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Remaking the FE Games


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I personally don't care about the censoring. I'm worried about how in the world balance would be implemented.

Why would you want balance, though? It will no longer be fe4, then. I mean, you have 20 mt silver claymores and silver lances and 22 mt silver axes. If they were to "balance" the holy weapons, what would you want? Things like Ike's Ragnell that is weaker than the other weapons? Like, 20 mt holy weapons? Or maybe 25 mt so they are only a little stronger? And those stat boosts were awesome. It would be a completely different game if you tossed out the skills "critical" and "pursuit" and made it work like other games and then nerfed the holy weapons. It would be like "FE4 Lite" or something.

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And thus Gaiden further disappears into oblivion that is the fanbase's obsession with incest-laden Seisen no Keifu?

Oh, come now, it wasn't the incest! It was the gameplay, and the mechanics that hooked me the most! But incest in a fire emblem shouldn't be so looked down upon considering MANY royal bloodlines in medieval ages married cousins and such to preserve their lineage. If medieval people did it in real life already, why is it so wrong if fake characters do it? After all Fire emblem is set in approximately the same time.

Ramblings below, reading is optional...

In any case i wish gaiden got more attention...I for one liked the different style...I think it would be awesome in a hypothetical new game, they fused every difffernt aspect into one. like the roaming and classup system of 2 and 8, the elaborate supports of 6-8, the 2 generations and the uber weapons usable by only a few, and a couple of unorthodox lords( Meaning a different weapon than a sword, and (though not absolutely needed) a different hair color. Too much blue hair!!!)

Hopping on the unorthodox lords train, perhaps they could do something really different for one...like what they did for Ike ( Fe9 version...I like to pretend Fe10 had a different Ike...i call that buff hobo...Mike...sorry for the ramblings) Maybe a lord turned gladiator...or a defeated nation's leader as your lord...but like not all wussy like elincia and friends of that stereotype...or perhaps a lord that was exiled from his nation and seeks to defeat his own country due to the corruption that he tried to bring to light before being banished.

But alas this is all hypothetical, on the spot, ramblings of a hypothetical new game...

Back to a possible FE4 remake on the horizon...You never know if they will censor it though...Nintendo themselves had no problem making and releasing it the first time...what'll be any different this time?

Call me optimistic, but I don't think that much censoring would be required to remake FE4.

Here here! As El Rey Leon has said before me, many fire emblems have already done many things that fe4 did, though more discreet. CoughRavenandPriscilla,EirikaandEphraim,ClarineandKlein...Cough

But alas, We shall have to wait and see what nintendo does...FE4 FOR THE CONSOLES!!!!


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Except that they never actually released it in English... it's not so much 'it aged poorly' as 'they could squeeze some easy cash out of Americans with something they haven't released before'.

Perhaps they're doing this mainly as a follow-up to Shadow Dragon. Given that they released Shadow Dragon two years ago, they should be nearly done, so maybe they'll be able to FINALLY WORK ON ANOTHER ADVANCE WARS make a new Fire Emblem continuity?

Last I checked, FE6 tanked in Japan. And since IS is a Japanese country, I don't think they want to make a financial risk.

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I'm kinda sick of characters that "join" you but don't help you until late game when they are less useful. Many games have this.



sage, 29 hp, 24 mag, 24 skl, 23 spd, 24 lck, 13 def, 25 res. A staves, B anima, s light.

Imagine that joining you when she first does. Rather than in the trial maps after you beat the game how many times? What's she doing wandering around with us acting like a weakling when she has that kind of power?


Nasir, Elincia


Kurth (albeit only one chapter). I suppose Elincia and Lucia in 3-E count. Also perhaps 3-11. sanaki as well.

