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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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"What d'you think you're--" Kelas began as Irina was unceremoniously dragged from the saddle, but there was nothing she could really do about it, as her arm reminded her painfully.

She looked over to Tessa, now healing Irina. "After you're done with her, can you fix my arm? Then I can help get her inside," Kelas suggested. She wasn't entirely sure whether she would be able to help, given fatigue, but she'd damned well try. "Arrin? You going to help too?"

Arrin's mind was elsewhere. "I smell foooood," he mumbled, wandering off: he was too tired to make any sense. "Tessa, I'll bring you some," he offered as he headed into the building.

Kelas shrugged. "I don't think he got hit on the head... did he?"

edit: grammargh

Edited by The Clockwork Alchemist
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"Your head, and your back, huh. C'mon, let me have a look at you then." Paying Isotov no further mind as he decided to leave and look for the mute, she set to work, running her hands over the other woman.

It did seem that she was for the most part in decent enough condition. Tessa couldn't tell whether she'd hit her head during the combat, or after she'd fallen from her mount, but that didn't really matter. The fact of the matter is her back injury was a bit more troubling. While the wyvern rider's armor had saved her life, it had folded inwards somewhat, and digging into the woman and the most likely cause of the discomfort.

"Here, we gotta take this armor off of you first. You don't seem to be bleeding, but sometimes things can get covered up, and there's kind of a nasty dent here. Nothing that can't be hammered out later, mind you but it's certainly a problem," she said, moving to the various straps to help assist the woman out of her armor.

"Is what he said true though, you were going to sleep out here?" she added, as a bit of small talk, slightly curious.

Hearing Kelas pipe up, she turned to her and called out, "Sure, I'll be right with you as soon as I'm done here," she smiled and nodded. "Food sounds good too, whatever you can find, Arrin," she finished, before turning back to Irina.

Edit: Added Kelas bit. Forgot to Preview.

Edited by Balcerzak
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Cess woke up. He still ached, but his head hurt a bit less after that fight.

"That wind mage is gone. And so is that shaman. But I want to talk to them again. I might as well go look for them."

Cess stood up. He was having trouble keeping his balance, but managed to walk a short distance before needing to catch his breath.

"I must be hurt more than I thought." He said to him self. He decided to walk towards the south end of town. Passing the inn from earlier, he swung a left, seeing even more dead bandits. He ended up in an alley way.

An hour later, he was still lost. He never really had a sense of direction. He ended up in the town stables. Most of the holds were empty, he assumed the horses had been stolen, or fled during the raid. But there was one at the end of the stables. Two girls could been seen in the distance.

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OOC: Nice dented armor bit, Bal! I didn't think of that :D


Irina began removing her armor carefully trying not to upset her back. She was starting to notice the pain a bit more now that her initially shock had worn off. When Tessa asked for confirmation regarding Iso's statement, Irina got a little nervous.

Irina: I uh ... don't really mind sleeping outside. I do it a lot actually. Being a mercenary, I sometimes don't make enough money to afford a place to stay, and I'm no beggar. Kiev is plenty comfortable enough ^_^

She then noticed that Kelas' arm was actually broken! She could recognize that kind of injury anywhere.

Irina: *gasp* K-Kelas? What happened? :o


Maneuvering through the students, Iso began heading up toward the dorms, but he stopped when a scent caught him by surprise!

Iso: Hm? Uhh ... well ... I don't think they'd poison the students just to get to me.

If there was food, it'd be wise to eat. After all, it had been a little over a day since the last time he'd eaten anything. He was used to going for longer than that, but didn't see the point if it wasn't necessary. So he began heading toward the source.


Ixion: I see. So you may very well be one of the last spi- ... half spirits, though I've never come across such a thing before. Tell me, what would you have done had the heroes required your aid in the final battle?


Viveka: Zzzzzzzz .... (for lulz)

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"Oh. They did. I was a second-hand party member who got bored with all the constant insisting on beating him up and taking care of Harold's little girl when he was out fighting; and I got bored and flew away. Funny thing about wind spirits, we bore easily."


With her food in hand, Katie looked about the entrance until, at last, she spotted him! Iso! Quickly, she rushed over, wanting to hug him but with-holding for fear of the food being smooshed between them. She liked him, yes, but not enough to forgive food being crushed into her dress.

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OOC: Helios is at the TISME building. He is siting on the doorsteps reading

Did you get that? Now that you got it time to be nice to others

"Nice"? "What the fuck is that"?

