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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 6: Standing against the Bolivian Army


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Ixion: There isn't much time. The soldiers will be here at any time and I refuse to clean up after you people.

Iso: Wait! Before we go, who are we missing? Irina ... Damian ... Esphyr ... Chase? Great. We still have five people to find.

Stephanie: Who?

Ixion: Time marches on. If you want to chat some more, I suggest we do it elsewhere.

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"Damian went to get Esphyr, they should still be outside the ity most likely. Considering they have a bull wyvern with them, they shouldn't be difficult to spot if necessary."

"Chase and Irina are not necessary. Hopefully they will find their way back to us."

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Kelas tensed. "Not necessary" was the absolute wrong choice of words that could be applied to Irina right now; she knew how she'd react if someone deemed finding Arrin to be unnecessary. They hadn't got time for the fight that would certainly ensue now... all the same, she knew whose side she'd be on. She glared at Morgan, but tried for a distraction: "How many soldiers are we talking here?" she asked Ixion.

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Kamilla frowned, she'd gotten an answer but now she was faced with another question. Who was this Lord of Azure Flame? Was it some evil king man, or perhaps some corrupt noble? Either way, if her 'friends' wanted to kill this man, he must be a bad person. As Isotov counted those who were missing and forgot Katie, despite being obsessed with her in his dreams Kamilla wandered away and stepped outside. She'd let the old people handle the complicated stuff. she noticed a few dead people outside and carelessly walked up to one of the soldiers, there were huge teeth mark across the mans torso and his eyes had rolled back in what was possibly fear.

"Wake up mister" she told the man as she shook the mans shoulder. Not getting a response from the man, she grabbed him by the nose and pinched it, waiting to see if the man would start flailing around if she deprived him of oxygen but the man remained motionless. Growing bored, she frowned, annoyed at the lack of response she was getting. "Cautiously she stuck her finger out and directed it at the mans eye. "Ewww" she said childishly as she wiped her finger on the mans garments.

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Ixion: I don't know how many of them it will take to kill us ... ... but I do know how many they're going to use once they realize who you people are -_-

OOC: Ron White insert :lol:

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Aiya and Arrin had both ended up giving Tessa a hand in getting back to her feet. Having Trevor wait with the other horses, she belted her sword to her waist, just in case, grabbed her staff, and limped into the church with the rest of the group. Morgan was talking to a strange man with pure white hair, and the firestarter was dragged off to the back of the church by some unknown woman. Having entered late, she didn't quite understand what was going on, but when Sis didn't react to stop it, she ceased to care too much.

The conversation meandered back and forth from topics familiar, General Jackson, to topics unfamiliar, Ivanko and shapeshifters. Finding it hard to stay focused for long, her mind kept drifting.

When she heard Kamilla ask, "What's a Crimson weapon," though, warning bells went off in the troubadour's brain. After all, the former waitress was the one who had gone to the trouble of explaining the whole affair more thoroughly, and with descriptions on the details of the Septimian reform. Something was seriously fishy here. Could this demon shapeshifter already be among them? If so, it was doing a terrible job at disguising itself, though on the other hand it would have no way of knowing the woman's memories after all... Morgan seemed too preoccupied to give her more than passing notice, so Tessa decided to take it upon herself to watch her carefully.

So, when Kamilla wandered out of the entrance of the church, Tessa turned, and slowly followed but remained inside the building for the moment. Watching her poke one of several corpses that were littering the plaza just outside the entrance, she felt a twinge of anger but it was tempered by utter confusion. Calling out to the woman, "Kamilla, don't do that, that's disrespectful, and there's nothing more to be done for him." After all, his condition was obvious at a glance. "Come back over here. Are you feeling all right?"

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Kamilla jumped up, the same reaction one would expect from a child who had been caught by her mother doing something she shouldn't have been doing. Looking around she notice Tessa looking at her and skipped over, "Who's Kamira?" she asked cocking her head, "Is that my name? You're.... one of the lady's friends right?" she asked not really knowing who Morgan was either.

A mischievous grin crossed her face as she pointed at the men lying in the plaza. "These people are sleeping in the middle of the street, they'll get in trouble by their mommies if they catch a cold won't they? Miss?" she asked as if she were appealing to Tessa, asking her to applaud her logic.

"I don't know who you are but pleased to meet you" she said sticking her hand out enthusiastically.

