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Ok, I don't understand the concept.

When I reclass units, what am I looking for? Am I going for utility, growth rates or stats at the moment? How do I choose what unit should be in what class?

Honestly, I'm just completely confused by the whole thing. Any help?

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I can try to explain some of the ideas.

You're mainly looking for utility and base stats, per se. For most units, they actually function well in their original classes. Think Shiida and Hardin here. Still, using Hardin for this example, you could reclass to Myrmidion in 6X as the dominance of Fighters and their "mediocre, not low" AS allows Myrmidion Hardin the capability of doubling them while Cavalier Hardin only has the extra options of movement and Javelins. Not that it's necessarily terrible, but merely speaking. Other examples could be for better growths and bases. You can likely guess that Draug sucks as an Armor Knight over time; however, as a Hunter or Fighter he does exceptionally well within the classes. The Weapon Rank being one of the few issues.

If you need help with some of the options, I can help you out here.

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It depends what the character lacks

For example Nabarl lacks Def, Str and mobility

A class like Knight will give him a lot of defence but will kill his Spd

However if you class him to a calve the only thing he will lack is skill which he has a good growth for

He will survive and will be able to keep up with your mounted units

If you want him as a swordmaster just reclass once you promote him

Edited by Kai-Sama
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Okay so

1. Look at a character's base stats/growths and their original class's base stats/growths

2. Look for certain areas where a unit has excess/needs help with

3. Pick a class that takes advantage of excess while remedying low ares.


Draug: 60 20 0 40 40 30 0
AK Base: 60 15 -15 20 0 30 -10

Hunter Draug: 40 20 0 35 65 5 0
Fighter Draug: 80 40 -5 35 50 0 -5 
D. Mage Draug: 20 -10 35 40 60 -15 30

As you can see, exploiting Draug's high speed for an AK makes him very fast as almost anything, but his low defence makes him very fragile as almost anything.

My favorite people to Class change are:

Abel/Cain/Hardin to Sniper on Promotion

Caeda to Mage

Draug to D. Mage

Wolf/Sedgar to General

Castor to General upon promotion

Barst to anything

Ogma to Fighter

And anybody promoted that isn't very good to Sniper

Hint: Sniper has the best base stats in the game and average class growth for regular units. The only problem is that Archer has crappy base stats.

Edited by Core
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Same. I think movement is very important if you have the offensive capabilities. It's why I value Shiida a little more than Barst, at least within earlygame's standards. Hardin is also pretty boss because of movement.

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Mobility doesn't matter in H5, by the way
You're even more behind the times than BBlade is. It's not to the levels of importance as FE4 or a GBA game, but it matters enough that Flying is very useful and armor knights are close to useless.

As for the question at hand, you always want to take weapon ranks into consideration, especially for characters that already have C+ in a weapon or are promoted.

Edited by Ilyana
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Yeah, but at least everyone has A ranks by the last chapter for a wifi team.

We aren't discussing Wi-Fi though (which is what I'm assuming with Life Admiral's question).

If it were the case of Wi-Fi, then yes, the Arms Scrolls can be of use.

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Oh, really? I beg to differ.

That's nice.

Same. I think movement is very important if you have the offensive capabilities. It's why I value Shiida a little more than Barst, at least within earlygame's standards. Hardin is also pretty boss because of movement.

Shiida has Cav and Armor killing utility with overkill speed, and Hardin has his Silver Lances to rely on. Neither of those characters are great just because they can move ahead a little faster than everyone else.

You're even more behind the times than BBlade is.

Or I have a tendency to take my time with these games and not care about turn count, which you didn't seem to think as a possibility. The OP, having never played the game before, would, I assume, take a similar stance as me when it comes to this and not rush through with all of the theoretical strategies presented in debates and tier discussions.

It's not to the levels of importance as FE4 or a GBA game

Or FE3, FE9, FE10...

Well, nowhere near as important as any other FE game, really.

but it matters enough that Flying is very useful

Flying is most useful for passing over objects. Big difference from 7 move vs. 10 move.

and armor knights are close to useless.

Armor Knights, at least for me, are useless because anyone who starts as an Armor Knight sucks as an Armor Knight, and PCs who get reclassed to AKs are stuck with the 0 speed base, which makes them 2RKO'd just like before, and E lances, which makes their damage output terrible. There are a lot of reasons why AK is a bad class, but movement is not one of the bigger ones.

Really, not everyone can just blitz through. The OP has obviously never played the game before, so it's pretty safe to assume that he's not going to have Dondon-level strategies here. I'm not "behind on the times" just because I'm not taking everything from an efficiency standpoint, and you should try to think these things through before you go rattling off accusations and jumping to conclusions.

Edited by Ninji
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The blanket statement "mobility doesn't matter" is more deserving of accusation than anything that we've been saying. Of course mobility doesn't matter if your playstyle promotes turtling. This is begging the question. If you want to operate under the assumption that we don't need to recommend efficient suggestions, then you might as well say "reclass Bord to dark mage and have fun."

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The blanket statement "mobility doesn't matter" is more deserving of accusation than anything that we've been saying. Of course mobility doesn't matter if your playstyle promotes turtling. This is begging the question.

Mobility doesn't matter in H5, by the way, since you're probably either warp-skipping or turtling through it.

Did you completely miss the second half of my statement? I specifically said that my statement applies to warp-skipping and turtling, two very popular strategies. It doesn't matter if my "blanket statement", which wasn't a blanket statement in the first place, does not apply to a situation outside of those two, since I was specifically referring to those two.

If you want to operate under the assumption that we don't need to recommend efficient suggestions, then you might as well say "reclass Bord to dark mage and have fun."

Apples and oranges. There really is no connection between what I said and this statement. What I said wasn't an inefficient suggestion; I merely noted that mobility doesn't matter in H5 for turtling and warp-skipping. I really shouldn't need to explain why these two aren't comparable.

That being said, we're off-topic, so I'll stop.

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Did you completely miss the second half of my statement? I specifically said that my statement applies to warp-skipping and turtling, two very popular strategies. It doesn't matter if my "blanket statement", which wasn't a blanket statement in the first place, does not apply to a situation outside of those two, since I was specifically referring to those two.

You assumed that the player was turtling through the game to justify that mobility doesn't matter; i.e. begging the question. What if the player doesn't want to turtle? Would mobility matter then?

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Well, thanks for all the help. I'm playing Normal Mode (I need to understand how to reclass properly and know the game before I start the harder modes) and I've got a couple more questions.

1) Are the Gaidens worth sacrificing men? I'm not used to letting guys die, never mind purposely killing them.

2) I'm on chapter 7 and the Pegs sisters and Minerva are approaching me. If I kill them, do they die? And how do I get them off the field?

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The topic is Reclassing. Not Warpskipping or turtling play.

Correction: This topic is helping me, with some of a focus around reclassing.

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1) Are the Gaidens worth sacrificing men? I'm not used to letting guys die, never mind purposely killing them.

If you aren't using the character, the extra EXP and/or character you get from the Gaiden is probably worth more than their contributions.

2) I'm on chapter 7 and the Pegs sisters and Minerva are approaching me. If I kill them, do they die? And how do I get them off the field?

Feel free to snipe them, as they'll only retreat. Keep in mind that killing Minerva makes the other 3 disappear, so kill her last. Alternatively, ignore them, as they don't attack you.

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