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Lords and Trainees Only PT

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I'm doing a PT with only Lords and Trainees (and a Thief.)

No hacks

Erika's route

Hard Mode

Recruit every character

Low turn count is not a goal. :D

As it is hard mode, Trainee's are not required to go to super trainee. The promotions will be as follows:

Ross: JM -> Fighter -> Warrior

Amelia: Recruit -> Cavalier -> Paladin

Ewan: Pupil -> Mage -> Sage (Maybe Dark Glitch? :D)

Colm: Thief -> Rouge

I have recorded chapters P~5x, and will post them shortly. I have to edit the videos. D:

(Ignore every post of mine till 23 about the play through.)

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This may get interesting around chapter 3-4, then again around 9-10. I'm interested. Hard mode, right?

Nawz, Normal. Erika pwns everything in chapters P~2, Ross solos 3, and then they start beating the rest of the game together. To bad I don't have valni. D:

I think I might add colm.

Just finished Chapter two, Erika crited everything, Rapier has 17 uses.

Ending stats:

Name: Level Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Erika: 6.42  6   9   11  10   3   2

Not to much different from the begining. D: Hopefully she gains more defence.

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Normal? I presume that's a joke. Even a Trainee only run is loleasy on Normal.

Cause I hate hard. Besides, Hard mode isn't that hard. If it really makes that much of a difference, I can switch to hard mode. o.o

Erika killed everything, no one else was attacked, Vanessa + Garcia got both villages.

Ending stats

Name: Level Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Erika: 9.40  7   12  11  13  3   3
Ross: Base

Chapter 3: Ross soloed the whole chapter, Colm opened chests.

Name: Level Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Erika: 9.40  7   12  11  13  3   3
Ross:  10.00 10   6   6  13  9   1

Chapter 4: Ross promotes to trainee (2.) This is the only route they can go.

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Normal? I presume that's a joke. Even a Trainee only run is loleasy on Normal.

I'm still not sure what the difference between Normal and Hard is. Not that I can be bothered to play Normal again after however many years of ignoring it in order to find out. Well, it's easy enough that Ross can solo a level...

I know that bosses have all their stats ~1 higher, but I don't know about the generics.

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Unpromoted Generics are about 7 levels of stats lower than on Hard, so typically about 2-3 points in everything.

Promoted Generics between level 1 and 3 inclusive are about 24 levels of stats lower than on Hard, so typically about 6-10 points in everything

Promoted Generics above level 3 are about 14 levels of stats lower than on hard, so typically about 3-6 points lower in everything.

Hard also has more enemies.

Basically, Normal mode is a complete joke. Unpromoted units are easily better than anything even Endgame or Ch19 can throw at you.

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Now that I think about it, I remember Normal Mode having pathetic promoted enemies... like, single digit stats.

Thanks for clearing it up though. I wish the stat boosts on the bosses were more respectable though. Except for the DK, he's tough enough as he is.

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NM is pretty easy, even if you're limited to Trainees/Lords. It's pretty easily beatable with only unpromoted physical units.

Don't want to stop now. Finished Chapter 4. D:

It is way too easy though, monsters are tinking off Ross' non excitant armor. ;/

Name: Level Str Skl Spd Luk Def Res 
Erika:12.04  8   14  13  14  4   4
Ross: 14.34  11  9   7   13  12  3
Colm:  5.55  4   5   12  10   3  2 

Starting chapter 5.

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Don't want to stop now. Finished Chapter 3. D:

I never said stop. It's pretty fun to read, and if it seems challenging to you, then fine. Besides, my PT log isn't that much better... :awesome:

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I never said stop. It's pretty fun to read, and if it seems challenging to you, then fine. Besides, my PT log isn't that much better... :awesome:

It's not super challenging, I just realized though, I have no staves at all. ;(

Chapter Five:

I had colm go to the lowest village, and then come up and kill the bandit reniforcements. Eirika took the whole middle of the level, and Ross got the left and top. After I saved the armorslayer village, Eirika died from an archer shot, with 30% hit. :( I hate it when under 35% hits hit her. I love it when Ross gets delt no damage from axemen AND people with WTA. He soloed the left side without taking any damage. :D Colm died from a 10 damage 25% hit. :( TWICE. WTF? I saved all of the villages, (The armorslayer one was though. Almost lost it. D: Forgot to check the stats after I finished chapter 5, so it will have to wait till after 5x, which is a giant orson solo. ;D

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On NM, I almost always solo 5x with Ephraim, especially if I'm going Eirika's mode. And burning through all your Elixirs isn't necessary either. One Elixir and maybe 2 Vulneraries is all you need.

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I forgot to mention I'm not using Ephraim. And yes, I meant 5 and 5x. D: I fail at life.

5x was a hacked orson solo. I didn't want to sit through it. I hate that chapter so much!

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Sit through it? That chapter is so much ridiculously free XP on Ephraim...

I'm not useing him, hes to good from the get go. :( Orson doesn't come back later, so I can use him without caring.

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You're not using Ephraim? Isn't he, uh, one-fifth of a Lords and Trainees PT?

He's to good. :( It would make the game far to easy. (I might add him on later...)

Chapter 5x:

Orson soloed the whole level, took me five turns to clear. o.o And I let Orson keep his silver sword.

Stats for my characters because I forgot to record them for c5. D:

I'm going to restart on Hard, and record my whole game. o.o

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Update~ Changed the play through guidelines, and switched from Normal too hard. (I still breeze through it...) I will post the videos soon, with the exception of 5x. The video cut out around the middle. :(

Sadly, my normal play through strategy doesn't work, as I get screwed tons of times with under twenty-five hit.

Edit: Have to go to an eagle project, then I am driving. I will post the videos after that.

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After reading the OP now:

Make it Super Trainee. Super Trainee is the Only True Trainee. You already have Ephraim anyway ffs.

Using the Dark Magic Glitch should flag you as a total wuss be out, but hey it's your playthrough.

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