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Ike and Elincia

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It's commonly agreed that the IkexElincia support is one of the worst in the game. It arrives far too late - in Chapter 27, when every other one of Ike's supports can already be completed, many of them with some of the best characters in the game. It doesn't give the bonuses that Ike wants, since he has enough hit already. It isn't even as good as Elincia's other option, because she shares movement with Geoffrey and is one of his only options for a support, even if Elincia gets worse bonuses from it.

Yet I find I usually go for this support anyway, just because I like it so much (Geoffrey can have A Calill, it's funnier). I can't be the only one?

Also, has anyone considered that Ike/Geoffrey/Elincia's support situation is a metaphor for their actual relationship? Elincia strongly desires Ike's support, and Geoffrey strongly desires Elincia's support, but because Ike already has strong supports with his mercenaries he is unwilling to abandon them for Elincia, so she ends up settling for Geoffrey?

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I went for it the first and only time I ran PoR because I was looking for support endings.

I was disappoint, but by the time I spoilered that there were none I was already in chapter 25 or so.

EDIT: WRT paragraph 3, you think about this too much. :P

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WRT paragraph 3, Elincia also wants Geoffrey because he's the only other avaiable option other than Ike. She likes the +Mt anyway, her Str is low but with Amiti she's hitting 2-4x so it helps make her offense less terrible.

Calill also wants Geoffrey, but he wants Elincia instead. The Mov difference between him and Calill must be too much, because her bonuses are better than Elincia's.

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Oh joy, another one of these. Well, my position on Elincia's preferences for romance have been made clear in other parts of the site, as have the positions of other people.

Geoffrey's a doof, Ike x Elincia forever!!!

I typed something in white.

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A doof? Seriously?

Choffs is silly, though. Elincia should've settled for Kieran. Or Haar, shit yes.

I think RD didn't have nearly the amount of paired endings that it should have.

Hell, RD should have gone with Mad Libs endings like the supports were so I could have gotten Laura and Tibarn married in my last playthrough. I like to imagine I did, the epilogue just didn't say so.

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Meh, doof, doofus, dimwit, douche, goof. That type of thing. He's not worthy of Elincia. Hence, Ike x Elincia forever.

Anyway, on topic it is an interesting parallel to their personalities. Ike doesn't care much. Elincia would rather have A Ike than A Geoffrey (oh joy, +7 hit compared to +5 hit and +5 avo when comparing the next level of support beyond BB Ike/Geoffrey. Yeah, she really wants Geoffrey over Ike.). Geoffrey I'm not sure of for Dark v Heaven. Doesn't he have enough hit already? BB Calill Elincia gives +3mt, +15 hit, +5 avoid. An extra Calill means +1 mt, +2 hit, +2 avo. An extra Elincia is just +7 hit. I suppose shared move or something, but it's not really giving much more than B Elincia anyway so who cares?

I think the parallel may fall apart with Geoffrey's A preferences.

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In my last run, I B supported Ike and Elincia, only because I didn't bother using Oscar (It was a transfer run), it at least gave Elincia some Avo, it helped her for me trying to S-rank her in swords, I had to make her cuadruple Ashnard (Thanks to Resolve).

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Meh, doof, doofus, dimwit, douche, goof. That type of thing. He's not worthy of Elincia. Hence, Ike x Elincia forever.

This is what I think:

Ike x Mia forever. Elincia wants Ike, but has to settle for Geoffrey since Mia's the jealous type I imagine...

So yeah, Elincia better be pushing Rhys x Mia if she ever wants to be with Ike (which she does).

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I don't think anyone is worthy of Ike's heart.

I'd say you can compare Ike to today's teen idols, they all want him. but he will always stay single for his fans, only having relationships that don't work out.

Elincia doesn't seem like the kind of person to go with the pop star in the end, and then look who's left!

Elincia&Geoffrey forever!

Ike is just doomed to be alone, he's awesome, but doomed.

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I don't think anyone is worthy of Ike's heart.

I'd say you can compare Ike to today's teen idols, they all want him. but he will always stay single for his fans, only having relationships that don't work out.

Elincia doesn't seem like the kind of person to go with the pop star in the end, and then look who's left!

Elincia&Geoffrey forever!

Ike is just doomed to be alone, he's awesome, but doomed.


Edited by RidellCrimea
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I approve of IkeXElincia

I also approve of IkeXMia, IkeXLethe, IkeXTitania, IkeXSanaki, IkeXMichaiah, and IkeXMist. The entire game needed to have a proper ending (with proper meaning paired). IkeXElincia is a classic ending with the hero and the princess falling for each other.

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I approve of IkeXElincia

I also approve of IkeXMia, IkeXLethe, IkeXTitania, IkeXSanaki, IkeXMichaiah, and IkeXMist. The entire game needed to have a proper ending (with proper meaning paired). IkeXElincia is a classic ending with the hero and the princess falling for each other.

No, f*ck you.

This topic is of Ike and Elincia anyways, NOT about pairings.

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And MicaiahxIke is just...wrong. Why do people always like pairing people that are rivals? I mean, Micaiah and Ike aren't exactly rivals, but you know what I mean.

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Ike wants OSCAR, everyone wants Ike with Oscar, and they don't mind an OscarxIkexSoren threesome, that +45% Avo is no joke. Did it on my first run and had three take the front line, Soren only had like lol4def and was around lvl 20/14.

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Yeah, supportwise speaking in PoR Ike probably wants Soren (or maybe Oscar, but then Kieran wants A Oscar, so that's cockblocking). Ike has no interest in Elincia whatsoever.

That was part of Anouleth's original point, though. That Ike doesn't really want her but she wants him more than anyone else.

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I actually only attempted the A support with Elincia and Ike to see if they would pair up at the end of RD. I was disappointed....:(

But while playing RD, I've grown fond of the Mia and Ike pair. They seem like good couple to me... :P

I don't understand why Oscar and Tanith didn't get together though. They seemed perfect.... <_<

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