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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 6: Standing against the Bolivian Army


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Viveka: I just want to clarify something ....

She stood up and stood close to Chase's cell.

Viveka: Chase has been ducking and dodging you for three years. He claims that he's only committed minor crimes. I don't quite believe him, but it won't sit right with me unless I understand what he did to deserve execution.

She was hoping that Conrad would reveal what he believed Chase had done, then she could quickly gauge Chase's response to see if he was lying or not. If Chase wasn't lying, then perhaps Conrad had the wrong person all along?

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"I won't question you commander." replied Esphyr. "But I know the mercenary world. A shafted payment is not a unusual thing. There is no need to get involved in it. Please, don't make a matter out of something minor like this."

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"That solves that," Kelas remarked as Ixion strode down the street. The others were emerging from the church. "Arrin, you know where TISME is, right?" Arrin nodded; he'd been there with his teacher many times.

Kelas was about to mount up as Amari lunged away: Isotov had just exited the church, and the mare reared, about to attack him. Kelas threw herself at the mage's shoulder in an attempt to shove him out of the way, receiving a hoof in the ribs for her trouble. Amari backed up, whinnying angrily: she didn't want to hurt Kelas, but here was the red man, and he'd been part of Kelas' vanishment earlier... As Kelas forced herself to her feet, Amari moved to attack again, but Kelas wrapped an arm around the mare's face, keeping her head down. "What in the four gods' names are you doing, Amari?! He's on our side! Youba!" Kelas grimaced: it seemed she'd cracked a few ribs. "Leave him alone!" She looked over to Isotov. "Did you do something? She's never done anything like that... to anyone not an enemy, anyway." She paused.

Amari stood stock still, ears pinned back. If she was not allowed to attack the red man, so be it; see if she'd be civil to him, though. Kelas, at least, seemed to be all right.

Arrin looked worried. "I hear shouting down the street... we'd best get going. We can talk while we move." He looked over to Tessa and Kamilla. "Tessa? Kamilla? Are you coming?"

OOC: So yeah, we're leaving at foot speed. Because three horses is not enough for current group size. (Morgan, Aiya, Kamilla, Arrin, Tessa, Kelas, Isotov, Helios, I forget who else.)

OOCaddendum: And yeah, that pony attack happened for a reason. Though that should pretty much be the end of the issue.

Edited by Darth Lacuna
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Isotov had nearly been decked by Kelas' horse Amari! She was able to shove him aside and calm her though.

Iso: Amari left you close by us. I suppose we were in too much of a rush to noti- ... ... Kelas? ... ... ... why are you wearing that dress? :huh:

As Ixion headed down the street to delay the soldiers, they finally came into view.

Ixion: The greatest victories come from battles not fought.

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"If Arrin knows where TISME is,then let's just go." Aiya said,trying to speed the group up,wondering how long the Druid could distract them for.


"I know to be cautious.Still,may as well hear them out." Damian told Esphyr,hoping to reassure her.

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"She probably thought you left me behind, then, that'd explain it." Kelas winced as she climbed into the saddle: bruised or cracked, her ribs were definitely going to be a problem. "Dress? Long story. I was supposedly too conspicuous in normal clothes. Didn't help."

"Come on!" Arrin called, halfway down the street by now. As the group caught up, he began to lead the way to the academy. After a few streets the route became more familiar... there was no time for nostalgia though. He looked over his shoulder, checking to make sure everyone was still behind him.

OOC: Everyone is walking now. Yeah.

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As the soldiers headed for the church, Ixion approached them. His plan was set. The captain quickly ran up to him and waved for him to move.

Captain: Out of the way! A patrol hasn't reported in yet and we need to check it out!

Ixion: I know ... and I've come to inform you that they are all dead.

Captain: What?!

Ixion put his hand on the man's shoulder and the man felt a chill run down his spine! Ixion's touch was rather ... eerie to him.

Captain: D-did ... did you see what happened?

Ixion: Yes I did. Your men didn't stand a chance, and neither do these which you came with. I suggest you bring in more ranged units if you plan to deal with a loose beast.

Captain: A beast?! What kind of beast?!

Ixion: I doubt those teeth marks came from horses. Perhaps a wyvern, but I won't rule out any other sort of creature.