When people first meet they tend to call others by a nickname. Women however like it when you call them the opposite of what you really mean. That way they dont get offended.

"Nickname.......... oh i know".








Fireman? (lol)

"Ugh i cant remember them all".

OOC: Yay i make long post too :newyears:

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"Bandits happened," Kelas grumbled, holding the arm out so Tessa could mend it. "Made me right usel--ARGH!" she ground out as the bone was maneuvered back into place. Once that flare of pain had subsided, she continued. "--right useless, but after I was clearly a noncombatant, I at least managed to pull a few people out of danger." Including you, she managed to avoid adding.


"Oh, there's the food," Arrin mumbled happily as he spotted Katie, carrying a platter. As he got closer and saw Isotov appear, however, he paused. "Oh, there's not enough. Bother."

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"Wait a second. Why would i give anyone a nickname when i can call them a fool"? He peered into the book

Make sure the nickname isnt offensive. It is bad to hurt others feeling.

"Feelings"? Helios closed the book and went inside the building looking for a dictionary. He had a feeling there was going to be a lot of words that he never understood.

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"Heh, yeah, Trevor can be kind of comfortable too. I had a few rough days on the road before I bumped into you guys. But I'd still take a bed, if given the chance." Tessa was just finishing up taking care of Irina, when the woman had let out a gasp, and asked Kelas what was wrong. Turning to give the nomad some attention she discovered she'd been quite inattentive, and that her negligence had actually caused to overlook perhaps the worst wound in the party.

"Kelas! Why were you keeping quiet if you were hurt so badly?" Fretting over her miss, and feeling guilt sink like lead into her stomach, she quickly puttered over to give her the due attention she needed, setting the bone back in place before reinforcing and healing it with the power of prayer.

Looking back up at her, she clasped the woman in a hug. "You can talk to me, honest!" She turned back to Irina, "That goes for you too."

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Morgan saw Tessa healing more and more people with her staff. It really wasn't fair for her to have the shoulder this burden all by herself. Morgan remembered that priestess Ixion had brought with him.

She went to the uarters where she thought they were staying and found the priestess still sleeping.

"Wake up." Morgan said, shaking her rudely into consciousness. "There's healing to be done. I am not sure how you slept through the battle with all that noise, but you can make up for it by tending to the wounded. Get to it."

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"Fruit pies, fruit pies! Deliciously fresh baked pies for everyone, all sorts of berries and for a low, low price too!" The slightly pudgy merchant put on a cheerful grin while advertising his fantastic fruit pies and avoiding the dead bodies strewn everywhere across the streets near TISME. If someone doesn't clean this up soon, I'm going to have to complain! These wheels are going to get caught in all the bloody arms lying about! Well, if this is the price of business, I better get at least some profit from it.

He continued rolling the cart closer to the entrance of TISME, trying to attract the attention of what appeared to be worn down travelers caught in the chaos. "Hey there, want some pies?" he asked.

OOC: Heinz isn't going to walk that fast, so this gives me something to do. He could offer other services too.

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Cess walked over to the two women. One of them seemed to have a staff and was healing a girl's arm with it.

"Exscuse me. Would you mind healing me a little. I was sparring with a shaman girl a little earlier, and I'm afraid I bumped my head a little. I can pay you if you want?"

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OOC: Fireman lol XD


When Iso finally noticed Katie, he rushed over to her! He was a little excited that she apparently had food for him(Hasn't seen Arrin yet). The happy look on his face quickly faded when he remembered how easily he was downed by a thunder mage. He scratched back of his neck, trying to find the right way to apologize.

Iso: I'm ... I'm sorry for what happened. I shouldn't have let my guard down. Some protector I've turned out to be :facepalm:


With her injuries treated, Irina quickly picked up her armor and held all of it in her arms(upper half). Apparently, Irina wasn't the only one who enjoyed the warmth of their mount. Kelas had mentioned saving her, and that caught her by surprise given her horrible injury.

Irina: You saved me? Ho- I mean your arm ... the last time I had a broken bone I was ...

She stopped herself not wanting to reveal that she was somewhat of a crybaby when it came to bone injuries. That wasn't uncommon, but she was Ivanko's niece. She wanted to always appear tougher than she really was.

Irina: Um, well I wouldn't be hauling people to safety that's for sure ^_^

A drop of sweat ran down the side of her head. Just then a shaman approached them asking for healing. He seemed to be the polar opposite of her original employer. Not very demanding. That was odd. She thought all elder magic users were ... pushy to say the least.


