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Let's test Fayt's claim

I doubt there's a difference

Also, paint tells me it's 239, 255, 240 (#EFFFF0)

I can't see either of them on my laptop... Can you?

(#FFFFFF), however, is plenty readable with some experience (reading it from an off angle is not hard)

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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This calls for an experiment. First line you can see and if there is one, first line you can read

1: A dozen, a gross and a score

2: (That's 12 + 144 + 20 = 176)

3: Plus three times the square root of four

4: (That's 176 + 3*2 = 182)

5: Divided by seven

6: (182/7 = 26)

7: Plus five times eleven

8: (26 + 5*11 = 81)

9: Equals nine squared and not a bit more.

A: (9^2 = 81)

B: So, that was cool, right?

C: It's going to be my new sig.

D: I didn't write it, but I wish I did.

E: I found it somewhere on the internet

F: This text is grey not.

At an angle, I can read B, and I can see up to about 3.

Edited by I Eat Tables
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How did I see that coming from the second I posted that???

Speaking of message formatting options and star wars quotes:

If you strike this down it will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine

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~Force pushes a pair of drums and a cymbal off a cliff~

So, which galaxy are you living in again?

As for me, I'm in the Milky Way...

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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So, which galaxy are you living in again?

As for me, I'm in the Milky Way...

I don't know what galaxy but I know they live on that small moon near Tattooine and Aldershot

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Currently, not quite in a galaxy, when Outbound Flight went down things got all screwed up and to be quite honest I've no idea where we've got ourselves stuck.

Let me guess, some loner bounty hunter shot your TIE fighter and now it's spiraling out of control while the-force-only-knows what's happening to your prized battle station?

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No, nothing like that. "Don't let Master C'baoth drive," I said... "He's madder than me," I said... "No, really, you should let me drive," I said... and then they were all like "FFFFFFFFFFF SHE'S A SITH THROW HER IN A HOLDING CELL" and then we crashed on this forsaken rock in the middle of who-knows-where and they won't let me in to the good bit of the ship, this part's been slowly leaking radiation ever since we crashed, it rather kind of sucks... and no word from the other Dreadnoughts, either. It's altogether a mess.

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No, nothing like that. "Don't let Master C'baoth drive," I said... "He's madder than me," I said... "No, really, you should let me drive," I said... and then they were all like "FFFFFFFFFFF SHE'S A SITH THROW HER IN A HOLDING CELL" and then we crashed on this forsaken rock in the middle of who-knows-where and they won't let me in to the good bit of the ship, this part's been slowly leaking radiation ever since we crashed, it rather kind of sucks... and no word from the other Dreadnoughts, either. It's altogether a mess.

Egad, well why did you let them throw you in a holding cell?

Couldn't you have just broken the lock or something? I mean, force powers to have fringe benefits, or so I've been told...

Well, I mean, I could pick you up, but my ship only travels at about 2047 times the speed of light, so it could take some time...

Stupid Warp 11 drive... Should have bought the warp 13 gravitic warp engine last year. Nel's still up in arms about that one....

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Not with Jedi for guards... at any rate I got out of the damned cell when we crashed, but the good section of the ship's entrypoints have collapsed. Somebody with some sort of mad skill with comm managed to pick up something about a New Republic, they might be sending people...

(Yes. Expanded Universe. Yes, I went there.)

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Not with Jedi for guards... at any rate I got out of the damned cell when we crashed, but the good section of the ship's entrypoints have collapsed. Somebody with some sort of mad skill with comm managed to pick up something about a New Republic, they might be sending people...

(Yes. Expanded Universe. Yes, I went there.)

Oh, that must be me then... If you have any sort of heavily shielded area, now's the time to go there.

I've got a neutron cannon :D :D :D :D

I'll be there in five minutes.

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I went there. You all found it hilarious.

... That took me a few seconds to get, and I'm a Star Wars fan... also it was a lame pun, though I really shouldn't be talking since we made a bunch of chicken puns in science class during our dissection lab. (as an example of how lame they were, the best one was "shut the cluck up")

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