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Flying vs Ghost

[spoiler=Ninji]Rules: Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause

LightBrand99 sent out Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ?).

Ninji sent out Spiritomb (lvl 100 Spiritomb ?).

Spiritomb is exerting its pressure!

Scizor used U-turn.

Spiritomb lost 64% of its health.

LightBrand99 switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).

Spiritomb used Hidden Power.

It's not very effective...

Gliscor lost 12% of its health.

Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gliscor restored 6% of its health.


Ninji switched in Rotom-c (lvl 100 Rotom-c).

Gliscor used Earthquake.

Rotom-c makes ground moves miss with Levitate!

Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gliscor restored 6% of its health.


Gliscor used Knock Off.

It's super effective!

Rotom-c lost 8% of its health.

Gliscor knocked off foe Rotom-c's Leftovers!

Rotom-c used Toxic.

Gliscor was badly poisoned!

Gliscor is hurt by poison!

Gliscor lost 6% of its health.


Gliscor used Stone Edge.

Rotom-c lost 17% of its health.

Rotom-c used Leaf Storm.

Gliscor lost 44% of its health.

Rotom-c's special attack was harshly lowered.

Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gliscor restored 6% of its health.

Gliscor is hurt by poison!

Gliscor lost 12% of its health.


Gliscor used Roost.

Gliscor restored 50% of its health.

Rotom-c used Leaf Storm.

It's super effective!

Gliscor lost 40% of its health.

Rotom-c's special attack was harshly lowered.

Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gliscor restored 6% of its health.

Gliscor is hurt by poison!

Gliscor lost 19% of its health.


LightBrand99 switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ?).

Rotom-c used Leaf Storm.

It's not very effective...

Scizor lost 3% of its health.

Rotom-c's special attack was harshly lowered.


Scizor used Pursuit.

It's super effective!

Rotom-c lost 79% of its health.

Ninji's Rotom-c fainted.


Ninji switched in Dusknoir (lvl 100 Dusknoir ?).

Dusknoir is exerting its pressure!

Scizor used Pursuit.

It's super effective!

Dusknoir lost 46% of its health.

Dusknoir used Will-o-wisp.

Scizor was burned!

Scizor was hurt by its burn!

Scizor lost 12% of its health.

Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!

Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.


Scizor used Pursuit.

It's super effective!

Dusknoir lost 25% of its health.

Dusknoir used Pain Split.

Dusknoir restored 32% of its health.

Scizor lost 27% of its health.

Scizor was hurt by its burn!

Scizor lost 12% of its health.

Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!

Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.


Scizor used Pursuit.

It's super effective!

Dusknoir lost 27% of its health.

Dusknoir used Ice Punch.

It's not very effective...

Scizor lost 9% of its health.

Scizor was hurt by its burn!

Scizor lost 12% of its health.

Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!

Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.


Scizor used Pursuit.

It's super effective!

Dusknoir lost 26% of its health.

Dusknoir used Earthquake.

Scizor lost 25% of its health.

LightBrand99's Scizor fainted.

Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!

Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.


LightBrand99 switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).

Gliscor used Earthquake.

Dusknoir lost 22% of its health.

Dusknoir used Ice Punch.

It's super effective!

Gliscor lost 55% of its health.

LightBrand99's Gliscor fainted.

Dusknoir's leftovers restored its health a little!

Dusknoir restored 6% of its health.


LightBrand99 switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).

Gyarados's Intimidate cut Dusknoir's attack!

Gyarados used Waterfall.

Dusknoir lost 39% of its health.

Ninji's Dusknoir fainted.

Gyarados lost 10% of its health.


Ninji switched in Spiritomb (lvl 100 Spiritomb ?).

Spiritomb is exerting its pressure!

Spiritomb used Sucker Punch.

Gyarados lost 35% of its health.

Gyarados used Waterfall.

Spiritomb lost 64% of its health.

Ninji's Spiritomb fainted.

Gyarados lost 10% of its health.


Ninji: gg

LightBrand99: GG

Ninji has left the room.

LightBrand99 wins!

