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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 6: Standing against the Bolivian Army


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The assassin dove in and then..... SMACK! Helios woke up and got up ready to expect the worst. It was just witch who smacked him. There was too many things going on in his head. Did he really die in his dream? He pushed the thought aside and felt his wound. It wasnt there anymore. He was on the bull wyvern

Edited by Kai-Sama
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As the ball of light conjured by the priest dulled a bit, another light appeared on the horizon, dawn.

The capitol of Ilyphina had deviated from it's usual routine, people were usually asleep at this time of the day, and a few would start stirring and getting ready for another hard day at work but today was different, the metalic thud of boots had kept much of the populace awake, and those who had managed to get some shut eye were rudely awakened by a clap of thunder, shouting, and then an unnatural orb of light that was seemingly substituting the sun.

An old man looked out his window and sighed, it was going to be another one of "those days" he just knew it.

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OOC: Tired of waiting around :P

Viveka followed Chase closely as he headed to Conrad's estate. They were flanked by a number of escorts and the like.

out by the streets, Irina lied unconscious with her legs facing up the side of the wall, and fruit rolling away from the wreckage of the stand. Her eyes eventually opened and she saw about five guards standing over her.

Irina: Ugh ... what happened? What time is it?

Soldier: Time to say your prayers, Missy. The way things've gone, expect to be dangling from the gallows by noon.

Irina: *sniff* ;_;

Inside Stephanie's room, the long silence continued. Iso knew for certain that he only had a few seconds left to find an exit before she would try to call for help. Oddly enough, he though he recognized her.

Iso: Um ... wait a second ... Stephanie?

Stephanie: ... :blink: ... PERVEEERT!!!!!! MIND READING PERVEEEEERT!!!!!!

Iso: Stephanie! Wait!

She put forth her hand and a divine light emerged! Iso was immediately blasted by it and thrown through the door! As he lied atop the door, Ixion came walking down the hall, ignoring the fact that Iso was in his way. Ixion simply stepped on Iso as he came into the room.

Ixion: Please cease your yelling. Do you want them to know that Isotov is here?

Stephanie: Iso? That's Iso? But his hair is so long, and it's much redder than I remember. Hmpf!

She hopped out of the bed and stomped up to Ixion.

Stephanie: Why didn't you tell me Iso would be here?!

Ixion: Even I couldn't predict that Kiev would actually be shot down in such a way as to allow Iso to land harmlessly on the fifth floor of the exact inn we are staying in.

Stephanie: Harmlessly?! I'm practically naked! What do you mean "harmless"?! >_<

Ixion: I should fix the door. Keep the wretch safe until I locate Irina.

Ixion walked over to where Iso was lying. Iso tried to get up, but feeling sadistic and impatient, Ixion flung his hand and Iso slid across the floor, slamming into the wall below the window he'd flown in through! Ixion then gestured with his hands, pulling the door back onto the hinges. He quickly opened the door, walked out, and closed it behind him!

Stephanie looked over at Iso. He was quite roughed up.

Stephanie: Iso ... as good as it is to see you again ... if you ruin my vacation over this Elyisimian busniess, I'll put a hex on your grave :angry:

Iso: ... ... .... :facepalm:

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Morgan attempted to get Aiya's attention "I think it would be a good idea to dismount from Ulfhrahn before entering the capital. The Elysisman military is likely on the lookout for a large bull wyvern, it is rather large and obvious. A few simple travelers should be able to get to the capital fairly easily, considering we are not Isotov or Chase, we shouldn't be top priorities."

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"The way things are going,is returning to the capitol the best idea?" Aiya questioned,disliking the prospect.

"They are bound to increase their checks and defenses after something like that,aren't they?"

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"Considering two of us are mages, it shouldn't be overly difficult to bluff our way into the capital. I doubt they have complete descriptions of everyone in our group, so Helios and I can pose as potential students for TISME and you can be our armed guard or somesuch. We need to get to the capital anyway, besides speaking with General Jackson we have to rendezvous with Tessa and Arrin."

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"I thought TISME didn't associate with Elder Mages though?"(OOC: This is just what she believes,I'm not really sure whether it's true or not) Aiya interjected,and thought it over.

"The prospect of splitting us all up even more is unappealing though...Damian likely can't enter the capital,and if Isotov or Irina see us and say something by accident,we are as good as hanged..."

"I suppose meeting up with Tessa and Arrin is important,but we shouldn't stay long..."

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"That is correct, but I can easily pass for an anima mage if necessary. It's not as if I plan to be using any dark magic at the border gate."

