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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 3: A peaceful respite?


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"I mean really, all, why didn't we check the new guy better? I know we're mercenaries, but people like that would drive away business even if they weren't getting arrested... they're scary! And he scared all the animals, too..." Arrin was complaining to the members of the group directly next to him, his act getting a little more convincing.


Kelas galloped down a street, swerving every so often to dodge a food cart or pedestrian. There was a gate...! The soldiers had found some horses now, but they were big, unruly warhorses, not as fast as Amari... Before the regular guards at the gate could react, she was through the gate, laughing. She hadn't had a good run like this in a while. There was a hill ahead... she ascended the hill and was running down it, the soldiers still in hot pursuit. She turned to the left once she passed the hilltop, looking for cover to slip into and bypass the town.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Kamilla sighed following Irina and Isotov as they headed out the gate, she didn't think she could explain herself if they asked why she was with these maniacs, hell, she didn't even know herself. "Church girl, waitress, and now a wanted criminal," she muttered sullenly to herself, she was sure the guards would remember their faces, and if not the Innkeeper and Matron would probably be more then willing to give the authorities full cooperation.

Seeing Arrin still desperately trying to explain himself she grabbed him by the collar "too late now, it's either a life on the run, or a life behind bars." she said bitterly referring to the guard who was shouting from atop the flag pole.

"We'll probably have to think of something for your brother later, I'm sure he'll manage to shake the guards, but after this little charade, security's going to be a lot tighter, and I doubt he'll forfeit his horse making it harder for a disguise."

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Kelas turned back to the wall, glancing over her shoulder: the soldiers were nearing the hilltop now, starting to shout: until they looked this way, she'd lost them. There was a bit of a shantytown ahead next to the wall, nearly uninhabited. Kelas headed for it, galloping down the main "street, grabbing a bit of faded fabric from what must have been a flagpole as she passed: it would serve as a scarf.

At one of the bigger, sounder looking abandoned buildings, she quickly halted, dismounting and leading Amari inside through a gaping hole in the wall. "Right, time to be someone else," Kelas announced, taking the blanket off Amari's back and tying it round her shoulders like a cloak. There was dust everywhere. "Have a roll, Amari, Kelas suggested as she re-braided her hair and tucked it into the new head scarf. Further changes were necessary... she pulled her tunic's belt higher around her waist and tightened it, making her slight curves a bit more obvious. After Amari had rolled in dust, Kelas rubbed more into the mare's coat, turning her a dull grayish color, adding some to her tunic as well. Well, that would have to do for now... she set out the other end of the shantytown at a trot, letting her posture go tired and worn. It wasn't really a good disguise, but it might help. Behind her she heard shouts as the soldiers slowed their horses and fanned out to search the area. She'd be long gone before they got near the shantytown...


Arrin nodded and jogged through the gate, glancing worriedly at Esphyr: she'd been tied securely, and was starting to regain consciousness. Hopefully the guards hadn't gotten particularly good looks at any of their faces...

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Tessa had no issues with being passed off to Morgan, though she did look a little disappointed when she was led away from Trevor. The stallion snorted a bit though, and clomped along behind them, following his master.

The effects of the smoke she'd inhaled slowly wearing off, in part due to passing swiftly along and getting exposed to a lot of fresh air, and Tessa started to become a bit more aware of her surroundings. The unpleasant stinging of some of her burns also helped her to focus her mind, and by the time the wyvern had deposited a hapless guard, now clinging for dear life onto a high flagpole, she was more or less fit to take care of herself.

They were now filing out of the gates, and Tessa made a mental note to thank Morgan and Aiya for looking after her in her state of confusion.

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"What an...interesting,,,encounter." Damian said after they were out of earshot of the guards.

"Kelas will find her way back to us,we should continue for a little while.Best to evade the town." Aiya added to his statement,still helping Tessa along in her stupor.

"And Isotov!Learn to control yourself!" Aiya yelled at him angrily,before continuing.

"Next time you don't get a warning..."

Isotov looked to Damian in confusion,and pitying his situation,Damian informed him he was liable to receive a steel gauntlet to the face.

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OOC: Sorry. Late class and now parents are refusing to let me have a moment of peace. Also, when's lunch?

IC: "Nyuggggg..." Esphyr could feel the heavy pounding in her head as she opened her eyes up. It took her a bit, but at last she was starting to wake up at last. She was finally coming down from her high, but had no clue as to what was going on. "What... Where am I? Why do my lips feel weird? Why does my whole body feel... weird?"

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They continued at a brisk pace.

"Why does my whole body feel... weird?" Esphyr groaned.

Arrin glanced over his shoulder. "You're awake," he noted. "Apparently one of the rooms in that inn was full of drugs. You must have got a lungful; you were... rather odd before you passed out. Anyway, we're out of town now."