Flying vs Ice

[spoiler=Cynthia]Rules: Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause

Cynthia sent out Abomasnow (lvl 100 Abomasnow ?).

LightBrand99 sent out Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ?).

Abomasnow's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!

Hail began to fall!

Scizor used U-turn.

It's super effective!

Abomasnow lost 125% of its health.

Abomasnow hung on using its Focus Sash!

LightBrand99 switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ?).

Abomasnow used Blizzard.

It's super effective!

Gliscor lost 256% of its health.

LightBrand99's Gliscor fainted.

The hail continues to fall.


LightBrand99 switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).

Gyarados's Intimidate cut Abomasnow's attack!

Cynthia switched in Froslass (lvl 100 Froslass ?).

Gyarados used Dragon Dance.

Gyarados's attack was raised.

Gyarados's speed was raised.

The hail continues to fall.

Gyarados is pelted by hail!

Gyarados lost 6% of its health.


Gyarados used Stone Edge.

Gyarados's attack missed!

Froslass used Thunderbolt.

It's super effective!

Gyarados lost 105% of its health.

LightBrand99's Gyarados fainted.

The hail continues to fall.


LightBrand99 switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ?).

Scizor used Bullet Punch.

Scizor's attack missed!

Froslass used Blizzard.

It's not very effective...

Scizor lost 27% of its health.

The hail continues to fall.

Scizor is pelted by hail!

Scizor lost 6% of its health.


Scizor used Bullet Punch.

It's super effective!

A critical hit!

Froslass lost 320% of its health.

Froslass hung on using its Focus Sash!

Froslass used Blizzard.

It's not very effective...

Scizor lost 29% of its health.

The hail continues to fall.

Scizor is pelted by hail!

Scizor lost 6% of its health.


Scizor used Bullet Punch.

Scizor's attack missed!

Froslass used Destiny Bond.

Froslass is trying to take its foe with it!

The hail continues to fall.

Scizor is pelted by hail!

Scizor lost 6% of its health.


Scizor used Bullet Punch.

Scizor's attack missed!

Froslass used Blizzard.

It's not very effective...

Scizor lost 25% of its health.

The hail continues to fall.

Scizor is pelted by hail!

Scizor lost 6% of its health.

LightBrand99's Scizor fainted.


Cynthia: gg

LightBrand99: GG

LightBrand99: SNOW CLOAK

Cynthia has left the room.

LightBrand99 wins!

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The only clauses that are to remain on constantly are the evasion claus and the OHKO claus. Any other claus is up to the individual Gym Leader to decide.

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The only clauses that are to remain on constantly are the evasion claus and the OHKO claus. Any other claus is up to the individual Gym Leader to decide.

Yay! No Sleep Claus in my gym!

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My bug gym on Shoddy is open.

I'm on TeamUber as EnjolrasMTA.

You'll see when I am or am not there, I s'pose >_>

EDIT: Please tell me you're from SF and hwo you are, though

Vs. Nini

Rules: Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause

EnjolrasMTA sent out Armaldo (lvl 100 Armaldo ♂).

Ninji sent out Spiritomb (lvl 100 Spiritomb ♂).

Spiritomb is exerting its pressure!

Armaldo used Rock Polish.

Armaldo's speed was sharply raised.

Spiritomb used Hidden Power.

Armaldo lost 28% of its health.

Armaldo used Stone Edge.

Spiritomb lost 73% of its health.

Armaldo lost 10% of its health.

Spiritomb used Shadow Ball.

Armaldo lost 55% of its health.

Armaldo's special defence was lowered.

Spiritomb used Sucker Punch.

Armaldo lost 35% of its health.

EnjolrasMTA's Armaldo fainted.

EnjolrasMTA switched in Ninjask (lvl 100 Ninjask ♂).

Ninji switched in Dusknoir (lvl 100 Dusknoir ♂).

Dusknoir is exerting its pressure!

Ninjask used Swords Dance.

Ninjask's attack was sharply raised.

Ninjask's Speed Boost raised its speed!

Ninjask used Swords Dance.

