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Choral Mafia II


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As Istrell was about to return to confinement,Quintcy stopped her.

"Y-You were poisoned...!You should be dead,Quintcy!"

"You forceful bitch...threats and schemes,worming the band into your plots and forcing us to kill innocents like us,corrupting our leader...survival is too good for you."

Istrell's mouth was forced open,and the toxin slipped through her lips and down her throat.

"That toxin is my latest development,Istrell,it shall curdle your blood,taking weeks to kill you,with a pain I cannot even describe,every living cell in your body shall burn in a fervent torture,and every muscle shall scream for death...even now,youi should be unable to move...enjoy your justice,Istrell..."

And with that,Quintcy dropped,dead once again.

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Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!

Anyway, go ahead and roleplay, it's amusing. I have to go somewhere really quick, but I'll be back in a few hours to end the day phase. SO HAVE FUN WITH DISCUSSION AND ALL OF THAT

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"Wha-? I... was forced to do this... your leader... was the one... who... did... it..." Istrell then collapsed, grimacing in pain. Quintcy was right; the agony was indeed unbearable. She could already feel the effects of the poison taking place, as her entire body seemed to burn. Furthermore, she knew that she wouldn’t be able to take it, not even for a day, much less a few weeks…

Does this mean that dead people can come up and start talking?

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" ****,so they were the cause...they talked to you about everything!Why did you let them threaten to kill Joe if I didn't make these poisons?You would dare say that you are not to blame,when the bronze rebellion is the reason why the band started killing? You forced me to betray this Silver Sash,my academics,the friends I had made of nearly everyone here! And for what?"

Quintcy held the Silver Sash up to the light,before throwing it to the ground in rage,nearly crying.

"Why am I a villain because of your threats,your plans? Why am I forced to poison and kill because you two are incontent with your position,why am I forced to feel this guilt? Your mouth still works,tell me why you two would do this?!"

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"Quintcy, you need a good talk with your leader... though I guess that'll have to wait until the afterlife. Obviously nothing I say will sway you... but this wasn't my choice to make. I... either had to do this... or die."

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" Y-you were threatened...? Then,perhaps we are the same...we shall even both die of poison...how quaint..."

Quintcy turned around.

"I shall speak to ****,and if what you say is revealed to be true,then I shall give you this toxin...it will end your suffering..."

Quintcy then walked towards the door of ****'s room,and smashed the knob with a fire axe,kicked it in,and stepped inside.

" ****."

"Quintcy!?Y-you're alive!Wonderful!I was beginning to think these Silver fools would prevail over us,but with you alive,we can prevail!"

" ****,I have no intention of working with you. Why did you threaten to kill Joe,to slander me and ruin everything,and why did you force the Bronze house to rebel once again?!"

Quintcy punched the wall,leaving a dent that looked suspiciously like the words;

"Reply via PM,since I'm sure you do not wish to reveal yourself in the thread.Invite Bizz,and since it's just roleplaying,it shouldn't violate any rules.I'll post it in here after your death,so the others can see some character development"

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I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing

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I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing I hear nothing

Shouldn't it be "Dawg,I don't hear notin',brotha" ?

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Just an fyi, character developments in PM sound awesome

See you in about two hours

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“Regina. It is time for you to reveal yourself.”

Helle’s words were hollow and distant. The remaining singers remained trapped in the auditorium for three days now. Some students were becoming sick of hunger and some slightly delirious from lack of sleep. Kelsey spoke to no one—she trembled alone and hopeless backstage with no one attempting to comfort her. Many presumed it would be a lost cause.

“Regina, I told you to get over here. We’ve agreed on—“ Her voice choked over, “—executing you today.” She was almost sure of it: her shady behavior, her negative attitude, and the way she seemed to avoid conversing with people she deemed lower than her were the telltale signs.

“What is it? What do you want? Regina yawned, slightly drowsy as well as frustrated from sleep deprivation, “I swear, all you people ever do is want…”

Helle hesitated. Another one of her favorite voices came before the assembled choristers, soon to be lost forever. “Regina. Hand me your bronze sash and stand before your fellow peers before it is time for you to die.”

This sobered her up; the girl’s jaw dropped in shocked fury. “What? Is this how you treat one of the best voices in the Academy? I work hard just to please you ungrateful little—“

“Regina.” Helle’s voice remained calm and without fear this time, “This is exactly why you’d do something like this. I know it … Elira wanted only the best of the best to rule here, and she favored the students like you the most. You want to avenge her, so you made a deal with… whoever was the real boss of this faction.” The girl was silent and seething inside. There was silence for a very long while before she smirked ominously.

“Very well.” She pulled her sash she was hiding out of her uniform, the bronze gleam of it radiant against Alicia’s new candlelight. Some of the weary students gasped, though a few weren’t surprised with it. “I am a Bronze Singer. I am the last of them. It gets incredibly lonely, you know…” She laughed halfheartedly and turned her back to them, now facing rows and rows of empty seats as she stood at the edge of the stage. “You all are such idiots… look at you. You couldn’t even find me, even though my arrogance was obvious…” She paused. “Jeffrey killed Travis, didn’t he? I remember that… I remember finding his body in the gardens. He was strangled and tied to a statue with his bronze sash. What a humiliating way to die… It was always embarrassing being with him. I was almost glad he died… but…”

Suddenly, as if on cue, Istrell approached the chorus, looking unkempt and perturbed by nightmares. She allowed Helle to step aside, and came up to Regina from behind. She turned to Helle, who nodded. Istrell closed her eyes, and turned back.

“Regina… please… forgive me.”


A single gunshot sounded through the air. Regina’s eyes widened in a last, sudden realization before she slumped forward and fell off-stage to the floor. Istrell sank to her knees, tremors wracking her entire body. He grip loosened and the gun fell onto Regina’s corpse below, and she did not move for a long time.

Dracohon was executed! He was Regina, BRONZE Hooker!


Hooker: You may block one person from using their action each night. This does not affect passive roles.

If two roleblockers roleblock each other, it results in nullified roleblocks for both parties.


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7 hours is not 2, Bizz. I think we need to have a talk.

I knooow

I only expected it to be two or three ;~; It shouldn't be like that anymore though

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"Just... just one left, I think. Unless there's two. Or more. Umm... I hope there's just one." Alicia's eyes were sore now, despite draining all her energy just a few days ago, she was getting only a few hours sleep each night as she studied the evidence with Blas. "So... hopefully both Blas and I will survive. She's already died once, the poor girl."

Closing tag

Edited by I Eat Tables
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