"If Isotov and Irina have entered the capital, we should ty to locate them before they are hanged. Much as he might deserve it, Isotov is a Crimson Weapon wielder, and without him our future path may become difficult or impossible, likely causing some sort of apocalypse. Damian and Esphyr should be fine, I would not worry too much about them."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"I guess they'll be okay...alright." Aiya was still unsire,but Morgan was right,they couldn't let Isotov hang,and Aiya was becoming rather fond of Irina.

"Okay,Ulfhrahn.Find Damian and let him know what's going on,okay?" Aiya hugged Ulfhrahn before sending him off.

"We should stay away from the main gate though,obviously.And we need to revive Kelas...and giving her a more common change of clothes would be a good idea,most likely."

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Kamilla winced, she could have sworn she had heard thunder earlier and it might have been her imagination, but she was certain that the sky had lit up slightly as well. She looked over at Eric who was walking unfazed by the strange occurrences. "Umm, Mr Eric sir" she asked uncertain about what she should address him as, she had been told his name, but she'd been taught to add a Mr or Sir, or some sort of word to the name when speaking to her elders, especially if she was indebted to them. Having got Eric's attention she continued "Doesn't the sky seem a bit odd?" she said indicating the sky up ahead.

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"Just call me Eric," he said, stopping. The man looked up, and realized that Kamilla was right: Thunder clouds had suddenly formed, and a second later, another bolt of lightning came down from the heavens, hitting something far-off.

"Mages seem to be attacking something," Eric said, frowning. "We'll have to ask about that when we make it into the capital. No sense worrying about it until we get there, right? Let's keep going."

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"Hmmm, okay then Eric" she said reluctantly, but the thunder interested her more. "True, but what would they be attacking? I mean, it's not everyday that a group of people decide to openly head to the capitol and have to fight the TISME mages" she had a feeling the clap of thunder was related to the group she'd been traveling with until now but kept quiet, "It's be ironic if that was your friends spell" she said half joking.

She wasn't sure if it had been the hint at the groups danger or the mentioning of his childhood friend, but Eric seemed to have increased his speed a little, quickly catching up and maintaning a fast paced walk she followed Eric, she estimated they were an hour and a bit from the capitol, not too far, but not exactly close either.

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OOC: Offically, TISME makes no discrimination and the teachers reinforce that. Unofficially, many of the idiot students will discriminate against dark magic, as well as any of the elements that are not of theirs. Also, assumptions ahead.

IC: "Nyugg... What... What happened?" asked Esphyr as her eyes slowly cracked open. As her vision returned, she saw that she was in the arms of Daiman; the arms of her employer. Whatever had just happened, she had been saved from something. That simply didn't happen in the mercenary world. A mercenary simply didn't matter to anyone beyond their payment... except Daiman. "Why did you rescue me?" she asked, already guessing the answer, but wanting to hear it for herself.


You know why you were hired right? You were hired because my father wants someone to bring me to him who won't be missed. Someone he can silence with ease. Someone whom no one will look for once your task is gone. It's how the mercenary world works. Ever wonder why so few people accept kidnappings? It's not because they think they will fail. It's that they dread success more.

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Somebody was shaking Kelas' shoulders roughly. "<What, Da? What time is it?>" she mumbled groggily as she blinked back into wakefulness. "What's she saying?" she heard somebody ask, and realized that she hadn't called out in Common. Kelas sat up: it was bright out, but definitely not daytime.

Explanations were made, mostly insufficient, but she gathered that they'd been with the soldiers for a time, had run, and were preparing to enter the capital. A bundle of cloth was thrust into her hands: one of Aiya's spare dresses. Well, it made sense; a ripped and bloody tunic would certainly attract attention, even in a city where oddities were commonplace. Wordlessly Kelas ducked behind a tree, exchanging her tunic for the dress. She kept her breeches; the skirt only went to her knees, and besides, she might need to run (though she was still very tired, so she had no idea how that would work out). Vaguely she wondered how much good it would do; her nomad's lineage was written on her face, if not her clothes. Sighing, thinking she looked ridiculous, she rejoined the group. Now that she was properly awake, she recognized who she was with: Aiya (all right, then) and Helios and Morgan (oh lovely).

She realized something then. "Where's Amari?"


Amari was going to kill them. She'd left Kelas with them, knew Kelas trusted them, but the girl had shoved the man up on the wyvern and flown off without Kelas, and by the time Amari had dodged half the wagon train to get back there, Kelas was gone.

