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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 5: That which is unplanned


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Esphyr could feel his breath upon her ear, a gentle wave of steam rising up as the water from her clothes heated from their bodies, and rows of goosebumps rising across her skin. When she had left for her bath, the one thing she had not expected was this as a outcome. Wasn't there something that they were supposed to be doing?

"Daiman..." she started, unsure of what to say. "I think... I think Aiya should come first in your life and not me no matter what. Besides, wasn't there something we were supposed to be doing?"

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"R-Right.We should meet up with the others..." Damian pulled away from Esphyr uneasily.

"If you are not comfortable with this,I understand.I mean,I'm not trying to force you into anything.But you shouldn't be afraid to speak your feelings,okay?" Damian told her,hoping she was not offended.

'Did I go too far?I hope she's alright...' Damian thought quickly,before continuing to clear the brush ahead of them.


"Alright,everyone is on a mount now,right?" Aiya asked the group.

"Anyone who isn't,jump on one quick so we can get out of here."

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As Daiman pulled away, Esphyr could feel a sigh of relief building within her. Her head felt fully cleared and ready for action, and her clothes were still on. Still... If he was mad at the denied chance, her next order may be an unfavorable one. "I hope I didn't offend you." she said simply. "Much more, I hope I didn't offend Aiya. I don't need to be watching my back for the sound of her blade being drawn and the demonic glow of her horses eyes at night. The gentle slid of the door open, and the maniacal gleam as she stabs one of us in our sleep over and over again. Not something I need."

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"Haha." Damian chuckled at Esphyr's comment,as the two made steady progress through the woods.

"She's not that bad,she wouldn't stab either of us,that's for sure." Damian was still laughing slightly,and continued;

"But,I'm not offended at all.I came on a bit too strong,I'll admit."

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"I've seen people come onto others by just simply whacking them over the head and dragging them off. In fact, that mute mage, I wouldn't be surprised to think she's done that in the past. I mean, her book is freaking lead lined. LEAD lined! What the heck would she need that for except to club others out? Probably has domination issues too." said Esphyr, rolling her eyes as she remembered being so firmly thwacked on the head before. "And you didn't come on strong. Least, I don't think so." she finished as she ducked under a small branch, following him.

OOC: Okay. Katie is at the inn! Official!

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"You don't?Well,okay,if it wasn't too strong for you,than no issues,I guess." Damian was relieved.It seemed he hadn't scared Esphyr off yet,atleast.

"Haha.I did wonder about the lead tome...although it is surprisingly effective as a weapon,that's for sure."

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OOC: Commotion time!! :awesome:

Irina and Iso flew back toward the inn as fast as Kiev could carry them! When they arrived, they found Katie exiting the building with her books in hand! Iso leapt from Kiev before they landed and came down hard! He rolled to soften the landing and then stood up close by her as Kiev landed!

Iso: Katie!

Suddenly, several soldiers marching across the road spotted them! The soldiers didn't waste any time! Two of them rushed toward them while the other went to report his findings to the commander!

Iso: Oh not good :mellow:

Irina: Eeeek! Iso, Katie, hurry!! >_<

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"Yes. She's no where near as helpless as some people seem to think." said Esphyr. "I... I suspect she may even be lying about her magic."


Katie gently walked out of the inn, her tome in hand, calmly writing down a series of numbers. She took a look over at the army, unworried, as Iso landed and he tried to grab her. Without a worry, she slowly wrote Twenty minutes it took you to notice I wasn't there. Shame. before taking his hand and walking over to Irina to leave.

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"You think so?" Damian asked,intrigued about Esphyr's reasoning for such a statement.


Looking back at the inn from the air,Aiya sighed.

"It looks like Irina was spotted,so we're gonna have to go on ahead." Aiya told those that were still there,signaling to Irina so she would know the others were moving.

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Iso: I'm sorry, Katie. It's just ... you didn't say anything- >_< :facepalm: never mind. Let's just go.

They both mounted Kiev and the wyvern took off! The soldiers chucked their spears up at them ... but their aim was ... off ....

The all quickly flew back to meet the others while the two soldiers went to fetch their javelins!

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Kamilla closed her eyes tightly as Ulfhrahn (God Ether >_< Had to choose such a har... difficult name) And nearly immediately regreted taking the wyvern, there was something awfully wrong about not having both feet planted firmly on the ground, and while it was a great experience, she didn't feel like admiring the scenery.

Thoughts on what would happen if she fell off kept racing through her mind, she didn't even hear Aiya comment on Irina being seen. As Ulf started flying away she could feel the wind hit her face, despite being a warm day, she couldn't help but notice how cold it was.

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Aiya noticed Kamilia was nervous.

"It's alright.Ulfhrahn is fast,he'll catch you even if you fall.Just hold on if you don't want to try skydiving today."

Aiya said,hoping to calm her down,and wrapped her arm around her to steady the girl.

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Everyone was on a mount now. Isotov, Irina, and Katie came flying back. Shouts followed them: they'd been spotted. "Let's go!" Kelas said. She kneed Amari into a canter; the group sped up around them. "Show us the way, Chase!"

