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I liked the idea for Crownoneo back when I was operating under the assumption that it's better to scrape your way through the DB's Part 3, rather than wasting turns training up units that would wind up under-leveled in Part 4. Under that idea, having a sorta-tanky tier 3 unit to protect the babies in the DB was a good strategy.

But since then, I've discovered in my efficiency run that Jill and Nolan can actually be trained to a level of performance that outstrips what you'll get from T, saving turns instead of costing them. So, passing the extra crown off somewhere else makes sense to me. I don't see how you could save more than one or two turns by using it on a throwaway character, and the GMs could sure use it for slower-maturing units like Mia.

The thing is, the one or two turns saved in DB chapters (well, in the ones where we can save turns anyway) may well be more turns saved than we wind up getting from the quick maturity of yet another GM. I'd actually be interested to see a comparison for that. How many turns does a crowned Mia save us? How many for crowning Tauroneo? If it's a wash you may as well do whatever you want, but if it isn't, there's probably an efficient allocation.

If you can efficiently train a DB unit to serious consideration instead of a throwaway, obviously it's better to crown that unit instead. I'm just suggesting it when the player has no real intention of using most of the DB, but wants to scrape as many turns as possible from their chapters.

By the way, 4-4 is no joke, though it's possible to clear under 10 turns without RNG-abuse. My GM squad was easily the most powerful of the three teams (Ike, Mia, Titania, Nailah, Ulki, Janaff), and it was still such a struggle to kill everything off that I had to use the LEA seriously, even though they were grossly under-leveled.

Yeah I'm a bit curious how best to efficiently finish 4-4. It seems like, with the right planning, you could sweep through it somehow, but every time I actually try it just winds up taking forever.

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The thing is, the one or two turns saved in DB chapters (well, in the ones where we can save turns anyway) may well be more turns saved than we wind up getting from the quick maturity of yet another GM. I'd actually be interested to see a comparison for that. How many turns does a crowned Mia save us? How many for crowning Tauroneo? If it's a wash you may as well do whatever you want, but if it isn't, there's probably an efficient allocation.

That true, but the thing is that I'm not even sure that the turn savings are possible in the first place. If you take Tauroneo, the only place where he can do anything are in 3-12 and 3-13. In 3-12, if you have a 20/17 Jill who has been given the Robe and Energy Drop, her combat is better than his. On top of that, she ignores the cliffs, and can fly down to the bottom floor and bulldog as many beorcs on Enemy Phase that she can kill/survive. What slowed me down in 3-12 was not Jill's lack of ability to reach the kill limit, but rather the need to train Nolan., something that Crownoneo doesn't help with much. In 3-13, the Ike Kill would not be greatly helped by Crownoneo: again, crowned Jill is way better for the generic laguz, and tier 2 Nolan with Beastfoe/Vantage remains incredibly effective. For helping kill Ike, the only difference between Normal-T and Super-T from the perspective of a card attack is +4 MAG: this is hardly a game-changing amount of damage, since T only gets one shot anyway.

So, not only am I skeptical about going more than 1-2 turns faster, the 1-2 turns themselves are not a sure thing. The time spent in 3-6 and 3-12 is mostly for training, which means if you cut it out to save turns, you hurt yourself later. I doubt that Crownoneo is good enough to make up for the lack of power.

If you can efficiently train a DB unit to serious consideration instead of a throwaway, obviously it's better to crown that unit instead. I'm just suggesting it when the player has no real intention of using most of the DB, but wants to scrape as many turns as possible from their chapters.

Well, when the player has no intention of using the DB past Part 3, I think that they've already failed efficient play.

Yeah I'm a bit curious how best to efficiently finish 4-4. It seems like, with the right planning, you could sweep through it somehow, but every time I actually try it just winds up taking forever.

There's no silver bullet, but there are some useful things for any clear.

Titania is forced into this route, and 1-2 range weaponry is very useful here. If you have a well-trained Titania and had the presence of mind to give her a bunch of forged Hand Axes, she can more or less handle the entire bottom floor east side by herself. She runs into an issue later when the reinforcements come in, because she can never double the SMs (meaning the only way to kill them is with a Player Phase attack, and Enemy Phase counter, or with a lucky Sol), and 48mt with a Hand Axe is not enough to ORKO a Warrior. This suggests that you use a forged Silver Axe for the job (or a Silver Poleax), but that's a problem because the reinforcements also include a Sniper: she can't counter them with 1-range. So, Titania is fine at first, but she's unable to deal with east-side reinforcements as quickly as they arrive, so needs help from other units in order to beat the clock.

