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OMG it's a tier list

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So how do we debate this?

Joining time?

Post count?

People that completed Ranked runs?

The fist post lays out the criteria for tiering.

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So how do we debate this?

Joining time?

Post count?

People that completed Ranked runs?

How the placements on this list are judged:

* Judge people by who they are, not by post count or anything superficial like that.

* Post quality is a window into what kind of person a member is, so that is acceptable as a measure of judgement. Intentionally bad posts shouldn't count towards actually bad posts, and may even count towards good posts, depending on how they were used and their effects.

* How much contribution a member makes to the community is also accounted for.

I wonder...

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Im not here :angry:

Why are you angry for that? you've made like about 15 posts on these forums in 6 months, if you want to be at least mentioned or something, try to at least post and contribute to the community more

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Im not here :angry:

Because you've barely contributed. And if you get added, Nightmare might as well add all 2000+ members, including all those that signed up and then left forever.

Also, NTG needs to go onto this list.

Edited by JB25
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Im not here :angry:

Maybe if you was active from the start of this forum, posted well and contributed loads, be active on MSN, and try to be friendly with everyone, you may just make it into mid-tier.

Edited by Raven
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Mid High Tier:




Colonel M

Mage Knight 404




Life Admiral






Dark Legend Vampire


I like.

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Wolf should be a little lower since he didnt know what PEMN was even after people explained it

Not mention he also responded by insulting, not contradicting

Yah my fail attempt at debating :/

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I'm gonna have to second this. Even if their contributions were God Tier when they were around, users who were last active 2 Mar 2009, have what's known as "availability issues". Poor Laguz Emancipation Alliance, or whoever they were. Oh look, a fitting profile picture even.

Cymbeline and Desdemona down. They'd probably fit well with the other users I honestly can't recognize the names of, like The Great Auk and Masamune_wielder. I mean, maybe I'm missing something, because I only had three months overlap of time on the forums with these guys, but then when you consider another fifteen months without them...

Hadn't considered that. I'll be moving them down, then.

That said, I also don't remember, or didn't pay attention to Raven's rage quit, but even so, I've still found him more useful than folks like MaSu and Adam.

Move them down or move Raven up?

Also, Florina up. Sense of humor and contributions in Spriting and the IRC definitely warrant her a place at least above Ayanami (failboat debating and fanboyism), Reinfleche (more of the same). I can easily see her as high as where Black Soldier is, perhaps even higher.

I'll consider raising her, but there's also one thing mentioned in your post that I wanted to ask about. Should IRC be counted when debating members? This is to everyone, by the way, not just Balcerzak.

Wait a minute. Why is Destiny Hero at the top of Mid tier? Because the tiers aren't ordered yet? Well, drop him to the bottom of that tier, or to the next. Damn (unfunny) troll. And I was the mod who had to deal with him most of the time, too (I think by the time he was banned I'd warned him like 9 times). Don't see how he can be above people who have actually been useful, like Raven, leopoldstotch711, FE3 Player, and others in Mid.

Speedwagon and I agreed that he should be lowered from High to the top of Mid because he was really successful as a troll and managed to be hilarious in a retarded way, at points. If you really think he should be lowered, though, I'll consider doing it.

Hi guys

Don't worry, you're on the list, and pretty high too.

Lolwut? Luminothe is easily above that guy, that guy left just because he was too weak, and other than that, he was more of a troll than Luminothe.

I don't think he was a troll, but rather, a retard (XxWolfxX).

So how do we debate this?

Joining time?

Post count?

People that completed Ranked runs?

I'm going to--

Kai can drop a little further for his habit of asking questions already answered in the first post even when he is the first person replying.


Hmm....purely out of curiosity, how did end up where I am on that list?

I'm considering moving you up.

Enjolras can get pretty aggressive at times, but he's a nice guy otherwise (or so it seems), and the posts I've seen of him have had some level of quality to them. He also likes Paul Stanley, that alone deserves a tier above Vincent's.

Also, NTG needs to go onto this list.

That Soul, forgetting the most vital of people.

NTG for Vincent tier, I am not joking.

Too high.

Nah, maybe above Wist.

NTG, while from what I've seen of her on IRC and the forum, is a pretty cool person, has serious availability issues. Putting her in High might be too generous, but if you can prove me wrong, then go ahead.

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We (Red Fox and I) discussed your issues sometime back in this topic and decided that the rage quit has dropped you. Though now that you're back, I'm considering raising you to Mid High.

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If you want some reasons for why I did that, then feel free to ask. The main reason was the stress I'd been placing on myself from University with exams etc., and so after a few alcoholic drinks and few light nudges in the form of a verbal warning, I just went off the rails.

I couldn't leave this place.

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