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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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"I have infinite time. The small amount you took up is of little matter. Boredom on the other hand... That." the headmaster leaned in close to Ixion's face. "That is unforgivable."


Iso! Stop her! She's a full-grown woman acting like a three year old child or a seventeen year old! Do something! I don't want to have to make a hospital visit if I do something.

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OoC: Yup, it's official, Irina is as dumb as bricks if she hasn't yet noticed the dramatic change in Kamilla's character.

Irina didn't seem to pay her any heed and Stephanie likewise seem to have her mind set on Isotov. "Eeewwweeeeennnaaa!" Kamilla whined tugging on Irina's shirt harder "Baaakkkkonnnn for Kammmilllllaaaa~!" she repeated, tugging at her shirt to the point where the shirt would undoubtedly be stretched more then it had been 5 seconds ago, and yet Kamilla continued pulling trying to get the womans attention.

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OOC: Ixion: Nosferatu or Luna ... ... maybe Naglifar ... or Gempenst ... :unsure:

Isotov Irina and Stephanie

Irina: Ug! urgh! Ack! L-let gooo! Have you gone insane? Lemme go! Kamilla, stop!! I don't have any damn bacon!! >_<

Stephanie began marching toward Iso and Katie with a look of divine anger in her eyes! Iso took a big gulp and shivered slightly.

Stephanie: Let me guess, your ten years living in the wild, you ate pigs the entire time, didn't you?!

Iso: N-not the entire time ... Stephanie ... just hold on a minute! You don't have to-

She raised up her staff as if she was about to whack him with it!

Iso: Damn! >_<

Iso closed his eyes as the staff reached the top of its climb!


Ixion: ... ... ....

Ixion was certain that the headmaster had no ill will toward him, but he wasn't certain what to make of the half spirit's response. Recalling Lev's strange social behavior was only helping him to grasp the current scenario a little bit.

Ixion: You're not going to bore me in return are you?

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Kamilla to the rescue!

After pulling Irina's shirt to the extent it was baggy on one side she poked Irina's stomach and gave up. The woman was a stingy as her brother, and she wasn't going to give her any bacon. Chances were, the sibling had a whole castle full of bacon somewhere and were hiding it from her. She saw Stephanie raising her staff and somehow created the equation.

(Staff) + (woman with Irina) = (Warp staff to Bacon Castle)

Letting go of Irina suddenly who stumbled away due to suddenly having the pressure of Kamilla tugging her shirt released, Kamilla ran up behind Stephanie who was too focused on Isotov to notice that Kamilla had changed targets. "Take Kamilla with youuuuu~!" She said tackling the woman from behind.

......... XD

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Isotov Irina and Stephanie

Stephanie went down hard when Kamilla tackled her from behind, and Isotov and Katie barely had time to dodge the falling priestess! Her eyes spun around a few times before she came to.

Stephanie: ... curses :sob:

Iso: XD :mellow:

Iso immediately hid his amusement. Irina tried to fix her shirt as she came closer. A lot of people had gathered around the spectacle and many of the students were laughing.

Irina: What's so funny about this? Kamilla's gone insane :/

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Somehow, Kelas never made it to her room, instead ending up in the stables. "Why the hell am I so irritated, Amari?" she asked, lying above the mare's stall in the hayloft.

The mare snorted. She didn't understand what Kelas was asking, but the obvious answer was that she was a human, and thus bound to silliness.

"Well I know you think all humans are stupid, and it's probably true, but that's not what I was really looking for."

It wasn't because she was jealous or anything. Wait. Maybe she was: jealous of people who had time to bother with... things? Jealous of people who hadn't been forced, through some cruel trick of fate, to spend years wandering, searching for their families, who actually had normal interactions with others... Jealous of people who weren't bound to protect, and only protect.

Jealous of people who didn't have to worry.

"You're right, you lot make so much more sense," she informed Amari.

The stable was warm, full of familiar sounds, and the hay didn't scratch too much. The height of the hayloft didn't bother Kelas either, and soon she was asleep.

OOC: Things that my characters have done that have sort of surprised me: 1) Develop Chronic Hero/Protector Syndrome. (Kelas thinks she needs to protect about three more people than I'd thought she would.)