Ninjask's attack was sharply raised.

Dusknoir used Will-o-wisp.

Dusknoir's attack missed!

Ninjask's Speed Boost raised its speed!

Ninjask used Swords Dance.

Ninjask's attack was sharply raised.

Dusknoir used Will-o-wisp.

Ninjask was burned!

Ninjask was hurt by its burn!

Ninjask lost 12% of its health.

Ninjask's Speed Boost raised its speed!

Ninjask used Substitute.

Ninjask lost 25% of its health.

Ninjask made a substitute!

Dusknoir used Ice Punch.

It's super effective!

The substitute took damage for Ninjask!

Ninjask's substitute faded!

Ninjask's leftovers restored its health a little!

Ninjask restored 6% of its health.

Ninjask was hurt by its burn!

Ninjask lost 12% of its health.

Ninjask's Speed Boost raised its speed!

Ninjask used Baton Pass.

EnjolrasMTA switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ♂).

Dusknoir used Ice Punch.

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Scizor lost 23% of its health.

Scizor used Bullet Punch.

A critical hit!

Dusknoir lost 241% of its health.

Ninji's Dusknoir fainted.

Scizor lost 10% of its health.

Ninji switched in Rotom-c (lvl 100 Rotom-c).

Scizor used Bullet Punch.

It's not very effective...

Rotom-c lost 71% of its health.

Scizor lost 10% of its health.

Rotom-c used Leaf Storm.

It's not very effective...

Scizor lost 12% of its health.

Rotom-c's special attack was harshly lowered.

Rotom-c's leftovers restored its health a little!

Rotom-c restored 6% of its health.

Scizor used Bullet Punch.

It's not very effective...

Rotom-c lost 76% of its health.

Ninji's Rotom-c fainted.

Scizor lost 10% of its health.

Ninji switched in Spiritomb (lvl 100 Spiritomb ♂).

Spiritomb is exerting its pressure!

Scizor used Bullet Punch.

A critical hit!

Spiritomb lost 356% of its health.

Ninji's Spiritomb fainted.

Scizor lost 10% of its health.

Ninji has left the room.

EnjolrasMTA wins!

Don't ask why Armaldo went first. Please odn't >_>

vs. Proto

Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause

EnjolrasMTA sent out Armaldo (lvl 100 Armaldo ♂).

LightBrand99 sent out Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ♀).

Ninji has entered the room.

Scizor used Bullet Punch.

It's super effective!

Armaldo lost 127% of its health.

EnjolrasMTA's Armaldo fainted.

EnjolrasMTA: Ohshit ._.

EnjolrasMTA switched in Ninjask (lvl 100 Ninjask ♂).

Scizor used Bullet Punch.

Ninjask lost 107% of its health.

EnjolrasMTA's Ninjask fainted.

EnjolrasMTA switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ♂).

LightBrand99 switched in Gliscor (lvl 100 Gliscor ♀).

Scizor used Swords Dance.

Scizor's attack was sharply raised.

Scizor used Bullet Punch.

Gliscor lost 62% of its health.

Scizor lost 10% of its health.

Gliscor used Knock Off.

It's not very effective...

Scizor lost 3% of its health.

Gliscor knocked off foe Scizor's Life Orb!

Gliscor's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gliscor restored 6% of its health.

Scizor used Bullet Punch.

Gliscor lost 47% of its health.

LightBrand99's Gliscor fainted.

LightBrand99 switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ♀).

Scizor used Bullet Punch.

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

Scizor lost 71% of its health.

Scizor used Superpower.

Scizor lost 76% of its health.

Scizor's attack was lowered.

Scizor's defence was lowered.

Scizor used Brick Break.

Scizor lost 83% of its health.

LightBrand99's Scizor fainted.

LightBrand99 switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ♀).

Gyarados's Intimidate cut Scizor's attack!

Scizor used Bullet Punch.

It's not very effective...

Gyarados lost 31% of its health.

Gyarados used Waterfall.

Scizor lost 70% of its health.

EnjolrasMTA's Scizor fainted.