The one that ticks me off the most is Elincia in fe9, though. It makes her too much "spoiled princess" rather than a fighter. At least she is around a bit more in fe10. If they make a new game where you pick up some deposed prince/princess or find some travel buddy who makes suggestions I don't want that character joining our battle team 15 chapters later. I want them fighting immediately. (Granted their stats may need to drop a bit if they were actually decent when they finally show up later on unlike fe9 Elincia)

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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If they made no FE6 remake, all the Roy fans would feel like they've been left hanging after seeing the two remakes of Marth's games.

Can't be sure about FE4 & 5 though. Would there be enough of a demand for it to begin with? Hrm... Nowadays, when you put the words "holy" and "war" together one cannot help but think of those radical middle-eastern crackpots who blow themselves up in public... So, how many people know or care about FE4 and 5 to begin with?

Yeah... I'm hoping the developers are working on something excellent in the meantime. Kinda what's been happening to Metroid Other M. It was easy to figure that out because of numerous references to it from a title that was released in 2002

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Last I checked, FE6 tanked in Japan. And since IS is a Japanese country, I don't think they want to make a financial risk.

FE6 did worse than the FEs before it (except FE5). However the FEs after FE6 did even worse than FE6.

FE3 ~776K

FE4 429,800

FE5 ~260K

FE6 345,574

FE7 265,289

FE8 233,280

FE9 156,413

FE10 171,924

FE11 252,309

Don't quote these numbers. They're just rough numbers I pulled from some of my notes, but they are close to the sourced ones.

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FE6 did worse than the FEs before it (except FE5). However the FEs after FE6 did even worse than FE6.

FE3 ~776K

FE4 429,800

FE5 ~260K

FE6 345,574

FE7 265,289

FE8 233,280

FE9 156,413

FE10 171,924

FE11 252,309

Don't quote these numbers. They're just rough numbers I pulled from some of my notes, but they are close to the sourced ones.

Makes sense.

Though that gives even more reason why FE6 won't be remade. At the least, any time soon.

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Well that's interesting. The sales appears to be spiraling downward. Yet at the end the curve is rising... The developers better get their act together.

Edited by Ingen
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Well that's interesting. The sales appears to be spiraling downward. Yet at the end the curve is rising... The developers better get their act together.

A decrease in sales happens in every single game series ever, there's nothing they can really do about it.

edit: though I have no idea why FE3 sold a ridiculous amount compared to every other one

Edited by A boy named Sal
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Personally, while I'd love to see FE6 get remade, I could live without it. It was in the "Last" hand held generation before the current one- It's too new (Even if it was released early on and never outside Japan). Now, if they do release it, they should do a prequel/sequel deal like FE1/3 had- In other words, one should lead into the other, and both be on the same cart preferably.

But, that's my fan-dream, so, that aside.

Personally, I would like to see FE4/5 remade. I never got to play them (And the emulator feels just off enough to me to warrant me not playing it anymore; Damn me for getting into games during the N64 era), and I'd like to see what they do to upgrade it.

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Wow, I never knew that Mystery of the Emblem sold that much.

I'd probably hope for a Fire Emblem 4 remake since a Thracia 776 will probably follow after. As for censoring, well, like most people already said, just downplay it or just make little mention of it.

Edited by Yaranaika
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FE6 did worse than the FEs before it (except FE5). However the FEs after FE6 did even worse than FE6.

FE3 ~776K

FE4 429,800

FE5 ~260K

FE6 345,574

FE7 265,289

FE8 233,280

FE9 156,413

FE10 171,924

FE11 252,309

Don't quote these numbers. They're just rough numbers I pulled from some of my notes, but they are close to the sourced ones.

Guess IS is struggling on these more modern Nintendo consoles. And there are those who still continue to look down upon the handheld releases?

Also, do you have Gaiden and the first game's numbers?

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Such as Roy inheriting Ninian's Dance command to get his teammates to move again? That would definitely make him more useful prior to obtaining the Sealing Sword.

Or Lilina being able to act as a mounted mage on a Pegasus if her mother was one of the Ilian knights?

