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Boom boom crash flash.

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UGH!!! I almost got storms but they just destroyed themselves right before they reached me!!! D=< I hear amazing booming in the distance then... just rain when it reaches us.

I don't really care much for rain... We haven't seen the sun here in around 4-5 days. But I love thunder and lightning!

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I suppose the proper statement was rather that I love the things that rain oft brings; thunder and lightning and the rainey smell and such.

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Man, rain is awesome. I dislike thunderstorms, though. Hurt the ears.

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I always sleep better when it's storming. Something about the booms and crashes and the patter of rain on rooftops.

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I suppose the proper statement was rather that I love the things that rain oft brings; thunder and lightning and the rainey smell and such.

Oh yeah the smell is refreshing.

Rain brings H202 to the surface of the planet ... reason enough to like it. I'm not fond of standing around in it though <_<

lol if it's cold I hate standing in it but if it's warm out I love standing in it.

I think I scare people when it's thunderstorming... apparently I get this manic grin, and get all hyper.

lol Awesome! :awesome:

I always sleep better when it's storming. Something about the booms and crashes and the patter of rain on rooftops.

Oh I hate it when it's at night cause I'm such a light sleeper and then the loud thunder keeps me up =( Well if I'm not trying to sleep then I love it at night.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Oh yeah the smell is refreshing.


Oh I hate it when it's at night cause I'm such a light sleeper and then the loud thunder keeps me up =( Well if I'm not trying to sleep then I love it at night.

I especially enjoy the post-rain smell, which is very nice as I take a good walk every morning with my mother and with my dog. When it's just finished raining, it makes for the best walks.

I'm actually a fairly heavy sleeper, but I have precise limits. I don't sleep past 0730, f'example, no matter how hard I try. For my nine hours or so, though, I'm on my own damn schedule outside world be damned.

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I love thunderstorms. They're the best kind of storms. We once had a storm here and suddenly the room I was in got blindingly bright for a second (amazing), and a few seconds after there was this booming thunder that shook the whole house. I was ecstatic. I wish more of that happened.

Man, rain is awesome. I dislike thunderstorms, though. Hurt the ears.

You must have very sensitive ears.

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I especially enjoy the post-rain smell, which is very nice as I take a good walk every morning with my mother and with my dog. When it's just finished raining, it makes for the best walks.

I'm actually a fairly heavy sleeper, but I have precise limits. I don't sleep past 0730, f'example, no matter how hard I try. For my nine hours or so, though, I'm on my own damn schedule outside world be damned.

I tried walking my new puppy I have and he always tries going the opposite direction I want him to XD

Well sometimes (most of the time) I'm a fairly light sleeper and then sometimes I sleep through a storm that the rest of my family is talking about, saying how loud it was and all. I can either be happy that I got sleep or sad that I missed the light show... Mostly happy though I hate missing sleep.

EDIT: lol, thought "May as well"

Edited by Freohr Datia
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