Gyarados lost 10% of its health.

LightBrand99: GG

EnjolrasMTA: Oh well..

LightBrand99: Flying vs Bug, one-sided match

EnjolrasMTA: Lol

Edited by Enjolras
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I don't see you there. Also.

Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause

TM sent out Rotom-w (lvl 100 Rotom-w).

GeneralSpoon sent out Togekiss (lvl 100 Togekiss ?).

Rotom-w used Thunderbolt.

It's super effective!

Togekiss lost 76% of its health.

Togekiss is paralysed! It may be unable to move!

Togekiss is paralysed! It can't move!

Togekiss's leftovers restored its health a little!

Togekiss restored 6% of its health.


GeneralSpoon switched in Snorlax (lvl 100 Snorlax ?).

Rotom-w used Thunderbolt.

Snorlax lost 22% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


TM switched in Electivire (lvl 100 Electivire ?).

Snorlax used Curse.

Snorlax's speed was lowered.

Snorlax's attack was raised.

Snorlax's defence was raised.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Electivire used Brick Break.

It's super effective!

Snorlax lost 32% of its health.

Snorlax used Curse.

Snorlax's speed was lowered.

Snorlax's attack was raised.

Snorlax's defence was raised.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Electivire used Brick Break.

It's super effective!

Snorlax lost 21% of its health.

Snorlax used Curse.

Snorlax's speed was lowered.

Snorlax's attack was raised.

Snorlax's defence was raised.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Electivire used Brick Break.

It's super effective!

Snorlax lost 18% of its health.

Snorlax used Curse.

Snorlax's speed was lowered.

Snorlax's attack was raised.

Snorlax's defence was raised.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Electivire used Brick Break.

It's super effective!

Snorlax lost 16% of its health.

Snorlax used Curse.

Snorlax's speed was lowered.

Snorlax's attack was raised.

Snorlax's defence was raised.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Electivire used Brick Break.

It's super effective!

Snorlax lost 14% of its health.

Snorlax used Rest.

Snorlax fell asleep!

Snorlax restored 85% of its health.


GeneralSpoon: lol

TM: Well, this stinks

GeneralSpoon: curselax is a beast

TM: Yes he is...

TM: I might as well concede to this one

Electivire used Brick Break.

It's super effective!

Snorlax lost 14% of its health.

Snorlax is fast asleep!

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Electivire used Brick Break.

It's super effective!

Snorlax lost 13% of its health.

Snorlax is fast asleep!

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


TM: Yeah...

TM has left the room.

GeneralSpoon wins!

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I managed to crit it eventually.

Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause

Cynthia sent out Abomasnow (lvl 100 Abomasnow ?).

GeneralSpoon sent out Togekiss (lvl 100 Togekiss ?).

Abomasnow's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!

Hail began to fall!

Togekiss used Fire Blast.

It's super effective!

Abomasnow lost 154% of its health.

Abomasnow hung on using its Focus Sash!

Abomasnow used Blizzard.

It's super effective!

Togekiss lost 97% of its health.

The hail continues to fall.

Togekiss is pelted by hail!

Togekiss lost 6% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Togekiss fainted.


GeneralSpoon switched in Snorlax (lvl 100 Snorlax ?).

Cynthia switched in Mamoswine (lvl 100 Mamoswine ?).

Snorlax used Curse.

Snorlax's speed was lowered.

Snorlax's attack was raised.

Snorlax's defence was raised.

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Mamoswine used Superpower.

It's super effective!

Snorlax lost 46% of its health.

Mamoswine's attack was lowered.

Mamoswine's defence was lowered.

Snorlax used Curse.

Snorlax's speed was lowered.

Snorlax's attack was raised.

Snorlax's defence was raised.

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Mamoswine used Superpower.

It's super effective!

Snorlax lost 26% of its health.

Mamoswine's attack was lowered.

Mamoswine's defence was lowered.

Snorlax used Curse.

Snorlax's speed was lowered.

Snorlax's attack was raised.

Snorlax's defence was raised.