Muarim becomes instantly useful if you put Wrath + Resolve on him in this chapter. You do have to be careful of crits against him -- Sniper/Swordmasters have 13+ listed on him, and crits hurt like holy hell -- but he's got decent offense. Since he gets doubled by so many things, it's not hard for him to get under 50% for Resolve (which gives him 33 AS, good enough for anything not a Swordmaster), and if he gets under 30% for Wrath, Goodnight Irene. Without Wrath, 2x46mt is not going to put down anything other than a Bishop or Sage, but anyone else can finish the target off at that point.

Vika is terrible as a combatant, but flying + canto + shove is unreal. If you can spare the BEXP for it, putting her at level 15 gives her 20 free capacity, meaning that Wildheart or Smite are possible (if she's still base level, she only has the cap for something like Miracle, aka nothing useful). Vika is how you set up Vigor crosses, and move far enough Rafiel ahead to keep up with the others. She eats Sleep staff uses like a pro.

Tormod is also terrible, but he comes with Meteor, which has the slightly-weird utility of being able to smash doors open from 10-range. He does 25 damage with it, which is a 2HKO, but saving the Player Phase of one of your ass-kickers like Nailah is worth using the tome for. He can also combo with non-Wrathing-but-still-doubling Maurim to finish off an enemy.

I did not use Soren for my clear, but he is also forced on this route, and even at base level (where he'll likely be), he can perform a lot of the same duties as Tormod. Mist, another forced unit, is your go-to unit for restoring status and healing; it's best to not promote her until the middle of this chapter (she can use her Holy Crown during the fight), so that she can climb the initial ledge and follow Ike around.

Nailah and Ike are your gauranteed ass-kickers, and if you have any sort of brain, then you also brought Mia. I brought the hawks with me, since having units that are flying + 9MV + Canto indoors with Rafiel's four-way cross Vigor is so awesome that I need not even explain why. They will DEFINITELY need Adept (in Ulki's case) or Tear (in Janaff's case: spend the BEXP to make it happen) in order to have usable offense here, since there's no time to get to S Strike.

Basically, shove-chains are really useful here, as are units with Canto, and neglecting to use Rafiel to his maximum potential will risk failure. I really wish that I had been able to record my run of this chapter, since I think that it would serve as a pretty useful demonstration of how to divide and conquer, so to speak.

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Basically, shove-chains are really useful here, as are units with Canto, and neglecting to use Rafiel to his maximum potential will risk failure. I really wish that I had been able to record my run of this chapter, since I think that it would serve as a pretty useful demonstration of how to divide and conquer, so to speak.

I like my 10 turn since I opened every chest. Not sure if you did. Anyway, if the part 3 Tempest blade isn't near-broken and Mia is at a good level then Mia x Ike is a great team. And you'll get a new one mid-chapter. Without the tempest blade, or if you are trying (why?) to use Zihark with it (he fails to 2HKO) then good luck and have fun.

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I like my 10 turn since I opened every chest. Not sure if you did. Anyway, if the part 3 Tempest blade isn't near-broken and Mia is at a good level then Mia x Ike is a great team. And you'll get a new one mid-chapter. Without the tempest blade, or if you are trying (why?) to use Zihark with it (he fails to 2HKO) then good luck and have fun.

I cleared it in 8 turns (last kill was on Enemy Phase), and did get all of the treasure. The trick was to make sure that strategic people had key access: Ulki not only handled the west treasure room's guys, he also got both chests in there.

Agreed that Mia is clutch for 4-4, mostly because the AS on Generals is utterly ridiculous, but also because of 48+ mt with a Tempest, and the fact that not many people have a prayer of being able to double the Swordmasters here.

