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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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"We've gotta get moving Esphyr!There are soldiers nearby!" He told her,jumping down from above onto the edge of the stream.

"Throw something on and get ready to hike,we're gonna rendezvous with the others at a place Chase calls the Cobalt Caves."

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"Well we do have a fire mage. Hopefully he can control himself enough that he doesn't incinerate us all, or burn down the caves or what have you.""

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"Hmm?" Damian looked down,it seemed it was true.

"Heh...sorry about that..."

With that,Damian leapt backward and turned around.

"Just try to hurry,okay?" He told her,trying to hide the embarrasement in his voice.

'Of all places to find her,it had to be in the middle of a bath?'

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As quickly as she could, Esphyr scrambled out of the water and quickly pulled on her pants and shirt. She had no towel to dry herself with, so this would have to do. She could feel the dampness of her shirt clinging to her body, turning it damp as it absorbed the moisture on her flesh, and turning it into a unsightly brownish red splotch that was slightly transparent.

"Okay. I'm dressed. Now, care to explain what's going on and why I shouldn't tell Aiya about this?"

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Iso: Dammit it all. When will you let that go, Shaman?! I don't even have Proxima on me!

Irina: *gulp* Y-you don't? :(

Iso: ... ... ...?

The two siblings looked at each other for nearly five seconds before either of them spoke up again.

Iso: Irina ... where is Proxima? I left it with you for safe keeping.

Irina: I ... left it under your ... pillow ... back at the inn. I wanted you to be able to get to it if something happened.

Iso: ... ... ... :facepalm:

Iso held out his hand.

Iso: Proxima, your bond is to me, and to no one else. Return to my hand!

Out of thin air, the book appeared in a small burst of crimson fire! The flames disappeared as quickly as they appeared without burning so much as a leaf, and then the book fell into his hands.

Iso: Last time I trust you with something important <_<

Irina: :(

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Kamilla looked at Morgan as if she were crazy, "No offense, but I'd sooner take my chances with surrendering then relying on the arsonist, If I'm going to die, I'd rather it be above ground where I can see the sunlight, not some suspicious caves infested with bandit" she saw Chase was about to repeat what he'd said earlier and quickly added, "I refuse to believe such a network of caves would be able to be hidden from the populace and scum stick together, if he found it, chances are others like him know about it."

OoC: Just going to mention here, if we do take the Cobalt caves, there is no way in hell I'm going to let the group come out without incident.

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"Aiya and Irina were out flying,and saw a troupe of Armed Soldiers heading this way.When they reported it to us,we decided we had to get out of here,and Chase suggested an underground cave network that he knows of.That's when we realized that you had dissapeared."

Damian turned to look at her now,as she had said she was dressed.The clothing was wet with the moisture of the stream,and was somewhat see-through.

"So I decided it might be a good idea to find you so you weren't captured by the soldiers,and in the condition I found you in,the Lady knows what would have happened if they had found you." Damian told her,the implications painting her face a crimson rivaling his Gae-Borg.

"Why did you come out here without a towel,anyway?"

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"Did they see you--" Kelas began to ask Aiya and Irina, but broke off as Amari's ears flicked to the woods. Kelas glanced in that direction. "Time to get out of here. Everyone on a horse. Or a wyvern," she amended. "We'll have to double up again."

Arrin headed for Tessa: she had a saddle, and he didn't want to be controlling the packhorse. "Er-- can I ride with you again?" he asked.

Kelas held out a hand to Isotov. "You need a ride, or are you going on the wyvern?" she asked.

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"You're the one who forced your silly book on her, and there really was no point in you handing her the book if you can summon it out of nowhere like that" Kamilla stated, irritated at how the group seemed so laid back.

Kamilla frowned at Kelas's suggestion, she didn't know how to ride, and the idea of sharing anything with Helios or Chase was enough to make her place both her feet firmly on the ground.

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"I... I don't have one. Didn't plan on anyone needing me until I was done anyways." said Esphyr, blushing. "And... They would have run before me in terror as I struck them down with my Crimson weapon and without any clothes."


Katie, meanwhile, was all the way back at the inn. Apparently having been ignored, however, she had resigned herself to simply hanging out in the background and following the now fully awake group about.

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"Apparently,there were a good chunk of them.I have a feeling that in the end,they would have got what they wanted out of you." Damian said,desperately hoping Esphyr was not that Naive,or overconfident.

"Anyway,the rendezvous point is about a half mile through the woods that way." Damian pointed towards what looked like thick brush.

"Well Damn..."


