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But they are too far apart. Even the "send your crappy units carrying the convoy" idea doesn't work. In reality, they'd have to split their resources into three thirds and Ike/Tibarn wouldn't get access to Micaiah's teams stuff until 4-E (and same with switching around the names).

well, it does work if the merchants(who own the convoy) have 5 white gems, you put a white gem in the convoy, they take it and you can take it out, it's not the same physical white gem, its like when you put $5 in a bank your not getting the same $5 bill if you take it out, but it's virtually the same thing.

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well, it does work if the merchants(who own the convoy) have 5 white gems, you put a white gem in the convoy, they take it and you can take it out, it's not the same physical white gem, its like when you put $5 in a bank your not getting the same $5 bill if you take it out, but it's virtually the same thing.

pigeon communications, too?

Anyway, that works to a point, however there is a problem with forges and rare items like the rex spells that are supposed to be one of a kind as well as the items you find like Vague Katti, Baselard, and Laguz Gem.

There is only one guy capable of forging, so they'd have to make them before 4-P starts and predict what we ask for in 4-2.

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pigeon communications, too?

Anyway, that works to a point, however there is a problem with forges and rare items like the rex spells that are supposed to be one of a kind as well as the items you find like Vague Katti, Baselard, and Laguz Gem.

There is only one guy capable of forging, so they'd have to make them before 4-P starts and predict what we ask for in 4-2.

haha, pigeon communication doesn't work because they don't know where other armies are. It all breaks down, but i like it, it's basically like saying all your resources are pooled together. It doesn't make sense but i like it =P

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haha, pigeon communication doesn't work because they don't know where other armies are. It all breaks down, but i like it, it's basically like saying all your resources are pooled together. It doesn't make sense but i like it =P

Magic. Yune messed with the pigeons then gave everyone some kind of transmitter for the Pigeons to follow.

A wizard did it (not gonna bother making the link).

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Magic. Yune messed with the pigeons then gave everyone some kind of transmitter for the Pigeons to follow.

A wizard did it (not gonna bother making the link).

actually, you know the stone the herons have? they could communicate with those.

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actually, you know the stone the herons have? they could communicate with those.

I'd forgotten them. But still, the merchants would have to trust the herons not to lie.

Reyson: ah, yeah, um, Ike just sold some items for 30000 gold, so yeah we can buy more stuff from you now

But then, they are herons. Maybe they are trustworthy?

wow, I should warn myself for going off-topic. Anyway, no more about this, eh?

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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actually, you know the stone the herons have? they could communicate with those.

Communicate yes, but transport items everywhere? Not likely.

EDIT: I've been sniped!

Edited by Soren37
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Let's finish this.

Part 3 Personal Skills

Titania's Counter

Well it's not the GREATEST skill, but it's there to help. Generally, you'd want to give this to someone who takes a lot of damage, but not so vulnerable that it wouldn't matter. Only person I can think of that's like that is Boyd. Well, if you're gonna use him, might as well slap it on him.

Really, not sure who uses this one best.

Mist's Miracle

It can be kept on Mist to occasionally save her, but I think it would be better used on units that are frontliners (what good does it do Mist if you shouldn't be letting her get attacked in the first place?).

Again, I'd probably give it to Boyd, but I'm sure there are others...

Shinon's Provoke

Generally, you want to give this to someone tanky as to bring all the attention to them. Ike is a good choice, since he can ORKO most of the time with Ettard. There's also our tougher armor knight friend Gatrie, though he won't be doing that until he gets speed maxed+crown. However, this helps make things easier on getting him to that point in the first place.

Mia's Vantage

You will want to keep this on her as to keep her more able to stay alive, with the combination of her crit, Adept and Ike support. However, if you feel that Mia's safe enough with most of that as is, you could always give it to Nephenee, so she can stack it with Zihark's Adept and have Wrath/Vantage/Adept (I will edit this if I'm wrong ont he capacity though, so let me know if you actually can't fit this on Neph).

Soren's Adept

A can of worms that has no business being a can of worms, since Soren puts it to awful use. Give it to someone with great speed as to get the most activation out of it. More often than not, that means Mia.