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That true, but the thing is that I'm not even sure that the turn savings are possible in the first place. If you take Tauroneo, the only place where he can do anything are in 3-12 and 3-13. In 3-12, if you have a 20/17 Jill who has been given the Robe and Energy Drop, her combat is better than his. On top of that, she ignores the cliffs, and can fly down to the bottom floor and bulldog as many beorcs on Enemy Phase that she can kill/survive. What slowed me down in 3-12 was not Jill's lack of ability to reach the kill limit, but rather the need to train Nolan., something that Crownoneo doesn't help with much. In 3-13, the Ike Kill would not be greatly helped by Crownoneo: again, crowned Jill is way better for the generic laguz, and tier 2 Nolan with Beastfoe/Vantage remains incredibly effective. For helping kill Ike, the only difference between Normal-T and Super-T from the perspective of a card attack is +4 MAG: this is hardly a game-changing amount of damage, since T only gets one shot anyway.

So, not only am I skeptical about going more than 1-2 turns faster, the 1-2 turns themselves are not a sure thing. The time spent in 3-6 and 3-12 is mostly for training, which means if you cut it out to save turns, you hurt yourself later. I doubt that Crownoneo is good enough to make up for the lack of power.

The same applies for crowned Mia vs Haar. Haar can run ahead and solo an entire section of the map like Jill, without having to worry about durability, while Mia can't claim to have a section to take a load off of Haar's shoulder's by herself since the rest of the GMs exist.

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The same applies for crowned Mia vs Haar. Haar can run ahead and solo an entire section of the map like Jill, without having to worry about durability, while Mia can't claim to have a section to take a load off of Haar's shoulder's by herself since the rest of the GMs exist.

so? Haar has an earlier crown. The later crowns tend to be for units that hit level 20 or units that capped a bunch of stuff. If Mia caps enough before some other unit, then why not her? I'm sure he's not saying specifically it has to be Mia. The main point is that if you have a high-leveled Jill then the crown on Tauroneo is a waste.

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so? Haar has an earlier crown. The later crowns tend to be for units that hit level 20 or units that capped a bunch of stuff. If Mia caps enough before some other unit, then why not her? I'm sure he's not saying specifically it has to be Mia. The main point is that if you have a high-leveled Jill then the crown on Tauroneo is a waste.

The question of who to give crowns to isn't who caps stats first/has no real benefit in remaining in tier 2, it's who makes the most of them. I don't even know why we're denying the 3-12 crown to Tauroneo at this point since it'll be part 4 before it can go to anyone with the stat capping problem, and by then they should've naturally promoted.

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The question of who to give crowns to isn't who caps stats first/has no real benefit in remaining in tier 2, it's who makes the most of them. I don't even know why we're denying the 3-12 crown to Tauroneo at this point since it'll be part 4 before it can go to anyone with the stat capping problem, and by then they should've naturally promoted.

But it doesn't accomplish anything. That's why I'd deny Tauroneo (again, assuming Jill is raised). It doesn't mean anything in 3-13 and it hardly does much in 3-12 (and runs counter to the whole raising Nolan thing, apparently).

Mia will cap str before level 20 if you are using bexp well at all. Her def and lck will be above her level 20 average as well. You don't exactly gain anything of note in taking her from, say, level 19 to level 20/1. Crown her. Even Neph may do better with a slightly early crown even though you could stick around in tier 2 to raise str. Look at what Int said about Neph in his playthrough.

Also, there are only 5. One to Haar, one to Jill, one to Nolan. You could raise Gatrie. That's only one left and you'll spend it on Tauroneo? There's also Geoffrey to consider for 3-9, though I'm not sure how much faster it is that way on HM. There are too many places for the last 2 to go for me to even think about burning one on Tauroneo.

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But it doesn't accomplish anything. That's why I'd deny Tauroneo (again, assuming Jill is raised). It doesn't mean anything in 3-13 and it hardly does much in 3-12 (and runs counter to the whole raising Nolan thing, apparently).

Mia will cap str before level 20 if you are using bexp well at all. Her def and lck will be above her level 20 average as well. You don't exactly gain anything of note in taking her from, say, level 19 to level 20/1. Crown her. Even Neph may do better with a slightly early crown even though you could stick around in tier 2 to raise str. Look at what Int said about Neph in his playthrough.

