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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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As he entered the building, Eric could hear a woman ranting at someone. Heading for the source of the lecture, he found himself in what appeared to be a dining hall. At the center of it, he recognized the woman the druid had been with,shouting something about how mages were spoiled, or something along those lines. Sighing, he began to make his way out of the hall, not wanting to be caught up in the mess.

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"Only somewhat? That will have to change." said the headmaster before suddenly took off; heading for the forest at the edge of the capitol. Upon arrival, the cloaked figure suddenly dove into the treetops, tree trunks and branches surrounding the pair, and yet the headmaster didn't slow up one bit! In fact, the spirit seemed to fly FASTER through the forest, buzzing past trees with scarce more than a inch or two between Ixion and the rough bark.


"We're not trying to intimidate you down, mind you. Just trying to get you to calm down. If you want, I can try to make a breakfast for you, though it will probably be toxic."

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There had been plenty of commotion inside of TISME.Damian and Aiya had gotten a good deal of sleep,so they weren't tired despite others going to sleep.

Katie had returned,and one of Isotov's friends was screaming at the students,after losing her clubbing staff to Kamilia...who seemed...changed.

"Aiya,do you know what happened to Kamilia?" Damian asked,curious.

"Morgan messed with her memories,apparently..." Aiya answered,still not sure of what exactly had happened.

The pair walked towards the group,careful to avoid incurring the Priestess' wrath.

"Katie,it seems you are back.I had just hired someone to locate you too...had I known,I wouldn't be out 100 gold..." Damian sulked jokingly,glad that the woman was alright.

At the same time,Aiya walked up to Irina.

"Oh hey,Irina.Whatcha doing?"

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(Sorry, but I pulled an all-nighter last night (for various reasons) and I wasn't getting up before 6 (is 5:52am))

Kamilla looked uncertainly as Isotov entered the room, it'd taken her awhile to relent but now that the man was in the room, she didn't have anywhere to run to. Isotov immediately noticed Kamilla no longer had the staff in hand and inquired to it's where-abouts. Kamilla smiled a big grin, "Under the bed!" she said proudly as if it was the best place to hide something, "There's alot of green slimy stuff under there that wobbles when you touch it though" she said peeking down at the gap.

Running over to the bed, she stuck her hand under and procured Stephanie's mending staff, now covered in green slime.

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Looking at the staff, it seemed unwelcoming.

Iso: Perhaps ... you could hold onto it? At least until we get back to Stephanie? :sweatdrop:

Irina and Stephanie

When Damian and Aiya showed up, the tension came down a bit. But only a bit.

Irina: Oh just trying to make sure no one get's smited or something like that.

When Esphyr mentioned breakfast, something came to Stephanie's mind!

Stephanie: Breakfast? I haven't even done my morning pra- *gasp* My morning prayer!! :o

Irina: Does praying in the morning really change anything?

Stephanie: It is of the utmost importance that one in full fledged service to the Goddess prays every morning, noon, and night!!


Barely missing the branches that would surely leave some unwanted scratches and cuts, Ixion flinched and twitched every now and then as they picked up speed!

Ixion: Urgh ... while I appreciate your maneuverability, I would appreciate another route more so.

Edited by Phoenix
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OoC: Just didn't want to give it back without damaging it somehow (And didn't want to break it, alternative was, I throw the staff out the window)

Kamilla frowned at Isotov, but shrugged, she didn't mind getting her hands dirty and the green slime sort of had a squishy texture to it that she enjoyed playing with as they headed outside and backtowards Stephanie. "Isotov-Irina's brother is not liar? Is going to give Kamilla Cakie, Bacon and be nice?" she asked suspiciously, despite the fact that the man could grab her at any time if she tried to flee, she was starting to have doubts now, What if it was a trick offer?

What if there was no such person called Cakie, and she didn't get bacon, and it turned out this Morgan was a really nasty person, and being nicer than they were didn't count for anything?

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OOC: It is morning right?

Helios looked at his now bandaged hand. He needed to calm down a little. If only they had rehab back then. He hid him left arm under his robe. He saw everyone meeting but decided that it was of any importance. He headed outside looking for something to do.

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"I think the Goddess isn't such a tightwad, but sure, if it will get you to stop screaming. I'll even go pray with you if it will help."


"Don't worry! You're perfectly safe! Not like anything ever happened while hurtling through a wood at dange-CRACK!"

