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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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"Wait. You know the others, besides Helios? You must allow me to meet them! I-I can't believe this! How wonderful! But would you still allow me to duel you? I would like to experience the power of your tome first hand. I'm still surprised all the negative energy doesn't seem to be affecting any of you. This is truly marvelous."

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Morgan sighed "We aren't on some pleasure cruise you know, rescuing old lady's cats even they look so lonely sitting out in the rain from trees. There will be blood and killing, and probably some unecessary angst and problems with authorities. Ordinarily I would say go do something else, but this group apparently has very low standards for admission, so you may come along if you must."

"As for feeling the power, I suppose I can indulge you if you really must know." She fired a blast at him from Midnight.

(4,4,2) Link. Morgan does 6 damage.

"Was that sufficient?"

Edited by -Cynthia-
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(Tell me if I mess up)

The power of Midnight was engulfing him. Cess could feel the breath in his body slowly being crushed. "A-amazing! But I can hold my own too. Watch this. Nosferatu!

Roll 7 dmg delt.

Healed for 3 dmg.

(I'll just heal 1/2 the dmg delt rounded down I guess)

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"Not bad." said Morgan. "But not quite good enough.". She switched to her Flux tome due to her wounded state.

(3,5,6)= 6 damage. Cess KOd.

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(Wasn't she like on the other side of town?)

Cess got up gently. His entire body ached. But the fact that he got to see the weapons first hand made it worth it. A woman stood over him with a staff in hand.

"Ow. Oh my. You must be with Helios and Morgan! You must have a Crimson Weapon! What's your name Miss?"

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*Beware, Long boring conversation up ahead* Turn back now

Reika groaned as she woke up tied to a chair, the last thing she remembered was the face of some man she had been wanting to kill. Her vision was still blurry and her body felt like she'd just been thrown down a well. She looked around the dark room, and managed to work out that it was still night time, but this wasn't anywhere near Ilyphina. For one, the air around her didn't smell like booze and urine. As her eyes grew accustomed to the dark she noticed there was someone else in the room, a dark figure standing silently from what was most likely the door. Enraged at the idea of being abducted and tied to a chair she shouted at the figure "You, hiding over there in the dark, untie me right now or I slit your throat in your sleep."

The figure jerked into motion as if it had been sleeping then turned towards her, "Reika of Araphane..... awake..... contacting master....." the figure muttered repeatedly in a hushed tone, almost as if he were drilling the words into their minds. Several moments passed and the door opened and a woman carrying a single lit candle entered the room.

Woman: "Reika of Araphane I pressume?" she said soothingly.

Reika: "No, Reika the captured criminal" she spat at the woman clearly not taking a liking to her attitude.

Woman: "Very well Reika, may I call you that? Reika?"

Reika: "Call me whatever you want once I cut out your tonuge and feed it to you children"

The woman staggered back a bit but regained her composure quickly.

Woman: "My apologies, my master has asked me to gain your cooperation in a certain.... activity we're planning" she said choosing her words carefully.

Reika: "Right, I don't come cheap lady, 50gold for tying me up, and another 50 if you expect me to listen.

The woman reached into her robe and tossed a bag at Reika feet, making the unmistakable sound of clinking gold as it hit the floor.

Reika: "Heh, fine, I'll listen, but I'm taking the gold even if I decline the job."

Woman: "Our request is simple, the group you were fighting at Ilyphina, we'd like you to monitor them preferably from inside"

Reika snarled at the idea

Reika: "You want me to babysit a group of fools? Forget it, now if you don't mind I'd like to get going now" she said struggling against her bonds.

Woman: "200" she said tossing another bag at Reika's feet.

Reika however just laughed, "I'll take the 200, but I'm not joining up with those losers"

Woman "300" she said throwing another bag at Reika's feet.

Reika hesitated but managed to scoff at the offer, "500, and I'll consider it" she said expecting the woman to give up.

The woman also hesitated but produced another two bags and threw them over.

Reika just glared at the woman "Fine, what exactly do you want me to do? I can't guarantee I won't kill any of them"

The woman smiled and shook her head "If you can kill any of them without being noticed go ahead, your job is to just wear this jewel and follow them around, we'll deal with them if you can't."