Also, there are only 5. One to Haar, one to Jill, one to Nolan. You could raise Gatrie. That's only one left and you'll spend it on Tauroneo? There's also Geoffrey to consider for 3-9, though I'm not sure how much faster it is that way on HM. There are too many places for the last 2 to go for me to even think about burning one on Tauroneo.

Yes, it should accomplish something. Jill can't be everywhere in 3-12 and her durability is shaky (seriously, Int's Jill was 9 def above average the first 3-6 run, and still 4.5 above average in the second run) and so Tauroneo can speed up the chapter clear by handling a part of the map Jill doesn't exist in. If doing so screws over Nolan, then it screws over Nolan; there is no obligation to raise him. Again, Mia and Tauroneo have separate competition for crowns.

As for the candidates, I don't see how Jill's performance kills Big T's chances while not in turn affecting Nolan's.

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Yes, it should accomplish something. Jill can't be everywhere in 3-12 and her durability is shaky (seriously, Int's Jill was 9 def above average the first 3-6 run, and still 4.5 above average in the second run) and so Tauroneo can speed up the chapter clear by handling a part of the map Jill doesn't exist in. If doing so screws over Nolan, then it screws over Nolan; there is no obligation to raise him. Again, Mia and Tauroneo have separate competition for crowns.

As for the candidates, I don't see how Jill's performance kills Big T's chances while not in turn affecting Nolan's.

Um, Nolan has a 34+ spd cap and reaches it rather easily? You don't get much out of using Tauroneo. You get plenty out of using Nolan. Also, level 20/17 Jill has 22.7 def. Her cap is 25. I don't see 4.5 above average being possible. Even if he capped it that would only be 2.3 above average. I don't think a bunch of level 18 to 20/7 or so enemies are doing much to 44 hp (robe) and 22 or 23 def. It's worth raising Nolan and Jill. Just look at their averages. Jill doesn't kill Nolan's chances of anything. Jill means Nolan is not #1 on 3-12, but oh well, right? I just don't see the point in burning a crown for Taur if you raised Jill.

I've said it before, though, if you haven't gotten Jill that high then there is nothing wrong with crowning Taur. But if you have 20/17 Jill and 20/10 Nolan and you have sothe and Volug running around, why do you need Taur? (Also, it should be noted that I don't think big T is even doubling most of 3-12's tier 2 enemies even after the crown. If he did anything more than double a few extra mages and bishops then I'd be more willing to accept Taur getting crowned even with 20/17 JIll)

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crowning tauroneo is not a good idea unless you have nobody from DB raised at all. he is basically just stealing from jill/nolan/aran/whoever else...

and weaponsofmassdestruction, jill cannot be everwhere on 3-12 but thats why you raise a character like Nolan who can be in other places, theres also volug and sothe who can at least not die out there and do some damage, even zihark is decent on that stage, crowning tauroneo for 1-2turns(if even that) on an extremely easy stage is not worth it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Might as well make a section for Part 4.

Part 4 Natural Resources

Considering it's getting close to Endgame, you should mainly focus on units you are bringing to it. As an army is split up to three sections for only 2 chapters each, there's not much point in using a resource specifically to help people catch up, because...Well, the Royals. With what is garunteed to be your own team of killfaces and these royals, there is little need to help just one guy out when you've got plenty to get the job done.

I won't even bring up Satori Signs, since no low-leveled Laguz is ever going to reach the level to use these things.

4-P, 4-1 and 4-2 Arms Scroll This is actually useful now, since your guys are hitting tier 3 an opening up new weapon selections. For example, you can give Titania an Arms Scroll for swords as to give her access to Wyrmslayers, or Michaiah to higher staff ranks so she can be a better healer for Endgame.

4-3 Dragonfoe Since you find this in the desert and not on Tibarn's route, this pretty much only has use in 4-E-3 versus the dragons of Goldoa. Now you COULD give this to anyone, but it's best to put it on a Marksman like Shinon or Rolf if you're using him. Reason being they are most flexible with it, be it using Double Bow (66 slayer might) to attack from 3 range, and having Arbalest (114 slayer might) so they can't just move in at melee to attack your Marksman without counter.

You could also stock up the inventory of the person you want to find it so that they can send it to the convoy for use in 4-5, since Dragons could get in the way of things.

