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If a new Fire Emblem Game was created....


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Let's have the top tier (read: S and SS) magic be comparable to the same level of weapons. Wishblade in FE10 should not have 20+ might while Rexbolt has what... 13 might?

Also, weaker paladins and stronger sages. As in, paladins need to actually sacrifice stats for canto and move. And sages should have speed second only to SM's/TB's. On a related note, let's not have staves be equipped as in FE10, okay?

FE10 type support leveling with FE9 style support conversations.

No buying stuff during the battle - leave that part of the game at the base like in 9 and 10. However, I would be fine with convoy TRADING with the lords (as in FE11 with Marth)

If they can do it, let's vary individual caps instead of relying on class caps.

BEXP. It needs to be there. No exceptions.

If they're going to have arenas, let's not do it FE11 style where you actually die for real if you lose in the arena.

As for magic, I'd like to see an 8 element grid:

Light and Dark both have WTA over the other six, but with fewer characters to use that magic and it being slightly weaker... SS light gives +DEF, SS Dark gives +STR but is stronger than light.

Earth: Beats wind, loses to Ice. Earth tomes have highest durability, with SS Earth giving +3 DEF (as well as light)

Ice: Beats Fire, loses to Fire. Ice tomes have highest critical and lower MT, SS Ice gives +2MAG and STR

Fire: Beats Ice, loses to Water. Fire weapons have the lowest weight and lower hit, SS Fire gives +3 SKL

Water: Beats Fire, loses to Thunder. Water weapons are balanced in terms of stats. SS Water gives +3 luck

Thunder: Beats Wind, loses to Wind. Thunder weapons have the most MT but the least hit. SS Thunder gives +3 RES

Wind: Beats Thunder, loses to Earth Wind weapons have more accuracy and weight. SS wind gives +3 SPD.

Also, I'd prefer a doubled weapon triangle. Or at least, 1 Atk and 20 Hit.

Ranged swords are a plus as well.

If they're going to do authority stars, they need to do two things:

1) Lords need the opportunity to get more stars (by fulfilling certain requirements, like leaving enough NPC's alive in a given map, for instance).

2) Non-lord units that have stars give a Charisma bonus of sorts to units within a certain number of squares.

Some sort of punishment for moving skills around. Perhaps they can't be used for one map after removing them from a unit?

3rd tier is nice, but the FE10 masteries were broken. Weaken them back to FE9 levels (but use discretion for skills like Deadeye and Roar to make them comparable to FE9 Sol, Luna, and Astra).

Thieves that can steal money from units would be nice, though I don't like the idea of individual money as in FE4. Stick with army funds as in other games...

That's all I can think of for now...

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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just thinking about the supports, why not being able to support with all characters (no boundaries like only 5 supports) but make the bonuses smaller. it would make more sense to me~

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Every gameplay addition from FEDS, except make class sets different for every character for reclass.

Oh and FE3's dodge system as well as BEXP that gets replaced with FE4 Arena every few chapters.

Among a few other points I brought up in previous threads like this but no one ever listens to me anyway.

Edited by Ike-Mike
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-Soldiers -> Halberdiers to return

-Arenas (maybe like FE4's)

-Support conversations and paired endings

-New classes

-More weapon varieties

-More elements than just Wind/Thunder/Fire


-Multiple viewpoints like FE7 and FE8, not the RD mess.

-Gaiden chapters that don't require sacrificing most of your units to a dark god.

I'm sure there's more, but this question's been asked so many times and I can't type up the super-long paragraphs about it like I used to.

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-Do not try 3D stuff or voice acting please.

You didn't like the cut scenes and voice acting? I love the scenes, but some of the voice acting was pretty terrible(Rolf's and Mist's voice in FE10? What the hell?) The FE9 support system worked best, to me. The only good thing about the FE10 support system was that you could practically support with ANYONE.... But the lack of support conversations was depressing. Some of the funniest parts come out in support conversations (Ross and Lute in FE8? Shinon and Janaaf in FE9? Ike x Lethe beastiality? Ike x Mia, Ike x Elincia... Ike was such a man whore in FE9).

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I'd like...

Soldiers --> Halberdiers

Broken up Anima (Fire, Wind and Thunder)

Forgeable El/Arc/Fire, El/Arc Wind, El/Arc Thunder, Elight/Shine, as well as Dark magic

FE10 Forge

Magic might somewhat similar to Iron/Steel/Silver weapons in terms of might.

FE 9 support systems. I didn't have to waste turns trying to get supports.

Flying Archers (Peg Archers...). Might give Tier 1 Bow classes a boost in terms of canto + flight

Wind Edges/Storm Sword/Tempest Blade. Worked well with Javelin/Spears and the Hand Axes

Link Arena like FE11

Reclass, but needs to be fixed and tweaked with. I thought the idea had a lot of potential, but it needs something.

3 lords, but done like FE7, not FE10. Maybe like a Axe, Sword and Lance lord

Female Cavaliers..., but not like Midia's level of suckage

FE8 class variety, but no branched promotions

Make it replayable. I don't want to just go through the storyline just to play it. Something like creature campaign.

(DSi only) After playing the game once, you can replace music from the game with music from your SD card. doubt it would happen, but I think it'd be cool.

Possibly multiplayer campgains

Don't want

FE11 Warp, well FE11 staffs in general

No Paladin/Sage nerfs

Trainees. I like them, but they just sucked.

