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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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OoC; It's going to take you some time to get used to the others I see, Helios is no ones friend XD Kamilla refers to him as the "dumb wind mage" XD Ah well, Nady is flexible when she wants to be :/

After seeing that the shaman had ceased attack, she ran over to Helios and peeked at his expression, clearly he wasn't too happy with being attacked, "Is dumb wind mage person okay?" she asked Helios not really expecting and answer. "Cess uses dark black stuff like the lady Tessa likes" she said proudly as if she knew something Helios didn't already. She paused and cocked her head, Lady? Was the Morgan the Lady Tessa told her she was supposed to serve? She noted the thought and would ask one of them the next time she saw them.

She noticed the two had started conversing without her and decided she'd introduce Helios.

"This.... dumb wind mage, don't think he has a name, you can call him dumbo if you want" she said. "I lied he's not my friend, but he's not a bad person, just dumb" she repeated emphasizing the "dumb" part.

She told herself in her mind it was a good lie, so it'd be okay.

(OoC: I know Cess just attacked Helios Kai, but it might be a good idea to forgive him and start making friends in the group)

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(Ha! Ninja'd!)

"Lady? You know of someone else who uses this type of magic?" Cess grabbed her by the arm, looking into her eyes. "What did her spells look like? Is she around here?" Turning to Helios, "I'm sorry, I'm Cess. I'm a shaman. Wind, huh?"

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"Oh yes forgive me". "I am Helios, a traveling noble". "She wont give you much of an answer but yes there is another like you".

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"Not at all. I'm afraid I dragged her into the fight. I thought she could fight. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. But the two of..I mean you couldn't take them by yourself could you? Unless....wait I knew it! That book in your pack it has to be..yes! I found another. I knew the energy of them was quite strong around here. May I see it?"

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"Wait you mean this" He said taking out Hellsety. "Im sorry but it would be best that you dont touch it". "It has the decency to burn people that cant wield it". "So i take it you know of the crimson weapons".

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Kamilla feeling upset due to being left out of the conversation intervened by reciting something she'd heard. "The lady is gathering the crimson weapon to defeat the Lord of Azure Fires" she said proudly. Noticing that Cess seemed to have calmed down, she snatched her wrist away from his grasp and glared at the man "Stop grabbing my hand pedophile" she said frowning and rubbing her wrist.

"Ahem, not to sound rude, but would gentlemen and girl like to continue your conversation in a room? I want to get some sleep myself" the innkeeper said as soon as she got the chance.

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"So he has one, he might know of others, or that shaman girl they're talking about."


"Ah yes, I know a thing or two about them. But how did you acquire the tome, I heard the weapons are quite hard to procure. I've searched a long time for them. You see I have a habit of studying them, I recently found a scripture that describes them in much detail, however, it's nothing compared to seeing one of them first hand."

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"That i cant answer right now. I dont think that i can trust my memories anymore" Helios muttered . He realized he was getting off topic. "Ah yes you wanted to meet the shamaness. She is over there" He said pointing to Morgan.

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OoC: The goddess is everywhere! She was at TISME entrance before but now she's in the inn.

Getting bored of the boring talk she headed towards the exit, "Be careful fat lady, don't let the bandits steal your money!" she said waving before heading back to TISME, leaving the other two to discuss whatever it was they were discussing.

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"Hmm? Where'd she go, I don't see her. Wait, maybe we should follow you're friend. I don't think she can make a sandwich, much less survive in a bandit infested town. She doesn't even have a weapon."

Cess grabbed Helios by the cuff, and dragged him out into the street, but the girl had already disappeared. "Where did she go?"

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"The wrist grabbing habit" Helios said pulling his arm away. "Get rid of it. She is over there" He said pointing at the girl heading towards the TISME building

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"But, but why? You're emitting the same aura as Helios. Your mana is strong with out it. That can only mean one thing! Fine, if you won't fight me, would you at least help us look for his friend. She seems to have run off, and she's not exactly capable."

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Iso decided to let Ixion have his dark moment and walked over to Kelas.

Iso: *sigh* I can handle Kiev, and my sister. Thank you for your help, Kelas.

He grabbed Kiev's reins and followed closely beside Kelas. He wasn't sure where Katie was, but he was relieved that at least she was back.

OOC: Yes, just relieved! I'm not going to retcon her here right now, I'm too tired.

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"If you're talking about the girl who acts like she's a child, I really don't care what happens to her and Kamilla isn't Helios's friend either. No one likes Helios."

She pondered the man's words some more. "By aura...are you speaking about the Crimson Weapons? I suggest you explain your purpose here, and quickly." She took out Midnight, ready to cast a spell at him.