Reika eyed the woman suspiciously, "So I just need to follow them around and I get to keep the gold?"she asked not believing her ears,

Woman: This is just your employment fee, we're willing to provide you with an additional sum which will be delivered to you at each successive new moon"

Reika frowned "So I can kill all of them if I get the chance"

Woman: "If that is what you wish, and you're capable, but we would prefer it if you could infiltrate their little group opposed to just stalking them."

Reika: "And what if your men turn up to finish them off? Can I knife them too?"

Woman: "We recommend you do, to avoid attracting suspicion"

Reika: "........."

Woman: "Is there anything else you'd like to ask?"

Reika: "Yeah, when are you undoing these ropes?"

Woman: "I believe we have a deal then" she said clicking her fingers as the ropes fell effortlessly to the ground.

As soon as the ropes fell, Reika summoned Calamity and rushed the woman, but to her dismay the cloaked figure at the entrance jumped infront of her and effortlessly disarmed her.

Reika: "What the-" And then she blacked out.

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As soon as he was out of the grey-eyed man's sight Heinz reopened the scroll and took a closer look at the sprawling words. Last seen approaching Illymphia

"The capital of Elyisima eh? Conrad of the Crimson Axe is there, isn't he? This information's a little dated, I better get a move on."

Heinz hurried away, heading away on the road bound for Elyisima.

OOC: Don't know how to spell the capital name.

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Chase struggled to keep up, partly due to his injuries, partly due to having avoided the city for so long. "And to think, I can memorize part of a huge labyrinth..." he muttered. "My directional skills clearly need a touch up when it comes to cities." He continued slowly making his way, trying to find Morgan, Tessa, or really just about anyone in the group.

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The bandits had been cleaned up,and an odd Druid had done...something to the pegasus knights.

Damian looked over the city turned battlefield,and sighed.This was just like the raids in Halton,the streets painted with blood,and the destruction spread its tendrils throughout the city.

Damian angrily smashed the butt of his lance into a deceased bandit,the man's skull caving in at the impact,and then turned towards TISME.

"It's horrible,isn't it?" Aiya said,catching his attention.

"Yeah...even if we destroy the Lord of Azure Flame,will this chaos ever stop...?Will these common people ever be free?"

"We can never be sure Damian,all we can do is devote our lives to their protection...like we always have."

"You are right,Aiya.I will keep my life devoted to the cause of the weak,the poor,in all of my strength...just as I have devoted my heart to you." He held her close,and kissed her gently,as they walked towards TISME.

"I suppose we should see if anyone needs help,right?"


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On the way to the TISME building Helios stopped by a library. He was looking for a specific book. One that was given to him when he was young but was destroyed because he took offence. He looked through the shelf labeled G. He took out a slim book. "Getting to know others"....... He headed towards the librarian desk and checked it out. He exited the library. He opened the book. "Page one.........". He read while he headed towards the building.

OOC: Yes i lol'd too

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As Tessa had arrived to where the group of Irina, Kelas, and Arrin were, the latter greeted her quite enthusiastically. Irina had already been placed upon Kiev, and Isotov had already arrived and taken the reins. It seemed the nomad had called him over for some help, and she was remaining somewhat reserved and withdrawn herself.

She nodded to Arrin, "I'm fine, quite good actually. Though, fairly peeved at our resident bandit, but that's not important, really. If you'll excuse me for a bit, I really should see how Irina is." Smiling apologetically, she separated a bit, urging Trevor up to the front of the little group.

She looked over at the fire mage. Steeling her nerves, she realized she wasn't quite sure what to say to him, how to proceed. "Ummm, excuse me~" she called out, a bit timidly at first, but once she got started, she quickly gained in confidence. "I really would like to help out. You don't have to tend to her by yourself you know. I guess you're bringing her in to one of the beds, which actually isn't a bad plan, she might be more comfortable there than getting just some quick field medicine treatment out here, and I guess you checked to make sure she was stable enough, but please, if there's something I can do..."

Tessa noticed she had started to ramble a bit, and so trailed off a bit awkwardly.

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With the bandits dead and no further conflicts on the horizon, Esphyr had no clue as to what to do with herself now that the fighting was over. While thoughts of returning to bed or going about crossed her mind, she knew all too well that, simply, there was nothing for her to actually do. Now was not a time for her and she knew it all too well.