4-3 Laguz Gem You get this basically at the end of the chapter, so you'll only see it used in Endgame. Since most likely you'll be using Rafiel, you won't have issue with your heron, and Giffca's got his own. However, these are more useful for the dragon laguz you get in endgame, so they aren't as vulnerable/let them do occasional chip.

4-4 Statue Frag (Better Off Sold) Yes you're drowning in money by this point, but honestly. What is the point of +2 Con outside of shoving? A bit late for that.

4-4 Maelstrom Well, Naesala's already got his...I suppose you'd probably give this to Tibarn, cause why not?

4-5 Birdfoe (Better Off Not Purchased) This chapter's gonna be over in like two seconds if you know what you're doing. You don't need this to pull that off. You will never face another bird again. Waste of money.

4-5 Shriek (Better Off Not Purchased) Would a higher activation rate REALLY make this worth purchasing? Hell no.

4-5 Ashera Icon Now, this hidden treasure is so unlikely to get nabbed that you most likely won't get this. However, if you do? Well, if anyone's still facing crit chances, toss this their way. Should have so much money by now that selling it would just be a drop of water in the bucket.

By endgame, all that's left are Arms Scrolls (which if you have any reason to use them, you're gonna buy them anyways) and Pavise (Which has little use at this point). Therefore I won't mention them.

As for the SS Rank weapons, you will obviously give them to who you are bringing to endgame. In fact, might as well mention people's skills in this post as well.

Ike's New Nihil Don't take it off him. He fights the BK, one of the best guys to fight Deghinsea, lets him ignore the Aura's counterskill. He'd not like to face their masteries.

Skrimir's Resolve He's forced on a route, and with all the ways he can manipulate it now with all the transformation items abound and even Halfshift (which effectively means if he gets Resolve, Halfshifting acts as if he were nearly completely transformed outside of Str and Def), he surprisingly makes great use of it. Halfshift allows him to transform for free, he can go and deshift, take damage to get to Resolve Health, pops a stone and BAM, say hello to 39 speed and 102 avoid!Thanks to his Lion gauge, that's going to last a good long while.

Naesala's Maelstrom and Vantage If attacked at melee, you could toss Adept his way to give him a chance to land two strikes to either kill, or land a Tear. Not much use on anyone else, though I can imagine others wanting Vantage. However, most don't have anywhere near the activation rate Naesala does.

Elincia's New Mercy (Better Off Sold) Unless you're using Elincia to train someone else up rather than herself (...Why?), you'd still stand to perhaps give this to someone else, or just sell it alltogether.

Pelleas's Miracle (Better Off Sold) I can't imagine any use this skill has. However, it sells like garbage. If you have room, might as well slap it on someone else who has room.

Bastian's Corrosion A helpful skill that can further help avoid a counter by disarming the enemy entirely, and stacks well with Adept, Disarm, Cancel, whatever makes it mroe likely the person attacking isn't going to eat a counter. AKA, anyone not Bastian. Take it off him and give it to someone else. It won't see too much use, but it's helpful enough.

Volke's Stillness Give it to someone who you don't want getting attacked in Endgame. Like Michaiah.

Ena's Boon and Renewal No real reason to take these off her.

Caineghis's Fortune ...He's got 30 Luck, on top of 76 HP and 44 Def. I think he can do fine without it. Give it to someone who's far more vulnerable to crits.

Giffca's Nullify Do you even fight fire users in Endgame? I know there's fire spirits, but I recall that their attack doesn't have slayer effect. Let me know if I'm wrong though, cause I know my memory's garbage. I would think fliers like Elincia are more vulnerable to slayer effect due to bows (Especially that guy with the Double Bow) and wind magic. Take it off him, give it to Elincia, or your choice of flier.

Nasir's Nihil I think he's fine taking pisspoor Aurora damage if he chips something for the one fight he's in. Give it to someone who would be taking far more damage from Auras.

Edited by Master Tang
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Pelleas' miracle is actually good if someone has 5 skill left, since it's harder to die with it.

You mentioned SS weapons, if you ever have time, id say it would be worth a post

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You can actually get Dragonfoe onto somebody in 4-5 by making sure the person who finds the scroll has a full inventory and convoying it mid-chapter. It's still not particularly useful though.

