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Lord of Azure Flame: Chapter 7: Injury, Exhaustion, Renewal


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"Go away, Shaman," Kelas managed. She looked at Stephanie dully. "Broken ribs. You going to help, or what?"


"She just... I don't know, she was standing when I left and was down when I went back. She's conscious. I don't think it was her leg, she was walking all right... it looked like someone elbowed her earlier, but then... I don't know!" Arrin said despairingly.

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Iso: That was an accident!

Stephanie: Well now we can fix that. Come with me, Iso. You can help.

Iso: *sigh* -_-

Ixion shrugged and then walked away from Kelas. His next mission was to find Helios, and bring him to Iso, in restraints if necessary. Stephanie and Iso came over to Kelas. Stephanie carefully knelt down to her.

Stephanie: I should be able to help, but you should definitely get some rest after this, okay?

Stephanie revealed her mending staff and quickly got to work. Iso was apparently only there to hold keep Kelas from moving too quickly or something.

Irina was officially lost.

Irina: Ohhh ... I'd better ask someone for help :sob:

EDITED: Because old habits die hard.

Edited by Phoenix
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"You should be more careful. Such mistakes in the future could easily get someone killed."

"For someone who has supposedly been part of mercenary companies, you lack composure in stressful situations. From what I hear, the survival rate of your companions was rather low. Start paying more attention or the same thing could happen to us."

"Why are you still here anyway? You should be studying, or helping Ixion with his spell, so we do not all get hanged as a result of your previous carelessness. I can hold the nomad if necessary."

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Once inside the dorm room, Esphyr took a deep sigh. "There's no more avoiding it I can see..." she started off, taking a seat on the dorm bed. "I guess I should start at the beginning. From the day it was founded, TISME has regularly scouted the citizens of the city where it's headquarters were located for potential candidates; people who show high aptitude with magic. Thirteen years ago, in the middle of the summer, I passed their scouting. Yes, Daiman. I'm a mage.

At the time, I was just a child, spending her days playing happily with her friends. Tag, army, kill the demon king, you know... Kid stuff. The only odd thing was that I took too playing the caster role well; namely, the role of the healer. With my little branch in hand shouting out bogus words every time one of my friends was 'hurt'; that was how I played. Every day... Until TISME came.

They said I was skilled in magic. To be specific, even at a young age, I could elect a response from a thunder tome as well as a staff. Plus, as I played, they began to see that I had some kill whacking around my playmates with the staff; wielding it defensively like a sword. At that moment, some interest was riled within them I think. The church has always had its troubadours, but the mages can barely put someone on a horse let alone someone who can wield a blade! I was their answer. I, and about ten other children; painstakingly searched for over the years. At age five, I started to learn at TISME, to become one of the first eleven mage knights.

For three years, it went well... Until I turned eight. My parents, proud of their daughter's progress, took me too a local restaurant for a special meal; and that's where I met him. I was so young.. Too stupid to realize what that turning feeling in my stomach was... Too stupid to realize that a man talking to you while your parents get the food is a bad thing... Not wise enough to realize what had just happened yet.

The following day at class, it happened for the first time. I was 'sparring', more of stick-fighting with one of the other students, and he scored a hit on me... and I hit him back. I hit him back with a weapon none of us should have even had. I hit him back with a weapon I didn't even know I had. Class was canceled. Not just for the day, or the week, but the entire month. I remember so many adults talking about things I didn't know about right over my head, pretending I wasn't there. He survived, but no staff could heal his wounds in time.

A month later, class resumed, me separate from everyone else. There were only six of us the second time... and no one would spar with me... Until my room-mate decided she wanted... something of mine. A doll. A child's doll. TISME has had very few deaths in it's halls, despite all the magic. Teachers are usually very careful, but there was no teacher in our dorm. I was going to be ejected; and I was honestly sad. I didn't know what to do, so I just stood in the room. Three minutes later, the headmaster, along with two other circle sevens, were in this room. They must have sensed the power of my sword and known what had happened. But I didn't want to leave. I liked TISME. I... I had a chance here. A slum girl, growing up to be one of the first of a new order of knights? I wasn't going to give up! Terrified, confused, and bewildered, I raised my sword... and the headmaster sent the others from the room. A few moments later, I was returned to my family, unconscious, beaten, and defeated.

For the past ten years, I've been fleeing from this place. Trying to make a new life. That's why I broke down when Tessa beat me. It wasn't losing. I've lost before, and it didn't matter. It was that I lost to her. Lost to what I could have become. Lost to my past."

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Iso: The people I traveled with weren't mercenaries, and neither am I. Kelas? Are you okay with Morgan taking my place while I help Ixion?

Stephanie: At least hold the bird so I can focus. His tiny bird claws sting, and he smells like fig leaves! >_<

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"More lackeys" Helios said while arriving near Isotov. He looked at the two behind him closely. "You dont look like the imbeciles from before". "Tell me, what brings you here"?

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'Esphyr was a mage knight-in-training?And she lost everything when she obtained her crimson weapon...that's why she wanted to get rid of it so badly,and why she wanted to stay away from here...'