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Kamilla had closed her eyes as she made impact with the priestess, and was extremely disappointed when she opened her eyes to the sound of laughing, as she slowly came to terms with the fact that the warp to her Castle of Bacon had been unsuccessful. She looked down at the priestess who seemed a bit dazed before confiscating the womans staff and jumping off, scampering towards a few students who giggled and made for her as she dashed a few feet away from the group. "Bacon bacon good for me, grant my wish and hear my plea" she said waving the staff madly in the air as if it was some magic scepter, "Take me to castle of baconry!" she said raising the staff at a 90 degree angle and closing her eyes as she reached up on her tippy toes.

A few moment of silence passed before a few burst out laughing, Kamilla distinctively heard the word "idiot" and "insane" from someone in the crowd and she opened her eyes, to find she was still standing in the hallway. She pouted, "Fine, I go to market and trade crappy broken staff for some bacon" she declared proudly before making her way through a group of students and heading for a stairwell which wasn't in the same direction as Stephanie and the rest.

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Iso Irina Stephanie and funny stuff

Stephanie: Isoooo ... get my staff back ... it's the only mending staff I have with me :sob:

Her voice was full of ache and pain. Iso smacked his face with his palm and nodded. He quickly turned to Katie.

Iso: I'll ... try to make this quick.

He quickly chased after Kamilla as Irina came over. Stephanie slowly stood up and brushed herself off. Then ... she snapped!

Stephanie: You miserable students!! You think it's funny when a servant of the Goddess get's ambushed by a crazed bacon fanatic?!! YOU should all be ASHAMED of yourselves!! The nerve!! The pride!! The ignorance!! >_<

Irina: Stephanie, calm down!


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At the sound of Stephanie exploding Kamilla turned back and noticed the red haired man trying to follow her. As she approached the stair well she looked back with an expression of concern, she wouldn't be able to outrun the mage, he was just too fast, but she was going to give up on her bacon, it wasn't fair, and she had just as much right to their stash of bacon as they did, after all she'd cast Protect on Tessa in the last battle, and Tessa was important since she healed people.

Deciding against going down the stairs she tried a few door knobs nearby and finally found one that clicked open as she turned the handle. Quickly locking herself in, she looked around the room, another dorm room which was fortunately unoccupied, it's inhabitants most likely outside in the crowd somewhere. She couldn't get out, but she'd just wait inside and come out later when no one would notice. Reaching for her tome, she hugged the tome close, "Protect!" she said as she directed her protection spell at the door.

Now she was safe, she went over to the bed and sat down, finding an old rolled up pair of socks she wrinkled her nose and went over to the window and opened it "Smelly mages" she muttered to herself as she plopped herself, her tome and the staff on the far bed. Staring at the door carefully.

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Iso slid to a stop outside the door!

Iso: ... I'm betting it's locked -_-

Sure enough, as soon as he tried to turn the handle, it didn't budge.

Iso: Dammit.

He banged on the door a few times to alert her!

Iso: Kamilla! Open the door! That staff doesn't belong to you!

After not getting an answer he thought for a second.

Iso: (How can I talk her into coming out?) ... ... ... um ... if you come out, uh ... I'll have Katie fix you up a whole plate of bacon ... uh ... and even a side of ... umm ... waffles? :/

Irina and Stephanie

Stephanie: You incompetent, rude, students, you!! There is no excuse whatsoever for your mockery!!

Irina: Ohhhh ...

Fed up, Irina came in front of Stephanie and tried to keep her attention on her!

Irina: listen! Sooner or later Ixion is going to show up. What's he going to do when he sees you yelling at everyone?

Stephanie: He'll wait in the corner like I tell him like a good little Dark Druid until I ask for his input!! >_<

Irina: Wow ... really? :/

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Kamilla frowned, she didn't know a Katie, but her name sounded tasty. Throwing the staff in a place she doubted anyone would ever look, she slowly approached the door. "Who's cakie, and what's waffles?" she asked curious, unlike the Cakie, waffles didn't sound too nice, she could picture an old man with a great long white beard in her mind that would waffle on for hours and hours. And she didn't want that. "No waffles, Kamilla not do anything wrong, all greedy pig Isotov-Irina's brother's fault" she said yelling at the man on the other side of the door.