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Mamoswine used Superpower.

It's super effective!

Snorlax lost 16% of its health.

Mamoswine's attack was lowered.

Mamoswine's defence was lowered.

Snorlax used Rest.

Snorlax fell asleep!

Snorlax restored 88% of its health.

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Cynthia switched in Froslass (lvl 100 Froslass ?).

Snorlax is fast asleep!

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Froslass used Blizzard.

Snorlax lost 12% of its health.

Snorlax is fast asleep!

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Cynthia switched in Mamoswine (lvl 100 Mamoswine ?).

Snorlax woke up!

Snorlax used Crunch.

Snorlax's attack missed!

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Mamoswine used Earthquake.

Snorlax lost 18% of its health.

Snorlax used Curse.

Snorlax's speed was lowered.

Snorlax's attack was raised.

Snorlax's defence was raised.

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Mamoswine used Earthquake.

Snorlax lost 17% of its health.

Snorlax used Curse.

Snorlax's speed was lowered.

Snorlax's attack was raised.

Snorlax's defence was raised.

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Mamoswine used Earthquake.

Snorlax lost 13% of its health.

Snorlax used Curse.

Snorlax's speed was lowered.

Snorlax's attack was raised.

Snorlax's defence was raised.

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Mamoswine used Earthquake.

Snorlax lost 11% of its health.

Snorlax used Rest.

Snorlax fell asleep!

Snorlax restored 71% of its health.

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Mamoswine used Earthquake.

Snorlax lost 12% of its health.

Snorlax is fast asleep!

The hail continues to fall.

Snorlax is pelted by hail!

Snorlax lost 6% of its health.

Snorlax's leftovers restored its health a little!

Snorlax restored 6% of its health.


Mamoswine used Earthquake.

A critical hit!

Snorlax lost 93% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Snorlax fainted.

The hail continues to fall.


GeneralSpoon: critical hits bypass stat modifications

GeneralSpoon: :(

Cynthia: yes they do

GeneralSpoon switched in Slaking (lvl 100 Slaking ?).

Mamoswine used Earthquake.

Slaking lost 42% of its health.

Slaking used Fire Punch.

It's super effective!

Mamoswine lost 113% of its health.

Cynthia's Mamoswine fainted.

The hail continues to fall.

Slaking is pelted by hail!

Slaking lost 6% of its health.


Cynthia switched in Froslass (lvl 100 Froslass ?).

Froslass used Blizzard.

Slaking lost 46% of its health.

Slaking was frozen solid!

Slaking is loafing around!

The hail continues to fall.

Slaking is pelted by hail!

Slaking lost 6% of its health.


Froslass used Blizzard.

Slaking lost 48% of its health.

GeneralSpoon's Slaking fainted.

Slaking was defrosted!

The hail continues to fall.


Cynthia: gg

GeneralSpoon has left the room.

Cynthia wins!

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I guess I'll take the Dragon gym then. On Shoddy. Thinking I might take another.

Eh, I wanted the Dragon Gym. I even made the team for it...

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I'd like to take Shoddy Ground Gym. I don't have any competitive experience, however, though I know how to connect and make teams (I used to watch some battles some time ago). If that's kinda required, then feel free to leave the space open for someone else.

Edit: For now it'll be Single battles though I'd like in the near future to make it Double battles.

Edited by Magna
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Since Magna has taken ground, I'd like to hurry and snatch up Shoddy Grass gym. I should be able to fight some people later tonight, I think.

Online right now, on Team Ubers. Should be on for a little while.

Edited by Speedwagon
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Myself (Steel) vs. ZXValaRevan (Dragon)

Rules: Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause

ZXValaRevan sent out Flygon (lvl 100 Flygon ?).

Saint_Kefka sent out Behemoth (lvl 100 Bronzong).

Saint_Kefka: good luck

ZXValaRevan: good luck

Saint_Kefka: oh it's not the grass gym lol

ZXValaRevan: yeah

Flygon used U-turn.

Behemoth lost 15% of its health.