Kelas cantered across the countryside, heading back toward the road the group will be on. She saw them up ahead... as she drew nearer she slowed to a trot. "The mad mage is back," she called to them as she approached.

OOC: Might it be important that Esphyr's the only one whose face was definitely not seen at the checkpoint? (Though I don't know that anyone else was seen particularly well, either...)

Also Kelas is covered in dust. This should strike people as being weird.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Is it just me, or do people seem to ignore their ability to think. I'm a fourth circle mage. I could have gotten us out of there without any problem. I even was working on a message when I saw the guards. But you people just HAD to blast through! Now I'm a criminal and we can't access the records we need at the capitol now!

Katie ripped the page free from the diary she had been given and held it up in a way so that anyone who thought to look at her would be able to read it. She was noticeably perturbed at the turn of events, irritated even.

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OoC: I was well aware that Katie might pull such a stunt, that's why I was so delighted when Phoenix jumped the gun and started getting physical XD

Kamilla, looked at the scrunched piece of paper as it was thrust in her face trying to read

"People think mage gotten us problem

I was working on blast through

I'm criminal, access the capitol?"

She asked confused, "Umm yes it's probably the mages fault, and it's probably a good thing you didn't blast the guards, wait, you're a criminal?" Kamilla asked taking a step back, then realizing she was probably under the same category as of now. "I don't think accessing the capitol is such a good idea, unless you can get in and out before news spreads" she stated thoughtfully, "What do you need at the capitol anyway?" she asked curious, not really sure why the woman wouldn't just speak to her instead of writing everything down.

Edited by Nadesico
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Morgan shrugged in Katie's direction "Certain people seem to act without thinking, and it is nearly impossible to stop them once they've started. I was also personally unaware that your position was so influential that you could allow an entire foreign group fleeing from a scene of arson to pass through guardposts. Still, I suppose it would have been a better choice than what occured."

"I am personally more interested in Tina's information than anything we might obtain in the capital, it seems more relevant to our mission."

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To you it may be important. I have my own goal. Namely, figuring out if those tentacle monsters you fought are related to my missing apprentices. And besides, all I would have had to do was claim you all were idiots from the wilds whom we were taking in for experiments on. We mages are what makes Elyisima strong, and they would not dare to jeopardize our superiority over the shattered nations. They never seem to realize we don't do that sort of thing, and so long as you people don't break loose, they don't question it. Though, considering the destructive tendencies of people here, it would not have worked well it seems.

Katie gave a soft sigh before she turned her focus to Esphyr. She pulled out a sandwich from her basket and offered it to the confused mercenary; a means to calm her down and keep her quiet until her mind was more firmly grounded. It seemed to work for the swordswoman quietly took the food and started to nibble away at it, content to keep quiet until the world stopped ungilating about her.

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Tessa gave Aiya's sleeve a soft tug, and when she turned to look at her, gave a smile and said softly, "Thanks for looking after me there. It's kind of embarrassing, but I'm alright now, really." Aiya gave the cleric an appraising glance, decided she was telling the truth and allowed her to separate.

The situation was a bit chaotic, they had cleared the city, but Kelas had disappeared as a distraction, and their next destination was undecided. General consensus seemed to be 'We need to go somewhere that is not here,' however that did nothing to narrow down the options. For the moment, continuing on in the direction the road from the city gate they'd just left from was good enough, and the discussion of when or where to turn or change plans was important and ongoing, but not absolutely paramount.

One of the issues was soon resolved, when a cloaked figure with their hair tucked up into a bandanna cantered up the to group, and cheerfully announced her return. Tessa squinted up at the woman, realization slowly dawning on her. "...Kelas? Is that you? Wow, that's actually a pretty good disguise, but whoa~ are you dirty." Stopping to look at her own appearance, she laughed and followed up with, "Well, I suppose we're all quite dirty, and very much in need of a good bath!"

Not waiting for a response, she ran up to the small knot of people centered around Katie and Morgan, and called out with "Guys, Kelas is back!" Morgan looked up briefly with what might or might not have been slight annoyance before returning to the subject at hand. They were locked discussion about where to go next. Morgan was arguing to follow-up on information from the outlaw, while Katie's notes indicated she wished to visit the capital. Distrusting Chase, Tessa was inclined to agree with mute mage, but she couldn't outright ignore it if Morgan thought it was important.

"What exactly was this information, and which way did Chase's information point. I'm assuming it wasn't the capital, otherwise there'd be no discussion, but if the capital is on the way..." She trailed off when seeing Katie unwrapping a sandwich for Esphyr, suddenly reminded that she'd only had that apple roll that Arrin had given her for breakfast, and could really do for a sandwich herself.

"Umm... Miss Katie? Not to be rude or a bother, but... are there a rather lot of sandwiches in that basket?" Tessa asked for one in a roundabout fashion.

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