After having Isotov retract the waffles, she eyed the door suspiciously "how big is the plate?" She waited for Isotov's response, but shook her head, "Kamilla wants a plate that's bigger then Septimus!" she demanded as Isotov continued to try and think of a way to get her to come out.

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Iso: ... ... ... :blink:

Kamilla's demands were ... escalating beyond Iso's ability to deliver, and it had him nervous. He didn't want to deceive her, but she was already far beyond being negotiated with legitimately.

Iso: (... should I ... just kick the door down? :unsure: ) Kamilla ... umm, how about this? Come out with the staff, and ... annnnd ... we'll make you tons and tons of bacon ... and we'll be ... nice to you all the time, not like Morgan ... honest! We'll even ... let you ride Irina's wyvern ... if you want :unsure: (I hate comprimises -_- )

Irina and Stephanie

Stephanie: Ixion is my personal assistant for the duration of our trip. Ivanko said so.

Irina: Poor Ixion -_-

Stephanie: Hush! I'm not through lecturing these brats!

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Kamilla thought about the idea, she tried to imagine tons and tons of bacon a big plate infront of her, all for her. Just her and no one else, that stupid boy wouldn't take her bacon this time...... she frowned, what boy? Someone's face flashed through her mind but she couldn't tell who it was, he was definetely someone she knew and hated, but someone she felt as if she'd never met at all. "Kamilla not get in trouble?" she asked Isotov outside, and having received confirmation, she slowly reached out and undid the lock.

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"Nope. I'm not like that at all." replied the headmaster. "Well, I might be, or I might not. It's your risk on finding out. Boredom for the potential of fun. Do you want to risk it?"


"What the heck is going on here? Why is Kamilla trying to steal a staff?"

Esphyr was confused to say the least. Arriving in the entrance only a short while ago and without the knowledge of the prior going ons, the mercenary woman was fully baffled by the scene before her.

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Hearing the lock being reversed, Iso gently took hold of the door handle, and slowly opened the door. Seeing Kamilla very close by, he cracked a nervous grin.

Iso: (Katie, I hope you're good with tall orders ... )

Irina and Stephanie

Esphyr soon arrived. She wasn't sure why Kamilla had dashed away with Stephanie's mending staff. She would probably become even more confused once Stephanie resumed shouting down the students.

Irina: Oh! Hi, Esphyr. Don't worry too much about the staff. Iso's on the job. You might want to help me with Stephanie though? She's having an episode. ... uh ... please? :sweatdrop:


Ixion: Should the word "risk" truly be associated with some with your ... positive demeanor? Hm ... fine. I'll humor you.

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Chase finally made it to TISME after a night of wandering. He tried to open the door, only to have it zap his hand. "Hello? Anyone there? Can someone let me in? ... Please?" he whined. Suddenly, the door opened by itself. A bit mystified, he shrugged it off and walked inside.

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Though he could not see it, a thin smile traced under the headmasters cloak. The headmaster had a plan, one to have some fun with the dark mage who stood within the room. Cautiously, the cloaked hand extended towards him. "Then take my hand."


"An Episode? About what?"

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Isotov(Bonding with Kamilla or something at the moment)

Irina and Stephanie

As Stephanie went back to badgering the overwhelmed students as if she was one of their teachers, Irina explained what had happened to Esphyr.

Irina: First she caught Iso eating bacon with Katie, so she came over to ... discipline him ... but Kamilla tackled her like a bear and ran off with her staff. The students laughed at her so she's having a damn conniption over it.


Ixion: :huh:

As suspicious as it was, Ixion had already agreed, and he wasn't one to back down from anything, even knowing that it could very well end with him thousands of feet above the city, or maybe somewhere else entirely. He could have also ended up playing chess, though that seemed like something that would bore the carefree half wind spirit. He quickly released his thoughts on the matter and took the Headmaster's hand.

Ixion: Nothing ventured ... nothing gained ....