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Considering it's getting close to Endgame, you should mainly focus on units you are bringing to it. As an army is split up to three sections for only 2 chapters each, there's not much point in using a resource specifically to help people catch up, because...Well, the Royals. With what is garunteed to be your own team of killfaces and these royals, there is little need to help just one guy out when you've got plenty to get the job done.

Paragon on the people you are taking. Particularly ones that aren't Mia/Ike since they are probably gonna be fine regardless.

4-3 Dragonfoe Since you find this in the desert and not on Tibarn's route, this pretty much only has use in 4-E-3 versus the dragons of Goldoa. Now you COULD give this to anyone, but it's best to put it on a Marksman like Shinon or Rolf if you're using him. Reason being they are most flexible with it, be it using Double Bow (66 slayer might) to attack from 3 range, and having Arbalest (114 slayer might) so they can't just move in at melee to attack your Marksman without counter.

That's why you load up sothe's inventory to full and carry him around the desert rather than use multiple units to gather treasure (pain to load up multiple units). send dragonfoe to convoy. send baselard to convoy. send Vague Katti (if you can manage it) to convoy.

4-3 Laguz Gem You get this basically at the end of the chapter, so you'll only see it used in Endgame. Since most likely you'll be using Rafiel, you won't have issue with your heron, and Giffca's got his own. However, these are more useful for the dragon laguz you get in endgame, so they aren't as vulnerable/let them do occasional chip.

It's normally between this and Vague Katti for last convoy item. Reyson can use it in 4-5, but the chapter probably isn't going on long enough for laguz stone to be insufficient.

4-5 Birdfoe (Better Off Not Purchased) This chapter's gonna be over in like two seconds if you know what you're doing. You don't need this to pull that off. You will never face another bird again. Waste of money.

But it's so cheap! Birdfoe Meteor is 3 stronger than Blizzard against hawks/ravens, so Bastian may want this for attacking birds in Tibarn's way.

Ike's New Nihil Don't take it off him. He fights the BK, one of the best guys to fight Deghinsea, lets him ignore the Aura's counterskill. He'd not like to face their masteries.

Actually, he's probably not getting as many attacks on auras as some other units. He does have to KO Ashera, you know. But yeah, it's probably fine for 4-E-2 and 4-E-3.

Elincia's New Mercy (Better Off Sold) Unless you're using Elincia to train someone else up rather than herself (...Why?), you'd still stand to perhaps give this to someone else, or just sell it alltogether.

Elincia only skill. Therefore, sell.

Giffca's Nullify Do you even fight fire users in Endgame? I know there's fire spirits, but I recall that their attack doesn't have slayer effect. Let me know if I'm wrong though, cause I know my memory's garbage. I would think fliers like Elincia are more vulnerable to slayer effect due to bows (Especially that guy with the Double Bow) and wind magic. Take it off him, give it to Elincia, or your choice of flier.

You are right about element tails having no slayer effect.

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Paragon on the people you are taking. Particularly ones that aren't Mia/Ike since they are probably gonna be fine regardless.

...Gah! I forgot Part 3 People's Skills!

I'll do that next time I can be assed.

That's why you load up sothe's inventory to full and carry him around the desert rather than use multiple units to gather treasure (pain to load up multiple units). send dragonfoe to convoy. send baselard to convoy. send Vague Katti (if you can manage it) to convoy.

I can't imagine actually needing the Vague Katti, and what good is the Baselard gonna do? Let Volke hold onto it for the mere second he's on the team? Give Heather still shitty offense?

Dragonfoe I will note, since it does have uses in Tibarn's route final chapter.

It's normally between this and Vague Katti for last convoy item. Reyson can use it in 4-5, but the chapter probably isn't going on long enough for laguz stone to be insufficient.

Now why is the Vague Katti needed? Generals in 4-4?

But it's so cheap! Birdfoe Meteor is 3 stronger than Blizzard against hawks/ravens, so Bastian may want this for attacking birds in Tibarn's way.

Unless you can OHKO with it, just Blizzard then Meteor.

Actually, he's probably not getting as many attacks on auras as some other units. He does have to KO Ashera, you know. But yeah, it's probably fine for 4-E-2 and 4-E-3.

