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Calculate your FE constitution.


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My Con is 4... I need to gain some weight. -_-


EDIT: To add to this post, my constitution is 6

Edited by Champion Cynthia
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Male, 15 years old.

Around 6' tall.

Weighs 132 lb.

Yeah, 9 con seems accurate to me. Just don't expect me to rescue anyone and then succeed at standing up.

Edited by Blasied
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At least I can rescue practically any female and some males.


Hey! How come you're one inch shorter and get over 4 Con!? What is wrong with these tables!?

Edited by Soul
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Dude, with vitals like those you're pretty much a poster child 99lb weakling. You don't need fancy look-up tables to tell you that your constitution is going to be shitty, you should already know this.

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So far I'm capable of rescueing everyone besides 2 others and can't be rescued by anyone.

And again this table is not meant for people who haven't grown up yet. Children have diferent High/Weight scaling but looking that up for every single age is bothersome.

At 12 year old boys average 5 feet with 85-100 weight.

Calculating up to 5,2 would mean a +3/3 and +3/3

Meanign ideal is for your age and height 91-106. You are within that range so you get the maximum 5,2 score of +4.

-2 for your age means you're on 2 total JB25. Not to be mean but young people are not expected to score high.

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I didn't read post 21 to 60, sorry.

I have 16 con, apparently. I protest this strongly, though, since I don't think the ideal weight for a 6'3" male is between 165 and 180 pounds. 165 is actually pretty unhealthy. And to be under 170 you basically need little fat and little muscle. Well, there is also bone structure to consider, so maybe some people can be under 170 and 6'3" and be healthier than I am (mid-170s).

Now, admittedly, if you start with my frame and then just keep adding fat you can get up pretty high and it probably doesn't help at all. But you can also build muscle up to (and past, probably) 220 and you'll just be adding fitness, not taking away from it.

The spd stat determines spd of attacks, anyway. All con does is determine how much heavy weapons take away from your ability. A 270 pound 6'3" fat guy will almost certainly have a pathetic spd stat, but I doubt that most heavy weapons will do anything to take away from that "speed". So I kinda think that it doesn't really matter whether the added weight is fat or muscle.

Anyway, I'm pretty cool, since I have 16 con and would probably get a decent spd stat, too. I can even rescue Silith. Yay me. Of course, in the GBA games if I'm riding a horse or a wyvern I only have 9 aid. Silith only has 6 aid, though, if she was on a horse/wyvern/peg because of being female and getting aid = 20 - con instead of aid = 25 - con. We would both be rather useless for rescue chaining most units. But at least in fe6 I can wield almost anything for no speed loss. Just devil axe and ballistas can even do anything to me. And at most it is -4 AS from ballistas, though I'm not sure you can double with them regardless. Same as in fe8 except add the long ranged tomes and a couple of other dark tomes. I can even use fe7 Durandal for no AS loss. Not fe7 Armads, though. Or fe7 Fenrir or Gespenst. But the only long range in fe7 I can't use without AS loss is Bolting. Yeah, I'm big. I'm Gonzales. Promoted.

(And like, I think it was Whase (finally read more posts)? I don't think I could effectively wield so much as an iron lance, let alone the steel blades and hammers and halberds and brave axes I can apparently wield with no AS loss.)

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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You can rescue Fighter!Dorcas, I can't even rescue goddamn NINO, who's, what...eleven?

Nino is about 14 years old *pat* be glad you're still growing and in at least fair condition anyway~

in oh, maybe another year or so you can carry her? XD and ya can always make jokes about her weighing more than you do

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I didn't read post 21 to 60, sorry.

I have 16 con, apparently. I protest this strongly, though, since I don't think the ideal weight for a 6'3" male is between 165 and 180 pounds. 165 is actually pretty unhealthy. And to be under 170 you basically need little fat and little muscle. Well, there is also bone structure to consider, so maybe some people can be under 170 and 6'3" and be healthier than I am (mid-170s).

You think you can rescue me? The little 6 CON guy who weighs 70 pounds more than you?

Hence why this scale is woefully inaccurate. It needs to keep going up as a function of weight, not decrease at some arbitrary level (which is admittedly WAY too light - some of us actually have some bulk and can't weigh our so-called 'ideal' weights).

And Narga, a 6'3" guy would probably have an ideal weight in the 200-205 range, so yeah, I don't think that you would have max con for your height in any case. Weight increases roughly as the SQUARE of height, and I think that this function of CON uses a linear relation between the two...

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And Narga, a 6'3" guy would probably have an ideal weight in the 200-205 range, so yeah, I don't think that you would have max con for your height in any case. Weight increases roughly as the SQUARE of height, and I think that this function of CON uses a linear relation between the two...

I can agree that I am underweight. Which is why I don't think that 165 to 180 is ideal for a 6'3" male. At least, not one over, say, 21. Maybe late teens you are still growing bulk or something, but by mid 20s should definitely be around 200 or something. Anything less is scrawny (hence, I am scrawny). Now, 200 can also be very bad if it is mostly fat, but assuming it isn't there is nothing wrong with 200 and it is certainly going to be more able to effectively wield steel blades than I am. And yet on this scale I have more con. Go figure.

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To further prove that this thing is inaccurate, I am the same height as Narga, and I'm not underweight (I don't actually know that, I don't have a scale for reference. All I know is that I do exercise and I eat quite a bit).

Somehow, I am 1 con less than Narga (I would have 15), who is underweight while I'm not, and I'm the same height.

I'm also not Barth huge. I'm a 10 at best, as I'm not even Lot big.

Edited by Master Tang
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As it seems there is enough room for improvement for a version 3.0 (this was 2.0 though 1.0 was never posted here)

It seems height is a too big a factor and weight starts to diminish too soon. Being overweight should improve at first before going down again. Fat SHOULD lower the score though but not too soon after the optimum of a healthy person.

Untill I make this V3.0 hang onto your current Con for now.

Edited by Silith
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5'00 tall 110 pound girl... 3 constitution. Can I even wield anything?

slim swords. That's about it. You even have a -1 attack speed from slim lances.

(GBA games).

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I'm pretty sure I won't suffer AS loss from using a katana Killing Edge, though.

Even though they are one over my con. :/

(5'3.5", ~120 depends on if I ate or not --> 6 con , actually can use a katana okay. Has more muscle mass than most girls my size. I should just move myself up to 7 to use Killing Edges w/o AS issues.)

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