(OoC: Thanks Bal, I tried to work on this 'new' Kamilla, but when I started a conversation Lacuna and Cynthia just gave me a short reply and hurried off XD Clearly no one wants to talk to poor crazy Kamilla XD)

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Kelas looked up and down the street as she exited the church. No soldiers yet, but she did notice that the townspeople up one end of the street seemed to be hurrying to buildings or other streets... they'd be here soon, then.

She checked over Amari: apart from mud and tiredness, the mare was fine. Chase's bow was still slung across the saddle; it might come in handy. Checking the saddlebags, Kelas found no disturbance in Arrin's pack, but oddly, someone had dug through her own. Nothing appeared to be missing, nor did there seem to be anything unfamiliar added in... wait, one of the old letters was gone. This would bear significant investigation later. The packhorse also seemed to be in decent shape.

Tessa had headed outside, and the others seemed to be preparing to do so; Arrin followed. It had been decided, or so it seemed; they were heading to TISME. Arrin wondered when they'd ever stop to rest.

Arrin saw that Tessa was talking to Kamilla. This was the sort of thing that he wasn't inclined to help with; instead, he asked Kelas, "What's wrong with Kamilla?"

Kelas grimaced. "Memories gone. I'll explain later."

"That and everything else," Arrin muttered. He wanted to ask about the letter he'd found earlier, but realized it wasn't the time.

Well, that was odd: Arrin hadn't seemed resentful of anything up to this point. Kelas glanced at her brother; he was indeed frowning. One of the letters... oh. Oh. Well, that conversation was going to be a fun one... Kelas shook her head, adding that onto the "things for later" list that was becoming rather long of late. She distracted herself and her brother as the others began to file out of the church: "Looks like they're on their way down the street there. How are we going to vanish that quickly, now?"

ooc: edited for formatting

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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As Kamilla had pointed at Morgan and asked if Tessa was her friend, she stammered back, "Err... yes. Your name is Kamilla, and yes. Yes I am friends with her. You, you already know this though, right?" But the woman's attention span had quickly shifted back to what she'd just been involved with, the dead men littering the area.

When she proudly exclaimed that the were going to get in trouble for sleeping like that, Tessa was astonished. Something was badly wrong with Kamilla. Her mental state seemed to have regressed to that of a seven-year old, and she had no idea what caused it. The stark contrast between her current personality and her previous demeanor was enough to give her a case of mood whiplash, and leave her flustered.

Think, think. What's the right way to deal with a situation like this? Do I interact with her as if nothing has changed, or should I shift my approach? If I have to treat her differently, then... How are you even supposed to handle children? she wondered.

Having been sequestered away in a monastery since she was young, Tessa really had no basis of reference for most interactions with children, and could only remember how the monks had treated her, which she wasn't sure was necessarily typical.

For the time being, let's just take things as they come, I guess? she decided. Issues of the mind were one of the few things she didn't know how to heal. Certainly she'd heard tales of priests who could accomplish such feats, but she'd never had any occasion to have to try, nor would she even have the proper equipment.

Placing her hand on the other woman's shoulder she looked into her eyes and said softly. "They're dead. It's not sleeping, and they won't wake up. Their mothers will certainly be more sad than mad. It's not entirely bad though, because they're now at peace with The Lady, and have been taken into Her light, but still, it would have been better if they'd lived long lives, and passed away peacefully if at all possible."

Since Kamilla seemed to be staring blankly, without appearing to fully understand, Tessa shook her head and tried continuing on to the next topic. "You already know who I am, though, right? I'm Tessa, we've talked at quite a few times before already. Try to remember. You're a good person, you also worship The Lady, though a little differently than I do, and you've just been having a string of bad experiences right after another. Did something hit your head in the explosion back at the fort? You poor thing."

Tessa hugged her tenderly, and stroked her hair, trying to soothe the girl, and hoping that whatever had happened she could snap out of it.

Edits: grammar, minor rephrasings. Nothing severe (pronoun switches, etc.)

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Chase glared at Viveka. "I'm feeling awful, thank you. They're going to kill me. Kill me! For stealing! Has the law really changed that much in three years? Man, so many things have gone wrong in the last week or so..."

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There just happened to be a small stool close to the jail cells, and Viveka quickly took the opportunity to use it. After she sat down, she leaned in a bit.

Viveka: What do you mean, you only stole? That doesn't make any sense. General Jackson informed me that you were worthy of immediate execution. I brought you back to him to confirm without a shadow of a doubt that it was you. Peace of mind I suppose :/

She was certain that she'd stumbled onto something big.

