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There is always the Hard mode options or equivalent for the self-proclaimed super-hardcore FE players anyway, so what's the big deal?

After all, not everyone of us enjoys the frustration of randomly generated bad luck, when your teammates aren't all as overpowered as their Seisen counterparts.

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It's not altogether a bad idea, this "casual mode." I mean, it's good for newbies. But I'll be playing the way it's supposed to be played (originally) and go classic. Games evolve, guys. Embrace and and ignore it if you don't like it.

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Furby, on my being elitist over playing Classic... Well, to be fair, the people I plan to rub it in the face of complain about FE then mock me for not playing Brawl+. So getting to be the elitist gamer mocking casual gamers for once? Yeah, I will.

I think the way most info on the game comes from is actually reading reviews written by the various game magazines. I know some companies use fan forums for a bit of idea where to go and what works, but I doubt this is an example.

I'm one of those Megaman players that doesn't have a problem with 'spikes don't kill you' being an option. I'm not a fan of the EXE and Ryuusei games, because they don't play the same.

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Furby, on my being elitist over playing Classic... Well, to be fair, the people I plan to rub it in the face of complain about FE then mock me for not playing Brawl+. So getting to be the elitist gamer mocking casual gamers for once? Yeah, I will.

Hey, I wasn't insulting the idea, I do it all the time. I'll still make jokes about it though.

I think the way most info on the game comes from is actually reading reviews written by the various game magazines. I know some companies use fan forums for a bit of idea where to go and what works, but I doubt this is an example.

Which unfortunately again poses a problem on the international front because, if nothing else, a lot of U.S. gaming magazines I've seen vote it poorly or don't comment on the changes. It's usually their first time playing the series so they'll brush over the whole thing with whatever their overall opinion (Usually either mid range or below) of the game is. I don't think I've ever read "Though <insert thing here> was a new feature, it <insert opinion on thing here>" in any US magazine on FE (Or any other game save Shooter Sequel x).

But, that's just me being a pessimistic dick more than anything.

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I must admit, I was not particularly excited when I heard that this game would be a remake of FE3 (which I have yet to play). Personally, I prefer a new game. However, since the confirmation of My Unit customization and the new options for casual gamers, I certainly have become more interested in this game. At first I was worried about the effects of appealing to new gamers, but it's hard to argue with the business move. Plus, the diehard fans aren't being neglected (we still get higher difficulties and gaiden chapters). IMO, this system should be standard for future games in the series.

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I must admit, I was not particularly excited when I heard that this game would be a remake of FE3 (which I have yet to play). Personally, I prefer a new game.

Not meaning to be devil's advocate for the sake of it, but given that you haven't played it, along with many other Fire Emblem fans, isn't this effectively a whole new game? Okay, so we're used to the characters and settings, but its a direct sequel, so that was always going to be the case. Radiant Dawn was extremely different from Path of Radiance, and while I don't think Monshou no Nazo ever strays that far from the previous game, it still offers quite a lot more than Shadow Dragon. A hell of a lot more text, at the very least.

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Even if you hadn't played FE3 before, that doesn't mean you couldn't do it in the future. If they had made a new game, you'd have two entirely different FEs to play, instead of just one. That's not to say I dislike the remake or anything, I'm all for it.

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My intention is to play the original, and like Sal said, I would've preferred to play a new game featuring brand new characters. Unfortunately, I have read a lot of the translated script for FE3, so I know what to expect. :- / That what happens when you want to find out what Marth's story is all about after kicking ass with him in SSBM. :-P

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All that talk about how the FEs after coming out of Japan generally becoming easier really reminds me that you guys really shouldn't be laughing at 'casuals' because they can't understand the deepness and intricacies of the series or something because Japan sees the rest of the world as idiots who can't understand the deepness and intricacies of their RPGs and need a game specifically catered to them.

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Paying real money to listen to people mocking each other? No way.

True point, but do remember that there are plenty of games with online for free.

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Have you people never heard of piracy?

As long as you stay away from the shipping lanes that pass by the Horn of Africa, generally it's not much of a problem these days.

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On C: IS has two experiments going this game, experiments are how a game grows and stops from being stale. FE7 added the Tactician system as a test, it didn't take. FE8 tried dual promotion routes, didn't keep either. FE9 split Str and Mag. That took. I'm figuring faceless units will return from FE11 too.

I'd say more "uncombined" str and mag. Considering the existence of fe4. I'd say fe5, too, but they went and merged mag and res (making interesting things happen with pure waters).

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FE is such an obvious cyclical series anyhow. FE1-FE3 match with FE6-FE7. FE8 had FE2. So that leaves FE9 and 10 to match FE4 and 5.

And now we are back to the beginning of the cycle with these remakes of FE1-FE3.

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Er, Fire Emblem 6 is, at least character-wise, extremely close to FE1/3/11. There's even a chart comparing the characters somewhere around here.

I can see it character-wise. Is there anything beyond that that I'm not noticing? Besides the obvious stuff that's included in most FE's, anyway.

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