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"Yes, that's it! I knew this town was important. Your strength must truly be frightening"

Turning around, "Why think of what I could learn of studying them, how the demons have been affected by their mana! The opportunities alone! We could use them to purify the land, seal the monsters permanently! Studying Spirit dolls has been getting boring lately."

Hugging Morgan, "The eternal shadow here! In this town! And the winter winds. Today's my lucky day. I'll have to see how the scripture describes that one tome in relation."

"Helios! Do you two know when any other weapons happen to be? If I could only see them... I can't believe my luck! That old story book, these two. I must be blessed by the goddess herself!"

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Kelas shrugged, shoving herself to her feet. "Not a problem," she said through gritted her teeth as her bad arm complained at her. She took inventory: weapons would need maintenance, Amari would need care, she needed healing... "Amari, da," she said, pointing to the stables. "Don't bite the hostlers unless they try any magic." Amari trotted off, resigned to behaving; Kelas was reasonably sure that she wouldn't be a problem, and now she had one less thing to worry about.

"Let's go, then," she managed, hobbling alongside Kiev. Blood loss was finally beginning to wear on her; it would be good to rest and see a healer. She glanced back to Arrin and Tessa; they were close behind.

Arrin ran to Tessa, falling into step alongside Trevor. "Are you all right?" he asked her as they followed Kelas.

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Morgan was baffled. First this shaman starts rattling on about defeating demons and now he's...embracing me?

Morgan shook him off. "An...odd line for a demon to be sure. Are you some kind of... Crimson Weapons scholar? They are not toys you know, to be examined at a whim Well Damian might let people see his lance, but that's not the point. They are essential for defeating the Lord of Azure Flame...which you apparently know about." Morgan was unsure how to continue, this man's manner was unexpected.

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In a random alley of a wrecked city no one no longer knew the name of, a man with pale grey eyes handed a scroll to Heinz.

"This should be enough information to work off of to find them. Find out if they are truly as dangerous as reports have claimed, some are said to wield Crimson Weapons. If so, try to confirm that fact, and find a recent eyewitness who isn't dead. We'll pay you well if you can at least confirm their whereabouts. Oh, and leave them alive."

Heinz looked at the paper briefly before his eyes lit up. "Four mages and five fighters eh? And one burnt down an inn..... Consider the job done." He smirked and walked away quickly, disappearing behind the corner.

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"AH! So you know of the demon king? No, stupid! Of course you do, you have the weapon in your hands. The mana it exudes alone! Your magic would have to be boosted 10-fold! I can hardly stand it. You don't feel the energy? Y-you seem completely calm around them too! As if it's just an ordinary book. I'm shocked at your demeanor madame."

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"Midnight does give me a sizable boost to my powers, yes. I have been trained its use since a young age, so I am rather used to its effects."

"My demeanor is apparently rather uncommon among Crimson Weapon wielders. The others set fire to inns, constantly complain about their 'cursed' nature, and apparently catch terminal illnesses from them. I personally find their behavior ridiculous most of the time, I simply do what I must to defeat the Lord of Azure Flame and Midnight is a tool to help me reach that goal."

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Kamilla had been running around looking for Tessa but had so far been unsuccessful in locating the Healer. Upon seeing Morgan she headed over planning to ask her if she was the lady Kamilla was supposed to be serving when the man from earlier, Cess was it? Embraced Morgan with mad delight.

Deciding now wasn't the best time, she decided that she'd interrupt the two lovers another time, preferably when they weren't together. She contemplated heading off again, but Morgan would probably be out all night with her long lost boyfriend, and Tessa and Aiya didn't give off the evil vibes that made her feel uncomfortable. She headed back towards the TISME building, noting how shattered magical energy remained over the entrance, no doubt the result of Esphyr breaking the seal earlier. Bored and with sleepy she headed back to the room she had been in earlier for a good nights sleep. (Or what's left of it)

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With the incident of the bandit assault out of the way, it was only a matter of time before there was a swirl of wind back atop the ninth circle of TISME. With a gentle breeze, the window blew open as the headmaster landed within. Giving a quick shake to get rid of the stress and blood of the incident, the trademark cloak was back on; obscuring the face and features once again.

"What a annoyance. Bandits. Stupid little buggers. Clearly not right in the head." mused the figure to no-one before altering the voice to near-perfect gender neutrality. Stepping outside the personal quarters, the headmaster turned to the new secretary. "Recall the water tome, and everyone in the academy gets free ice cream tonight! Double helping for myself!"


The bandits dead at last, Katie was finally free to do what she had so desired to do for more then a day now... Join up again with the group! Leaving Kelas and the others out of mind, she started searching for one of the more magically inclined members of the party. Namely, Iso, though not of necessity. She had a special treat for them! Tucked away under her robe, carefully packed and hidden, was the latest in her experimental cooking. Bacon and eggs!

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