True, but if you fail to manage getting rid of all the auras in 1 turn, he's gonna want to do something.

Elincia only skill. Therefore, sell.

That's god-awful to hear.

You are right about element tails having no slayer effect.

Thank you.

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...Gah! I forgot Part 3 People's Skills!

I'll do that next time I can be assed.

I can't imagine actually needing the Vague Katti, and what good is the Baselard gonna do? Let Volke hold onto it for the mere second he's on the team? Give Heather still shitty offense?

Dragonfoe I will note, since it does have uses in Tibarn's route final chapter.

Now why is the Vague Katti needed? Generals in 4-4?

Unless you can OHKO with it, just Blizzard then Meteor.

True, but if you fail to manage getting rid of all the auras in 1 turn, he's gonna want to do something.

That's god-awful to hear.

Thank you.

Vauge katti in 4-4 is nice for Mia or whatever swordsman you may bring, For generals and whatnot.

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I keep on hearing people say that Dragonfoe can be shifted even when it's found in Micaiah's desert chapter (4-3 IIRC). I can't remember now if the convoys are merged (logically they shouldn't be), so how do people get an item from 4-3 and transfer it to a different group? I mean, sure it's useful for 4-E-3, especially with Dragonfoe!Paragon!Kurth, but I'm not sure how you transfer it before then.

Vague Katti







DEF +3








DEF +5

Vague Katti can be useful as it's more accurate, and deals slightly more damage. Despite the range and DEF boost differences, I'd say Vague Katti is still a highly useful sword. For example, you bring Zihark and Mia to the Tower. Mia will have four more points of DEF at 20/20/10. So you can stick Vague Katti on Mia, which suits her well for the damage boost too, while you give Zihark Alondite, which gives him the much needed DEF boost, and while is Atk will fall a little bit, he'll still be dealing respectable damage (46 Atk). Vague Katti may still falter slightly, but it's still extremely helpful.

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convoys are merged. It's like in ff6 being able to transfer Offering and Gem Box to the 3 different groups in Kefka's Tower. You shouldn't be able to, but you can because that's how it was made.

The simplest way to get the Vague Katti to the convoy is recruit stefan, trade the vague katti to sothe (make sure sothe is full), have sothe land on the laguz gem after you KO the boss. Then you can send any one of his 8 items to the convoy. Choose the katti.

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In Part IV, the convoy is merged completely. Any money earned or spent is gained/lost by the other groups despite being miles apart, any forges made when that option is available can be kept in convoy and taken by people on other routes, and any items convoyed are available later. The only thing you can't do is manipulate units not in the present group, which precludes taking inventory or skills off them.

Why this works no one knows, or seems to especially care about. But that is indeed how it works.

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Why this works no one knows, or seems to especially care about. But that is indeed how it works.

Clearly, they have a few teleporters for this type of thing. Unfortunately, there are special conditions under which the teleporters work and otherwise they doesn't.

Basically, they have a convoy sitting somewhere protected (maybe in a sealed cave or something). You can teleport in to grab anything, but you can only go back where you came from. Also, units from one group can't teleport in whenever someone from another convoy is present. Further, that function only works just before you enter battle. The other function is that you can send stuff to the convoy, but only if you are trying to hold 8 items at once (and at this point you must send something. Plus you can't just grab an 8th item from a buddy, you have to find it in the ground or a chest or get it from an enemy). Otherwise, the only time you can drop stuff in the convoy is at the same time you can grab stuff from the convoy: just before battle.

Why they set it up this way? Well, Yune's not exactly the brightest bulb. You can tell, right? She's like O'Neill in stargate. Nothing wrong with not being a genius, she just does things a little differently than you or I would. And that's why you can't strip skills after a battle ends and send to other groups. Yune messed up while setting up the teleportation device.

I think 4-3 is the only time it really matters, actually, There's nothing really going on in 4-P, 4-1, 4-2 that it matters. And 4-4 has items, yes, but you don't much need them in 4-5. Maybe Arbalest if you want dragonfoe shinon to OHKO dragons in 4-5, I guess (provided you sent Dragonfoe to the convoy in 4-3). Don't feel like checking stats to see if weaker crossbows are capable of the OHKO in 4-5. Well, I suppose forges made in 4-2 to be used in 4-3 and 4-4.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Clearly, they have a few teleporters for this type of thing. Unfortunately, there are special conditions under which the teleporters work and otherwise they doesn't.