ZXValaRevan: it's the Dragon one

Saint_Kefka: ah

Saint_Kefka: forgot you had that one

ZXValaRevan switched in Salamence (lvl 100 Salamence ?).

Salamence's Intimidate cut Behemoth's attack!

Behemoth used Stealth Rock.

Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!


ZXValaRevan: I thought I nicknamed these guys

ZXValaRevan: 8[

Saint_Kefka: it the characters dont work, it reverts to the original name

Saint_Kefka: like if you used a"!"

ZXValaRevan: oh

ZXValaRevan: prolly what it was then

Salamence used Fire Blast.

It's super effective!

Behemoth lost 92% of its health.

Saint_Kefka's Behemoth fainted.

Salamence lost 10% of its health.


Saint_Kefka switched in Emperor (lvl 100 Empoleon ?).

Salamence used Outrage.

Salamence went on a rampage!

It's not very effective...

Emperor lost 39% of its health.

Salamence lost 10% of its health.

Emperor used Avalanche.

It's super effective!

Salamence lost 180% of its health.

ZXValaRevan's Salamence fainted.

Emperor's leftovers restored its health a little!

Emperor restored 6% of its health.


ZXValaRevan switched in Avro Arrow (lvl 100 Latias ?).

Pointed stones dug into Avro Arrow.

Avro Arrow lost 12% of its health.

Avro Arrow used Grass Knot.

Emperor lost 25% of its health.

Emperor used Avalanche.

It's super effective!

Avro Arrow lost 88% of its health.

ZXValaRevan's Avro Arrow fainted.

Emperor's leftovers restored its health a little!

Emperor restored 6% of its health.


ZXValaRevan switched in Flygon (lvl 100 Flygon ?).

Pointed stones dug into Flygon.

Flygon lost 6% of its health.

Flygon used Outrage.

Flygon went on a rampage!

It's not very effective...

Emperor lost 29% of its health.

Emperor used Avalanche.

It's super effective!

A critical hit!

Flygon lost 394% of its health.

ZXValaRevan's Flygon fainted.

Emperor's leftovers restored its health a little!

Emperor restored 6% of its health.


Saint_Kefka: good game

ZXValaRevan: Darn

Saint_Kefka: wanna try my rock team?

ZXValaRevan: Sure

Saint_Kefka: kk

I forgot the log of the Rock vs. Dragon match, but I did lose.

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I'd like to take Shoddy Ground Gym. I don't have any competitive experience, however, though I know how to connect and make teams (I used to watch some battles some time ago). If that's kinda required, then feel free to leave the space open for someone else.

It's not a requirement right now but it's possible that if you fail too much and others want that Ground Gym instead, then Raven might make some rules that allow you to be replaced.

Edit: For now it'll be Single battles though I'd like in the near future to make it Double battles.

Shoddy doesn't have double battles AFAIK.

Also, what's your name on Shoddy?

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It's not a requirement right now but it's possible that if you fail too much and others want that Ground Gym instead, then Raven might make some rules that allow you to be replaced.

Nevermind that, I got a more serious issue. I ran into some battles yesterday and I have awful lag, enough to have made some of them pretty pissed (even more when I managed to win :P ) so I think it's for the best to have someone else take it. Shoddy Ground Gym is available.

When I'll have access to some decent connections I might come back as a challenger.

Shoddy doesn't have double battles AFAIK.

Bummer... no Explosion fest...

Also, what's your name on Shoddy?

Same as here, Magna.

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Nevermind that, I got a more serious issue. I ran into some battles yesterday and I have awful lag, enough to have made some of them pretty pissed (even more when I managed to win :P ) so I think it's for the best to have someone else take it. Shoddy Ground Gym is available.

Were you on Smogon University? Because it's well known that it lags a lot over there, being so crowded. You should try a different server, like TeamUber, where most of the Gym Battles take place.

When I'll have access to some decent connections I might come back as a challenger.

See above. I had pretty bad internet connection too but it didn't lag much in a less populated server.

Bummer... no Explosion fest...

There's always Wi-fi

Same as here, Magna.

Alright then.

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