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Choral Mafia II


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Yeah my lynch looks pretty inevitable.

Well, for what it's worth, I will say that at no point in my last post did I lie and I was gonna take kill orders from you all.

Lesee, that about covers everything. After death post will be in character unless Bizz writes me off in style.

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Hey, Pride. Write out your death post in character, because I made how you died ambiguous. I would love it if you did that. <3


“All right everyone, hold up!” Helle shouted, silencing the clamor of the hall, “Before we get through with our execution today, I’d like to be allowed a brief moment to tell you all that we will be heading to the grand auditorium for a special rehearsal. Our next important concert is nearing soon—even though we may be in a strange bind right at this moment, it is important that we continue with our schedule as planned.” She nodded to the crowd of singers; most of them nodded in agreement except for the lone man standing in the corner. Riannon knocked a shelf down somewhere, evidently.

“Jeffrey.” Helle turned in the direction of the enigmatic man, a tinge of uncertainty still lodged deep in her voice, “Would you might sharing your story before we go on with your execution today? I’m afraid to say that we haven’t much time.”

“Never enough time, huh…” His voice was unnerving—a lot of people realized then that it was most likely the first time they’d even heard it. “Not enough time… very well.” He drifted up to the podium, standing in front of the students eagerly awaiting the results of his conviction. “Well, first of all… you guys made a mistake, just like you’ve been making for the past two days. However, a lot of you might not think that way…” He shot a glance at Kelsey, who looked back in confusion. “I was a Bronze once, long ago, back when things were… simpler. You were good, you were a Bronze. Apparently I was good enough…” His voice trailed off in a whimsical recollection of his audition and his acceptance into the prestigious ensemble, “Yes, but it was too hard.” His tone changed. “I didn’t like the ‘class system’ around here… you were in a lower Choral House, and the higher Choral Houses automatically had the right to pick on you, to ridicule you for not being as skillful a singer as them. It was pitiful…”

“Wait, so are you saying you aren’t even a part of this choir anymore?” Helle asked. Jeffrey didn’t deny it; he simply gave a listless nod.

“Yeeeah,” He agreed, leaning backward against the wall, “I’m not. I’m an outsider now. I’m not a student of this Academy anymore… I dropped out. But, I had unfinished business to attend to… I had to rid this place of all of them.”

“The Bronze?” Kelsey guess, still slightly puzzled at the look she received from him.

“The Bronze, the Band, whoever they were… when Hannah died, I had no heart anymore. It’s simple as that. I’d kill anyone to get to them… it didn’t matter to me anymore. I didn’t care. So, I slipped back into this place in the guise of a normal singer and hoped you guys wouldn’t take notice. And you didn’t. But… there was someone I tried to kill twice that somehow escaped me.” His voice went lower. “So, whoever you are… watch your back. You’re lucky to still be alive, you know. Very, very lucky.” He stepped down, and faced Helle. “All right. I’m ready. Do what you will with me.”

The teacher bit her lip. Was he deranged, or were the good intentions inside of him simply twisted up by sorrow and the ever-fervent lust for revenge? “The ends justify the means, Jeffery. I’m sure you know that by now. Follow me…” They headed for the execution room before Helle halted a moment. “Remember, everyone… you better be in our meeting place on time.”


The assembled students did as they were told, and waited patiently in the auditorium for their teacher to return. Sami and Riannon danced around in a momentary bout of levity, Alicia rested in the back with Blas, and Easton continued his rant on why he absolutely loved cookies, and gave out tips on the best recipes. For once, the Academy for them seemed to be a place of light, with no more worries…

Eventually Helle arrived, and they began the rehearsal. The chorus performed as if it were the true concert, and everyone was content—as if the heavens were blessing them, and the goddess of music was once again guiding their voices, just as it was supposed to be. However, the moment was short-lived.

Immediately the lights went out, the candles dimmed away, and girls screamed. The many exits surrounding the place were locked. There was the sound of someone knocking on one of the doors from the other side, but it was silenced quickly. It dawned on Natasha then.

“Guys, I think that was Bailey—“ She was interrupted by the frightened shouts of the other choristers. Helle took on her position of director.

“All right, everyone, calm yourselves down!” She boomed, “I’m sure this is just another method of these menacing cowards to try and paralyze us with fear. We will not let them get away with this! Everyone, the night is beginning! Get into your positions!” She stomped her foot, and the trapped students scattered.

Deep down in her heart, Helle could feel a very small thread of uneasiness tug at her nerves. No. She would not let it win. Not this time.


Pride was executed! He was Jeffrey, OUTSIDER Serial Killer!

The Dragonslayer was locked out of the auditorium! He was Bailey, SILVER Beloved Chorister!


Serial Killer: Every night, you may kill one player. You win when everyone else is dead, even if you are dead yourself. You are bulletproof for one kill attempt only.

Beloved Chorister/Beloved Princess: If you are lynched during the day, the next day phase will be skipped because everyone will be at your funeral. If you are killed during the night, the next night phase will be skipped.



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Just to point out, I live in Asia, which is why I can't dig up any more info (it's already been brought up). By the time I get to log in, it's usually about 1am CST, where most of the discussion has taken place beforehand.

And I'm Australian, so yeah. Timezones are shit.

But I can usually find a window of opportunity to post, but bandwagoning is...