Captain: Good Goddess! >_<

This'll cause one helluva panic.

Ixion: Unless you deal with it now. By the way, it would help you to know that the beast is purple.

Captain: Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

Ixion: Thank me if you survive ... I doubt you will if something so trivial disturbs you -_-

Captain: <_<

As the group progressed toward the TISME, Iso noticed that Arrin was leading the group the whole way there.

Iso: Kelas, was your brother a student at TISME?

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"How muh do you have?" asked Matthias. "That's rather important."

"You're a rather heartless one." commented Madison, referring to Esphyr. "Referring to your comrade's fate as minor demonstrates an utter lack of compassion. Perhaps your leader is willing to part with some coin for her sake. For reference, she was unconscious last time I saw her and her father had quite the look in his eye, I'm sure you can imagine the possibilities."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Kelas shrugged, and winced as her ribs reminded her again that she shouldn't be moving. "Not sure. I know the woman who took him in was affiliated with them, at least. We can trust him to get us there, if that's what you mean."

Arrin took the group around another corner. Up ahead, a grand building came into view. "We're almost there," he announced, not noticing the street urchin that made off with his satchel.

Kelas did, though. "Right, so he's not the most observant," she muttered, steering Amari to block the pickpocket's path. "Give it back, you little street scummer."

OOC: If someone wants to play the pickpocket for the lulz, go ahead. I don't mean to make a big event out of it, though.

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"I care for Katie's fate very much so; but no one person is worth starting a war between two of the most powerful nations left in this shattered world." quickly shot back Esphyr. "Besides; you are mercenaries. You aren't paid to care. I've been blessed with a good employer at the moment, but I know it won't always be so. When that time comes, it goes back to the way it was before; the way you just experienced."

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"I cannot pay you a large sum directly,but I have military affiliations,and if you seem worth the money,I have no qualms with writing a reasonable cheque payable from the Halton military." Damian told them straight up,there was no point trying to evade the question.

"Still,Esphyr has a decent point,some mercenaries are quick to abandon a job,or an employer,and offering to fight Harold so soon after working for him is a slight worry...I suppose having you locate her at least,shouldn't pose such a challenge..."

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"Oh, we were never offering to fight Harold." said Matthias. "I prefer to keep my vital organs right where they are thank you."

"The offer is to find your friend. Once we do that, you can do what you will with that information. We would prefer the money up front, but I suppose this will have to do. Now, join hands for the Warping to our offices."

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OOC: This should be fun :)

Thief: (Blast! How did that guy see that?! I was so careful >_< ) I've got no idea what you're talking about! I didn't take anything! :angry:

The pickpocket began backing away slowly and cuatiously hoping the rest of the group wouldn't flank him.

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"Oh for..." Kelas steered Amari again; the mare's hoof landed squarely on the boy's boot. "Drop my brother's bag, pup, and go rob someone who can afford it."

"Is that Irina up ahead?" asked Arrin, still oblivious.

OOC: That shouldn't break the kid's foot unless he's got really thin boots.

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'Thieves...just great...' Aiya commented to herself.The pickpocket had backed away from Kelas,and was close to her.


The sheathed Steel Blade knocked the thief down from his legs,and he landed unceremoniously on his ass,Aiya grabbing him by his generic Street Urchin shaggy hair,and stating simply;

"Hand it over boy,I don't have much patience for thieves."

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Conrad frowned. "What do you mean, only a few minor crimes? That's a massive understatement. True, most of his crimes at first were minor, then he disappeared for a year. After that, though, there were several major attacks against people, all of which related to a particular person. All those attacks were made by him or someone extraordinarily similar to him. Considering he has no known, living relatives, I highly doubt anyone but Veshkal could be the perpetrator."

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"Well," Eric said, approaching the boy, from an angle. "Nice try, kid. Should have tried it in a crowd. You might have actually gotten away..." He took the satchel, passed it to the lightning mage, then said," Let him go. He'll wisen up in a few years."

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Viveka looked Chase up and down. He didn't seem like the "major crime" type all of a sudden. Perhaps the fact that he was essentially rotting in a jail cell had something to do with it.

Viveka: I see. I just don't feel right executing him if jail time would be more just. Chase, can you prove you're innocent of the "major" crimes you've been accused of? Cause if not ... -_-

The pickpocket had been swiftly subdued. He wasn't thrilled.