She ran around the scattered train, looking frantically for her owner. No luck. She whinnied loudly: two familiar whinnies replied, Trevor and the packhorse. Amari galloped around to collect the packhorse, then ran to Trevor. He carried the Staff-girl and the Boy, the closest things to Kelas around. Amari whinnied to them again, then fell into step behind them. The Boy actually cared about Kelas. He was fumbling and silly, but maybe he'd at least try to find her.

If Amari ever saw the red man and the wyvern girl again, she was going to kill them.


Arrin held on as Tessa nudged Trevor faster. Amari and the packhorse caught up to them. Amari's ears were flat back; her eyes rolled. He racked his brain for what Kelas had told him that meant: fear? rage? She whinnied shrilly. "What's wrong-- where's Kelas?" Arrin asked, despite the knowledge that he wouldn't be answered. The mare's frantic whinnies gave him all the answer he didn't want though: Kelas must be missing. "No... she can't be missing..."

Tessa had said they'd head for a church; that was the last thing he wanted to do. He wanted to find Kelas, to search the area... but then he realized that there were two wyvern riders in the group, plus a pegasus knight opposing them. Even scouring the woods, which neither he nor Tessa had the skills to do, might not yield results, and would probably result in recapture by soldiers who no longer trusted them outside chains. His shoulders slumped.

...Then he had an idea. "Tessa, can we go to T.I.S.M.E. instead? It's just... well, my teacher knows-- knew some of the staff there, and maybe they could come up with some working to find Kelas." He didn't know of any finding-spells that had ever worked save on paper, but it was worth a shot.

Light filled the air, blinding him for an instant. "They're-- they're looking for us," he realized. "We'd better get to the city, then meet everyone once we're past the guards."

He held on as they headed for a road that should lead to one of the city's smaller gates. The soldiers were wary; they knew something was up. Arrin could blame the stinging in his eyes on smoke or light, but really... he was afraid.

He had to fight it. "They shouldn't be looking for just two of us at the gate... especially since we're not the main focus..." he mused, trying to keep the shake out of his voice. "We can tell them we're magic students, it's nearly true..." Trying to think up excuses to get through the gate, excuses that weren't quite lies, he could ignore the fear a bit.

[[OOC: Sorry Ether for borrowing Aiya for a bit; I just figured she's the only one with her packs on hand, and also closest to Kelas' size. Didn't think the whole "lend Kelas clothes" merited more than one post.

Regarding the inclusion of Amari's viewpoint, despite both my humans being awake: I wanted to explain where she went, and also establish there's a difference in opinion between her and Kelas about the failed get-Kelas-rescued-by-people plan (namely that Amari's damn furious, and Kelas doesn't even know it happened.) So Kelas will be just as confused when Amari starts attacking people when they're reunited.

Re Arrin, Tessa, and the gate: (When we actually get there that is) Guards should probably be run by someone who's been controlling soldiers this chapter, I'm guessing. (I'm guessing that the guards don't really have descriptions for Tessa and Arrin, as they weren't major players in the various crimes committed...)

edit: added brackets to the OOC cos it's such a big OOC >_<]]

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Ixion made his way through the streets of Ilyphina. Not too many people were about, unless they were drawn out by the recent noises and the intense light shining outside the city. As the guards hauled Irina to her feet and put her in chains, Ixion came into view. Irina was a bit too dazed to make out who it was. The guards became nervous as he came closer.

When he finally reached them, one of the guards yanked out his sword and shouted!

Guard: Halt!! Don't come any closer!! This criminal is coming with us!

Ixion: Incorrect.

Guard: What do you mean "incorrect"?! You some TISME teacher?

Ixion: I wouldn't be caught dead at that academy teaching those talentless students. Now listen carefully. This woman is coming with me.

The remaining guards drew their swords too! Irina was still dazed but she finally recognized him as Ixion.

Ixion: Why do you soldiers always insist on ending minor confrontation with battle?

Soldier: Because you're interfering with the law, shaman! Now stand down, and we'll forget you were here!

Ixion: How much is she truly worth to you?

The lead guard immediately shook his head negatively. He was in no mood to be bribed.

Ixion: I see ... Every man has a price, but I doubt I'll find yours before my patience comes to an end. Release the woman, now.

Guard: Back off, shaman, or I will cut your damn face off!!

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Tessa was surprised by the sudden chorus of whinnies, echoing back and forth. She turned back briefly and saw that Kelas's mare had fallen in behind them, looking decidedly upset, but she had brought the packhorse. She was too distracted by other concerns to make out immediately just what the implications of this were, but Arrin seemed to have struck upon the heart of the matter, exclaiming, "Where's Kelas?"

Tessa felt her heart lurch for a moment, before she found herself bombarded by the boy with a desperate plea, "Can we go to T.I.S.M.E. instead?" He tried to back it up with some logical reasons, but the connection was weak, and his voice seemed to betray the fact he was grasping at straws.