"Guess I'm useless for now." she commented to herself.


Not spotting Iso initially, Katie decided to stop looking in the streets and instead check the institute itself and see if he had been there.

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Chapter one: Knowing what to say:

Let me guess. You offended someone and now you are trying to make amends but your not sure how to. Let tell you something. The human brain is very complex. A person will nor forgive you that easily. You need to show the person that you are truly sorry. Now think back. You must have said something that offended someone.

Helios thought. There was too many people that he must have offended to even remember. He continued reading.

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OOC: Testing another new format. Opinions would be much appreciated.

Iso and Irina

Iso eventually reached the aerie and led Kiev into his bin(don't know what it's called). He took Irina off of the saddle and leaned her up against Kiev while he tried to wake her up.

Iso: Irina! Wake up.

She wobbled back and forth barely conscious. Iso shook her a little bit, and after a few moments, she finally came to!

Irina: *yawn* ... what time is it?

Iso: I don't know. Can you walk?

Irina: Just leave me here, those beds are uncomfortable.

Iso: Maybe because you left your armor on?

Irina: Yeah ... but-

Iso: Forget it -_-

He quickly yanked her over his shoulder and exited the aerie with her! Kiev watched in confusion while she beat her hands against Iso's back in protest!


At some point, later that night, Viveka awakened amongst her squad. Susann shook herself off after rising as well did the other pegasi. All three of them looked around seeing nothing but corpses.

Viveka: Ugh ... someone must have gotten a lucky shot off -_-

Her head did ache somewhat, so she was certain that she had been whacked herself, though not certain how someone could have also rendered her entire squad unconscious pegasi included, and not have done anything else. As odd as it was, her memories indicated that the battle ended after they lost consciousness, and she clearly remembered that she personally felled most of the bandits at their feet, including Dalton.

Viveka: Let's go. We should report in.

Knight1: Wilco.


(I do not know where the headmaster is, so I'm just making this up)

As Ixion headed back into TISME, he noticed the same figure from before, the one with the powerful mana network. No human should be able to reach such strength. His curiosity led him straight to the figure. Stopping just five feet away, he held his ground.

Ixion: What are you?

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"Who are you?" came a confused response from the Headmaster, blatantly not expecting for someone to have been capable of entering into the ninth circle headmasters quarters with such ease. However, despite the unexpected question, the headmaster proved to be quick on the response. Coming close to the sage, the hooded figure extended a veiled hand, not in greeting or to friendly touch, but instead to pass over Ixion's shoulder quickly as the figure stepped beside him.

"Forgive my shock; I thought the closed door to my room enough of a indication as to my desire for company. You speak boldly and brashly, making the living rooms of others your own; not unlike the Hero's. What am I? Why, that... is a obvious question. I am me. A exact being. Nothing beyond what I am, and nothing less. Do you think myself something... different perhaps? Am I not me?"

The headmasters hand slid up to Ixion's neck. "What are you? Who are you? Few know my name, are you one of them?" asked the headmaster, settling the hand down upon the joint of his shoulder and neck.

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OOC: For some reason I like where this headmaster thing is going XD


Ixion: Forgive my intrusion, but I couldn't be interrupted. My name is Ixion. I am a scholar in service to Ivanko. What I sense from you is inhuman. I aim to find out both why you seem familiar to me, and what is underneath that cloak that deceives the masses.

(Pretty good smartass talking eh?)

Iso and Irina:

(retconning a bit)

Tessa had followed Iso and Kiev to the aerie, but waited at the entrance. When Iso came out carrying Irina over his shoulder, he stopped in front of her.

Iso: I think she will be fine, but she may have a concussion ...

Irina quickly struggled and one of her hip plates banged against Iso's head!

Iso: I may end up with a concussion too -_-

He quickly put her down and put his right hand on his head, while she crossed her arms.

Irina: :angry:

Iso: Umm, Tessa? Did you see Katie around here by any chance?


(Timeskip: Final Viveka post for night)

Upon giving their report, and helping to account for the dead, the pegasus knights returned to the garrison to rest.

(That's all I got -_- )

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"Familier to you? Why would my mana feel familiar to you? I don't recall meeting you and you lack the TISME colors." replied the headmaster with a quick question before removing the hand that had been upon his shoulder. Faint flecks of red remained behind as the figure moved to stand behind Ixion.