Ixion: And you ... flew away ... hmm. So I assume teaching these ... humans is quite fulfilling for you, despite the chaos that is brewing as of late?


A type of noise dragged Stephanie from her sleep and dropped her face first in reality. She looked up to see the Shamaness standing over her. She began to understand what Morgan was telling her as she came to.

Morgan: -how you slept through the battle with all that noise, but you can make up for it by tending to the wounded. Get to it.

Stephanie: Battle? (Ixion told me the door was locked. Hmm ...) Well. Despite your lack of manners your problem is important. So, I shall assist you.

She rose from the bed and quickly grabbed a robe to cover herself, took out her mending staff, and then turned back to Morgan.

Stephanie: Lead the way, Shamaness.

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Katie gave a quick nod, holding the food for Iso to eat. She wished she could have written out an apology or given him a hug, but with the food in hand she lacked the ability to do either. Instead, she simply offered up the food, praying that her acceptance of his apology was obvious.


"Mmmm... Maybe. Though I don't think I should tell you any more without knowing a thing about you. I told you what I am because I can tell you aren't some smuck, and... I think... I feel like we've met before somewhere. I can't remember where though. Either way, you need to tell me a bit about yourself before I even consider saying anything."

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Morgan dragegd (not literally) Stephanie over to the nearest injured person she saw, which was Cess.

"This priestess is here to help anyone who is injured, come if you need aid."

She walked over and Tessa and whispered "Get some rest. You look exhausted."

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"Y-you! Wait! Priestess, where did you come from?"

He ran over to Morgan, eying her suspiciously.

"I'm sorry for scaring you a bit earlier. I appreaciate you fighting me though. Do you know where I could find that man from earlier? Helios, was it? I'd like to talk more to both of you, if I could. Hmm? Are these your friends? Do they have weapons such as your's?"

Edited by psychout50
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rargblarg Kelas specifically didn't mention saving Irina...

"Don't worry about it," Kelas told Irina tiredly as she awkwardly hugged Tessa back. She shifted around so that she had an arm around Tessa's shoulders in case the girl needed support. "You don't worry either. I wasn't in grave danger, or else I wouldn't have waited. Come on, let's get you inside," she coaxed. She glanced back to Irina. "And you too. We're all exhausted."


"Any idea... where the food came from?" Arrin asked Katie groggily. He halted, narrowly avoiding tripping over his own feet.

OOC: Arrin used Moment Kill! We'll see how effective it is?

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OOC: @ Kiryn I forgot that your italics indicate thoughts :facepalm:


As guilty as he felt, his stomach was going to win in the end. Iso decided to simply start eating. Katie didn't appear to upset with him. That alone made him feel a lot better.

Iso: Thank you, Katie. I won't let that happen ag-

Suddenly Arrin appeared asking about the origin of the food!

Iso: :blink:

Irina and Stephanie

Stephanie: *yaaaaaawn* Oh lovely, another shaman.

She tried not to giggle at what she'd just said, and held up her staff.

Stephanie: Now, wear does it hurt? Remember, the Goddess shall heal all wounds.

Irina watched Stephanie and noticed that she was unusually calm for being woken up in the middle of the night, and clothed only in a nightgown and a long robe. Once Kelas suggested heading inside, Irina didn't have any objections. Her armor was already off ... the top half anyway, so she had no excuse for not being able to sleep in a bed.


Ixion: As I said, you seem familiar ... but it doesn't seem to go beyond that.

He let his eyes fall to the floor looking away.

Ixion: My only purpose ... is knowledge. Knowledge is power ... and power is everything.

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Helios held the dictionary in his hand. He sat down by the stairs. He opened up the dictionary and scanned through a page

Feelings: Emotional or moral sensitivity (especially in relation to personal principles or dignity); "the remark hurt his feelings"

"Oh so that is what it means". He remembered a moment in his childhood when people were teasing him. He hung his head low trying to forget about it. He couldnt. Out of rage he got up and punched the wall opposite his side. He hand started to bleed. All his life he was tormented. He wanted to end it but he couldnt. Blood started dripping out of his hand. He took a deep breath. He picked up both books and put them in his pack. He headed out to give Isotov his letter back.

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"You saved Irina? That's surprising, considering she just left you there unconscious until I reminded Aiya where you were." Morgan said to Kelas.