While she couldn't know exactly what he was going through, with no real family of her own, she could definitely empathize with a keen sense of sorrow at sudden, unwanted separation. Sparing a moment to attempt to reassure the mage, she said, "You're, you're jumping to conclusions. Sis... Morgan said she was going to gather everybody, didn't she? Horses can spook for almost any reason. There might be a problem with Kelas, yes, but don't assume the worst!" She found herself wishing they weren't galloping on Trevor's back so that she could clasp Arrin close, and do a better job of comforting, but as the saying goes, 'when it rains it pours'.

Speaking of such, the thunderstorm from back at Selizara had mostly cleared up, and there was nothing more than the occasional burst of spitting from the heavens. Taking that as a metaphor, the troubadour tried telling herself that if they could just get past this current hurdle, things would suddenly be not quite so bad.

The world did its best to dash her hopes, as a giant blast of light broke forth and illuminated the night. Fortunately, they were close enough to the city walls by this point that if any snipers were to catch sight of them it would really cut the angle, and make their aim difficult, but the spell was certainly unwanted attention that only served to make their current straits more dire. Realizing they couldn't just take the nearest entrance, Tessa diverted their course to one of the small roads circling the city, striving for a less well-used gate.

"At any rate, before we decide whether we head to TISME or not, we first have to worry about getting into the city," Tessa said, and Arrin agreed, and started to attempt to brainstorm excuses they could use. The first one he came up with didn't entirely plausible to her, though. "I don't think that's quite going to work," Tessa replied, slowing Trevor a bit as she did. "We have a distinct problem, and that's the horses. There's three of them, only two of us, and yet we're both riding the same one. Can you think of any story for two magic students to meet that description and be convincing?"

Taking a breath here, she paused slightly before continuing, "I've been trying to come up with something myself, and I may have almost hit across something. It is going to require that you ride by yourself: either on Trevor, or on Amari, your choice. I will take the other. Then we'll have two people, on two mounts with a packhorse, which is much more plausible. As for the story itself... Don't laugh please, I'm sure it sounds silly."

"I would be playing the part of some nobleman's daughter... no wait, that would never do. I neither have the looks nor the background to pull that off... a merchant's daughter then. You, you are my escort, hired to see me safely around the country, which I'm exploring on some whim or fancy, maybe? The packhorse carries our supplies."

Tessa sighed. It sounded even more ridiculous aloud than it had before she'd begun to talk. They were covered in mud and filth, and while that story might explain how they could afford so many horses, it could not possibly cover up their current appearances, nor quite what they were doing arriving at the city at this hour. Shaking her head, she said, "No... maybe magic students is better after all... I just don't know."

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Inside the church, a lowly cleric came rushing out to the alter at the sound of a horrifying crash! She immediately saw Kiev lying across the alter, his wings spread out and bruised, his tail dangling from behind and laying a few feet along the floor. She was frightened by the sight, but also terribly concerned for the wyvern. The arrow in his side was a sniper's arrow. She didn't say a word. Instead she headed up to the wyvern and began to slowly remove the arrow so that she could mend the wound. Kiev initially flinched, but calmed down when he realized that she was trying to help. He knew he would be dead in a few minutes if she didn't heal him.

The guards holding Irina were preparing to strike at Ixion. They knew he was at least a practitioner of elder magic. The limits of said magic wasn't well known to common soldiers, nor the public in general. Their caution was well warranted.

Guard: If you so much as chant two words, I'll slit your throat, shaman!

Ixion: Very well then I shall not. That won't save any of you, but I'd rather not be attacked at the moment.

Guard: Watch what you say, shaman! We're the ones with the swords here!

In quick response to their threat, he opened his palms and a dark shadowy abyss filled the space between his hands! The guards felt their weapons tugging away from them! Suddenly the darkness took shape and became a small black sphere! The weapons immediately flew to Ixion's hands and were crumbled to pieces like ground glass before being swallowed by the dark sphere! Ixion relaxed his hands, and the sphere shrunk to nothing.

Ixion: I can do this all day with you, gentlemen, but frankly I don't have the time -_-

Guard: :wtf:

Iso crawled to his feet and then looked over at Stephanie. She was quickly angered by it!

Stephanie: Stop staring at me, Iso! This is highly inappropriate!! >_<

Without giving him a chance to look away she held out her hand and a tremendous flash of light nearly blinded him!

Iso: ARGH!!! Stephanie! Wait!!

By the time Iso's vision had cleared up, she'd grabbed a robe to cover herself with. He found her standing right next to him.