Thief: Let me go! Let me go darn it! How else can you survive on the streets?! Argh! >_<

Elsewhere ...

The guards quickly left to investigate the church. Ixion had set them on the shapeshifter's trail. He began to head over to TISME. He would likely arrive shortly after the others.

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Kelas backed Amari up, releasing the boy's foot. "I saw some nobles back that way. Easy targets," she lied, pointing in the direction of the soldiers. "Mind you don't mess with us again."

"When did that happen?" Arrin asked, confused, as Eric handed him his satchel.

"While you weren't minding your surroundings," Kelas replied. "Now, you said you saw Irina?"

Arrin nodded. "At the gates. Come on, everyone!"

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"Oh, so I'm Kamilla?" she asked satisfied when Tessa nodded her head in confirmation. She pointed at Morgan again "She's my friend too, does that make you my friend?" she asked frowning trying to work out the question as if it were some sort of complicated equation.

Not being able to come to a quick conclusion she shrugged her shoulders and returned to the topic of the dead soldier. Kamilla smiled and shook her head, "You're silly miss, dead is when they go to a place far far away, they're still sleeping there, they're not dead"

The mentioning of a Lady confused her, she pointed at Morgan and asked "Lady?" but when her response was corrected she frowned "Is the lady friends with the flame lord guy?" she said racking her brain to figure out which piece went where. She was once again corrected but she not being able to comprehend the answer she just shrugged it off. And was about to scamper away when Tessa grabbed her in a tender hug. Blushing furiously she attempted to break free of her hold like a cat who no longer wanted to be held. But she didn't resist as much as she wanted to. It felt nostalgic, something someone used to do for her in the past, a past she couldn't remember.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Arrin called Tessa and herself over, Suddenly remembering where she was and that people were around she started thrashing around, to which Tessa quickly responded by letting her go. "Kamilla Coming!" she said raising her hand and waving it back at the boy. Tessa seemed worried about something but Kamilla took no notice of it and pulled on her arm. "Miss Tessa? That man over there's calling you, isn't he your friend too?"




Kamilla had been watching Morgan and Tessa and hadn't realized the boy urchin either, but when she saw Aiya pull the boy up off the ground by the hair she frowned and walked over, apparently Amari had also been stepping on the boy, but the horse had removed it's foot now. She raised her hand and wacked Aiya's arm, and surprisingly, the soldier let the kid go, most likely more surprised then anything by Kamilla's actions. She pointed a finger at Aiya menacingly "No being mean to the poor people" she said before turning to the boy. She raised her hand and flicked the boy in the forehead. "Stealing, bad, make other people sad. No more stealing okay?" she said proudly, acting like a child who was trying to mimic the actions of her parents.

*Waiting for Aiya to cleave her in half* XD

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Kamilia had knocked the boy out of her hand,and had said,in her newfound innocence,not to hurt the poor.

'Right...she doesn't know the difference yet...'

Still,looking at the boy who had quickly scampered off,she realized she probably had been too harsh.

"You're right,Kamilia.I was too hard on him." She said,giving Kamilia a smile to show she wasn't angry.

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Kamilla glared at Aiya suspiciously, she'd acted on impulse but part of her was expecting to get yelled and and possibly hit for her actions. The woman started thinking and Kamilla was certain she was coming up with evil schemes and methods of punishment. But when Aiya smiled, Kamilla smiled hesitantly back and stuck out her hand, "I'm Kamilla, what's your name?" she asked innocently. She recalled seeing the woman earlier with Morgan, but had never gotten around to asking anyone their name except Tessa.

She wasn't sure if she could trust such an aggressive woman just yet, but she was willing to admit her mistake (too hard on the boy) and people who admitted their own mistakes couldn't be bad people could they? More then anything, she was supposed to be one of her friends.

(OoC: I noticed Kamilla V1.0 didn't really know any of your names, and was getting sick of referring to people as him, her, that woman etc, So I'm going to try and establish names quickly this time round)

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"Hello Kamilia,my name is Aiya." Aiya responded gently.Kamilia seemed to be ready to flinch as Aiya turned to face her,so delicacy was likely for the best.

With that noted,she took Kamilia's hand and shook it easily.

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