"Everyone get on a horse or a Wyvern,like Kelas said!" Aiya called out to her companions,and a lot of the others seemed intimidated by Ulfhrahn.

"Ulfhrahn won't hurt you,don't worry.Anyone with a good grip,climb on,Ulfhrahn can carry the most people of all the mounts."

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"I know what would have happened. I'm not stupid." said Esphyr. "And there's a bush over there. I haven't explored over that way though, and there's likely another route. Do you want me to explore a bit down the river? Or should we both see if we can pass through the bush?"

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"Just making sure.As terrifying as you would be in a rage with your crimson blade,I don't think they would be deterred from such a prospect." Damian added playfully,trying to lighten the mood a little bit.

"Anyway,It would likely be best to avoid getting lost.The brush is thick,but it looks manageable.I've got some body armour on,so I'll go first,I guess." Damian finished,and began clearing a path into the brush.

"Well,atleast you have your Crimson Sword,so if it comes down to it,they'll never be able to get through here in heavy armour,so we can ambush them and we...might survive...maybe?Best it doesn't come to that,but atleast we have good cover."

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Tessa saddled, up, then reached down to Arrin.

"You can certainly ride with me again. I don't mind, and I think Trevor likes you too." At the sound of his name, the warhorse gave a little snort, and shake of the head.

"But this will only be until we get to the cave entrance. There's no way you can ride a horse in a cave, we'll need to dismount and carefully lead them. They'll probably be the least thrilled about going underground out of any of us."

Tessa glanced at Kamilla as she said this. The woman seemed to share her misgivings, which reassured her slightly.

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"I... Errr... Thank you Daiman." said Esphyr blushing slightly at the compliment as her commander took point and started to head into the brush. Esphyr followed behind him, her hands daintily grabbing those branches which came close to push them out of the way, preventing them from touching her body. "Ummm... I know this isn't the time, but you and Aiya... You are... Well, clearly closer then a professional relationship."

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Irina: Iso, you're riding with me, okay?

Iso: Sure.

Irina: Let's see, Damian went to get Esphyr, Morgan, Aiya, Kelas, Arrin, Chase, Kamilla, Helios, Mark, Tessa, Kamilla, Ka- ... Katie? :blink:

Iso: I guess Proxima wasn't the only thing we left behind :mellow:

Irina: You mean YOU left behind, you dolt! How could you do that?!

Iso: Why are you mad at me?

Irina: Because what kind of guy does that?!

Iso: Every "guy" in the group apparently <_<

Irina: Sure. It's great to be around women, but when it comes to looking out for them, you're as absent minded as a wolf! :angry:

Iso: Just what are you implying? You're starting to sound like Stephanie :mellow:

Irina: Never mind! >_< Hop on! Let's go scoop her up before the soldiers reach the inn.

Iso: :facepalm:

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"It's common courtesy,is it not?I'd do the same even if you were the one armoured." Damian said to Esphyr,who was now following him closely,as to stay out of back-lash range.

"Me and Aiya?Yeah,I guess we are now,aren't we?" Damian replied to her second question.Something seemed off about it,Esphyr was usually forward,yet she sounded almost timid in this instance.

"Are you alright? You don't sound like yourself,Esphyr." Damian turned around and stopped walking.Esphyr bumped into his chest just before she answered.

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"I- No it's-UMPH!" Esphyr's statement was cut unexpectedly short as she collided chest first with Daiman, smacking firmly into him, and falling backwards to the ground, branches whipping back to strike her in the face. Twin red marks were clear and evident upon both her cheeks as she looked up at Daiman. She took a moment, taking a deep breath to try and clear her head out before she started to speak to the man once again.

"I suppose I should be straight forwards. You and Aiya are the first employers to treat me as a human being. It's refreshing, and honestly a bit confusing. I think I even felt a slight twinge of jealousy when I noticed that you and Aiya were holding each other. I'm being a stupid young girl about it though. You two were meant for each other, and I can see that. I just was being stupid. That's all."

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Sighing and resigning herself to the Nomads suggestion she approached Aiya and Ulfhrahn hesitantly, staring at they Wyvern, which stared back at her in turn. She didn't understand wyverns, but then again she didn't understand these people either. Whatever the case, the wyvern didn't seem to be hostile, which was more then what she could say about certain members in the group. "Umm, would you mind if I burden you and Ulfhrahn?" she asked Aiya still not sure if she wanted to risk being up in the sky, but if anything happened it was probably safer then the grounded group, as long as she managed to hold on at least anyway.

If Aiya refused, she'd already made her mind to turn herself in, she sooner be speared to death then ride with the crazy mage(Helios) the idiot horseman(Mark) or the annoying nomad(Guess who).