A sickening thump suddenly filled the air as Ixion was suddenly sent hurtling to the ground; no headmaster to catch him. A short distance behind him, a ruffled cloak lay covering a crumpled body that had smacked head-first into a branch; shattering it and knocking the headmaster right out.

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OOC: AHAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAH!!! XD XD XD (It's like that scene from Spider Man 3 when the Orange Goblin hits the wire! XD


Iso: That's right, I don't lie (Not if it isn't necessary -_- ). We'll make you lots and lots of bacon. Umm ... her name is "Katie" by the way. B-but I'm certain we can get you a ... cake ... to? ... yes we'll be nice to you ^_^

Irina and Stephanie

Stephanie: You can accompany me if you want, but we must hurry! I cannot allow myself to fall behind schedule!


Ixion almost landed on his feet but tumbled when he touched the ground and rolled to a grinding stop! He looked up after shaking himself off to see the Headmaster lying underneath the cloak!

Ixion: Urg ... ugh ...

He carefully stood up and walked over to the Headmaster.

Ixion: Can't say I didn't expect that. Are you conscious? :huh:

Not getting an immediate answer, he leaned in a little, trying to see if there was any movement.

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"Hmmmm" Kamilla responded, not exactly assured by the pauses. She glanced over at the tome the man was holding, another magic wielding crazy person? she asked herself. But shook her head, "It's important to trust people, but don't be stupid and not doubt everything they say" she recited to herself, not really noticing she had said it out aloud. Isotov seem surprised by the sudden outburst, but Stephanie was up ahead. "Incompetent priestess, I'll give you your useless stick back~" she called out ignoring the students around her.

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As Ixion neared the hood of the headmaster, the faint rays of light that streamed down through the treetops seemed to pe-"You worry too much. You know that?"

With a gentle roll, the headmaster turned away from Ixion; preventing his gaze from piercing the hood. "Owww..." came a soft moan, one finally free of the guise of gender neutrality. It was a bit high-pitched, though not to the level of ear-shattering; instead being that of a active, energetic, woman.

"I'm alright. Just some bleeding... and a headache the size of Percy's gullet."


"No. I won't. I just wanted to get you to calm down. Now, if you will excuse me, I think I saw a certain hunk of metal somewhere nearby."

Edited by Snowy_One
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OOC: Finally! I don't have to be quiet about it anymore! Headmaster is a flying six-winged Leanne or something to that effect! :awesome:

Isotov Irina and Stephanie

With Esphyr's proposal dropped, Stephanie turned to the sound of Kamilla's voice!

Stephanie: My staff! :o

Irina: What's that green stuff?

Iso walked up next to Katie and whispered into her ear.

Iso:I'm going to need your help. Negotiating with her has led to a tall order ... I'll help you of course ... but we need ... a lot of bacon ... and probably a cake too. :sob:


Ixion: I suppose it's a good thing that you seem to be void of any actual responsibility, Headmaster ... hurting yourself is one thing, but I can't imagine how mangled a young child would be after a stunt like that.

He grinned slightly, satisfied that Murphy's Law had apparently kicked in and aided him in proving a point of safety.

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Kamilla smiled handing Stephanie her staff which she seem reluctant to take, but accepted after confirming it was indeed her staff.

Kamilla realising that her hand was messy for no reason now looked around. And looked at Stephanie, she didn't have any intentions of just giving in to the woman without a fight. As Stephanie was inspecting her wand and most likely trying to get the slime off, Kamilla grabbed Stephanie's clothes wiping her hand clean in one swift wipe before jumping back and running off down the hallway. Only to stop halfway down to call back at Isotov "You promised Isotov-Irina's brother, and the lady doesn't like liars!" and with that she scampered off now ready for Lacuna's timeskip

Edited by Kanami
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Oh joy. I can try, but expect at least one grease fire.


"Of course. I manage and spearhead scientific research. Teachers handle teaching. Someone like me could never have the attention span to handle a full course. Owwwww.... Ummm... I... Don't feel so well."

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Chase checked around for a room that was empty or had one of the group members in it. He finally found a room with some books that he thought... and hoped... belonged to Morgan, and he put his own down and slept on the floor. It's been a long day already, and it's only morning...

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Isotov Irina and Stephanie

Stephanie: ... Yuuuuck!! >_<

Slime on my precious staff! Slime on my robe! Eew!! Iso, do something!!

Iso: ... change ... clothes ... :mellow:

Irina: Seriously! What is that green stuff?! :o


Ixion: You crashed. If you felt perfectly fine I might be surprised. I hope you're fit to travel still ... I've no intention of dragging you back if you collapse again -_-

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Aiya cringed slightly at the sight of the condition of the staff,and Kamilia ran off again.

