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Quantum Mafia

Fayt Zelpher

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I can help you cross check if you like, but you'll probably refuse my help since I'm playing.

See Ulki's post. That'd be cheating. But in any case, I'm pretty sure I've got it. I'll send everyone's visions shortly and try to get the probability tables up tonight. If Tables sees any errors in the numbers, I'll update them in the morning.

In any case, preliminary readings indicate 123 viable games remain.

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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So, I can't count and there's actually only 118 games left, but I think I've figured this all out now.

Player	Good	Evil	Dead
1	98	20	0
2	97	21	9
3	86	32	0
4	91	27	16
5	91	27	0
6	93	25	0
7	105	13	0
8	103	15	41
9	100	18	23
10	96	22	9
11	101	17	18

Expressed as counts instead of percentages.

Player 3 has grown some fangs and player 8 looks a bit ill? You okay, player 8?

In any case, Day 2 has started, so let's kill someone today, okay?

Edited by Fayt Zelpher
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I have pretty good proof that Snike should be our lynch today. In every game that I'm the Seer, the man's evil.

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Well, I'm going to redo the table (which is a slower process than you might think), but here's what I have for percentages (would people prefer percentages or numbers? I can do either)

Games remaining: 121

Player | Good  | Evil  | Dead
1      | 83.5% | 16.5% |  0.0%
2      | 82.6% | 17.4% |  7.4%
3      | 72.7% | 27.3% |  0.0%
4      | 78.5% | 21.5% | 14.0%
5      | 76.0% | 24.0% |  0.0%
6      | 79.3% | 20.7% |  0.0%
7      | 89.3% | 10.7% |  0.0%
8      | 87.6% | 12.4% | 38.0%
9      | 84.3% | 15.7% | 18.2%
10     | 79.3% | 20.7% |  7.4%
11     | 86.8% | 13.2% | 14.9%

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I have pretty good proof that Snike should be our lynch today. In every game that I'm the Seer, the man's evil.

Hmmm... while that may be true for you, in every game I'm the seer, he's innocent. However, I'm probably not seer in that many games... sooooo Snike's good for now

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I've checked, I got the exact same table I said before. So until further notice, my table is the correct one (not that the small number differences will make much difference to anyone but me and Fayt)

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Hmmm... while that may be true for you, in every game I'm the seer, he's innocent. However, I'm probably not seer in that many games... sooooo Snike's good for now

That's not exactly true.

He's got a much higher chance of being innocent than guilty. So if he's guilty in every game that I'm the Seer, then that might be around 10 or so games based on my probability of being the Seer.

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Oh hey I've just thought of something. It goes like this.

We all kill the same person at night. This makes it so that the only games this person is left in IS WITH HIM AS A WOLF. So now that we have that person being a wolf, we hang that person. And we would do this once more for the other wolf. Let me check the player list to randomly decide who can lose.

Does anybody object to us doing this to Ether?

Edited by General Spoon
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I'm not going to ban that strategy, but I'd ask people not to use it. It works exactly as Spoon said, and therefore makes for a boring game where two people get picked on and everyone else wins, as they have nothing to gain from defecting. Spoon, I hope you understand.

(Fayt may ban it though, I don't know)

Also, to make things crystal clear for those who aren't sure yet about what causes game states to become impossible:

  1. Any game state where the Alpha Wolf kills the Beta Wolf - one scum cannot kill the other
  2. Any game state where a Seer has an incorrect vision - when the Seer gets a vision, it must be correct in any game that they're the Seer in
  3. After lynching, any state in which the lynched player was already dead - the lynch must be correct at that time, so a player cannot have been killed beforehand
  4. Any state that doesn't match a player's revealed role - after lynching and the above has been decided, or otherwise when a player becomes 100% dead, they must have exactly one role. I believe that if a player is town, then we won't decide whether they're the Seer - so games that they're the seer and that they're town are both valid.

The 'problem' with Spoon's method is number 3. Because everyone has killed player X at night, none of them can be the Alpha Wolf. So, the chance of X being the alpha wolf suddenly becomes 100%. Similarly with the Beta Wolf. And so that stops the game being what it's meant to be, and it just becomes a mundane game of choose someone and kill them.

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Well, I kinda knew that part would happen, and it would be pick two people to lose. I'm mostly throwing it out there to see what others think.

Well, I won't ban it outright either, but for the sake of a fun game, I'd prefer that you guys not do something like that.

However, if you still do anyway, I do reserve the right to take steps administratively to stop that plan from going through. Immunity for a player, new game states, and modkilling are all on the table.

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Wait, doesn't guilty not mean mafia in every game you're seer, but only the possibility of mafia in every game you're seer?

If you get a result of guilty, then in every game in which you're the seer, that person must be mafia. No more and no less.

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