"Besides, I'm fully human. Circle nine is the legendary circle after all. Don't think there's been multiple circle nines since the time of the dragons."

The headmaster moved to Ixion's right side. "And no human can live that long, even with magical aid, right?"

Then, finally, back to the front of Ixion; amber eyes glinting into his own. "So if I am a nine, and if I couldn't possibly be old enough to be a dragon, I must be just a human, right? Maybe a unusually powerful one, but human. Unless, you don't buy that story."

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OOC: Johnny friggin Depp XD XD XD


Ixion: I'm afraid that I don't. If you were human ... you would have no need for such a disguise. Tell me, what are you truly? A spirit? Unlikely ... they've all vanished it seems, but a human you most certainly are not.

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"I already told you. I am me. Besides, assuming for a moment, I wasn't, as you say, human. Why would I tell you?" asked the headmaster, tilting the hood of the cloak to one side in a owl-like fashion. "After all, you don't have any proof beyond your own feelings."

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Tessa's jaw nearly dropped when she saw the mage grab his sister and toss her over his shoulder. That almost went beyond reckless. Even if the wyvern rider's condition wasn't as bad as she had suspected it to be, she'd still just taken quite the bruising, and deserved more gentle treatment.

She was going to protest, but apparently Irina's struggles got through to him and he let her down before she had a chance. Still, she wasn't going to just let it slide. "What were you thinking, grabbing her and winging her around like that? After what she'd just been through... you're barely better than the bandits."

She rushed over to over his sister to offer her support if she needed it, or anything else. Turning over her shoulder she answered his question, "Katie? She's here? That's the first I've heard of it, to be honest."

Edit: brain farted and I completely missed a string of words that were supposed to be there.

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Iso and Irina

Iso: She wants to sleep with the animals, Tessa. I'm not letting that happen.

Irina: Hmpf <_<

Irina felt a slight ache in her head, and a much stronger one in her back. She hadn't noticed in her struggling.

Irina: My head does kind of hurt, and my lower back does too.

Iso: You seem to have this under control. I'm going to see if I can find her.

He walked away from Tessa and Irina heading closer to the main gates.

Irina: Always with Katie.


Ixion: As the saying goes, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained". If I hadn't sought you out, I would still be wondering exactly what manner of being you are. Tell me, do you honestly expect me to simply leave without investigating this any further? Your word games are almost amusing, but I'm more interested in the truth.

EDIT: Added more content.

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"The truth? Fine. You want the truth?" The headmaster quickly reached under the cloak, hands reaching for the backside. With a slight twinge of pain, the hand soon returned. Extending just beyond the veil of the cloak was a single feather of verdant green. It was far too large to be that of any birds, and it was clearly not of the same make. In deed, it was doubtful that it could have been seriously used for flight had not the heavy aura of wind magic surrounded the feather.

"What do you think?"


Katie entered into the academy, removing the foot from under her dress, and praying softly. She hoped the scent of breakfast would capture the attention of the hungry mage, for if it did not, she had little more to attract short of removing her clothes.

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OOC: lol at clothes removal bit XD


He looked out the main gate and saw nothing but soldiers tending to the dead. Katie must have already gone into the academy. He still wasn't sure how she returned, but he was still disappointed in his efforts. He shook his head and headed into the main entrance. When he made it inside, some students were still up and moving around, heading back to their dorms, gossiping and the like.

Iso: Odd that I made it to this place without being skewered.

Irina(With Tessa being treated for concussion and back injury)


Ixion's eyes opened wide! He was certain that the headmaster wasn't human, but that feather was the sure sign of a wind spirit! (This is officially the first time Ixion has ever been surprised enough to have a reaction in the rp. Mark it :lol: )

Ixion: I ... am in the presence of a wind spirit ...? Perhaps venturing the the capital was not such a waste of time after all.

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"Half-wind spirit. On my mothers side." replied the headmaster. "And that's why I don't go about advertising the fact. Can you imagine what would happen if I gave out my identity to everyone? There would be a lot of chaos in the magical world. I almost made that mistake during the war against the Lord of Azure Flame when I thought I could easily join up with the six hero's due to my magical power."


Food in hand, Katie started to head towards the main entrance as well, wishing she could shout out Iso's name.

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