"It looks like that may just be a full time job,Irina..." Aiya said,seeing a spark of the priestess' potential wrath closer up.

"How is Kiev?" She asked with a concerned tone.Aiya had not seen Kiev for an extended amount of time since that crash,and was concerned for him as well.


Damian was slightly confused at the exchange between Katie and Isotov concerning...Bacon and Cakes?Isotov seemed secretive for some reason,but appeared to have rather poor control over his voice,for Damian heard him clearly.

"Umm...pardon me for interrupting...I can see where bacon might come in with Kamilia's recent obsession...but cake?"

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Isotov Irina and Stephanie

When Damian inquired about a cake, Iso hung his head and sighed.

Iso: Negotiating with Kamilla led to a slight mix up in names. "Cakie" and "Katie" to be exact. There's a chance that Kamilla is expecting more than just bacon. I'm trying to be careful with this.

Stephanie: Ugh ... get me a sleep staff, and I'll deal with this personally.

Irina: The clerics at the church healed Kiev up pretty well. I think he's forgotten all about that injury. Is Ulfhrahn alright? Where did you and Damian leave him?

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"Well,it's been a little while since I've cooked...but if you guys need any help,I suppose I have a bit of free time..." Damian told them upon hearing the situation.

Upon hearing Irina say Kiev was fine,Aiya grinned happily.

"That's good,well,I'm sure he's a trooper,just like you,eh?...Ulfhrahn?We couldn't bring him anywhere near the city,so he is out in the forest.He'll be fine,he can take care of himself."

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Isotov Irina and Stephanie

Iso: Some help would be appreciated actually.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Stephanie decided to head over to the local church to pray ... after changing into her priestess robes.

Stephanie: Well ... it's been fun ... who am I kidding ... this morning has been nothing but trouble. I'll return to check on you two later, Irina. Farewell.

She walked off with her slime coated staff in hand, and a look of agitation on her face.

Irina: I'm not as tough as I could be. I can't believe Reika and her goons showed up again :facepalm: , but I'm glad that Ulfy's alright. Then again, it's rare when a bull isn't okay :/

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"Alright then...are we doing this now,or are we gonna rest first?Also,I suppose I'll make the cake when you guys are ready..." Damian said,before reaching into his satchel and pulling out some tealeaves.

"Does anyone want some tea?" He offered to the others around him,and Aiya quickly said she wanted some before responding to Irina.

"Reika was back?Then...that big guy and the mage where with her..." Aiya said offhandedly, thinking back to when Reika had injured her back in Darien.

"That girl was nothing but trouble...I don't think I'd go anywhere near her even if she agreed to change her ways...she just makes me feel...off,y'know?"

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: We could do it now ... but then again ... I haven't slept all night, and I don't want to start a fire. Kamilla did already run off too. Perhaps later in the day? I'm fine as far as tea's concerned, thank you.

Irina: Tea? Will that wake me up or put me to sleep?

After Aiya commented on Reika, and the encounter in Darien, Irina had a rapid flashback! She pretty much agreed.

Irina: Yeah, she's definitely not a team player either. Why does she have the crimson daggers anyway? I thought the situation was bad enough. Are we actually going to have to fight that girl?

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Helios walked down the path they just came from. It was crawling law enforcers and officials. Helios payed no attention to them. He entered a shop. The shop keeper was busy with another customer. Helios grabbed a vulenary. He dropped five gold on the counter. The shop keeper got up and dropped the gold in his pocket. "Have a wonderful day" the shopkeeper said. Helios exited. He headed back to TISME building. When he got inside he heard some quarreling. He did not want to become a part of it and headed up stairs looking for a room. He opened a door to an abandoned room.

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"Yeah...we should sleep first.As for the tea,if you don't mess around with it too much,it should help you sleep,Irina." Damian responded,and pulled out a small kettle.

Hearing Irina also talk about Reika,he thought back to her.

"The weapons were taken from my father and redistributed by demons...they likely chose her due to her malicious personality..."

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Isotov and Irina

Iso: Meh ... well I'm going to lie down and get some rest.

He leaned into Katie and whispered into her ear.

Iso: It's good to have you back with us. ^_^

He then headed off toward the dorms.

Irina: I'm glad I didn't get chosen to wield one of those things. I've never seen such a string of bad luck before in my life. I feel sorry for my brother :(

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