Kyza's Quickclaw (Better Off Sold)

It's not that useful a skill, and the only one who would bother with this is most likely Ranulf. You might as well get the extra cash out of it.

Mordecai's Smite

I can't really imagine anyone putting it to better use. The dude has the most con/move on the team.

Haar's Cancel

The only reason I could imagine someone taking this off Haar is due to it being Speed activated, and there would be people with more activation rates. However, since most of the time he's off on his own, he'd love to use this to reduce the number of counters he faces. Just keep it on him.

Brom's Disarm

It's another skill to help avoid counters, so it stacks with Cancel, or other skills that can help the player avoid counters on player phase. However, it's also got the perk of making the weapon the victim has equipped become stealable, so if you find yourself in that situation, that's free gold there. Not that important, but it's a neat perk.

If you want to maximize that perk, give it to Shinon so he can use it with his bowgun to ensure the target doesn't accidentally die before you can take what you need. If you want it just for the avoiding counter deal, give it to someone with high skill (like Nephenee). Just whatever you do, take it off Brom.

Nephenee's Wrath

Farmer rage! Anyways, it's a skill well used by Nephenee, since she has great speed to double with, getting hte most out of the activation rate. Can combine well with other skills. However, if you find yourself not using Nephenee, you could give it to a mage to drop Wrath bombs, or laguz like Mordecai who can utilize it after transformation to ensure they don't have to worry about dying while it's in use.

Heather's Pass

I'd want to give this to someone mobile, as they're the ones most likely to put it's perk to use. Depends on the map I suppose. This skill will probably get swapped around a bit, but it's not of any real use outside of perhaps the bridge chapter.

Geoffery and Astrid's Paragon

One of the most unusable units in the game and another that comes back so late that natural Paragon certainly won't save him? Certainly take this off them and give it to people who will actually be around. For 3-9, I'd probably give it to Marcia and Danved (He has the highest base speed out of all of them, he's closer to being fixable, you can gamble with it. Not like Astrid's gonna put it to any use), or Calill if you want a mage who won't totally blow in Endgame. Once they join the mercs it's a free for all for them, but Marcia's definitely one of your top cantidates. Give this to people you want to reach promotion/BEXPable stats sooner.

Keiran's Gamble (Better Off Sold)

Ahh yes, the worst skill in the game. There is absolutely no good use for this piece of crap. To put it simply, you would need Wrath, Resolve (At which point I don't think you could fit Gamble on anyways, unless one of those comes natural to the character), an Acc and Crit forge AND the speed to get two crit chances out along with naturally great skill and luck and an Acc support. Even then, you most likely will not get good hitrates with it, so it would still hinder you most likely.

Just trash this crap skill.

Calill's Nihil

Most others that have natural Nhil generally want to keep it, but let's think a sec with Calill. It's only gonna see use endgame. Lekhain and Sephiran are high resistance bosses, so there's no use having her attack them in the first place. Dheginsea most likely trashes her up close, so she most likely will snipe with long range magic, making Nihil pointless. Only time I can imagine this actually being helpful for her is sniping Levail when he's got Resolve active, and on the auras.

Might actually wanna hand this to someone else.

Finally, there you have it.

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I'm not sure about Haar's cancel. He's slow and durable, so cancel won't being doing much. I'm thinking it would be best to give Mia a Cancel to go with her Vantage and she'll still have enough capacity for Adept.

As for Gamble, I'm not sure, but I've heard that the game calculates criticals before hits, unlike other games. If so, gamble wouldn't be useless.

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Calill's Nihil

Most others that have natural Nhil generally want to keep it, but let's think a sec with Calill. It's only gonna see use endgame. Lekhain and Sephiran are high resistance bosses, so there's no use having her attack them in the first place. Dheginsea most likely trashes her up close, so she most likely will snipe with long range magic, making Nihil pointless. Only time I can imagine this actually being helpful for her is sniping Levail when he's got Resolve active, and on the auras.

Might actually wanna hand this to someone else.

Finally, there you have it.