Morgab sighed at Cess's overexuberance, poiting at the appropriate people when she said their names. "Tessa is our resident staffer, Kelas and Irina are siblings of Crimson Weapon wielders. I'm not sure where Helios went, he tends to disappear frequently. We tend not to go looking for him because he's a complete moron and not worth talking to."

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"Pay?" Tessa looked a bit confused. Not only was this a strange man she'd never seen before, but she wasn't quite sure what he was driving at. Thankfully, she didn't have too worry over it too much longer, as Morgan arrived leading another woman, who she thought vaguely recognized, but couldn't quite place. Her staff was a clear hint as to her profession, and Morgan's words confirmed the matter.

Leaving the priestess to tend to the newcomer, Morgan had come over to her and told her to take a break, and being honest with herself, Tessa knew that the woman was right. Placing her hand on her shoulder, she squeezed and whispered back to her, "Thank you." Taking care to make sure Trevor was set, she stumbled back through the corridors of TISME, heading to the room she'd used before. Though she'd already slept for hours this afternoon, she felt as though she could sleep for several more.

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"Four crimson weapons! You all must be tied together by destiny. I'm amazed, that I could truly be near so many rare artifacts. You two must introduce me to your siblings!"

Not wanting to be rude, he shook each girl's hand and introduced himself.

"Hi, my name is Cess." He looked at Irina. "Hmm? You seem familar to me, do I know you?"

Edited by psychout50
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Katie gave a quick nod before she pointed to herself, then her tome, hoping he would get the idea that she had learned the basics from a cookbook. Then, she pushed the food towards Iso, hoping he would hold it before opening her tome. I found the recipe a while back in a cookbook and got the stuff to make it today!


"Knowledge is boring." replied the headmaster, a droll tone in the voice. "It's not power or anything like that. The thing that's important is what you do with your knowledge. Use it to have fun! Anyone who says otherwise is a boring old sod with his nose in a tome. I slap tomes closed. I've been doing that for a hundred or so years. Among other things, like... hiding my gender. Don't do it for any reason besides fun. Anyone who wanted to know could just ask. In fact, I think you've already seen me without my cloak. You and all the people in your party."

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OOC: Morgan's such a bitch >_< XD


Iso replied in between stuffing his face.

Iso: So ... ... ... I assume this means that ... ... ... you'll be our chef and stay ... ... after all?

Noticing Arrin standing close by, Iso turned to him slightly.

Iso: Umm ... I'm willing to share. This is delicious.

Irina and Stephanie

Reminded of her earlier mistake, Irina cringed while holding her armor! As if to distract her from her embarrassment, the shaman shook her hand and asked if he'd seen her before.

Irina: I uh ... don't know. I've had a lot of jobs ... well not recently but still.

She didn't recognize him, but he seemed to recognize her.


Ixion: Oh yes ... the "angel" as Irina put it. Had I known what you were then, I would have called you down. Then again, I prefer to see you in private. Isotov's friends and their questions would stand in the way of mine.

He quickly thought back to the headmaster's comments regarding knowledge and grinned.

Ixion: Yes tomes are rather boring, but nothing in this life pleases me more than absorbing the knowledge that they contain. Flying for entertainment is for those with wings, killing for fun is for those with strong stomachs and blood lust, and using knowledge for entertainment is apparently for bored half wind spirits. That makes me wonder, what have you learned in all your time?

Ixion was a little disillusioned by the headmaster's personality, but not at all surprised as he empathized ever so slightly with the wind spirit's views

EDIT: Amended.

Edited by Phoenix
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Kamilla had been sleeping upstairs but the had been awoken by someone shouting outside, the footsteps that echoed through the hall didn't help either, she didn't recognize the voice, but judging from the types of words she'd occasionally hear it had something to do with organizing the mages and accounting for them all. Sighing she got out of bed deciding she wasn't going to get much more sleep tonight, she looked around and found that the bed around her were still as empty as when she went to sleep.

Deciding she was going off to find Tessa or the Lady she headed downstairs passing a library with a figure she noticed. "Dumb wind Mage~" she called out, but the mage ignored her completely and violently punched the wall. He seemed to be babbling to himself. Kamilla hesitated remembering what happened the last time she approached a man when it was dark (Cess) but decided the wind mage couldn't do any harm. As Helios started walking off, Kamilla ran up beside him and lightly whacked him on the head "Bad dumb wind mage, punching wall hurts, isn't good idea" she said crossly. "You say sorry to wall later, but first we go see Tessa" she said trying to force the man into accompanying her in her quest to find the healer.

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