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"Gotcha!" As soon as Ixion took the headmasters hand, the headmaster quickly yanked him forwards and spun him about so as to grab his other hand in a strong vicelock of a grip. Before he could protest, the Headmaster suddenly barreled forwards towards the far window, carrying him over the floor before lowering Ixion's head to use it as a battering ram to knock the window open! Six wings flared as the pair was suddenly launched off the ninth floor of TISME and into the sky beyond!


"Oh dear. Ummm... Maybe we can get her a new staff for the time being? Or... I can tackle Kamilla?"

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OOC: Ixion: Mental note ... invent parachute -_-

Isotov(Kamilla bonding still)

Irina and Stephanie

Irina: Well Iso went to catch her. He should be back soon. I'm more concerned with just keeping the students safe from Stephanie. She only hits people with her staff because she doesn't want to rough up her hands smacking them around.

Stephanie: -and another thing!! You all prance about as if you own the place!! This isn't some cheap university for ill mannered brats to go about forming clicks and social groups!! It's a place for learning and personal growth!!

Irina: Ugh :facepalm:


Somehow ... he knew things were going to get physical. Ignoring the slight soreness in his forehead, he looked out over the city as the headmaster flew them around.

Ixion: How often do you do this to people?

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Groaning, Eric awoke, back aching. Getting up, he realized that it was morning. By then, the survivors of the raid had left the area, and the traveler found himself alone, amongst a field of death. Putting that thought aside, he tried to recall the events of the previous night.

Bandits attacked, I got injured,then Tessa healed me... Oh, right. One of the bandits wasn't dead, and he threw an axe at the rider. I must've got hit by that, then, he thought. Well, since I'm not dead, I guess Tessa saved me again. I'll have to thank her. Seeing as it's morning, I guess they went back to TISME... Better catch up. Stepping over the bodies of both bandits and villagers, he slowly made his way back to the academy.

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"Ugh indeed." said Esphyr, a annoyed sigh in her voice. "Stephanie... Come on. Quite down."


"Not often enough." replied the headmaster. Suddenly, the flighted being dipped down before suddenly climbing sharply! Up and up the pair climbed until they could pass through a low cloud. Yet, as they burst forth, suddenly the headmaster wasn't there anymore! It was just Ixion on his own, hurtling through the air!

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OOC: Ixion: Sh*t -_-

Isotov(♫ A B C D E F G .... ♫)

Irina and Stephanie

Stephanie turned to Esphyr and Irina.

Stephanie: Can you believe the nerve of these students?! Have they even heard a word I've said?

Irina: (They heard it alright ... every last word ... you're too loud for that not to be the case <_< ) Stephanie, Iso's probably on his way back with your staff right now. The students have learned their lesson ... right?

She turned to the surrounding mages hoping to get their cooperation.


The Headmaster's grip on him suddenly vanished, and Ixion found himself tumbling through the air!

Ixion: (High altitude ... no flight capability ... and about fifteen seconds until the ground comes up provided the Headmaster doesn't return. The only solution is to wait out the fall. If the Headmaster returns ... good ... if not ... only careful timing on my part will keep me from slamming into the ground -_- )

He continued to ponder the situation as he began to go from a steady climb, into an arc that would eventually lead into a straight plunge back down to the earth!

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"Stephenie, calm down. Seriously. They know what's going on. They just don't think it's something to get so worked up over. Just chill out or we'll dump you in a lake."


Yet, as Ixion reached the apex of his arc, the headmaster did not return. As he crested his momentum and started to shoot earthwards, no headmaster. As he breached the cloud where he had last seen the half-spirit, no headmaster. Then, at last, as he shot earthwards, the strong grip of the sylph looped around his shoulders.

"Miss me?" came a cheery, almost giddy, voice behind the man.

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Isotov(Maybe I should just post them walking back together?)

Irina and Stephanie

Stephanie: How do you expect me to calm down after such a distasteful display of student behavior?!

Irina: Esphyr's right. There's two of us, and only one of you. If you don't relax, we're going to have to drag you off or something.

Stephanie: Well ... I see ... so that's how it is -_-


The Headmaster suddenly reappeared and firmly grasped Ixion while playfully asking if he missed the six winged half spirit!

Ixion: Somewhat ... -_-

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