You might note that if you raised Calill, you could actually end up letting her have it back for 4-E-5. It's not like there are many skills that are actually useful for that chapter. One of the main ones I can think of is giving Jill pass to get her to kill the top spirit on turn 1, but that doesn't affect Calill. However, that doesn't actually stop you from passing it around to other units for 4-5 to 4-E-4.

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As for Gamble, I'm not sure, but I've heard that the game calculates criticals before hits, unlike other games. If so, gamble wouldn't be useless.

The whole "crit before hit" thing is STILL going around??? Wow. I thought that died years ago. That's false, at any rate.

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As for cancel, by the time Mia x Ike hits A it's probably irrelevant. Before then? Well, it's definitely better than having her use her forge on everything, though if you want to go to extremes you could have her with everything at once.

Anyway, there might be some merit to Haar with cancel, except how often is he going to attack player phase? Many chapters are like 7 turns or something, right? Even if he attacks every turn, 24 speed means only 1 or 2 useful cancels (even if he's doubling, only the first whack helps). His hp situation is probably better off with just using a concoction or two and he'd still get some player phases in.

Probably the best bet is Mia. After that, pretty much anyone else will be getting 1 or 2 cancels per map in, so almost anyone could take it. Of course, if Vantage had worked like in fe9, Haar might be pretty good for it even with only 24% cancel. (10 + 10 + 10 = 30 so he has enough capacity even if Cancel got removed for a bit and given back later)

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-Miracle can go to anyone who lives in fear of crit-blicks (Nephenee, Boyd, Haar). Sadly, the high-luck characters that are most likely to activate Miracle are the ones who need it the least, but I can't think of any better use. Certainly, I'd never expose anyone who had a high chance to die in the first place.

-Just say 'Adept goes to Mia, full stop, no arguments'. It's not hard.

-I like to give Smite to Ulki, since he can shove a little bit before he transforms. Since he has Canto, he can Shove+Canto, which is pretty nifty... although when I have enough deployment slots for Mordy, I can just swap it back over. It's worth pointing out that if you want Mordecai to be full-time shoving, you should combine it with Wildheart.

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-Miracle can go to anyone who lives in fear of crit-blicks (Nephenee, Boyd, Haar). Sadly, the high-luck characters that are most likely to activate Miracle are the ones who need it the least, but I can't think of any better use. Certainly, I'd never expose anyone who had a high chance to die in the first place.

Actually, if you don't want to give Cancel to Mia, giving Miracle to her isn't a terrible idea (at least, after A Ike). After all, even if she's only got 18 luck at base (probably 20 or more by A Ike), if she has, say, a 0.4% chance of dying at some point (1 in 250), Miracle turns that into 0.32% (1 in 312.5) or something like that since the last successful hit only has an 80% chance of dealing full damage and half-damage normally won't kill her. It's already mostly reliable, but it becomes even more reliable. It's not quite the cut in COD that Cancel provides, but it's not like there are better candidates for Miracle (well, maybe Ike?). You don't have all that many high avo units that are getting COD down below 1%.

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The whole "crit before hit" thing is STILL going around??? Wow. I thought that died years ago. That's false, at any rate.

OK, sorry, wasn't here when that debate was occurring.

I think Miracle should just be sold. It will almost never be needed, and when it is, it is unlikely to activate.

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I'd forgotten them. But still, the merchants would have to trust the herons not to lie.

Reyson: ah, yeah, um, Ike just sold some items for 30000 gold, so yeah we can buy more stuff from you now

But then, they are herons. Maybe they are trustworthy?

wow, I should warn myself for going off-topic. Anyway, no more about this, eh?

haha, the herons are quite trustworthy, and how is this off topic? its about resources right? anyways...

Keiran's Gamble (Better Off Sold)

Ahh yes, the worst skill in the game. There is absolutely no good use for this piece of crap. To put it simply, you would need Wrath, Resolve (At which point I don't think you could fit Gamble on anyways, unless one of those comes natural to the character), an Acc and Crit forge AND the speed to get two crit chances out along with naturally great skill and luck and an Acc support. Even then, you most likely will not get good hitrates with it, so it would still hinder you most likely.