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Such as Roy inheriting Ninian's Dance command to get his teammates to move again? That would definitely make him more useful prior to obtaining the Sealing Sword.

Or Lilina being able to act as a mounted mage on a Pegasus if her mother was one of the Ilian knights?

Um, Dance would likely be considered a class skill. Sylvia doesn't pass dance down to Corple, after all. Nor were mounts passed down. They'd have to revamp it a bit, though, considering Eliwood is Roy's father and Hector is Lilina's. In fe4 the children were tied to the mother. Those two are clearly tied to the father.

Oh well, they won't do it. Much as I'd love them to. I liked the inheritence system and the multi-generational thing.

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I would like to see FE4 and 5 on one disc for the Wii. I haven't played either of them and I think it would be really cool. of course if Nintendo/IS wants more money they'll release them separately

Edited by Killer Poleax
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Guess IS is struggling on these more modern Nintendo consoles. And there are those who still continue to look down upon the handheld releases?

Also, do you have Gaiden and the first game's numbers?


FE1: 329,087

FE2: 324,699

So FE6 sold about as much as the original o__o

The figures for FE1-4 came from one of the documents from the TRS lawsuit (they also had numbers for FE5, but much lower than another source I looked up, probably because FE5 was still selling at the time).

Edited by VincentASM
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Um, Dance would likely be considered a class skill. Sylvia doesn't pass dance down to Corple, after all. Nor were mounts passed down. They'd have to revamp it a bit, though, considering Eliwood is Roy's father and Hector is Lilina's. In fe4 the children were tied to the mother. Those two are clearly tied to the father.

Oh well, they won't do it. Much as I'd love them to. I liked the inheritence system and the multi-generational thing.

I know.

There aren't that many things to inherit between the two games to begin with in those games. No skills, yes?

Guess Lilina could inherit stronger STR growth rates from her dad so as to actually be consistent with our dearest, most precious Seisen?


FE1: 329,087

FE2: 324,699

So FE6 sold about as much as the original o__o

The figures for FE1-4 came from one of the documents from the TRS lawsuit (they also had numbers for FE5, but much lower than another source I looked up, probably because FE5 was still selling at the time).

Thanks, Vincent!

So Gaiden didn't do all that bad after all. I wonder what's the final numbers for Thracia 776, despite the whole Super Famicom's end of cycle issue.

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I know.There aren't that many things to inherit between the two games to begin with in those games. No skills, yes?Guess Lilina could inherit stronger STR growth rates from her dad so as to actually be consistent with our dearest, most precious Seisen?Thanks, Vincent!So Gaiden didn't do all that bad after all. I wonder what's the final numbers for Thracia 776, despite the whole Super Famicom's end of cycle issue.

Well the parent roles are swapped for Briggid and Ethlin so....

Then you got Canas, Rath, Hawkeye, Bartre, Nino, Rebbecca, Pent and Louise, and I'm sure they could do something with Geitz and Geese, and Karel and Marcus.

But They're probably just going remake 3 then maybe drop the series or start on something new. Who knows? We might even see Tear-Ring.

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I was hoping FE6 was remade before FE3, simply as the further an FE6 remake is from the end of the DS-Lite era, the less likely any parental connection can be made using the GBA slot on the older model DS.

Although, knowing Nintendo, a DSi download of FE7 to pull the same job could be fashioned (for more money).

Crafting at least some FE6remake/FE7 connectivity could help a remake of FE6 (marginally). Most of the parent sets aren't laid in stone, and a few of the FE7 characters can pair off without a connected FE6 character. Giving a lot of options for new characters/updates to the game.

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I would like to think that IS isn't going as low as SquareEnix when it comes to remaking GBA titles for the DS, is all I'm saying.

I generally wouldn't suggest the idea without the angle of we never got FE6 in English.

FE7 and FE8 being remade for DS would be a bad plan (unless FE7 were combo'd into FE6).

I'm not talking spamming remakes like Squeenix, hoping one sticks.

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