Arrin nearly fell as Trevor sped up. He realized that he'd never be able to stay on without holding on... awkwardly, he held on to Tessa, and concentrated on keeping his balance.

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Morgan gripped onto Chase tightly. The poor packhorse was moving at top speed. It wasn't really built for such things, but it was doing a pretty good job.

" We're almost there." he said, pointing into a wide, blue-tinted cave mouth in the distance.

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Kamilla flinched as Aiya wrapped an arm around her. "I'm fine" she managed to squeak out rather unconvincingly as she slowly pried her own eyes open. Now was not a good time to explain she had discovered she had a fear of heights. And she thought she saw something in the distance.

She turned her head fully nearly falling off, and she would have if Aiya's arm hadn't steadied her, "Uh, I'm guessing that white flickering dots in the distance aren't a good thing" she wheezed as she recovered from nearly killing herself. Aiya turned to see what Kamilla was talking about and sure enough a troop of Pegasi could be seen speeding towards the group.

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"Damn...Pegasus Knights..." Aiya cursed.With a second rider,this could get messy.

"If it comes down to it,we may have to fight them.If that happens,just hold on to me for dear life.It shouldn't take too long,Ulfhrahn can knock them out of the air with a single hit."

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Kamilla simply nodded her head, there wasn't any point in complaining now, and even if she asked to be put down, and they somehow miraculously found an opportunity to do so, she'd just be caught by ground troops later anyway. She closed her eyes and muttered a prayer before replying her thanks to Aiya.

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"I am General Celeste of the Elysismian Army! Halt and throw down your weapons criminals and your lives shall be spared!" rang the voice from the largest pegasus. Atop it rode a blue-haired woman with a stern expression on her face, flanked by 6 Pegasus knights, all wielding lances.

Most of the pegasus knights flew down to stop the riders on horses, but Celeste flew towards the giant bull wyvern. Her pegasus shuddered a bit at the sight of the giant creature.

"Don't be scared Aerie." she said soothingly to the pegasus. "Justice shall win this day!"

Note: Only Aiya and people with ranged attacks can attack Celeste (unless they fly up to her).

If you want to attack:

All Pegasi carry lances and javelins to hurl at ranged attackers.

Damian and Esphyr really can't attack,at least for the first few rounds.

Boss: Celeste

HP:12 Str: 4 Spd: 4 Skl: 5 Def: 3 Res: 4 Lck: 1

4 Mt, 5 Hit, 7 Eva Skill: Miracle :D

Pegasus Knight x6

HP: 9 Str: 2 Spd: 3 Skl: 3 Def: 1 Res: 2 Lck: 3

2 Mt, 3 Hit, 6 Eva

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Kamilla held the reins up to her chest where her tome was located, she looked over at Celeste and apologized quietly. Mother goddess, lend us your divine strength, Sanctuary Empower!.

Aiya Atk(or Mt)+2 :P

(Finally got to use this cheap scabby move) XD

Doesn't have to roll either:P

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Kelas turned. "Right then..." She brought her bow up, aiming for a pegasus' wing.

Attacking PegKnight1

Kelas: (2,6,3) Hit! Kelas does 7 damage!

The shot went clean through the animal's wing. Kelas winced-- she hated hurting mounts, they'd done no wrong-- but the pegasus had lost a lot of altitude, and she had a clear shot at the rider now. She had a nasty surprise, though: the rider had javelins. She hurled one at Kelas.

PegKnight1: (4,2,5) Hit! PegKnight1 does 2 damage!

The javelin grazed Kelas' leg. She slid in place, then regained her balance, nocking another arrow.

Arrin turned in the saddle, keeping one arm around Tessa as he brought out his Elthunder tome. He aimed for the rider Kelas had injured.

Arrin: (3,5,4) Hit! Arrin does 7 damage! PegKnight1 dies!

Arrin felt a little queasy at having actually killed someone, but there were other things to worry about, like the other six riders...

Kelas 10/12; Arrin 6/6; 5 EXP to Kelas, 10 to Arrin

edit: added narrative

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The Lead Pegasus Knight charged towards Aiya,brandishing her lance,but Aiya struck the first blow,and the Pegasi and rider staggered back,but not before hitting Aiya hard as well!

"Nngh...Damn." Aiya cursed,and took care not to jostle the wound too much.

"Are you okay Kamilia?" She asked the Dancer who was riding with her.

Combat Phase Start!

Aiya(4,5,6) 8 hit - 7 Evd,Hit! 11 mt - 3 Def,8 Damage!

Celeste(6,6,3) 11 Hit - 4 Evd,hit! 10 Mt - 4 Def,6 Damage!

Celeste: 4/12

Aiya: 6/12

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The group had apparently chosen combat, their only real course of action. Chase dismounted the packhorse, he was no use fighting mounted, and Morgan used Midnight to fire a spell off a spell at a pegasus knight!