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Esphyr had walked into him and toppled over.He managed to catch her before she hit the ground,but several branches whipped her face.

"I suppose I should be straight forwards. You and Aiya are the first employers to treat me as a human being. It's refreshing, and honestly a bit confusing."

"The first?T-That isn't possible...is it?" Damian was bewildered.Was this what she had meant when she spoke of her harsh past?

"That's horrible...I can't believe the gall of people today,to treat such a sweet girl as a tool?It's despicable." Damian had gone from astonishment to rage quickly.He clenched his fist tightly and noticed Esphyr wince,He still had a grip on her hand.

"E-Esphyr!I'm sorry,are you alright?" Damian instantly released his grip on her hand,noticing that despite it being the calloused hand of a fighter,it was still smaller than his by a good deal.

"I think I even felt a slight twinge of jealousy when I noticed that you and Aiya were holding each other. I'm being a stupid young girl about it though. You two were meant for each other, and I can see that. I just was being stupid. That's all."

"Esphyr...it's not stupid.You have a right to say what you want to say,you don't need to feel limited by anything...I don't know exactly how you feel,or what you mean to convey,but no matter what it is,I want you to tell me." Damian looked Esphyr in the eye,and laid his hands on her shoulders.

"No matter what you say,I won't think less of you,I won't judge you.That much I promise you,so were I to lie,you may strike me down,and I would not protest it."


"Sure,Kamilia.Just grab my hand,put your foot in the brace their,and...there we go."

With Aiya's instruction,Kamilia was now behind her on Ulfhrahn.

"Hold on tight,okay?"

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Isotov had ignored Kelas' offer. Well, he seemed not to notice rather a lot, best not to take it personally... she looked over the group, seeing who might need a ride. Morgan- NO, Kamilla- found a mount(thank goodness), Aiya- mounted, Helios- mounted(again, thank the gods), Mark- mounted, Chase- ehh, Katie- tolerable... "Chase, packhorse," she suggested. "Katie, you need a ride?"

Arrin clambered up behind Tessa. His balance was... well, not really any better than it had been yesterday. He held onto the saddle behind him, but it wasn't working very well... Tessa was right, he really did need to learn how to ride a horse.

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A small smile flickered across Esphyr's face as Daiman's statements touched her. Yet, she did not cry or anything of the sort. Instead, she felt a bit... overpowered. She didn't want to become Daiman and Aiya, yet, here he was, openly flirting with her! Indeed, she felt as if she was powerless right now, even as her hands were enclosed in his. She quickly shook her head, clearing it again before she returned to looking at him. Though he had not outright stated it, she could sense the hidden order within his voice. After a lifetime of taking commands by people who often did not care to disguise their true intentions, she was apt at picking up such little things with ease.

It wasn't a command she desired to follow though. She would have rathered she remained a faceless mercenary, distant from her employer and little more then a body to command. That she could handle easily. But right now, she felt, helpless, with his command for what she truly wanted.

"Okay. I think I have a minor crush on you. Rather, I had a minor crush on you. I can see Aiya and you are a couple, and I don't want to intrude. It's... easier that way. So much easier to work. Listen, I'm little more then a mercenary. I work for payment, then take my leave. My loyalty is not for sale, but for rent. Even if you were to forgo her completely for me, I... I wouldn't be around much longer after this job is over. Stay with her, ignore me. It will make it so much easier when you make the choice between my life and hers, and you will be happier in the long run."

She tried to step back, not wanting to pull away, but rather... she didn't know. Just that, somewhere, Aiya would almost certainly feel a twinge of pain if she didn't move away right then and there.

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"Esphyr...you don't need to fear for that.You don't need to feel guilty." Damian told her,he could feel she was rather nervous,and was trying to convince herself to pull away.

Damian pulled her closer,into an embrace.

"You're more than just a mercenary,Esphyr.You are a strong,passionate swordswoman,you fight for your family,and always look down on yourself,tell yourself you aren't good enough,just because you work as a hired sword."

"Esphyr,you are a person,a kind,loving person,who doesn't see her own worth." The pair had stopped walking completely now,and they just stood in eachothers arms.

"Even if you truly believe that,it isn't true.Even when this is all over,I plan on seeing you again.Maybe it's because you've never had a human commander,but when I make a bond with someone,I keep that bond,strengthen it,so that it may survive no matter what happens." he advanced slightly.drawing her closer still. His lips now just inched from her ear.

"Besides,you don't need to worry too much about Aiya.She said herself I just wouldn't be me if I didn't fool around a little,in fact,she encouraged it."

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