Viveka: Chase. I refuse to be responsible for the death of an innocent ... well ... almost innocent person. Tell me everything you've done since you fled, right now.

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Chase frowned, but listed what he could remember anyways... not that he had much of a choice. "Maybe... stole ten times, and I've injured several people. I killed two people, but only in self defense. Most of the stealing wasn't valuable, like food from an upper-class person when I was nearly starving, and only one was major. I don't really think that's fair to kill someone over!" he added angrily.

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"More soldiers...just great." Aiya looked at the ground,dejectedly.

"We will need to get out of here,if they are coming...what about TISME?They aren't directly affiliated with the military,after all."

She added,seeing what others thought of the idea.


"If that is how they treated you,then I hope no one would ever liken me with them...I think I might lose it..." Damian scowled as Esphyr revealed once again the bastards that had filled her life as a mercenary.

"You don't need to stay,if you don't want to,Esphyr...I can't enter the city,I was too exposed to their Captain,she would have given the guards my description...but you should be fine.All of the men who would have saw you are dead..."

Damian looked towards Ilyphina,across the field which the conflict had taken place earlier,and he saw the flash of warp magic nearby.

"Esphyr...those guys are the ones who attacked the caravan..."

Damian stepped out,hoping to find out where they had taken Katie.

"What brings you three back here?" he called out to the fire mage in the center,ready to summon Gae-Borg to retaliate if necessary.

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Viveka: That's it? I thought you were a hardened outlaw :blink:

For your sake I suppose it's a good thing if you're not, but I am completely disillusioned right now :mellow:

She thought about it for a second. She couldn't help but want to get some answers.

Viveka: General Jackson believes your crimes are far worse than what you've told me. I hope he won't be upset with me for this.

One of the guards by the entrance to the cell block had been listening the entire time. She turned to him and stood up.

Viveka: Can you get someone to tell the General that I'd like to see him down here? It's important.

Guard: ...? Fine -_-

The guard walked outside for a moment and informed another guard before returning to his post. Viveka sat back down on the stool an pondered. She thought Chase was guilty as sin, but she had to be sure. She had a bad feeling about what'd she'd heard from Chase and she didn't want to be wrong. Not when a life was at stake.

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"We were shafted by our most recent employer" answered Madison. "His mute daughter attacked us and we defended ourselves. Of course he's the great hero Harold, so we weren't really keen on fighting him."

"Perhaps we could make a deal?" answered Matthias "We could help you retrieve this friend of yours...for a fee of course."

"Or we could just blast you." said Maximillian. His siblings frowned at him in disapproval.

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"Making an enemy of Harold,are you?Well,I wonder...how would you plan on assisting me if I pay your price?I'll assume you are mercenaries?" Damian asked the mage trio,who atleast seemed to be less blast happy than the one who had commented.

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"We could locate her for you. That would be the first step to getting her, yes? Harold has undoubtedly taken her to some undisclosed location, but mages are known for their ability to find what is hidden."

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"Hmm...what is your price?" Damian inquired.These mages seemed competent enough,and clearly possessed a warp staff.

'I may have use for them,I'll need to see what they can do,I guess...may as well let them answer' Damian thought to himself,awaiting a reply.

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"Daiman, don't." warned Esphyr, stepping forwards to insert herself between Daiman and the trio. "Not only is Harold a powerful man, but he didn't do anything wrong if what I think happened is true. At least, nothing wrong by employer standards. Siding with them, especially you, would be cause for war."

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Ixion had grown impatient again, and he assumed that if the group didn't get a move on, they would get caught up in an unnecessary battle.

Ixion: If you people are going to TISME, then go. I will throw these soldiers off your trail.

Iso: That's ... unusual for someone like you.

Ixion: Not truly. I expect to be compensated. YOU owe me one more favor as of now, Isotov. Now all of you, head to TISME.

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Conrad saw a soldier stroll in from the direction of the prison. "General? Captain Viveka has asked if she could talk to you at the prsion? It's about Veshkal..."

Conrad frowned, remarking, "Hmm. That can't be good... did something happen?"

"No, sir, just more of a question she has."

"Hmm... very well. I suppose it can't do any harm. Also, tell Captain Horst he's been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. He's overdue for it. And hopefully it'll stop him from complaining about Viveka's promotion... I have enough things to deal with," he said, muttering the last part to himself.

"Very well, sir."


Conrad approached the area of the prison where Chase was being held, making a mental note of the odd group outside, and stopped when he reached Viveka's post. "Hello, Captain. What was it you wanted to ask me about?"

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