"I-I see...that is...quite the tale,Esphyr...I'm sorry..." Damian said,shocked.There wasn't much he could think to do,or to say.

"I should have listened to you when you said you didn't want to be anywhere near the headmaster...I can't believe I was such a dolt...But Esphyr...you don't need to run away from your past...we can face it,together." Damian said,taking her hand and embracing her,as she still seemed slightly shaken.

"I may have no aptitude for magic,but a lot of our allies do...we can do whatever you want.We could finish your training,we could do anything...if you want,we can even just stay here,like this,for a little while,if that will make you feel better..."

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OOC: Kai ... you're about to get owned -_-

Ixion quickly turned around. The wind mage was at the end of the hall behind Iso!

Ixion: Heh ... ... heheheh ... you're just in time ... wind mage ....

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"I already feel better Daiman." she said, her voice muffled by his shoulder as she embraced him back. "I've had to hide from it for so long... I needed to come clean. But it's no good to remain here. I... Learned on my own. I figured out how to channel just a small amount of energy into my blade. You've seen it yourself. Just..." she started, unsure of what to say next.

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"The ritual's about to begin, get into position." Morgan whispered to Iso before shoving him and taking his spot holding Kelas.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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"That's good...I'm glad you trust me with this Esphyr...I know how close it is to your heart..." Damian said,looking Esphyr in the eye.

"I was wondering about that.It is quite the skill,it just goes to show how special you are...and yet you always treat yourself so badly...I just don't get it sometimes..." Damian said,rather awkwardly,before looking back to her.

"But...that isn't important right now...right now,just tell me what you want to do,anything at all...all this time,you never got to be yourself,you had to focus on surviving...so whatever you want,just tell me,okay?"

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OOC: Helios'll live ... -_-

Ixion: Now then ....

Ixion walked all the way back to where the two were standing. He didn't waste any time at all. Making sure neither one of them would break away, Ixion grabbed them both by the forehead, and held them in place! His grip was surprisingly strong, too strong to escape in fact!

Iso: Hold on! Wait a minute! >_<

Ixion: Escuie ... lyruie ... ... ... escuie ... lyruie ....

Both Iso and Helios nearly lost consciousness! Ixion's palms glowed as Helios' knowledge of the wind flowed into Iso's mind, and Iso's knowledge of fire flowed into Helios'! When the glow ceased, Ixion released them! both stood there staggering.

Ixion: I can't risk you starting a fire while also having the qualifications of a wind mage. Helios ... so that's your name. You will harbor Isotov's knowledge of fire for the time being -_-

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Tessa frowned, said mostly to herself, "So, it wasn't the leg then. I wonder where she was kicked..." then addressed the mage once more, with a little bit of steel in her voice this time.

"I told you to stop freaking out. Panic gets us no-where. If I can't trust you to calm down here, how can I trust you to follow any instructions I might relay to have you care for her? Don't make me stand up and go treat her myself."

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"Well,I cannot free you from that blade...not yet,but I will find a way,someday..." Damian responded to Esphyr,as she told him that she wanted to be free from the Crimson Sword.

He then heard her continue; "I think that is something I can do now,though." Damian embraced her tightly,and began to rub her back and shoulders to attempt to soothe her at the same time.

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Esphyr said nothing as he started to rub her back. She didn't know what she possibly could have wished for instead... except maybe to have Morgan like her... but this... Was pleasant. She was happy and relaxed. She was... Happy? No! That couldn't be! She couldn't be happy! Not like this!

Esphyr's eyes suddenly dilated as a tremble went down her spine. She didn't want this to end, not at all, but... she couldn't be happy! "Daiman... What about Aiya?" she asked, her voice low and in a whisper.

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Ixion: Surely you jest, Helios. Wind magic is not your only specialty. Take Iso's Fire tome and you should be fine for the time being.

Stephanie finished mending Kelas' ribs. They were healed, and fully restored. The pain would be moderate though for such an injury. Stephanie stood up, and said a quick quiet prayer.

Stephanie: In serving the Goddess, all will be be healed -_-

After asking around, Irina finally found the dorm rooms! She rushed over when she noticed everyone!

Irina: Hey! There you guys are!

Ixion: Irina.

Irina: What's going on?

Iso: Helios has my fire knowledge and I have-

She quickly interrupted him!

Irina: How?!

Ixion: He needs to hold onto them until-

Irina: What?!

She ran up to Helios and grabbed him by the shoulders!

Irina: What are you doing?! Give my brother back his memories!

She started shaking him for answers!

Iso: Irina, it's not what you thin-

Ixion: Shut up, Isotov. I want to see how this ends.

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"Your brother has his memories" Helios said with a scowl. "He just doesnt remember how to cast his fire spells". "Your friend in the black is there to thank".

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Morgan gladly released Kelas. She considered intervening in the ensuing drama between Helios and Isotov, but decided it was unimportant. She noticed Tessa trying to calm down Arrin near the room.

"Your sister is fine." she said to Arrin. "Well, at least she's back to the way she was anyhow." Morgan stifled a yawn. "Now, we should all get some rest, it will be difficult to remain vigilant while exhausted."