Just trash this crap skill..

hmmmm the worst skill? a killing edge mia or even a max crit forge(might want might(WOW i actually said tht), but hey why not?)she can have pretty nice crit, and you mentioned wrath, wouldn't this own? +50crit so it's at least 50, now it's 100. Wrath + gamble? often you need/want another skill with wrath(like resolve) but gamble? this gives you 100% crit i don't get how this is bad. I use it on Mia quite often tbh, she gets vantage/adept/gamble, with a max crit forge or killing edge she's got 50+ crit, chances are she gets a crit, two attacks and it's +50, so if she ORKO's an enemy now she can OHKO and even if she doesn't get first crit, she might get an adept, i don't see why you would sell this skill for a whopping amount of money at end of P3 when you need no money, and it goes good on mia, only thing i can think of better is cancel, but your giving that to haar.

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haha, the herons are quite trustworthy, and how is this off topic? its about resources right? anyways...

hmmmm the worst skill? a killing edge mia or even a max crit forge(might want might(WOW i actually said tht), but hey why not?)she can have pretty nice crit, and you mentioned wrath, wouldn't this own? +50crit so it's at least 50, now it's 100. Wrath + gamble? often you need/want another skill with wrath(like resolve) but gamble? this gives you 100% crit i don't get how this is bad. I use it on Mia quite often tbh, she gets vantage/adept/gamble, with a max crit forge or killing edge she's got 50+ crit, chances are she gets a crit, two attacks and it's +50, so if she ORKO's an enemy now she can OHKO and even if she doesn't get first crit, she might get an adept, i don't see why you would sell this skill for a whopping amount of money at end of P3 when you need no money, and it goes good on mia, only thing i can think of better is cancel, but your giving that to haar.

you still have to make contact. Mia already gets to 60% in part 3 with adept alone. There's not much reason to start risking that she'll miss enemies. That's the trouble with Gamble: the cost to hit is far too high since you can't even guarantee crits when you manage to pull off a hit without pulling out wrath and force her to be within OHKO range of everyone.

It's dangerous and not a significant improvement over what she does without it.

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you still have to make contact. Mia already gets to 60% in part 3 with adept alone. There's not much reason to start risking that she'll miss enemies. That's the trouble with Gamble: the cost to hit is far too high since you can't even guarantee crits when you manage to pull off a hit without pulling out wrath and force her to be within OHKO range of everyone.

It's dangerous and not a significant improvement over what she does without it.

:facepalm: I've played hours and hours and hours of FE10 and just realized there is hit BEFORE crit, i always thought, lets see, gamble with 50 hit and 75 crit, she's gonna crit him right? often it works but im just retarted for not getting that, no wonder mia missed a 98 crit that one time...

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Is Paragon good on Sigrun? I'm wondering because I remember it was a pain to promote her without a crown, and I'm pretty sure she doesn't deserve a crown.

Depends on how muh you value someone being statistically meh on your team. It'd probably be more effective on Marcia.

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Depends on how muh you value someone being statistically meh on your team. It'd probably be more effective on Marcia.

Marcia will have Geoffrey's paragon.

I'm undecided about Astrid's paragon, either leave it on her or give it to someone else.

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Well, it depends on what route you plan to send them in Part 4. Silver Army needs 26AS, Greil Army needs 28AS, Hawk Army needs 27AS. Use Paragon to get them to that number, or a point above to double everything rather than most things. Promoting Sigrun gives her 26AS, which is fine for 4-P, but it seriously sucks in 4-3.

I guess it also depends on how many units you have to play with. Silver Army already has Naesala and Skrimir, but you'll need at least two more trained units and possibly three (Sigrun doesn't count since she needs an absurd number of levels even for just 29AS).

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maybe I should give it to Tanith then, I think I had her a speed transfer.

idk who to send to what route though.

Where does Astrid fit best? Ike's route or Elincia's?

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maybe I should give it to Tanith then, I think I had her a speed transfer.

idk who to send to what route though.

Where does Astrid fit best? Ike's route or Elincia's?

Astrid would be better off on the Bench's team.

If we're being serious though...I wouldn't know. She doesn't seem helpful anywhere.

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