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Choral Mafia II


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Abbie looked at Blas. She nodded. Of course, it was only to go with the flow and try to cheer Blas up, somehow.

Abbie wasn't exactly in complete agreement with the decision. Dealing with the Bronzes was a serious thing. They kill people who they deem bothersome. The Silvers could shed innocent life. She feared for her life. No matter what side you were in, you were in danger.

She DID feel sad, though. She wanted to end it once and for all, too. It was just... too dangerous. She could already smell the blood.

Abbie just kept quiet. She was used to it, really. She was not much of a leader at all, or a decision-maker. Or anything special.

I vote Hikarusa. I change my vote to none.

Edited by Spike
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"Wait, people. Don't act solely on impulse. Believe me, I want to put an end to this shady scum as well, but randomly accusing people without any evidence or at least some kind of system isn't going to help us."

Blas thought for a moment.

"Well, it's a minor suspicion at best, but I guess it's better than to just twiddle our thumbs until nightfall. [Nightmare]'s accusations seem a little shady to me, considering how easily he just agreed to [Hikarusa]'s accusation without explaining why.

In case you can't figure it out from the RP text, I'm voting for Nightmare.

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"I don't have much to add right now," Alicia announced from outside the ring of people talking, "but I think you should choose someone... someone you suspect. I can't say who it should be but if you make a mistake... I'm not afraid. I can help."

Apparently you are the only one with a better soprano than I. Also, I'm Kelsey.

"Without any evidence to go about, I feel the best idea is to not lynch anybody, I find myself agreeing with Helle. I can't stand the thought of innocent blood being spilled due to having no real evidence. So until evidence emerges I say that we go with through the day without blood being shed."

So, no lynch.

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*Kyle clears his throat*

"It appears to me that we should wait for...well, SOME hint of those Bronzes. Here all we can accomplish is settling grudges by the gallows. Why would we do this? Why break our already fragile bonds of solidarity now? I say we wait...wait for the night, and let come what may."

Great public speaker my arse

Edited by Trompe le Monde
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I'm going to also follow through with a No Lynch today. I've yet to see a situation where a day phase start should ever have a lynch on D1. Let the Mafia make the first move and let's gather some information first.

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Quintcy listened in on the argument going on.

"While it is true that we have a greater chance of hitting an innocent,what good does it do us to just sit here and wait to die?"

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Quintcy listened in on the argument going on.

"While it is true that we have a greater chance of hitting an innocent,what good does it do us to just sit here and wait to die?"

"We should let them make the first move as it helps us more. I'm not one to take risks and I wouldn't want to have innocent blood on my hands so early."

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Quintcy listened in on the argument going on.

"While it is true that we have a greater chance of hitting an innocent,what good does it do us to just sit here and wait to die?"

That's just it though. Let's maintain our numerical advantage to the best of our ability, let our power roles get some information, and then strike.

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Ashleeey... the goddess of music is looking in your direction..

Edited by Bizz
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Quintcy listened in on the argument going on.

"While it is true that we have a greater chance of hitting an innocent,what good does it do us to just sit here and wait to die?"

'I... I would rather not...' Abbie broke off. Silence again. What difference would it make?

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"Morals are one thing,but what is an intelligent move is another altogether."

"You see,how one reacts when a vote is placed upon them is paramount,and any day that we do not choose someone to send to the gallows,the stalkers of the night creep upon us,leading us to our demise!"

"I can see why you might be nervous about spilling blood,but it is important to hold the safety of the choir over our individual wants,else we are no better than those Bronze!"

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Ashleeey... the goddess is looking in your direction.

Yes, my goddess?

Have you heard, apparently there's a good chance that one of us will not be here in the morning...

Only God knows for sure what will happen. Faith is all we have left.

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"Morals are one thing,but what is an intelligent move is another altogether."

"You see,how one reacts when a vote is placed upon them is paramount,and any day that we do not choose someone to send to the gallows,the stalkers of the night creep upon us,leading us to our demise!"

"I can see why you might be nervous about spilling blood,but it is important to hold the safety of the choir over our individual wants,else we are no better than those Bronze!"

"Don't you think it is harsh that someone must die just to satisfy the importance of killing early? If we look back in the past, we can see that this little game you play doesn't work well early, we always end killing someone who is innocent. Like Ashley stated before, we should let the power role gather what they can, and we can start the battle the next day. We aren't the aggressors here but the defenders."

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It's random chance Ether. Most people have decided that they don't want to take that chance, and d1 nl is definitely acceptable independent of whether or not it's day start.

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Yes, my goddess?

Have you heard, apparently there's a good chance that one of us will not be here in the morning...

Only God knows for sure what will happen. Faith is all we have left.

"Yeah, God. Sure. So you believe this is all the work of the big man upstairs? Yeah, well, we need no God. If he even exists, and if he even...even got us INTO this, then as far am I'm concerned he won't get us out."

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"Wicker man?No,I do not believe so.The expanses of the mind can easily embrace such things as gods and goddesses,and one such as our goddess of music,Bizz,are easily worshipped,for they have given us prosperity in the past." Quintcy warned.

"Many here hold a strong belief in our goddess,and you may find yourself on the chopping block would you disregard her."

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