Basically, they have a convoy sitting somewhere protected (maybe in a sealed cave or something). You can teleport in to grab anything, but you can only go back where you came from. Also, units from one group can't teleport in whenever someone from another convoy is present. Further, that function only works just before you enter battle. The other function is that you can send stuff to the convoy, but only if you are trying to hold 8 items at once (and at this point you must send something. Plus you can't just grab an 8th item from a buddy, you have to find it in the ground or a chest or get it from an enemy). Otherwise, the only time you can drop stuff in the convoy is at the same time you can grab stuff from the convoy: just before battle.

Why they set it up this way? Well, Yune's not exactly the brightest bulb. You can tell, right? She's like O'Neill in stargate. Nothing wrong with not being a genius, she just does things a little differently than you or I would. And that's why you can't strip skills after a battle ends and send to other groups. Yune messed up while setting up the teleportation device.

I think that's needlessly complicated. It's probably more a case of using those shitty Paladins nobody likes such as Astrid/Fiona/Makalov to ferry items between the three groups. What else would they be doing between battles?

I think 4-3 is the only time it really matters, actually, There's nothing really going on in 4-P, 4-1, 4-2 that it matters. And 4-4 has items, yes, but you don't much need them in 4-5. Maybe Arbalest if you want dragonfoe shinon to OHKO dragons in 4-5, I guess (provided you sent Dragonfoe to the convoy in 4-3). Don't feel like checking stats to see if weaker crossbows are capable of the OHKO in 4-5. Well, I suppose forges made in 4-2 to be used in 4-3 and 4-4.

Yeah, the convoy is a little bit boring in this game. I liked convoy shenanigans in FE8, though. Have Moulder Warp someone, then he sends Warp to the convoy so L'arachel can take a turn with it, or send the Hoplon Guard to the convoy so someone can use it against Valter. You can't really do anything like that in other FEs.

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Clearly, they have a few teleporters for this type of thing. Unfortunately, there are special conditions under which the teleporters work and otherwise they doesn't.

Basically, they have a convoy sitting somewhere protected (maybe in a sealed cave or something). You can teleport in to grab anything, but you can only go back where you came from. Also, units from one group can't teleport in whenever someone from another convoy is present. Further, that function only works just before you enter battle. The other function is that you can send stuff to the convoy, but only if you are trying to hold 8 items at once (and at this point you must send something. Plus you can't just grab an 8th item from a buddy, you have to find it in the ground or a chest or get it from an enemy). Otherwise, the only time you can drop stuff in the convoy is at the same time you can grab stuff from the convoy: just before battle.

Why they set it up this way? Well, Yune's not exactly the brightest bulb. You can tell, right? She's like O'Neill in stargate. Nothing wrong with not being a genius, she just does things a little differently than you or I would. And that's why you can't strip skills after a battle ends and send to other groups. Yune messed up while setting up the teleportation device.

I think 4-3 is the only time it really matters, actually, There's nothing really going on in 4-P, 4-1, 4-2 that it matters. And 4-4 has items, yes, but you don't much need them in 4-5. Maybe Arbalest if you want dragonfoe shinon to OHKO dragons in 4-5, I guess (provided you sent Dragonfoe to the convoy in 4-3). Don't feel like checking stats to see if weaker crossbows are capable of the OHKO in 4-5. Well, I suppose forges made in 4-2 to be used in 4-3 and 4-4.

Hmm, i always thought of the convoy of some sort of banking system, the merchants have every item in the world X123456 and if you put it in they store it and you can pull it back out, if you were 1/3 of an army you would naturally share resources with the other 2/3.

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Hmm, i always thought of the convoy of some sort of banking system, the merchants have every item in the world X123456 and if you put it in they store it and you can pull it back out, if you were 1/3 of an army you would naturally share resources with the other 2/3.

But they are too far apart. Even the "send your crappy units carrying the convoy" idea doesn't work. In reality, they'd have to split their resources into three thirds and Ike/Tibarn wouldn't get access to Micaiah's teams stuff until 4-E (and same with switching around the names).

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