wins with the town and BK wins with the Mafia. If investigated, Ike appears innocent while BK appears guilty.

People who have signed up so far:

Furetchen Trompe le Monde

Mordecai Ulki

I eat tables

General Spoon




VincentMSA Champion Cynthia

Fayt Zelphyr







Lux Aeterna






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Here's an idea. Wait for a bunch of games to finish.

I see sign-ups for 4 games now, plus me and Bizz are working on an idea for another game. You mind waiting?

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Please read the post, because it look like you didn't. It says that it's going on after everyone else's game, except the one you said you might be planning with Bizz (which I had no idea about).

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Whatever, I'm in. Furetchen

I know most of the plot of FE10, anyway. I'm just clueless as to why any of it happens XD (3-13? DB vs Mercs? Blood Contract? WHAT?)

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There's not enough important villains in FE7, FE8 has pretty much nobody that would fit the roles, and I've never played FE4.

You could give it a shot though (as it says you're open for suggestions...).

EDIT: People this isn't a complain about the topic thread. It's a signup.

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FE10 has so many differen people it wouldn't be too difficult to have different games even if they're right in a row. Also, if Bizz thinks of another game or something they could go in between ours.

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But we are likely to have doubles anyway.I can tell you who is confirmed to be in my game(not the associated role/alignment,of course),and you can use different characters.

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Yeah, three signups! This sucks, I'm already on the second page too

EDIT: Second page and 3 signups. Laaaame.

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