Iso: Was that necessary?! If you don't want to be seen wearing something like that, then don't sleep in it.

Stephanie: You wouldn't understand, you're too busy running around in the wilderness. Why didn't you at least write us a letter once in awhile?

Iso: I don't want to discuss it :facepalm:

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Arrin winced. He knew he'd have to end up riding on his own regardless of the story, but that didn't make him like it any more. At any rate... "There's one thing I could try. If I can find something with my teacher's seal on it, we could plausibly be delivering urgent correspondence from her. I think I've got some letters in my satchel we could use, if the soldiers didn't take them... The thing is... the guards accepted her seal other times she sent me into the city, but I don't know whether or not they've been told if she's... dead." He paused. "As for the horses, I'll ride Amari, and maybe... maybe there were originally three of us, but we ran into bandits." He made a face. "Maybe we even ran into some of those 'dangerous criminals' that have been about, and can throw the guards off the others a bit."

He sighed. Of course, whatever they came up with wouldn't work. They were soaking wet and tired; something would slip.

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When she'd mentioned him having to ride on his own, Tessa felt Arrin's grip slightly tighten on her. It didn't seem he was looking forward to the idea, but his lack of protest meant he recognized the validity of the argument. Keenly regretting the fact that she hadn't yet had an opportunity to teach him anything about riding like she had promised, she just placed one of her hands over his and squeezed it gently. While rough from the events of the recent days, and not quite as soft and soothing as she would have liked, she hoped it would be of some comfort.

Arrin hadn't laughed at her proposition, and for this she was grateful. In fact, he didn't really criticize it at all, so for a moment she thought they might actually have to try and go with it, which made her slightly uneasy. However, after a few moments more, he suggested another proposal. They were couriers, relaying a missive. Tessa warmed up to the idea immediately. "That's a fantastic idea!" she exclaimed, her tone regaining a bit of brightness. "As for our fallen comrade... Hmmm... Francis, shall be his name, yes? And either explanation works for me, either bandits or criminals. Quick, check to see if you still have a letter with the seal."

Tessa suddenly brought Trevor to a stop. "If we're actually on an important mission though... We need to head back to the main gate, wouldn't we? A side route would be out of the way and waste time."

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Kelas had stirred,and changed.She seemed to dislike the clothing Aiya had been able to spare her,as it didn`t seem to suit her.

Either way,dwelling on it was useless,and the group proceeded to move.

After travelling for a little while,Aiya saw two people ahead of them.Recognizing the girl,she called out.

"Kamilia?Is that you?"

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Mark woke up. Apparently the fire died down. He couldnt see his horse anywhere around. He was about to get up when he heard a familiar voice. "Oi Mark, 'bout time you got up". Mark blinked for a while. "Ian"? "Aw you remembered me" Ian said. "Im flattered". Mark got up and took out his knife. He threw it at Ian. It barely missed his head and pinned to a tree. "Last time i meet you, my sister almost died" Mark said. "Whoa take it easy man" Ian said backing away. "You know i was the only there when you were knocked out". Mark went to the tree and took out the knife. He put it back in its sheath. He looked around. "Where is my lance" Mark asked. "They stole everything" Ian said. "Your lucky you still have your armor". "Well i know the bandits that took your horsey and weapons". "They were the ones that i usually deal with when i get mercenary work". "They were last seen heading to the capital". Ian started walking up the trail. "Where are you going" Mark asked. "You do want your horse back dont you" Ian asked. Mark nodded. He followed Ian up the trail.

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OOC: Space it, Kai, plz?

"Kamilia, is that you?" a voice asked, from behind them. Eric turned to see the female soldier from the group, along with the mage, the shamaness, and the nomad, without her mount, approaching the duo.

"Oh, so you're still alive. What happened at the fortress, anyways?" he asked the soldier. "And where's the mercenary? I have her sword right here."

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OOC:Helios doesn't know Damian went to find her,BTW,he was still KO'd

"Oh!It's the unlucky myrmidon ^_^ !" Aiya recognized him as she saw Eric's face,but still couldn't recall his name.

"A lot of stuff happened,but we are heading to the capitol."


"Why did you rescue me?" Damian had been expecting the question from Esphyr,it was just like her.

"Because I care about you Esphyr.I wasn't just gonna up and let you burn in the carnage,or get captured.As for what happened,some mages attacked the caravan and we're wanted again,it seems..."

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"'Unlucky myrmidon'? Yeah, you could call me that. Well, that's interesting, because we're heading there, as well. Now tell me, how do you guys plan on getting in? You're wanted, right?"

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