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[spoiler=character post badly written]I walked into the room, Helle behind me. "Are you ready, Jeffrey?" I thought about it. Was I ready? Ready to die? My vengeance left incomplete, the scum who had killed her free to live?

"I'm ready."

"It's sad to see you fall this way Jeffrey. You could have gone far." Gone far? No...it had been over for me since that day.

I looked around the execution room. There was a noose, a knife, and a gun.

"Now Jeffrey, it is your choice how you die. I do not appreciate killing children, so please make it easy for me."

The noose, a slow death.


The knife, a painful and messy death.


The gun. Fast, inelegant. The complete opposite of a good song.

"I would like the gun, ma'am."

"I see. Please turn around."

I did.

"Aim for the heart, ma'am."

I could hear her shaking.

"Goodbye, Jeffrey."

A shock! A grieving pain!

I screamed, but I couldn't hear it. Falling...falling...falling...



a sound.

A beautiful aria, in a voice I knew very well.

"Is that..."

The sound grew clearer.


And suddenly, silence.

Hey Spoon. Just saying, carriage driver saved you night three.

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Heeeey Priiide~ I loved your death post, comrade.



“Ack, it’s still so dark,” Helle called out to whomever in particular would listen, “Who’s all still here?” She heard scuttling about in the night, but admittedly dozed off—she heard Riannon’s sudden scream that pierced the crisp air of the auditorium, and was startled awake immediately. “Riannon?!”

“S—Sami’s dying! I-I think she’s dying!” She was somewhere off-stage, somewhere around the seats, but Helle couldn’t calculate her exact location.

“Damn it, were the stage lights shot too?!” Her voice contained more anger than panic this time, “I swear I’m going to catch every last one of these bastards…” Her countenance was beginning to waver again. The blood on her hands, the students she held so preciously to her heart being driven to madness and murder, the students killed by her hand

“No! No, stay with me, please!” The chorister’s voice was a desperate shriek at this point, “Please, say something!”

Helle managed to find her way down the stairs to the seats, despite the impeding darkness. Oddly enough, the rest of the area was quiet. The teacher assumed the rest of the students were speechless, for she remembered seeing Natasha mortified and unmoving behind the curtains, and Nicholas somewhere by the stairs. “Riannon, where are you? Lead me to you with your voice!”

“Ahh… aahhhh… !”

Someone somewhere managed to light a candle in the distance—it was Alicia. “Does this help… ?” Her voice was shaking. It was so cold, so terribly cold in this place, and it weakened her physical strength. Outside, the winter was blustering.

“Ah, light…” The image was clear now—Sami was dying, and it seemed to be two swift blows, two fatal wounds. “More than one party was after her last night…” Helle muttered grimly under her breath; Riannon’s shuddering sobs were interrupting her thoughts. Sami was strong, so strong that she continued to struggle for life just a few more moments. “Riannon, please clam yourself. Will you let me tend to this?”

“Helle, I—“

“… Please.” Her voice was stern this time, and the singer understood. She backed away, and Helle kneeled down, gently gathering the girl in her arms. She gasped hungrily for more air, to be alive again. “You did so well, Sami. You had so many talents, you know…”

“Ah… it’s—it’s you…” She choked in unbearable pain, her voice barely audible, “Riannon… keep… her from—“ All of it ended abruptly there, her sentence, her life, the world. She relaxed, exhaled, and was gone… her song ended, and she could now rest. Helle sighed somberly; once again, so much potential ability and skill was lost forever in the frigid, blizzarding winds of insanity. Riannon ran off in the back somewhere, threatening to end her life, but someone stopped her; grabbed a hold of her and kept her embraced. Helle did not know who it was. She knew nothing anymore.

“Hey, Helle, Aril’s dead too, I just found—“ Easton stopped, seeing the look of terrible anguish on his director’s face. First Sami, and now another one of the survivors were gone?

And now even when even their conductor was lost to confusion and sorrow, how would the choir perform? What direction would they fall into now?


General Spoon has been killed! He was Sami, SILVER Jack-of-all-Trades!

Hikarusa was also killed! He was Aril, SILVER Chef!


Jack-of-all-Trades: You have five night actions: kill, protect, detective, roleblock, and rolescan. You can only use each of these once, so use wisely!

Chef: You may block one person from using their night action each night—yes, your cooking is that delicious.


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"Sami... I didn't know anyone here, but... we had drawn close over the past few days." Alicica turned away from the crowd to hide her tears, despite the whole choir being able to tell, and expect, she was crying. "But... now, I've decided. It's no longer you against the Bronze Singers and the Bandside. Now, I will accept myself as a true Silver Singer and devote myself to finding the Bronze and Band. I will be working with Blas, and we'll look over Sami's evidence to find these scum!"

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I have a copy of everyone's roles that Spoon sent to me a little before he died. He also told me of his opinions of each claim (as in who he thinks is suspicious).

At this point, I'm going to claim to be one of the Gold Singers that Spoon was talking about. I'd also love to mention that if the mafia tries to go after me at night, they're in for a wonderful surprise.

Vote: Benjamin "Coach" Wade AKA The Dragonslayer

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Sami's voice was heard drifting through the choirside once more.

"The Dragonslayer was modkilled for backing up a role claim with a role PM. He was actually the only person I forgot to remind to not claim with a role PM, so yeah."

Edited by General Spoon
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