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She turned to Ixion in shock!

Irina: You did this?

Ixion: Even I get bored. As long as these two don't disregard their cover, your traveling circus should soon be cleared of the fire charges ... hopefully -_-

Irina: Oh ...

She let go of his robes, realizing that she was cuffing them extremely tightly! She quickly backed away and kept her head low.

Irina: I get really nervous around magic. I thought Helios stole Proxima and your powers from you or something.

Iso: Heh. I could always go back to school :lol:

Stephanie quickly took her place at Ixion's side, and shook her head.

Stephanie: I'm VERY disappointed in you, Ixion. You should know better than to go around messing up people's heads.

Ixion: You are absolutely right, Stephanie. I should know better. How about I reverse this spell then? Then I get the pleasure of watching Iso dangle from the gallows. You get your morality, and I get a good laugh. Everybody wins.

Irina: Why do you hate each other so much? :o

Stephanie: -_-

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"Aiya...?I told you Esphyr,you don't need to worry about Aiya,she'll be fine...just let yourself be happy for once,okay?" Damian told her,pulling her closer and attempting to calm her down.


Aiya had left soon after the headmaster.If Damian was here,in TISME,she had to find him.

This hallway seemed empty,except for a single light on in a room about halfway down the hall.Aiya walked up to the room quietly,and heard Damian and Esphyr talking inside.

"Damian... What about Aiya?"

"Aiya...?I told you Esphyr,you don't need to worry about Aiya,she'll be fine...just let yourself be happy for once,okay?"

Aiya wasn't sure what was going on,but they were talking about her.She opened the door quietly,and saw the two sharing an embrace.She smiled to herself.

'So that's it...it's good that Esphyr is opening up to someone,she needs it,the poor girl...'

Esphyr seemed simply terrified of the thought of Aiya finding out about this,it was odd,she pondered,

'Do I come off as that agressive?I do love Damian,with all my heart,but I wouldn't hurt anyone he cares about...that would hurt him too...I don't want that.'


"Aiya isn't like that,Esphyr.She isn't one to get jealous...she sees it as an opportunity to prove herself,really.She used to read a lot of romance novels,where the enraged fiancee would kill the man when she found him with another girl...she said she didn't understand that,and asked me if it was normal for people to feel like that...said if she ever found her lover in a situation like that she would just try to improve herself so he didn't lose interest..."

Damian said,reminiscing, before realizing he was beginning to ramble.

"But anyway,she wouldn't mind,so just let yourself relax,Esphyr." Damian said,deciding to try something a little more bold.

'Esphyr enjoys this,no question...she just feels guilty...if I want her to be happy,I need to overpower those feelings of guilt.'

He pulled her close again,his lips tracing her collarbone,and she let out a small shudder,as he began nipping at the skin near the base of her throat.He pulled back a little,and looked her in the eye again.

"Just let yourself go,Esphyr...you don't need to feel guilty...so,do you want me to keep going?It's alright if you don't feel up to it,just let me know,okay?"


The situation seemed to have escalated. Aiya remembered the conversation he had referred to.

'I said that because I wanted him to be with me...I wanted him to know,so he wouldn't be afraid...at that time,I didn't even care if he loved me back...I didn't want him to think of me as a hindrance...still,nothing has changed...' Aiya thought back to a couple of years back,and continued to watch the exchange,intrigued.

'I'll definitely need to do something special later,for sure.But for now,let's see where this goes.'

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Esphyr gave Daiman a look in the eye. Not one filled with longing or desire, but rather... fear... and... something else. Though she desired a relationship with him, she knew where she stood. She didn't have the right to claim him. He was not for her; and she knew it. "Daiman... No. This is wrong. I don't care. I won't have you cheating on Aiya. Not like this. She is meant for you; and... and... And I am... Just a floozy for hire who can only get between you too. Please, Daiman... I... I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt Aiya. I don't want Aiya killing me in my sleep. Please, go to her. I've been alone long enough before. I will survive." she said before bending in close to hug him.

"I will survive." she repeated, her tone soft and... caring as her hand laced with his, sqeezing it softly as she moved back, bringing it up to trace the scars upon her face and cheek.

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"Esphyr..." Damian had failed to get her out of her shell,again.

She had hugged him again.He didn't let go this time.

"Esphyr,you won't be okay...just because you are used to something,doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.You always do this,you always give up your own happiness,because you think you are hurting me,think you are hurting Aiya...you aren't...the only one you are hurting is yourself." Damian tried once again to explain to Esphyr,not wanting her to hurt herself again.


'Looks like he could use some help convincing her...' Aiya thought,and walked silently towards them.Neither noticed her presence,until she wrapped her arms around the now-standing Esphyr.

"I appreciate you worrying about me Esphyr,but Damian is right,you need to worry about yourself for once,be selfish for once,if that's what you think it is."

Damian was confused,and Esphyr seemed to be as well.

"Aiya?When did you get here?" He asked her,confused.

"I've been here for a little while,you guys were too busy to notice me."

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