FE11 overworld Paladin sprite. Looked like Santa was sitting on a pony.

Nothing like Imhullu

FE10 masteries. Spice them up, but no x3 power

30 Def Pallys, pretty much made Generals obsolete

FE11 Gaiden requirements

FE6 Forced Gaidens.

FE5 capture

FE2 and 4 chapter magnitude. I don't care how large the maps are, 10 chapters is 10 chapters.

Make the game blow up when cheating devices are used :P

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oh wait, and let's not forget the equipping staffs and counter with them. I really loved that.

Hell no, that was terrible.

Unless we get combat staves.

But that would just be silly.

(Seriously, why did so many staves in RD have high crit when they did no damage?)

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Things from the previous games I would like to see return:

-World Map and Skirmishes from Sacred Stones (but only after you have completed the main story)

-the Transporter unit from Blazing Sword

-branching promotions from Sacred Stones

-third tier promotion from Radiant Dawn

-reclassing option from Shadow Dragon (divided up into specific class types instead of maleA/maleB/female sets)

-crossbows from Radiant Dawn

-support system from Path of Radiance (in my personal opinion the support system from the GBA games sucked ass)

-Base function from Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn (shops and all)


-Multiplayer from Shadow Dragon (hopefully improved)

-Light/Dark/Anima magic triangle (just that, no Fire/Wind/Thunder anima triangle)

-online shop from Shadow Dragon

probably more stuff I can't immediately bring to my mind right now but I'll leave it at that.

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And how would combat staves be silly? Have you never heard of a combat staff?

I'm talking about FE staves, not the real ones used in martial arts. If they gave Priests/Clerics combat staves, well, that'd be silly. Protecting them is supposed to be a challenge and giving them combat abilities before their light-magic promotion would remove some of the early game challenge.

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I think the idea was that it would make up for low damage. But 3x 0 is still 0...

And how would combat staves be silly? Have you never heard of a combat staff?

That's... not that bad of an idea. I mean, just for healers to have staves with more than one mt for the purpose of counter-attacking. Obviously they should still be weak and not very durable and only usable on enemy phase and you'd need to trade the staff to the top of the inventory, but it's an interesting concept.

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Or you could have a specific healer class that's actually meant to do combat that would either have special class-only staves or huge STR. 'Cuz yeah, Laura whacking people with a martial arts staff is humorous, but kinda strange.

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fighting with a stave, even though not doing any damage, is a good way to earn exp. and a good way to get your staff level up. perfect for sages you want to become your teams main healer.

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They just need to switch to either a ) you don't equip the staves, or b ) the Staves actually have Mgt... Because it is really pointless when Laura gets attacked by a general while she's holding Matrona, criticals, but then just has 0 damage. Good job IntelligentSystems, way to be intelligent

Edited by StinDuh
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fighting with a stave, even though not doing any damage, is a good way to earn exp. and a good way to get your staff level up. perfect for sages you want to become your teams main healer.

Um, you realize that when you do no damage you get 1 exp, right? Well, unless it is like fe5. Anyway, how is that a "good way to earn exp."? And considering in the new games you get weapon levels for using staves like 10 times or something really low like that, why is there a concern about getting the staff level up?

They just need to switch to either a ) you don't equip the staves, or b ) the Staves actually have Mgt... Because it is really pointless when Laura gets attacked by a general while she's holding Matrona, criticals, but then just has 0 damage. Good job IntelligentSystems, way to be intelligent

Um, the staves actually have 1 mt in fe10. In fact, I could argue having "0 Mt" is having Mt. But I don't have to because they have 1 mt.

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I want reclassing and FE11 style gaidens to come back again. Even though I hate killing people off, the harder modes help you get over that.

Um, the staves actually have 1 mt in fe10. In fact, I could argue having "0 Mt" is having Mt. But I don't have to because they have 1 mt.

He means might that actually matters. That's like saying "He might be doing 0 damage, but it's still damage!"

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He means might that actually matters. That's like saying "He might be doing 0 damage, but it's still damage!"

But I could accept that if staves literally had 0 mt. But since they have 1 mt, it is an important distinction. "Respectable mt" or something like that would be better than "actually have mt".

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But I could accept that if staves literally had 0 mt. But since they have 1 mt, it is an important distinction.

It's not, really, since the outcome is the same: 0 damage all the time.

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I'd like to see a healer unit gain EXP proportional to how much damage was healed.

I think that would be cool, along with something that takes into consideration the level of the unit being healed relative to the level of the unit doing the healing. Hey, it worked for shining force.

It's not, really, since the outcome is the same: 0 damage all the time.

But they do "actually have mt". Which is what he implied they didn't have. Which is why it is important.

"Actually do damage" seems to be what you are reading.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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But they do "actually have mt". Which is what he implied they didn't have. Which is why it is important.

"Actually do damage" seems to be what you are reading.

You're being pretty nitpicky on something that was obvious. Do you always need people to spell out exactly what they mean?

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I guess I forgot we were talking about stuff that mattered. That was sarcasm. This post is sarcasm to point out the comparison you made was not good. The comparison in question was with NASA and a negligible number in a bideo gay. Bideo gay is a joke name for video game, I used the term to show that I'm just fucking with you, in the non-sexual sense.

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