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Mini Mafia Round 2

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Actually, it's not quite that concrete CATS. I haven't been in contact with the tracker, or if I have they haven't reveal that to me.

My vote for Ninji was still based on a couple of reasons, though. We were over two and a half hours into the day phase, and nobody was saying anything so providing something as a kernel of discussion is always useful. Secondly, I tend to have great difficulty reading Ninji, as his play style is fairly different than my own, and I'm never sure the right way to draw him into discussions. We need everybody saying at least something, especially with a town this small, and things rapidly heading to the 'worst-case cult wins' scenario I outlined above (in fact, if both town and mafia screw up tonight, I full advise anyone with active town roles to just broadcast it to the thread so the mafia won't kill them, because at that point, they can't afford to). Of those still on the list, in my experience he's usually been the quietest. I would dearly love to say I have a lot of information, but that's just not the case, a few pieces that indicated innocence, but with the corruptive influence of the cult, I can't even be sure if those are still valid or not.

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That said, so far the plan didn't work quite so well, as all it received from Ninji was a one-line response. Though, CATS did show up, so that's at least something, and now we can get the ball rolling in earnest.

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I have nothing to run off of but suspicions and speculation. If I had anything of value to discuss, I would no doubt post it, but I've hit a dry spell in Mafia roles, and am only receiving roles that are largely useless.

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*shrug* Sometimes you have to try to branch out on a limb. Anyway, I'm not entirely sure about Ninji still, though he has behaved pretty calmly and collected. Then again, he's also pulled epic bluffs before. I'll unvote for now. I never seem to have good hunches in the first place anyway, and there's so little for logic to work on at the moment.

Deadline is tomorrow at ~21:00 GMT+2, unless I miss my mark.

If nothing new happens by the time I wake up tomorrow, I'll probably try going out on another limb I haven't tried before.

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I'll probably random-vote when I wake up tomorrow. Unless we get phenomenally lucky and the cult leader dies today or tonight, I don't see this going anywhere but a cit loss, so meh.

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When you're tired after a long day, you can sometimes click a few buttons before you realise you are, in fact, in the middle of two mafia games. Shite.

Furetchen --> Trompe le Monde. *facestab* Damn Two Month Name Change...Thing.

As has been said, we can't afford a cult win by a lack of lynching. As my options are either vote Bal or tie the vote, I will abstain, for now at least.

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Hello everyone~

Right now (and I know this might seem odd coming from me), CATS is seeming slightly suspicious. He jumped onto the Ninji vote and seemed to follow Bal really fast. I don't know if that makes Balcerzak suspicious or not, but this is just my view on the matter at the moment. Also, he apparently might have a night role. Explain yourself, and I may withdraw my vote

EDIT: I made a really bad typo that made my post confusing, I apologize

Edited by Bizz
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Oh shit, that was terrible. And now I'm suspicious of Ninji again, for following me. I kinda meant that as a pressure vote.

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I think she's a cultist. VOTE: Bizz

I'm listening for reasons. I'd just been going over the voting record, and noticing that you'd done enough discussion to make it clear you weren't simply lurking, but had so far offered nothing of substance. Most specifically, you never logged any vote yourself, and this was starting to raise my own suspicions, especially considering your history and past behaviour. Convince me otherwise.

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I'm listening for reasons. I'd just been going over the voting record, and noticing that you'd done enough discussion to make it clear you weren't simply lurking, but had so far offered nothing of substance. Most specifically, you never logged any vote yourself, and this was starting to raise my own suspicions, especially considering your history and past behaviour. Convince me otherwise.

I'd love to give you a great reason, but in reality, I've been too busy keeping up with Spoon's round 5 (main) and Tables's FE9 Mafia, so I haven't really been super great about keeping up with this game...

Nevertheless, if the Mafia kills a townie tonight, the Cult will have 4 players out of 8 and will win right there and then. The fact is, I haven't seen one vote for Bizz this whole game (though, as I said earlier, I haven't been doing a great job keeping up with the game). That makes me suspicious that she's part of some group or another - either Mafia or Cult.

I'm a generic townie, though, seeing as all I've got is my word at this point, I hope you're still suspicious (since my word - and yours as well - is meaningless in Mafia). However, for all we know, the cult might already have one or more Mafioso at this point as well, which would be a real boon to the town...

Care to share your thoughts?

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Hmm, I was hoping maybe you'd followed her on a recruitment or something. But then again, if you had you'd probably be tempted to keep that close to your vest.

As far as people who've acquired votes, of those still living, I think that leaves only myself, Weapons, and Ninji, meaning there 5 people who've never been voted for.

In addition to my suspicions on you (allievated slightly due to the reminder of many games), Hika also hasn't been acting his normal self, which is suspicious to me. Other than that, I'm also sort of vague and confused on the whole deal. There just really hasn't been much to act on.

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Hmm, I was hoping maybe you'd followed her on a recruitment or something. But then again, if you had you'd probably be tempted to keep that close to your vest.

As far as people who've acquired votes, of those still living, I think that leaves only myself, Weapons, and Ninji, meaning there 5 people who've never been voted for.

In addition to my suspicions on you (allievated slightly due to the reminder of many games), Hika also hasn't been acting his normal self, which is suspicious to me. Other than that, I'm also sort of vague and confused on the whole deal. There just really hasn't been much to act on.

Well, I agree with Hikarusa for sure. Still, I don't see Bizz getting night killed anytime soon, and there's a better than 50/50 shot (okay, so it's right around 50/50) that she's either Mafia or Cult at this point. Hikarusa'll be a good target for getting shot if he's not Mafia, so we can lynch him tomorrow if he's still around. But I really think that Bizz is a threat this time around, and she just doesn't attract suspicion like I do, so I want to see her go for that reason as well as that I think she's dangerous...

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Other than that, I'm also sort of vague and confused on the whole deal. There just really hasn't been much to act on.

I'm really bad at this whole 'figuring out who's mafia/cult based on whether or not they're acting funny' thing, and I've felt I had no reason to add anything to the conversation, nor do I have any actual idea who to vote for.

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I'm really bad at this whole 'figuring out who's mafia/cult based on whether or not they're acting funny' thing, and I've felt I had no reason to add anything to the conversation, nor do I have any actual idea who to vote for.

You could always vote for me since you always tend to do that.

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I vote for Bizz, because of the need for sudden action. We can't afford to tie this.

EDIT: UNvote.

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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