(5,3,4)= Hit. Peg Knight 2 takes 6 damage.

The winged horse was injured, but rider threw a javelin!

(4,5,6)= 7 damage

Morgan winced in pain as the javelin went through her shoulder

Morgan 1/9

PK 1 dead

PK 2 3/9

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OOC: Hopefully this is the first time I get it right. Quick question though. At level c, most supports are .5 so do you round up or down? Or do you need a b support for actual effect? It ... doesn't say in the guide so I omitted my support bonuses for the time being :unsure:

Irina: One of them is coming this way! :o

Urgh! Hold on you two! Kiev can fight with passengers, but this could get a little rough >_<

Irina whipped down on Kiev's reins and he dove into the pegasus rider's path! Irina tried to stab the rider off, but was only able to leave a serious gash! The rider cried out in pain as they passed! Iso and Katie hung on tight as the rider circled back! The rider was behind them before they knew it and launch a quick counter attack! Irina's right should plate was struck so hard that it dislocated her shoulder!

Irina: ARGH!!! Oh my god, that huuurts! Ooowww!

Iso: Irina! Are you alright?!

Irina: My arm's broken! Argh!! >_<

Iso: She's coming back again! Let me take a shot at her!

Katie looked back at Iso who was riding on the very back of the saddle right behind her! He nodded at her and then looked over at the fast approaching pegasus rider!

Iso: Proxima! Hear my call!

The rider prepared to attack, but Iso put out his hand and a red fire ball emerged! He aimed his hand and the ball shot into the rider! Her and her pegasus were caught up in a small explosion over the forest, and there was nothing left but falling ashes and smoke!

Iso: How was that? :)

Katie: 7838.gif


Irina rolls 5-3-6


ATK 6 vs DEF 1= 5 DMG (HP 4/9)

Peg rolls 6-6-5 (This ... is gonna hurt >_< )


ATK 8 vs DEF 3= 5 DMG (HP 7/12)


Iso rolls 4-4-1


ATK 8 vs DEF 6= 6 DMG (0/12)


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OOC: Support bonuses round up

Trying out enemy phase. For right now it's the 'no counters' edition

Celeste retreated back "So, a Haltonian soldier commitiing crimes in Elysisma? How despicable. I will defend Elysisma with my life!" she yelled as she tossed a javelin at Aiya

(6,6, 5) = 10-4 Def= 6 damage (sorry Ether)

Aiya slumped over and lost cosciousness as the javelin pierced a large portion of her torso.

The Pegasus knight Morgan was fighting decided to strike back for the empire(lolol)

(4, 3, 4) Hit, damage yadda yadda

Morgan slumped over as the lance bit into her flesh, but her contingency spell kicked in yet again. She prepared to counter.

"You killed my friend.Prepare to die mage!" was the battle cry of two different pegasus knights, one aiming for Isotov, the other for Arrin.

(5,1,6)= Hit 1+2= 3-1

The javelin nicked Isotov for 2 damage

(1,1,5) Hit 1+2= 3-1

The javelin grazed Arrin for 2 damage

The last pegasus knight decided to throw a javelin at the troubadour. Without their healer, this combat would become much easier.

(3, 3, 4) Miss

Tessa moved at just the right time as the javelin whizzed by her.

Total Ally:

Isotov 7/9

Arrin 4/6

Morgan 1/9 (Miracle procced)

Aiya 0/12

Total Enemy:

PK 1,3 dead

PK 2 3/9

PK 4, 5, 6 uninjured

Celeste 4/12 (Miracle not procced)

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A flock of pegasi had arrived, and bearing riders no less. A shout from the knight in the lead came down, mostly inaudible from the distance, but Tessa heard or assumed what was a demand for surrender. The group chose defiance, as usual, and those who were landlocked were treated to a rain of javeleins, with the spell-casters and archers still managing to be of some effect.

Still the enemy barrage was effective. She saw Morgan get hit, but it wasn't terribly badly this time. Nudging Trevor to head in her direction, Arrin had dropped his tight, and slightly uncomfortable grip on her―though she hadn't been about to say a word after the trouble it had taken yesterday to get him to hold on―and fired back at one of the knights. Slowing down, to make sure he wouldn't fall off and hurt him unfortunately ended up in a javelin grazing the mage, and he let out a cry of pain.

"I-It's nothing..." he said, with some false bravado, but since it didn't seem to be that terrible, she continued her previous course. The decision was wise, as no sooner had she moved out of the way, but another javelin had rained down into the spot Trevor had just been occupying. Facing forward again, she saw that Morgan had taken a second hit, and with her strange contingency spell had managed to once again cheat death, though the situation was not pretty.

Finally coming up alongside the shaman, Tessa stretched out her staff, prayed, and healed the woman. She immediately followed this up with a stern rebuke, voice on the edge of shouting and with a hint of fear, "Sis! You need to take better care of yourself. It's fine to have the skills to keep yourself from falling immediately, but you still cannot be so risky. I don't know the details, but something like that must be terrible for your health! We are going to have to talk after."

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